"1 - 5 I'.iJfi Fiico $4.00 Per Tear. CONCOKD, N; 0., FR- DA SEPTEMBER 22, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents V 7 f i fig THE NEW ; WEAVE MILL. The BuildinV.Finisked aud the Machinery Being Placed To Accommodate Fire Hundred Looms About One Hundred and Seventy-Five Hands to Be Em ployed. Ere long the new weave mill oftheOdell Manufacturing Co. will be a real thinarid will be turning off every day hundreds of yards of cloth. The building is now finished and hands are hnsv Duttinsr in the machinerv. This is mill No. 5 and stands Aleck Hartsell, who has a repu to the rear of the" present row. tltlon fr recovering bicycles, It is a large building with a di- to investigate the matter. 'The. mension of 127 feet by 230 feet. neSro .as found but his right It is. a two-story building with aVname was Li3e Bost and not tower. At "the south end of the 'John Harris, and no .crop building is the engine and boiler .belongs, to- him on the McCub roouis, and also the slasher bins land. He was brought here room. The remainder of the to u Thursday night, y Mr. large building is one room and Hartsell found him near Saw, in will be filled entirely with looms. ' Rowan county. Five hundred looms will be ' T Z ST' " ' , James Deaton Dies Suddenly. placed m it, giving ample room . for aisles. These will De in the ! Qn Thursday, evening shortly upper story of the building, the after 6 o'clock, Jas. Deaton, of lower one to be used as a large this Place who was working for storage room. ' the Queen City Printing Com- The dimensions of the boiler pany in Charlotte, died at his i.i " ii 'I -j. i hnmfi nn "Rrp.vard atrp.At,. TTa room, wmcn wm coniam two, 100-horse , power boilers, 28 by 30 feet. In. the engine room, with dimensions of 30 by 40 feet, will be placed a 200 horse power Corliss engine.. . To the east of the engine room will be found the slasher room where improved machinery has been purchased one for sizing white material, the other one for colored. This room measures 30 bv 80 feet. " This five hundred lot of Knowles & Crumpton looms that will be placed in this large new building, which Supt. Coble will place in the hands of Mr. E D McCollum, means that about 175 more people will be given em ployment on that hill, which with an average of five to the family, will necessitate the Tenting of thirty-five houses. AViththis addition Mr. Robt. F Coble, superintendent oE the five mills, will have under his j ca 1 Qift immfl wT-h i rr, mau any uiiiur aupt;iiiii;cxiu.oiiu in our State has. There are some companies in the State that have more looms but all are not under the supervision of one man. - As a preventive against fire a large pump has been placed near the building, which when circumstances admit, will throw a stream often inches in diam ameter. This pump is never used only in case of fire and at least fifty pounds of steam is al ways on at every hour from the .time, it once starts, including Sundays. Three such pumps as these are on the grounds remain- mT ifllo nnlT in pqco nf t. firo Should a fire occur three streams " LWl mcnes m aiamexer eacn, yould be turned on at once, be- i sides the aid of hydrants, four- teen being on the rounds. i ' j p m'm- ; 1 Jtluaiis Take Notice! ! All memhprs nf ! To. 51 Knights of Pythias are l-wtuu LU JXltJtJll 111 VCtOlltJ XI til 1 tonight at 8 o-'clock promptly. Bust Vu interest PvorvmpmUr will i ho tnr,oI ? J PI member will )- ti ansacted tonight. I C. L. WHITE, C. C. ' The Bicycle Negro Caught. Quite a long while ago a ne gro purchased from Swink & White a bicycle and gave a mortgage for the payment, a part of the mortgage being on a crop he had on the McCubbins land in Rowan county. When giving the mortgage he gave his name as John Harris. By some means the sellers found that there was something wrong? about the matter and they had home and was well when he left his work that afternoon. His mother, Mrs. M G Deaton, and sister, Miss Jessie Deaton, Qf this place, were visiting at his home.. He leaves a wife and one child. He has two brothers living Mr. Harry Deaton, now editing the Mooresville Record-Times, and Julian Deaton, who is employed in Birmingham. In Caton's Hall Tonight. Tonight the Concord band will furnish music in Caton's hall while the good ladies, old and young, will have prepared ices, creams,' sherbets, etc., for the people who attend. It is expect ed that a good crowd will turn out and the band will carry out its part of the. program. The doors will open at 6 o'clock on account of the younger children. The music wUl commence at 8 o'clock, uome out ana neip xne cause. Four Marshalls from Concord. Concord will be represented at j the coming State Fair with four of our young men. They are MessrsJoe and Frank Cannon, and Earl and Luther Brown. They have accepted the invita tion. , Mr Luther Saunders and family and their visitors, Mr. and Mrs. W. R Payne, are spending the afternoon in Charlotte. Mr. Payne, who is visiting Mr. Saun ders, is the ex-treasurer of Bun combe county. ; ROBBED THE G RAVE. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the snbject, narrated by him as follows: I was in a most dreadful condition. My akin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, nae coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow- ing weaker day by day. Three physi- ciaUs had given me up. Fortunately, a sriend advised trying Electric Bitters:' and to my great joy and surprise, the j i-lAOW WUIAvj r- - ment. I continued their use for three n&Va and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, androbbed the grave . f ttJnother victim." No one should fail try them. Only 60cts., guriateed, at ; Fetzer's DrugfStore, v SVorkingfon the New Railroad. Messrs.'BE Parish, J TDry and E C Parish, of this county, are at. work in South Carolina on the grading of a new railroad. The new road runs from Orr's cross ing, on the S. W. & C. railroad, twenty miles south of Spartan burg, to Lockhart's Shoals on the Broad river. The road will be about fifteen miles long when completed. ' ? ' sCity of Rome" Strikes an Iceberg. .The recent collision of the "tjity of Rome" with an iceber s forcibly to mind one -of xrro many dangers to which transatlantic navigation ' is ex posed. The weather was foggy and a rain had just ceased fall- ing when an iceberg was sighted near at hand, and the ship was slowed Sbmx to quarter speed Shortly'aftor this a massive berg luuiueu up uver liio yu w ui mo liner and before the engines could be reversed she struck, and her bow lifted several feet, the vessel finally sliding back into the water again. Fortunately she sustained no damage beneath? the waterline, the only marks of the ; encounter being Her crushed figurehead and a bent bobstay. Ex. ... PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. S. J. Lowe, of Charlotte, is here today. Mr. Jno. W Cook went up to Greensboro this morning. Mr. and Mrs. W R Odell spent today in Charlotte. Mr. J L Crowell went to Lexington on a busines trip. Mr. Jas. L Kendall, of Gas tonia, arrived here last night. Mrs. E C Barnhardt went over to Charlotte this morning. . Mr. Percy Jones, of Nor folk, arrived here this morning. -Miss Fannie Strieker is spending the afternoon in Char lotte. Rev. CJ Woodson, of Gates ville, N. C. is registered at the Morris hotel today. Dr. Rqbt. S Young went over to Charlotte this morning. He will return this evening. A. FRIGHTFUL BLNDEUR . Will often canse a horrible Burn, Scald, Ont or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. - Cures Old bores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bcils, Fel ons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earty. Only 25 cts. a box. Hnre. guaranteed. " Sold at Fetzer's Store A fell line OF mi GYl AT felt 1. 1 Ms. , J 1 1 b.t a The predoDiriating feature nf this dsess goods stock is the vastness of the assortment. There is hardly a taste that ce,n not be suited ; WWM,vur r J Fine assortment 3 t'of skirting goods--Crepons in black and col- org a S Well aS the neW Gdf PlkldS , t n - , i . n yi o j all moderately priced from 48c. , -j;o SI. 50 Per Vard. ' New Silks. Our fall Silks and Velvets are here m all their beauty- TafFetta silks at 49c-, 75c. and 98c- per yard. Our line of W6,ist silks at 48c., 75 c; and 98c per yard are beyond description. Velvets in almost any shade desirable Drt ss Linings This is a department much neg lectectby" ma merch can fill every little want. We handle the very best qualities such as we can reccommeud and guarantee as to color, etc. All shades of Oriental and Near silks at 15c. and 25c. yd. Percalines, Selicina, Wiggin, Haircloth, Can vas, both linen and cotton, Crino line, Buckrum, Elastic Duck and anything else you want in the way of linings. At last the carpenters are away. Heeded changes have been inade tnroughout the store. Oiir fall and winter stock of Dry Goods, N otions, etc. , are in and we invite you to look over our autumn dis play: Qood: Business! '-' - . -.".""'.. Wo hiive been strictly in it for the past three weeks. We are e xpecting every day another Gar of Furniture, f- : :; Car of Stoves, Car of -Spring, and lasr, but not least, Car of Chairs. ' r It keeps us moving but wa arc movers, you know, and if yon will keep your eyes on the southeast corner of the fiist page of The Standard we will keep you posted follow our instruction, re will do the rest. Come and Bee if we dbnt. BELL, HARRIS & CO. P. f?. Like tLe miller of old the nice pictures until we ban servo AihiiRAai nor huiunin. unt i 1'8iei mm ! -o 1A - ""LV y v.x-j u we tiva in turis. Lok at cu. . Bell, Harris & Co.