4 v;" ,i i"-"''v. -- t - 4 f. L I V Prico $4.00 Per Yoar. CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 1899. Sirgle Copy 5 Cento THE GREAT OVATION. Two Days of Demonstration In the Great City. Tbe Hero Receives Gifts Mod estly and Shares the Honors. New York has just pulled off the biggest affair -in our history in the reception of the heroes of Manilla. We say heroes for Admiral Dewey very properly ascribes a good share of the honor to his captain's and men. The nation itself is largely cred itable for the great victory, says Dewey. When on the way up the river to Gen. Grant's tomb Friday he said to Mayor Van Wych : - "We won, Mr. Mayor, because our government spends money for target practice. Our men were proficient, and when they shot they could hit. The Span ish sailors never fired at a target in their lives, and when the fight came they could not hit us." Friday's great naval parade which was a medley of scream ing whistles and- throat rending ' cheers together with twenty-one guns fired at the tomb of Gen. Grant was if possible surpassed by the street parade an Satur day. Fifty thousand troops were in line, beside many organ izations such as veterans, sons of veterans, etc. On the way the Admiral was greatly pleased with a stand of school children dressed some in blue and some in white so ar ranged that those in blue formed -the ground and those in white formed the letters spelling Dewey. When the Admiral ap proached they rose and sang, "See the Conquering - Hero Comes" and kept the time with waving flags. At one point seventeen aerial bombs, an admirals salute, were fifed from the top of a tall building. Of the Arch of Victory the Associated Press dispatch says : It is modelled after Titus' arch in the Roman forum. From the top, in a quadriga drawn through rolling billows by plunging sea horse, "Victory," with out stretched wings and the laurel wreath in her hand, typical of the reward to the victor, reared her beautiful outline against the blue sky. On the attic are heroic figures of John Paul Jones, Hull, Perry, Decatur, FarragutT and other naval heroes, while on the faces of the piers are magnificent groups symbolic of combat,;' the return of the victors, the call to arms and peace, and on the panels are groups representing the North and East rivers, and the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The arch faces the sea. The ap proaches are guarded by tall, colonades, transforming the street at the reviewing booth in to a court of honor. The Admiral on Friday re ceived a badge from the mayor with the compliments of the city. After the speeches tlie -Ad miral directed his Chinese ser vant to pin it on him. : ' On Saturday morning .he was made the recipient of a gold "Loving Cup" by the mayor, the gift of the great city. It stands 13 inches high, holds 4f quarts and cost 85000 dollars." . After the reception speeches he called his captains forward and introduced each and said : i xji wtju uiiu viiu juiv nv it. These are ' the men who i ' . i -. . TTT 111 J snouia be tnanKea. . w ltnout them I could do nothing." It would take a book . to con-, tain all that is interesting in the reception. TO RETURN HERE. Mr. Chas. F Hislop the Former Superin tendent of the Buffalo Mill To Return Here from Bynum. i Numbers of people who know; "Charlie" Hislop will welcome the news that he will soon returri to this place. Mr. Hislop is well known here having been for some time the superintendent of the Buffalo mill, and who is now superintendent of. the cotton mill A Sunday Afternoon Fire. ' About 3 o'clock Sunday after- nnnn thcs firA alarm was sriven and it was found to bo tho roof ' atynTuTln; I- " -. ' of the Reed tafldiig.-'-opitf1 rTi. TTTrmaa TC,o Wns n, ! ho likes Concord better. Ho "clodin"" store. Quickly the ' wiu co here to take- charga6f.camps,or association or not, are Notice to UCY's. , The; following . call - emanates from; headquarters and ; it is a pleasure to promulgate it. linn fori orafo T7cifk"i v o Aconn ' Sept. 30, 1899.. . The next s annual meeting oi the Confederate Veterans Asso ciation '6f; North Carolina "will take place in the Sehate'cKamber of the' Capitol, on Wednesday,' October 18 next, at 8 p. m. c . All Confederate Veterans, whether members . of organized : BG s HOE DeotDle were there and In a few, r -s ou, cumW,( myuea. ; vamps ; 01 was uaiu. xiia utjvy. sj-iuauiun 1 uniK pxe respectfully requested to to.isend representatives, and to i-fQa Crwi,r Q.nTrf.Vii'tiiT TRTfl.s uOVv aiiuatiuu umieQ uomeaerate veterans left in the building, ; the volun- take effectbouttlie, 15th of . rvi,ff fivprvthin to the this month. Mr. Hislop is Morris House across the street. ;1 - auu vvo or warn lists 01 ineir memoers Th .fir nTftft ot in their lad to know that he 35 again to for enrollment, if such has not i j : : make Concord his home, work and m a few minutes it i - ,;v" was all over and a place a few Yery Probably Purchase. feet square only was burnea m the roof. It was caused very. On the condition that the nec essary amount can be raised by , probably by sparks dropping subscriptions, the Allison prop- ;' nn fho rlw. rnf. Thfiro was r : . , , 1 presiaenc. "-tv" j - eriy on iNorin iviam street; will' no insurance on the buildings or be purchased as the site for the I tUQ goods, my. iymes naa omy Firgt Presbyterian church. It! .C J ,',Trv,-TT ! a iew-uayb agu, umu . mvuwijr-.; s so decided Sunday at the , and despite the fact that the peo-, c relational meeting. The been done. Subjects of inter est to the. veterans of North Carolina will be discussed at the meeting." By order of Gen. J S Carr, C. B. DENSON, V Secretary. pie, both white and colored, emptied his store for him, he has not missed one thing. To Live in Concord Again. Mr. Will Widenhouse, of George ville, who some years ago was in the merchandising busi- ness here, has secured a 'position with H L Parks & Co.. When he finds a suitable house he will move his family here. Mr. Wi denhouse is also a partner'of Mr. Martin Barrier in the store at George ville. - ' property has been offered for 5,000 and in case thevpurchase is made 1,000 will be donated The Meeting Has Begun PEKSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Arthur ; Coperiing, of Morganton, is here today. Mr. Robt. Wheeler return fid ty the Allison heirs. If this this morning from Kings Moun- tain. V ' wili.bu erected on this; beautiful site later. - . .: SAI IPti BEGINS AT H L. Parks Co!m py- To Transfer the Stock. "-Vj ; I Our townsman, Mr. Br j? Rog ers, went up to. Salisbury today '(Monday) where he transferred !the stock formerly of the Economy 1 Clothing Co. to the store of Smobt Bros. & Rogers, jwhich firm recently purchased it. The Coldest Night Yet. Mr. Morrison Petzer, of Davidson college, spent Sunday here with his parents. - The .rotewted Wingbegag i Sunday nit was coldest Sunday J and Rev.. J D , Arnold :' j' ?J Jl. 1 J. 1 .' will continue ro xnrougnouL tn week. Prayer services will be held each afternoon at .o'clock!! Similar services at 7 : 30 in the evening, the regular services to commence at 7:45 o'clock Dr. Brooks Unwell. night that we have had yet this .winter. Mayor Means had ice at hik house. Mr. Chas. Mc Donald's thermometer registered 37 degrees. ' ; For ivr TiitT ' Tears Mrs. Winslow'a .Soothir Syrup baa been UMtid for over fifty years by mil bona of -.mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, sottens tbe uuiy, iI?rof. FranK Wright and sis ter, Miss Nellie Wright, of China Grove, spent txiday here. t-. r -t - u A hi Line r 1 ;? -' - Rev. J R Brooks, the presiding ; alleys all pairi, cures ind colic, nnd is ;r A . 5' the oest remedy for Diarrhoea. It will i elder, spent yesterday here and Rev. Arnold announced last night relieve the poor little sufferer immedi atel v. Sold by druggists in every part rf fha rpnrlrJ T1TX7f.ntv'fi VA Cftnts A .hot that Rev. Brooks Would preach tie. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Win- tonight at the church, but he is Blows oothing Syrup to unwell and will return. to cSal , isbury tonight. and take no AT 1 li'ViiiV Ui 0 11 (III It, Wettiiesdal I ofnlng. Pr ces will be cut by halves, H Gets Them Directly. - The Western Union Telegraph Co. had their linemeii here last Saturday-puttpg in a line for Mr. W G Boshamer. The wires connect directly to his office up stairs in the King building where Ernest McConneUthe operator, will have the market quotations. Mob In Hertford. .. . . . . Masked parties broke into jail ; at Winton, Hertford county, - last Saturday night and shot . Robert Vaughan, who was charged with j .burning , a' "J barn. He wTas not j killed but is thought to be fatally ' .wounded.. The evidence against :; Ainipt''v6aid, is only circum stantial. - The frenzied act is very much deplored. ' With a car of TRUNKS. Car load of STOVES. Car load of CHAIRS, and the Third Oar of SPRINGS in the last four months, all in this week Sit any wonder we bad to figure in the ''Mayor's Corte" for blockading 7 ' he town. ( pur :-t-de xnake it ut-crtsary. Give u your trade; that's . whatwo wa'n We ?Ved new. streets and straighten pld. ones- it takes D O p money to et them nad we are willing to contribute just keep ns busy if and. we won't kickHH we haven't time. - il Dr. Byers, the Eye Specialist, Sere. Dr. Byers, the eye specialist is in the city at the St. Cloud hotel nnOTO(i i,n ftnffipfl fm- tH htfiui' it became .cbronic ,and ment of eye diseases and the t' ol.i oldiersstill Huffer from adjustment of glasses. Dr. Mr. I)vid Taylor of Wind! Byers is no stranger in Concord. Rids1, Gi-t-iitf cuutj, L,i one, Ke has payed us visits after of these. He u Chamberlains visits arif? his srvi rft -ti Colic Cholera-. :. Hnd Diarrhoea - ways highly appreciated by our Remedy and sys h d ever, found best citizens and we welcome the aaytbing : that would give him doctor for a, loner stav Offirn n,r nh nniek relief. It is for sale St. Cloud hotel, room No., lo: ; by M. Il Marsh & Co.. Druggist Office hours 9 a: m. tol p. m and - -.- - , .w .y. tT,ww VnT i 9 c- oa ITeadaelte stopped tin SO minutes gy tt . to 5.30 p. m. SVais Baxa One oenfra doee." . ti Vu;:VrtV"iit-iir wit, sP;m, " , We are Gxpecting: a Car of Furniture today. KH t,v .MiKteud with. In maoy BLLL, HAnnlb & CO. P. S. Somethingr new in town. Ye Spring Mattress. The Eest in town. wtary nes lie down an a Cbbinatioz Bell, Harris & Co. nj 00-J10FFETTS L3 LZ3 U L-J TEETH1HS P0YDES3 nnnnn IWM r1 Mas Daffisffijffr fel' Regulates the Boire ' fTi V Mes Teething Easy. i Bowel TrcaKe3 cf -VCMldrcn cf " As Your i

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