LAXGDON SMITH DEAD. i A CONSOLIDATION. Quietly. He Passed Away to Sleep the Sleep of Death An Exemplary Young Man He . Neyer Regained Conseions ness from the Time lie Was Taken Sick to His Death. ' ' On Wednesday afternoon, at Smith and robbed them:, of their son and brother, Langdon Smith, ReyiTal Growing in Interest at Baptist :'-s . Churcli. Under the Name of the Yorke & Wads- Another good, meetin Huxiu uie toucun -Mmoer vo.: held iast evening at which and lorke, Wadsworth & Co. Combine professed conversion. The spirit Their Business. v x ? ui iue uieutiug vvcis but? ue&L yvv. was some Incorporation papers have Mr. Hoge's sermon was forcible. been received whorphv twn laWo The lessons drawn from the 20 p'clock, the death ;angel v-; bus.ness enterise of - ur Bible narrative of the -Blind ited the home of Rev.; T.W..; v . . . - V Man Receiving His Siffht" were one uuw juineu. Luemer uuuer - . -, , - . ' presented to the people with another name. The,. hardware marked cffect. who oti. Sunday had a; slight , store, known for some4 time as "Where Will You Spend Eter- chill, but was at; the service at j Yorke, Wadsworth & Co. and the n(ty, " sung by Mr. Wolfsohn was his church that day. On Monday Concord Lumber Co:, have here- very impressive, as was also the morning' about 8 o'clock he had a congestive chill and from that PERSONAL POINTERS. time he never regained con sciousness. , " ; - V ' ' ': He was born on the 13th day of September, 1879, and died obi his twentieth, birthday. He was a young man of most excellent character, kind disposition and exemplary habits. One year he had attended school at Trinity college, and was fully intending to return to , school again later. He was a faithful and devoted member of Central Ml E. churehl For the first, time has death visited this t home, . filling their hearts with deepest grief and robbing ijhe broken-hearted father and mother of their second-born. Sadness reigns within the hearts of scores of friends and relatives for - the departure of a young man - of -.promising qualities . such as this one possessed, and the sympathy of the community is extended to the grief-stricken family. The funeral was conducted this" afternoon at - 4 o'clock in Forest Hill Methodist church by Rev J. E. Thompson, assisted by -Rev. J.: D. Arnold. . Death Takes - Little Margaret.' The icy hand of (-(Death quenched ,the spark of life in lit tle Margaret, the 16-m6nth-old daughter of Mr. and : Mrs. S'F Harmon on Wednesday night about one o'clock. . The, end was not unexpected, as symptoms had for several das caused the worst anticipations of : : loving . i bnes about her. The funeral services will be conducted at the home ofh&: gr andf a oher, Mr. George S wink, on Church street, Friday morn ing at 9 o'clock when the . little body will be laid in the city cem etery. The, young parents have much sympathy, in the loss of this, their first infant. Sir. Isenhour Now a Resident. Mr. G W Isenhour, of Nov 4 township, has opened a lunch' room next door to Warren Cole man's store. The business will later be conducted by his sons, Lon and Ed. Isenhour. Mr. Isenhour has purohased from Mr. Jas. W Cannon the house and lot on East Depot street now occupied by Police man Cruse, but will not move for several weeks until his crops are gathered. Mr. Cruse intends moving to the house now occu pied by Sheriff Peck when the latter moves into his residence on East Corbin street. m Prof. Lee and his corps of as sistants are in our State again. Prof. Bee stated when he was here before that Concord would b on his list again this year. tof ore been two separate enter- solo, ' 'What Will You Now . Do prises and the books of the two With Jesus," after the sermon, firms have been kept separate, , v This meeting is one of the best though several , were interested ever held in Concord. ' C. in both enterprises. : . ., ; - All the business of the Con-. They Were Sports. . -cord Lumber Co. and all the. . Two nicely dressed young men business of the Yorke, Wads- were on the southbound vesti worth & Co. has now been bule Wednesday night beating incorporated under the name of tlloir way. Policeman Mabery the Yorke & Wadsworth Co. The arrested one of them and -the names of the incorporators are other one, rather than forsake Jno. C Wadsworth, N F Yorke, his : ?r jend stayed here and Chas. J Harris, RO S Miller and accompanied the officer and his Horace W Miller. man to the mayor's office. The '". ? u;m m, : ! arrested one paid his costs and - ) .-iis ; the associates bade us farewell. Tne liiggest Boat or All. The long- boat, the jolly boat, Mrs- Kimball Takes Charge. the pinnace and the y all, but'- The -Morris hotel, which for this, my- boys, is the biggest ; soine months has been. under, the boat of all. 'jmanagement. , of ; Mr. Frank . . , - XT v , ' IPharr, has now changed hands A special from New York, of, , '.A Tr.- v . 1 , , ;and'Mrs.-HA ;Kimballof Salis- the 13th, says: : - ; i bury, now has it in charge. Mrs; ."The new White Star steam- has had quite an amount ship Oceanic, the largest vessel of experience iu boarding, having afloat, from Queenstown, .arriy in this work ini Salisbury ner pier m xuitxi ivivei at x.o , and in s Ashe.ville. o'clock this afternoon and de-. barked her passengers. A big. crowd of those who had secured passes to the dock, and a bigger, crowd which was kept back of the fence, cheered , tne new A Real Estate Deal. steamer, as. sle crept jip the .river 't 1 1 l 1 l-J 11. I'll- ana swun siowiy into ner oerixi. 'Coming ''upr from ; Liberty Island j the' boat appeared .un wieldv and, her funnels too high for symmetry, but as she came closer the impression of great length! grew Clearer. .It took six tugs 40 oniriutes to - shove her Mr. W. A -Wilkinson has sold to Mr. W R Harris the property almost opposite Mr. D C vFurr's 'store' at Forest Hill On Church , street. - ; Several small' store rooms are on the Jot. . " ; ; The Tartar Can't Sail. A . peculiar complication . has arisen by er the transport Tartar at Hong - Kong. She - flies the L British flag and had gone into dock at Honjr Konsr on her way bo ground., and force the huge, tSan Francisco wi& 1,145 sol vessel into place. Docked she :Js 55 passengers. The filled almost the whole length ; British authorities refused the long pier. . : : :. clearance papers, when the Tar- -. lThe Oceanic's time was six ,7 , , , . mi,, tar wanted to leave, on the days and two hours. lhe . . .- - , . A - -; . ij !M i:;TrtC,rti ' rJ ' ground: that the ship was over Oceanic is the largest vessel ever . - - - : . , built. She was launched at Bel-Goaded. Gen. Otis claims that it fast, January 14, at- the ship- , not overloaded, ; If Brit building yards of Garland & , do not relent another trans, Wolff: " Her dimensions.. are 704 Prt will have U be secured and feet long,. 72. feet beam and ;68 ,he load divided. : , . , o-nth witli drauWht.: lisrht of ;22 ! ' . - rfi ri, ;: ,W'w. r-jobbed the grave. leeu cinu iuau,u 2 r0g startling incidentr of winch registers 17,000 tons. Her en- J Johtk'Oliver of Pbliladelphia; was the feinesersigned ;.to evelop fflS3 40,UUU. norse-rpower. xiei . ua.x Rm waaaimost yenow, eyes sunKen. cai)acUis about:6;000 tonsn.. Sne consumes aiuuuu, uw wuo ,m. , 1Qg teaser uay; vy waj . iuico vuj Mr. Chas.1 M Thompson, of Lexington) is here today. Mr. Jos. V Sutton, of Salis bury, was here a short while to day. ' : ; ; ,: . : '. : ' Miss Edna Pitts is spending a few days at Mr, Martin Host's, at Bosts Mills, -i - r , Mr. F V Barrier and Mrs. H A Kimball, of Salisbury, arrived here this morning. r f ' Mrs. M L Stevens went but to Mt. Pleasant this afternoon to visit her sister, ; Mrs. H N Miller. Rev. W G Alexander and Rev. Cochran Preston will leave tomorrow to attend the Concord Presbytery in Iredell countv. : Mr. Ed. Cook; after spending, a few days returned to Bessemer this morning. His wife went to; Spray to visit. ' '; " r Misses Emily Gibson, Fairfax Loving and Margaret Cannon went to Charlotte this morning to attend a german given there tonight. . ;. . .. Rev. C B Miller is spending tne aiternoon m Charlotte. He will return on - the early train and will meet the., council of St. James at 8 o'clock. Mr. W P.Hornbuckle repre sents Cannonville Presbyterian church: at the meeting' of the Concord Presbytery at Concord church, in Iredell county, tomorj Duiing the civil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diar rhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases the army baii to contend, with. In many instances it became chrome and the old soldiers still suffer from it. 5Mr. David Taj lor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa., is odd of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found anything that would give him such quick relief. It is tor sale by M. L. Marsh & Co.. Druggist .it: AlSlile OF me a mi v AT ? i 0. J nobody nefl faave Neuralgia. Gev Dr. Miles ktu tram drueirtsta. One cp ansa." NEW LINE OP- w i T E R R A L S AT H. 1 Parhs L s Tlie Slimmer is Ended, Ths HaWst is Past. ui aim ig vicro-Afl wifhfcianshad given me up Fortunately, iroA trvino- "Electric Bitters three masts and IS equipped With totroy great joy and surprise, -.the - . oa ' ; vfirst botd made a decided improve- two funnels, each Of 20 feet, in. t . j oontlnrted thir nse ior three A fppt above the weeks, aud am now a weJlman I know I they, saved my life, and robbed the grave firegrates. -t . Another victim." No one should fall : 1 .. - I to try them. Only 50cts., grir Jateed, at T.r"' I ! FetzVr's DrusStore. Brinkley is Dead and Three are In Jail,, j . v.. . s " " ' ' iviv V ; ' h WlNTEDHSiraEil BRIGHT AND HON- M D Brinkley, tne larmer 4-xuiii ... persons to represent ns as Managers m this and close counties, oaiary sivv Yadkin county, who was .found in Winston with a bullet hole in fide, no more, no less salary, Position bank i i'-rr -rrt-niri"fy is J rwmnent- Onr references, any ms neau vTC I in any town. It 4 is mainly office work dead. Thomas Reed, Boo vod- condUcted at home. Reference. En ler and Thos. Hudson have been close self-addressed stamped envelope, ler anu xiuu TheDominion Compjlny. Dept, 2, Chi- arrested and committed to j ail. Reed frHE IME TO BUY IS NOW AT -HAND. Everybody and their kinsfolk know that BELL, HARRIS & CO. is the place to buy it and don't you forget it. Car lots, spot cash and the best factories in the United States at our command gives us a long lead in LOW PRICES. We have bought to soli we sell, see if we don't. Have you seen our line of Pictures just in noth ing like it ever shown in Concord. Prices range from 25c to 2.50, Don't miss the sight. Just the thing for Bridal, Birthday or any other kind of Presents. : New line of moulding just in. Piciuro Frames made on short notice. We Are Strictly in it for Business The evidence a said to be very damaging is Grip maKes one wcnj ii.v Du utiles' Restorative Krvine brings rest. . t ' BELL HRSS 4 C0IPI1I