Price $400 Per Tear, OONCOUD, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents A CAKE WALK. THE COMMITTEES SELECTED Married and Single Alike Take Part Two Cases of Sickness-Officers of the Tuscarora Cotton Mill Elected. Written for The Standard. Mt. Pleasant, Sept. 19.- Work is rapidly progressing on the well for the new cotton milL ; ; Mr. John B McAllister is not doing so well as at the time of j our last correspondence. Mr. John Foil, son of Mr. Joe Foil, is filling his place behind the counter at Cook & Foil's. ; Polls have been placed for a telephone line to the seminary: It will connect with the line be- t ween Concord and Albemarle. Mr. Wade Misenheimer has moved his' family to Concord, where he has secured employ ment in the Odell mills. . -t Mr. George Moose is very, low with chronic diarrhoea. . Little hope of his recovery is sustained. Messrs. Whit Dry and treorge Moose have placed machinery. in the old gin house, known as the Luther Barrier gin, and will : be gin ginning in a few days. Rev. R L Patterson, of Union Bridge, Md., who has been visit ing here for the last few days, leaves Wednesday for Chicago, where he will take a special course in theology. Two negroes are now living in the shanty in the rear of Dr. Foil's office. Last Saturday night some unknown parties gave them a bombardment with stones. The negroes, like the Filipinos, are still there. Two negro women, Jennie Heilig and Em Cook, were arraigned before Captain Cook yesterday for fighting. Each was fined ten dollars and cost, making twelve and one-half dol lars each. ... Some unknown parties were out for fun last Sunday ; night. John Barley-corn led them around town . and had some fences torn down, pistols fired, and. a number of other things that; were not exactly in accordance with the keeping of the Sabbath day. V '. The cake walk last Saturday eyening at the home of Mr.,LN J Foil was quite a pleasant affair. About eight o'clock the music began, as furnished by . Miss Annie Welsh on the piano. Out on the lawn the couples were taking their places and very soon the walk was on. After a ten min utes walk, the drum beat came just asithe flag was being passed from one couple to another. As both had hold of the flag, . the cake was awarded to two couples, viz: Miss Blanche Mc Allister and Mr. D D Barrier, and Mrs. L J Foil and Dr. P A Barrier. It was then cut and passed to all the participants in the walk. Games were intro duced for the rest of the evening and at the usual hour they dis persed" to meet again probably next Saturday evening. The stockholders of the Tus carora cotton mill held a meet ing today. Their object was to organize under the charter and elect officers, which are as fol lows: Directors, J W Cannon, Hev. Paul Barringer, Jonas Cook, Dr. M A Foil, D D Barrier, AN James, I P Efird; President, J W Cannon; Secretary and Treasurer, Rev. Paul Barringer, For the Laws Party Friday Right-To Be GiTen for the Benefit of the Con cord Band On the Lawn of Mr. Jrio. C. Wadsworth. The ladies met yesterday after noon and completed their arange ments for the lawn party Friday night, which will be given for the benefit 'of the - Concord band." It will take place on Mr: Jno. C Wadsworth's lawn. The follow ing committees have been se lected:'; : "V..'" . ' , Soliciting Committee and assist ant managersWard 1, Misses Pearl Brown and Sadie Fisher. Ward 2 Misses Kate Means and Agnes Moss. Ward 3, Misses Grace Brown and Juliette Johns ton. Ward 4, Misses Mary Skinner, and Alice Sims. Waiters Misses - Lucy Mont gomery, Willie Richmond, Lallah Hill, l Emily ?' Gibson, s Margaret Cannon, Pattie Adams, Fay Brown, Mary Virginia Wads worth, Jennie Gibson, Mary Ella Cannon, Addie Patterson; Grace Brown, Juliette Johnston, Mary Skinner," Cora Lentz, Kate Morrison, Belle Means, Grace Fisher, Kate Gibson, Janie Ervin, Pearl Brown, Agnes Moss, Ollie Cline, Annie Young, Wilma Correll and Janie Pat terson. '''';' .'.o-' i-" Managers Mesdames I P B Fetzer, R E Ridenhour, G W Brown, Chas. W Correll, A E Lentz, R E Gibson, D B Mor rison, W R Harris, D B Coltrane, W E Odell and H'M Barrow, rt" The managers are requested to meet Friday afternoon to com plete arrangements. To Make Concord Their Home. As soon as suitable arrange ments can be made about houses two of our farmers with .' their families will move to Concord. The one is Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Gillon and the other is Esq. S R Andrew and family, of the Popu lar Tent neighborhood, v Such citizens asjthese are always wel come to our town with their families. 7 A Beautiful to be Built. Seven wagon loads of granite ware brought from Rowan county Tuesday f orthe new entrance to be built at St. James Lutheran church, which place was changed very much when the street was cut down. It is at present very un handyand dangerous and though a good amount of .expense is at tached, an entrance vWill I soon be built there that Ul add" much to the beauty of v the place there about : and give 'easy and con venient access tothe church. The plans have beeii' submitted by Architect Hook, fof Charlotte. 1 Some Xogroes Garra a False Alsknn. Several persons along on Spring street plainly heard an alarm Tuesday ; night sbine time after 11 o'clock over at the col ored Baptist church. ' The bell VVCkO l UUg ; aUU OO VtJXOil JJOiOUAXO j was a raise aiarm ana seems to : have been a' crowd of colored people, trying to, get a little bit For or nitv .Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrnp -has been used for oyer fifty years . by mil lions of . mothers for - their . children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child; softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is thrbest remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieye the poor little sufferer-immediately Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup,"- and take no other kind - r vYon assume no risk when yon buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. M. L. Marsh & Co. will refund your money , if yon are not satisfied after .using it. It is everywhere admitted to be the most Buccess- N f ul remedy m use for bowel com plaints and the only one that never fails. It is pleasant safe and; reliable. ' .'" NOTION gay. Mr. Smoot Dayyault to Build. "Work will commefice soon on a nice one-story residence for Mr. Smoot Day vault on Mill street. It will be built on his lot ! purchased (some time ago be- J tween the homes " oi Mr. B P Rogers and Mr. . W. G Boshamer. THAT THROBBING HEADACHE. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Lite Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Wick and Nervous Headaches. They made pure blood strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents, Money back ij not ouredV at Tetzer'a Drug Store; : PERSONAL POINTERS. The Twenty-Ninth Preparing to Leave., The .Twenty -Ninth Infantry, to which Lieutenant Edward Hill, and' Messrs. Jay Sims and Fletcher Foil, of this " place, be long, is "making' all preparations to leave Fort McPherson this week bound for San Francisco where they sail for i the Philip pines. ? ;; - '-'V: ' THE BEST PKESGRIPTION FOR , CHILLS and fever is a bottle z Grove's Taste less Ohill Tonic. . Never fails to cure; Then "why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. Simeon llatley Dead. . On Tuesday afternoon Mr. TTatlfiv a blind man. who KiMVM m J . ' I lived several miles east of Mt. j Fleasant, aiea leaving a- wu. auu. several children. The remains were interred at Salem church graveyard. Duiing the civil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diar rhnWa was one of the most troublesome diseases the army I naa xo conieuu wnu. ; xu ""j instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr; David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found anvtning Moat wuum uiu i such'quick relief, lb is tor sale by M. Ii. Marah & Co.. Druggist -Andrew Grier, ;of . Harris burg, is here today. ,: ;' Mr. Jas. Li Watson, of Salis bury, is here today. Mr. R A Harris, of Salis bury, is here today.;: , ; ' -Mr. Burton Bennett, of Nor wood, is here today. ; 1 7j ; ;. - Mr. O J Carroll j of the Ral eigh Post, was here today. :- Rev. C Brown Cox left this morning after spending yester day with Dr. L'N Burleyson: A FRIGHTPU L BLNDEUR Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise, Bucklens Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old bores, Fever Sores Ulcers, Boils, Fel ons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earty. Only. 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Fetzer's Store. , A UN OF m e i xiivui m liliDO AT Si Ji Ervio - THIS- . DEPARTMENT. is the most complete to be found in our city. visit to our Store will demonstrate the fact Every thing that' s new and up-to-date in the most pop are now on display We have received another shipment of Ladies' Belts. The new Dog Collar Belt is the handsomest belt yet introduced. They are in Pat. Calf, Brown and Black Seal, with heav metal mminsrs and theTeerular oadlo ck They can't be beat; tri attachment far superior to anything ever shown. A few swell novelties in Elastic Belts with cut jet j;rim mings at 50 and 75 c. The best line of Leather Purses at 25 and 50c. ever shown. Cyrano head Beauty Pins and Cyrano Chains are here as well as a good assortment of Enamel Belt Buckles. Fine Silk Opera Bags at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. L. Parks & Cortip'y- H Tlie Slimmer is Ended; Tne Harvest is Past. THE TIME TO BUY FURNITURE IS NOW AT -HAND, . Everybody and their kinsfolk kn6w that --, ' BELL-HARRIS & CO : is the place to buy it and don't you forget it. Car spot casfi and the best factories in the United States at ou command gives us a long lead in LOW PRICES. We have bou' t to sell wc goU,. see if we don't. Have you seen our line of 'ctures just in noth ing like it ever shown,in Concord. Prices rng'e from 2c to 2.50. Don't miss the sight.- Just- the thing irr Bridal, Birthday or any other kind of Presents. New line 'jf mdulding .just in. Pictura Frames made on short notice We Are Strictly in a for Business ELL RRIS A- C0IP1IY,