Price S400 Per Yoar. A PRELIMINARY TRIAL. " ' -' i The Two Negroes, Tom Carr and Robt. Richardson Go Upon the Stand and 4. -k '., v , Testify as to the Shooting of Police- man KernsBoth Negroes Taken Rack to Jail. On Monday atternoon at 3 o'clock the two captured ne-, groes. iom uarr ana icooert r Richardson, were brought from the jail and arraigned in the court room before "Esquires W J Hill and Jas. N Brown. The negroes were informed of the eharge against them and were ;i Liio px cioi C5iiv;t5 uia jjxtjxxux- inary . hearing or else go back to jail to await the Superior court. Both asked for a prelim inary hearing. Dr. L M Archey was called upon the stand, stating that he was called to attend Mr. Kerns but that Mr. Kerns had been dead fifteen or twenty minutes and possibly longer when he reached him. Thinks it was a 32 -calibre pistol ball. Shot directly through the : heart. From appearance of wound thought that he must have been fired upon from one side slightly instead of directly in front. A young man, Will Johnson, who stayed at Mr. Kerns house, wa sworn: IT a was with Mr. Kerns at house about five min utes before his .death. After Mr. Kerns left he heard six shots and saw a negro xome running by, and two more then came by walking fast. Went to back porch and talked a short while to Dave Hanna then went up and found Mr. Kerns Jying with his feet in ditch. Thinks the same negroes that went by the house walking fast came back and looked at the body of Mr. Kerns. Mr. Adolphus Penninger went upon the stand and at once recog nizedtlie black negro, TomCarr, as the' negro he saw at Jas. Walter's store last Saturday night. Carr purchased some tobacco and Ed wards, the negro that has es caped, some salmon. Some little discussion followed between Mr. Penninger and the negro, Ed wards, as to the pronunciation of the word "salmon." The negro frot mad and Mr Penninger told hi in to go away and the other two negroes called Edwards but he replied that "he would not go uiu Liu gOu reituy, tiuu, yvvuiu oi- j -i . . . low no d d man to. run oyer him." They left the store talk ing and went' towards depot and oon heard pistol shots. Robert Ridhardson, one' of the negroes, went upon the stand. His story about at the store coin cides with the other accounts. He says that he dropped behind Ji few steps as they went-down towards the depot. Edwards and -Carr were walking' along Gursmg and boasting of their grit." Mr. Kerns met them and asked them what that cursing wTas about. Edwards answered something, but don't remember the words. Mr. Kerns then said that he would have to come and iro with him up town. Edwards implied "I will go with you no where" just as he was jumping back, and" then- -he", shot-" 1 CONCOllD, ! shot two more, times then gavfi a N O " " loud hollow and stepped across the ditch, then said "Lord have mercy." ; Thinks Edwards shot ,r . Tr j u w hjc uexux ivxx . rverus sno i eitner time, 'men went on down to house across the bridge and wnen ine aiarm was given went back witn Lncky and his wife -vv.j. iU.i uovi. from the time of the first shot until I saw him- at the bridge. Edwarns was near the bridge when Mr. Kerns was shooting at him. Frorr t where he stood it RP.PTTlP.d t.hoft iTlrlwnrrl'fii rnctol mac pointed at rfm (Richardson.) He Mrs. Jane Jerope, of George had no. conversation in bed that ho has bTn vjsitins Mrs" night with Tom Carr about the ,K J- ls Returned to her .i v . , n , nome. While here she was Hven snoonng. ADOUt nan an nonr alter ne saw trie body of Mr. , 1 J J Kerns, Mayor Means came down and arrested him. Rev. Prof. C. L.P. Fisher and The other negro, Tom Carr, family, of Charlotte, are visiting came upon the ' stand. Conver- Rev. Prof. H. N. Miller, sation the same about the store. j Miss Esther Milton, of Albe Edwards came down the street marie, who hasbeen visiting at talking about the way that-white Mrs. Jake MisenheimeVs has re man (Penninger) had treated turned to her home. "Jack" him. Officer asked v what the smiles bloomed for a few days, cursing was about. Edwards re-. but now they are withered, and plied "none of your d d biisi- have passed away, ness." Mr. Kerns told him to Quite a number of our young come and go with him. "I ain't peopie are attending the pro going nowhere" Edwards re-1 tracted meeting at Cold Springs plied and stepped back then church this week. ". commenced shootinsr at ' Mr; : m,, . . . Kerns. Shot two or three times and ran, then Mr. Kerns fired; When he got nearly to the bridge heard Mr. Kerns say "Lord have mercy." Went on to his home with Richardson and met two negroes at the door and told them that he thought Will Edwards had killed a man. In ten or fifteen minutes went back and saw body. Went back the second time. Was standing two or three steps in front of Edwards at the time of the shooting. Says he was about ten steps fromMr. Kerns. Says he walked down towards the bridge with Richardson and that Richardson's statement about that they were not together un til at the bridge is untrue. - If Richardson dropped behind he didn't miss him. Last time he saw Edwards he was running. Says that if there was any boast - irig as to their grit he did not remember it. Said he told Mr. Means he didn't know Edwards. Had been staying with Edwards about three weeks. Confessed I that the statement he made to Mr. Means that night that he didn't know anvthinsr about the shootinff was false. Didn't have any pistol that night and never has had one Denied the state- mont that he. had ever -said anv- thins: about if Mr. Kerns ever tried to arrest he. would get j A Suspicions Xegro Caught, arrested. lever knew . Mr. Some little excitement arose Kerns from any other officer. ere -Monday night when a tele He is from near Cleveland in j phone message came that a sus- ! Rowan county. . Jack Barefoot, a young man, stated that he and his wife that night mpt, thrfifi negroes near Robbins' store. One had pistol in his hand and another one.had one in hip pocket. Tom. Carr, the one he knew as the big black j looking at him only a short while one, said -that he "had his gun j inf ormed the crowd that he was loaded for bear." -Fellow innot the man we are wanting, light-suit (this is Edwards) laid j c-ome 'OtheV. par; ties went in the his hand oa his hip pocket anajCOuntry .a'4iiUe'.--or. two. from tne; then he ,saw' his pistol handle. N. 0., TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER 5, 1899. THE COLLEGE OPENS. A Young Child Slightly Scalded Pro tracted Meetings A Reception To Be 1 Giren the Young Men The Police Re signs. Written for The Standard. Mt. Pleasant, Sept. 5. About f orty students are now in attend - ance at JNorth Carolina (Jolleere. The baby of Mr. Bob Johnson, while sitting at the table last Sunday morning overturned a cup of hot coifed arid scalded its self very badly. . , xiie lauies win, on nexirnaay night, give a reception to the college students on the college campus. Chas. A. Phillips, of Concord has been with us again for the J last few days. i A Baptist protracted meeting will begin here next Saturday night, conducted by the Rev. Gf W. Henderson, of Blaine, Mont gomery county. f' Monday evening two negroes, Bill Miller and John Shankle, thought to play a joke on our police. Shankle "played drunk" and -Miller reported his condi tion to Mr. Tucker, who arrested Shankle. . Upon finding out the joke he arrested Miller too. The mavor found no bill asrainst , them and Tucker, thinking he was wronged, resigned. V Mr. J. M . Tise, of Winston, a ; junior in college here last year, has accepted the tutorship of the preparatory department this year. Mr. Horace Barrier left here f!-iic mnvrnno' for a, -fpw flavs. vn- I . niinr1nHo- Mrs. R. L. Patterson, of Mary- land, has accepted a , professor- siiip m music at xyxoul. aiuouu this year. She Will probably be ihere this week. j picious negro had been arrested ; a S-eWells answering som- j 5 . t , the description given of Will Ed- ' wards, the negro wanted lor trial iiere. sir. JnoB. Caldwell, I Q knows the negro, was sent down there that night and after ; Bala mill answering a reportbut The Enochville School Closed. At a meeting of the trustees of the Enochville High School Mon day night it was decided to dis continue the school until the sec ond Monday in November, at j which time Prof. PB Brown will ' take charge of it, with Miss Mary . I Barrier as assistant. This closing oi tne scnooi was causea bF the death of the principal, I Prof 0 H Black, who died last week. Durinsr his sickness Rev. V R Stickley t taught but his duties, as pastor and teacher were more than he could attend to. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Robt. Coit, of Salisbury, ' is here todav Rev. W P McGhee, of Pine ville, is here. ... . Parks Kins: went over to Charlotte this morning. Dr. C A Misenheimer, Charlotte, was here today. of Mrs, Laura Lowe left this morning after spending yester day" with Mrs. W S Bingham. Mr. S J Lowe is here today- having his household goods shipped to Charlotte, where he j Qf the United States. 1 He is the Yl1 ? -'?PV v:--'-e).mus ; director of Dr. L G emu. ivxis xuuuci uuvve win leave to-night. Mr. Will Morris and wife! went over to Charlotte this ' morning. Mr. Williamson Mor- ris and' wife are expected home tomorrow nignx- irom tneir un dal tour to Waynesville. A Fresh line OF ' AT I hvw u. u. 1:1 nu 1 r The Summer is Ended, The Harvest is Past. THE TIME TO BUY FURNITURE Everybody and their BELL HARRIS is the place to buy it and don't 1S Vv iu uuy it i aua iue uysu iiiuiunea see if we don't. Have you seen bur line of Pictures just in noth ing like it ever shown in Concord. .Prices range. from 25c? to -.50. Don't miss the sight. ! Just tho thing for Bridal, Birthday or any other kind of Presents. New line of moulding just in. Picture Frames made on short notice. . We Are Strictly I z v j & 1 1 Single Copy 5 Cents Wolfsohn the Singer,' Here. Mr. HA Wolfsohn, the sweet singer, of Atlanta,. Ga., arrived in oown Monday nlglil and is the guest of Rev. B L-icy Hoge. Mr. Wolfsohn has com 3 to conduct the singing for the series of meetings that will, commence Wednesday evening dt the Bap-j tist church. Mr. Wolfsohn is well known in this State and needs no introduction to North Carolina people. He has .sung in almost all the principal cities .Broughton's great tabernacle in Atlanta. The Lawn 1artJ ToniUi. Toniffht on the lawn at the jodell mills creams, ices, cakes, etc., wilLbe served by the ladies. The Concord band will t be there and furnish music for the occasion. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION EOB CHILLS and fever is a bottle cf Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. Never, fails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price C J "cents. Yonr money back if it fails to nn re. GLORIOUS NEWS Comes from Dr. D. B. Carfril, of Washita, 1 T. He writes: "rour bot tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, wli'&U had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and fiYA o.nf1 t.liA bpst, dnp,t.)ts f-oald ivfi no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent." This Fhows-that thousands have prov"', that, Electric Bitters is the best blooi uririer known." It's the supremo xem r frr eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcn. L v.a run nin sores. It stimuli res lirer. kidneys tinrl hnwflls. fiTriplft roi.-T. IihIh diirefl- tion. builds ur the etrwith: Only 50 cents. Sold at x" etzer's Drus btore. , IS NOW AT HAND. kinsfolk know that & CO. you forgj it it. Car lots, spot cash Mr. in thft mitPf htarps ainnr pnmmanri fivoc in it for Business i failed to get anybody. 9 .0 OmO audi, . (Continued on' fourth page.)

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