: f V ft ' 11 miss- 6W- : Price $1.00 Per Yfar. CONCOllD, N. O., W EDNESDAv'A UG DST 1239. Bi Copy. '5 Cents fS 4fU 3 VieW' lB KO.LLEK MILL TO I5E BUILT. THE COTTON ?JILL SITE. Character. Mr. F. AY. Ihrsi Believes In Expansion-- Mr. W. J. Swink to Surpass All Otiiers ' TIiftveOn Northern Trips. ; "i Written for-The Standard. China Grove, Aug. : 30 Prof. "las.ey, the' blind-musician, gave an interesting concert in the Academy hall last- Monday night to a full house. His concerts are interesting and enjoyed by old and young. Mrs. T J Jerome and two little sons, from Monroe, spent Tues day with her brother, T L Ross. They have gone to Albemarle to visit her father. Mrs. Holden, of 'Concord, is visiting Miss Flora Sechler. Mr. W J Swink and Mr.- Wilk inson, of the Patterson Manu facturing Co., will leave here the night of September 1 for a trip north. v Mrs. G A Bcfstian and Miss Florence Eddleman will leave Friday for Baltimore and thence to New York to select their fall stock of millinery goods. Mrs. Clarence Clapp, of New ton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. I F Patterson. She will probably stay over until after the marriage of her sister, Miss Ethel Pstter son. . Messrs. James and Edgar Gaither, of Salisbury, spent last Sunday with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. J B Gaither. Mr. Hart, from Norwood, is with our druggist, Mr. DeWitt C Swaringen. We are glad to have Mr. Hart withais. Mrs. J A Thorn and Miss Jennie Patterson left here this morning for Charlotte . to attend the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary convention. Mr. F W Bost, a merchant of this town, has completed an ex tension to his store room which give s him a nice and room y business house. Work on the roller mill will soon begin. Mr. R A Brown, of Concord, has the contract to build it. The residence of Mr. W J Swink is nearing completion. This will be the costliest home in town when finished Baxter Gillon, of the Patter son Manufacturing Co., has re turned from Concord where he has been for several weeks. We are glad to have him with us aain. Miss Pearle Kendleman is spending this week in China vi rove with relatives. tfev. W. P. McGhee to Move Here. Rev. W P McGhee, who is now pastor of a Methodist church at Pineville and who was formerly pastor of Epworth church here, has purchased two lots at the old fair grounds and a contract has been given to Contractor Caldwell for a residence on one of the lots. The house will stand just where the judge's stanct stood during the fairs. On N account of educating his children and in order that his family, will have a permanent home he desires to move hers regardless To Be Built in the Eastern Bart of Town ' A young man does not -find it easy to get along m the world If a Water Supply Can Be Found-A without education or family n ovelldea for the Coming Schpol Girls fluence in property or wealth; Other News. " but he will find, in the long tuii, Written for The Standard. ; that it is far easier for him. to Mt. Pleatant, August ., 30. w,y cuuou- muu vvll.i- building- an extension tb the than ro make substantial i south end of his house, on North OCR COUNTY TAXES. 1 It V7t a F.-crOs? BI-civ. The Weather Bureru at-Wnsh- Total Amount of Property Assessed- 1 moLUU ilrtb maae " special report, poi me great storm on the coast Itefeister Johnson's Work is Finished- ? ; during August ! 6th. 1 7th ? n J 1 Sth. A Recapitulation from the List. Deeds looks forward to the ' It sllows that at 4 a. ir... of the ro2rress Main street. Miss Ella Lentz and Mr. Lee Earnhardt, of Norwood, spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends m this place. in the world without the reputa tion of a good character, even though he has all these other possessions. Character stands for something everywhere, in spite of its frequent blightings. We notice that only one time is brandy listed in the county. This in No. 2 township and its value is $25. Three dogs in the county are listed, each at $5. Tho momc 'f Mf anoaH Men who are themselves lacking church gave their pastor, Rev. a good one, appreciate and value xrti -DoT. e it m others. The vounsr man old time pounding .Tuesday, whose word cannot be believed, ARirto frmr, nrnvisin DfA . whose honesty is not above sus- nice lawn swing was given him. Plc,0f whose personal life About one hundred were in at- not what ouS'h ? b? not fflT.jQ0 me young man xnax ine Dusmess Mr Hueh Barrier who has worl has opened places for. He j Two hundred and six bicycles are been ' quite sick we are glad to may. have 'n?alth and wealth, and ' listed, valued at $2,272. Not near note, is improving. . vTT-7 .f"""""'""" School opens at North Carolina but if he has not a good charac- College today. Only a few stu- r he f a.dlfvane in a ;a L mf -Krt every position in life. When a exDected until next & a"-" " xu, xvou &vsjj. iucu. nuioco 5 m:, name makes an honest effort, to r mules 1.893, goats 85, cattle A shooting match took place ie"uve, .'r? Wtt . near here last Saturdav evening upward is a hard one a great will be seen that there were A beef was won by the best rifle eal harder in spite of aU L helps, bnly seventeen more cattle than shots, and a watch by the best than it would have been had he hogs given in. Two goats m the Distol shot - made a right start without these county were valued at $5. They Mr. Frank Lowder, of this x-- : i T u S T J .v. S,--LtoS& dtr ?r; has proved himself unworthy of and tedious work on "the ' Tnere was wmc -vo:ocity of " tax lists. This year Mr. Johnson ! .l0 miles an howv. It i-?reased has had his first taste and ho has !11 m-sity until 1 p. m., when had enough but1 the work is j lt was 93 mes an hoar, with ex finished, itreme velocities of from 120 to The State and county tax this i 10 -miles an hour. At that hour year amounts to $35,227.95. Thejthe annemonotor cups were county taxesamountto$16,658.65. ,bown away.and it is probable- The grand aggregate of taxable I that the wind reached even a greater velocity that eveninsr. ! stock amounts to $3,376,335.00 hurricane was the most ) railroad property $341,065.40. m7ere Wlthm the Past 75 years. j-ue Lotai loss at uatteras alone will amount to f roin $1 5000 to $20, all of them in the county, though are thought to have been listed. Following is the number of many week. are the holy bonds of matrimony last Tyois 1 kely to SSS Cl' Irealize, as Lver before, tha.'a' Sew Life KUvtt.e wond, IV.. -.n V. Vaxc,. Lowder is one rrf our promising great riches," even as a youne: men. We extend our best : A&tJl if fL;.T,r A TUfv.o-.TA-! worldly investment, because it is N Miller has struck up- ? " L j-!, name, or to regamv it when once novel idea of sending .rr"W, rn who has that possession ought to count it above price and to have a care lest he lose it. The Golden Rule, .-x - Dr. H on the each young lady who expects to attend school here this year a beautiful ribbon badge, consist ing of the seminary colors blue and orange, with instructions to wear the same on their journey from home '. to Mt. Pleasant. They will thereby be able to recognize each other as fellow students, and no doubt many ac quaintances will have been made ere they reach Mont Amoena Seminary. . The location of the new cotton mill has been decided upon, proj vided a good supply of water can be had by digging a well. The situation is just on the outskirts of eastern Mt. Pleasant, where the old Cook barn now stands. THE APPETITE OF A GOAT. Is envied by all poor dyspeptics tyhose Stomach and Liver are out of Dr. rful oicmacn ana juiver iiemeav. erives a regnlar bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c. at Jretzer's iJrug store. rherehewillbe pastor. Ms Gral ?h gts more Wheeler to the Front. A Manila dispatch of the 29th says : 'General Wheeler " has been ordered to report to General Mac Arthur. He will be given command of General Funston's brigade, which Colonel Liscumj has commanded temporarily. General Wheeler will proceed to San Fernando tomorrow, after having spent a week in energeti cally visiting the lines. 1 'Gen. Wheeler said to a repre sentative of the Associated Press: 'I am much pleased with the sit uation. I think that when Major troops A LIFE AND DEATjH EIGHT, Mr. W. A. Hlries of Manchester, la., rriting of nis almost miraculous escape from death, says: r ' 'Exposu r a - after measles induced serious lung trouble, "which ended in Consumption. I had freouent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I murt soon die. . Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Which completely cured me. I would not be without it even if it ' cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." . Regular size 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at Fetzers Drug Store. i Tie Is Here Agafin Patterson, the white man f rom Concord who brought his little ' children here Saturday and got so drunk that he had to be taken away frqni them and locked up, has been sent back home. Char lotte Observer. 000. The fishing business, which is the principal industry, has been for the present entirely swept away. An interesting fact is that the highest velocity at Hatteras was 80 miles an hour. HE FOOLED THE SURGEONS. All doctors told Renick HaTtsilton. of West Jefferson, O, after suffering 18- montn8 irom nectai t lstula, be would die unless a costly operation was ner- formed; but he cured hirrrelf with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents s ox Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. Add These to Your LM. Subscribers ta the Concord Telephone Co. will please add the following to their lists: 135 Concord Cotton Seed Oil Mill. 73-a Caldwell & Stickley. A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAVED DAUGHTERS LIFE. . I am the mother of eight child ren and have had a great deal of experience with medicines. Last summer my little daughter had the dysentery m its worst form. We thought she would die. I tried everything I could think of I saw by an advertisement in onr paper that -Chamberlain's Colic, Duiing the civil war, as well as Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our late war with Spain, diar- was highly recommended audi PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Chas. J Harris is spend the afternoon in Charlotte;- A : Miss Fannie Strieker went over to Charlotte this morning. Mr. W P LeGrande, one of our baseball boys, will leave us tonight. He goes to Wilmington to play with that i vn before re-) turning to school ' robane. rhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases the army had to contend with. in many instances it beoame chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. Dayid Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found anything that won4d give him such quick relief. It ia for sale by M. L. Marsh & Co.. Druggist sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very beat medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my !?tle daught er's life. I am anxious for every' mother to -Know what an excellent mediciue it is. Had known it at first it would h v? psvd me a great deal of anxietv and my little daughter mm,v vuffaring.----Yours truly , Mrs. Geo. F. Bur -dick, Liberty, K. I. For Sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist. One STRIKE, Two STRIKES I Fresh li And you have made a safe hit and a home run, provided you make- straight for the Furniture House of. 1 li?ker.'Bfcck to Rock Hill, . - A . - i . k u . - A. r i - x ti -i ui ii r I I M . . i r-" i Til 1 1 v i I ' I 11 r i-a.iu mvjo lu muvtj nere auuui tiie : - -w - . . - , -: i . The countrv is more favorable for military operations than 1 IsurjDOsed. The imT3ression that Tuesday night Officer Ed, Hhe country is unhealthy is . . -i i j i . 1 iim and returnea nome wu-n me , white fellow. who is cuttine ' 'The rrl road to Ansreles Will Henrv- Mc'Graw. ibe restored withm a weeR ana wanted there for badly General Mac Arthur will advance j a follow some months his headquarters to that place." J O F -7 trtt j9 Jf5f5 as n ii iv w BELL, HARRIS & CO. McGraw seoms to be an af?o., escaper. having otticers at Rock Hill his escape successful from our omccrs Here but succeed hi esenpinsr. run from the and mado . He ran L'dn't i KO C You assume no i i -k when yon buy CbaifcberkinV (Vie, Cholera r.iid Diarrhoea Remedy. M. L. d your satisfied j r? where ! March & mo; r t . That is tho Grove's Tastelc f " Malaria. v ht nil drugihts fl (.iiii Toiii'c for chuis. Iron f.nd at) z is 'simply Arfnlts tct it to bIU-er,Dau- i lit Co. Vv'll ll ii ycu aio i1 m; h. .. It i .'V v v fho i d ia use f-r find Jlib VP w js5 Pi IT H.i.n a - wv 2k rc eSTXViJ iT? AT tit ev i.1 coin r i Where vou can find EVERYTHING you need in the hoie k I ino-line from tne CRADLE TO TIE GRAVE." Our throe ii j s re crowded to the doors with goo us bought betore the and we bought them to SEL.L ana we are going vo S E i pee if we don't. Do you need ary ot our kind of stuff do irive us a call. Don't forget our Star Leader ami I Cooh; Stoves they Bake tHe Cake. Cur Lisk Anti-Rust I is the talk of the town. Every piece Warranted. C Keep- oors advance Ij them, If you ini Kin' i ir.T-nro cud see I .: J i l 5 u.s. we will clo you gOOd. n!v ciio that -j? leatiuc, Toiiica l'ricu. CO and reliable. ails... L-j 13 pleasant, Sa-.e Grip makes one sick, weary and restless. I K i Si. Miles' Restorative Nervip.e brings rest. iJtA I I i HARRIS ' 4 I