M O Art m H mi 7.19 Arrival of Trains, ; , . The following change of schedule took effect JunelS; 1893. ; -r ! SOUTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, 36 " "10 00 a m, ,--. M 12 " " 7-09 p m, vj v SOUTHBOUND fifo. S7 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) 11 " "1123 am, u 7 Mfilnm M 35 "61 849 a m, (freight) No. 35. when running: ahead of No. 7. za flagged if necessary for through travel eouth of Charlotte, and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or 5eyond. No. 36 stops regularly for passengers for Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, Reidsville, Danville and principal stations between Danville and Washington. No. 37 stops for, pas sengers coming from Lynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas sengers for regular stopping places south of Newells. No. 38 stops to let off passengers from regular stopping places south of Newells and to take on passengers for regular stopping places, Lynchburg or beyond. . '. . Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for passengers to or from the C. 0. & A. Division Charlotte to Augusta-and t ether points in South Carolina, Georgia ud Florida, reached through Columbia or Augusta Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains and connect at Salisbury with trains of n. xi. w. xyiyituuu. FOUNDED. ....... . .. .. ..1842 Churches Tomorrow. e ? . (; . . -'i f v. r v.v At theConcord Institute. - - - - - ! Withihe Churches To ofll.y J Ul X CTia UUUOw . WJ - XXXdlXly -XXX i ilk.-. ' I , O -., v . t .f i ! f J- , Suits. Stylisli Patterns,. rHand- Kh Fp1 ?e -; rEectar, ;Eeia3jDwsi soiiiB rtrimmiiigs ;New and ele- satiraShe-stua6nts:in nte fipjscofeal church tonior- x lkJ.B mai 1 nro . . r Seil:: "Mis sfzes 3to 8; lsmer. Thft MitftThald 'nArtrn tvn t, RPrvi pas at St. A ndrews Tjiith- ing thbtcmgHJWorK. iaas9 "Vf ' Vl rB- Of SGVGiVcW0 ffifti0RltftlfiARrf n.Tifl i , ... . ' TT 01 U jl ney ae o. vana apiuu suns has twelve students,, osare do- igfft. YOU CIl O fTvixi. uuu.ua vixv u.uxvu. J. ff: ?:--.-r fL frr.r-' IT' ... direction of Miss Van'WAgbner. ne -o The Kindergarten department is Lfired ;atrSIii f JTOs .LuJe iuii oi me ana promises wen un- ; church tomorrow mornJn.Keg-1 der the lead of Mrs. Coler and ular: Ver vices "toih orrownigntipvi it: . tt -rrr . ' " "U ilxi. T? ! H ft ' THl AOJUJ o Jon VI 'X 1 1 ." miss van wagoner, motners are v S,; f. Oi. On,dTO tpli OU. iiMep: Ere r invited to bring their little ones, ' There will be regular services v; .miW: K i im r,:.f r:?J(t.-v r.-f vji!ioe,jfa t$ V;! ,ri:3 ,riiw rens "" Trini4- -k ' Ti 3 itA 4- -w 3 . . r . morning ana tomorrow : mg noy f .-. vr,7 rjarcment at y a. m. naw stn-Li - : r ' ,t x tt - on u rnojeijo ;;oixonotvn A - me pasxor, xtev. x jjduy ; jauw. dents are coming in almost daily. Subject for 11 a.,f m., 40bedi- J. H. Lippard. ence." The question o- Bap usmr , . t -mw ioibpv ( ySl JmJl suits; Fiii6st''0lobdsr You assnme no ruk when ion '- V: J? . : ,P?V"A Vuul '-iia nr.in T Marsh & Co. will refnnd yonr TTt n 1 r o 7w o-a i-klTfxr rtf canic money U. you are notified church by tha pastor, Rev. T W are plenty 01 50 SUlt.S after Win it. Jt i everywhere Kev" xnompson wm admitted tohet.be most kucc.b,- the pulpit tomorrowmght. them. ful remedy in use for bowel com ;. pl'uuts and the onlv one that I . & Bbver jaus. is is pieasani, saxe and reliable. splendid Reefer There amor Boys heavy, all-wool Kersey Tne Hoothing and ealinj? prop- onif.R O.f. SftQ. Vol! WATl 't. find thei?l erties ot .Uljau3beriam:s Uougn -.-. wv .w. w y "Sing Their Own Praise." The STIEFP is the PIANO to buy; it has no equal for the money as you ave the middleman's profits and it will last a lifetime; but vre hav several -bargains in other makes. . We have taken in exchange for STIEFF'S two Ivers & Pond Pianos, one, the finest style that firm manu factures and it is almost new. If you want this make here are bargains S'O? M QtlDof in MHimfactarer, (OjJ, ill! UliDUlj BrtlUiiiore 31 i. Pactory Braci fareroom. V;,;iM- C H, WH moth 9 Mgr. Fine Tuning. Palace Organs. See change in Craven Bros, ad in today's issue. FOR RENT. Five room cot tage opposite J L Croweirs. Apply to J L Hartsell. A plain drunk case was dis posed of Friday by Mayor Means. It was a three dollar drunk. HYACINTH glass flower pots and jardiniers at Fetzer's Drug Store. Walter Hopkins, who has been spending some time near Misen heimer's springs, has returned home. Misses Georgia and Edna Lowe have returned to Lowes- ville after spending a while here with their friends. O K Templeton has secured a position at Concord and will soon go., there to live. Mooresville Times-Record. On account of repairs at Cen tral Methodist church there will be no preaching or Sunday school tomorrow. Cotton is bringing 7.55 today. Rmtr itH l-!fiaR;,'lt t.to and wxxxj kjkj uaioo uau uccu woigiitiu nrftmnf an(i nerniAttent cures at Jo clock. u.. Ar it- rYoo4.ir.;fo wUii the people everywhere. For sale arrived here Friday night to by M. L. Marsh & Co.. Druggists. Onain of Mrs. Adams, of Rock Hill, S. to C., who has been visiting at Mr. hp nnA fflmhlK Shakespeare Harris', has return- uie now IdmUUb REMEMBER there's fresh US Pllaf- 6lt8. tany at tne itacket. livery body At the height of hostilities Who tastes says "this is the most around Santiaero de Gnpa, a celebrated Ho n mic nn.rrxr T nvcr rnf in beautv. oenora nernanaez, iosx a oeau- mouth. How do you make it so SSi," V'was he"r oompanor pti crt cn hTirt, a " ' 'hot'a a .11 1 n j 4..ni-..A nnnlin.KU secret, says Mrs. Bostian. attention, not so. much-for its personal Deauxy, es ipr me jeweiieu conar 11 wute, f A far if a 1afVi Jspnnrn TTprnanflpr. 1c Ant I i?r.'io-rr ,i.v.x .e. her favorite ever before ier by wearing t a AVAt, t 1 its collar as a belt. The fashion spread New York where she has been nua rrif stoa anH nnv spending some time in the inter- reigns as one of 'the fads;df the season. 3CG10 est of her millinery business. for less than $S.50 anywhere else. Splendid line of Men's suits just in. we save vou o cenis on every dollar you spend. Cannon Fetzer Co. Mi. For sale by ft PUTNAM Fadeless Dyes color more goods and color them faster and brighter colors than any other dye. Each package colors either silk, wool or cotton at one boiling. Price 10 cents at Fetzer's Drug Store. Miss Sue Nicholson has gone DELAY Gibson 8c. Morrison. MOT ft For Delay Is Dangerous ! sc..;. y 1 t j 1 T 1 J. I I xounave Deen inmKing auuui ij fa.lrinfy nnf. n. "Pnlir.Tr nf T iTTfTTi TtJ- VUU J- V1.1WJ VJ. . I rttt? ATsrr.F:. Yfts. and tor the to Charlotte where she will .take - yeMd W ft. a business course m the business i --r-a U P';y::R;N: SAVING Is the roval road to fortune. If you' want i to j sayo come to qur store, we can ave- - IT f' uiyyou money.on T ! I i ' I ) ' i : N E college there. She will be gone several months. A STOCK of winter flowering ; ones you will take an s Accident $ Policy. ; W Mr. W. D. Shubert. 1 machinist c- at Cannon Manufacturing Co. , j We are the whip to prices to double the speed o.salesv tt . m i; -xt nnrl Mr "R TTn.Vfl oflr ma DU1DS nyacinins, x unps, x ar- j . nicoM.' nc niii-Tiocn Tmfrod chmist at the Bleachery. have ft Lilv or Joss Flowers just in at , -DOin oeen mjurea recently, ana Fetzer's Drug Store. both , promptly received their Ttrnn ;rlTT inr .imtllTTT t ' Tn I I jLArnii pt !weeklv indemnitv.' Go to see Master Marshal Freeman, son! them, they were insured by me. of Mr. and Mrs. M J Freeman, You can find me in my office returned home from Baltimore 1 every evening during the week Friday night after spending sav- from 8 to 9 o clock. " eral weeks1 with his uncle, Mr. Jno. Fetzer. Mr. Daniel Rhyne, of Lincoln-i LOST Small black cur dog. bile and will operate it on the streets of that place. Miss Bessie Campbell left Friday night for her home in Woodstock, Va., after spending several months here with her friends. Woman's Foreign Mis sionary society of the. First Presbyterian cnurcn wm xixCOu next Monday at 4 o'clock p. m. at the home of Mr. Frank Good son on West Depot street. For nice fresh York River oys- tfira- incf. rppftived. SO to BO- ger's Restaurant. By the quart 35 cents. DON'T sand vour orders for flower bulbs away from home and hiio-h -orices for poor stock w. src v tn Fetzer's Drug StorA anrl hnv all kinds of bulbs cheaper than you can order them Leave any information at this oflice. V FOR TRADE Two fresh milch cows. Will sell or ex change. Call at ihis office. Solomon Einstein. Office in Postofiice Building. Jno. A. Sims, Insurance Agent. Sent. 1,1899. " SEETHE J Yankee Watch FRESH- OYSTER! AT THE Concord Bakery. Bread, Doughnuts, Buns, Cakes, Pies, - Cream Puffs, etc. Special attention given to ladj patrons. Oysters 35 cents per quart. Joe Fisher, Proprietor. 'PHONE 122. FOR at: W.C CorrelFs FURNITURE' KAND' UNDER 1AKINg G W PATTERSON : ' i FOR K'o - - - Fresh Butter pn. Ice; Quaker Oats, 1 Hominy, Canned ,Cort. ni h.lMmaje . . , iv - and; ."f aohesjij oi tooifo; SodaBakinu PowdersTcW Oracle. ii irr.' - a-nv. :j kj.wkwi BrHjtkfiJst'Strips, Green aod Parched' OCotfe, Tea Sugar, ; SoaprPeasrMeai; - Corn, 8hip9ttttf, ; Oats, " ui Vinnfrar: Snuff.Tobanco,-.Klcej ,,, JfOtaSU. ORjee "ottii ( PicklesL vi Washing ; Powder and: anything in the Grocery x .linev WalabVcarry : :: Rope, Crockery, Glassware. Woodenware, DryGoods, Shoe HatsV TinWare Etc. Etc We close our store at 8;15 :dnr ing the Bainmer months ' vW de? liver goods until 6 p txu - - ' f J a hi uffera the bnsinesH public a reliable. rr .tueitt, conservative and jn'ccomatodat- 'iriff banking instutioD. We solicit vour patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appieciation of your patronage. If we can serve yoa any time we wiU be glad to have yon come and see us. . LIBERAL A.CCOMMODATIONS3 CUSTOMERS. $70000. Coltbake, Chashier, .T, M. OdkJ'L. Wesident, Maj -and Sarjlns ,Ul-'.! O.BOo Mi L. Brown & BRg. A,iyKKY. KEEI) AND ALI Juet in rai oi St. Cloud Ho?l. Om nibuses meet ail passenger trainf. Outtits oi a.l kinds fu mi shed promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on hand orsale. Breeders of f.boroughbre1 tMatiil China Hog. - ! it .-.- .... T rom abroad.

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