A- ' JP& rotates l&zi wi z :w II- W' IW ft rl ... Prico $4.00 Per Year. JDONCOUD, N. C, WEDJSES DAW OCTOBER 4 1899. Siugle 05py 5 Cents m - mm FROM MT. PLEASANT Agitated The Sick RecoTering Per- sonals. i Written for The Standard. . Mf, Pleasant, Oct. 4. Mr. Jno. tli a strfifit aftar a. protracted spell of sic it , 1 A -j ness. He has not yet resumed his duties at Cook & Foil's. Mr. James -PecK nas resumea his duties behind the counter of the Company store alter a spell ot typnota ievui. -. t j? The Lutheran congregation here is agitating the purchase of a pipe organ in the near future, f Mrs. Martin Eoser and son Luther, and Mr. Will Foil spent Sunday, and Monday visiting friends a: id relatives in and n4. Mr. Charles Lentz and sister, t- .i t , . -rn Miss Ella Lentz, spent Friday niffhthere. They left Saturday D T . , J, noon for LinColnton. - IVIr. Julius Fisher, of Faith, a student at the college, got very home sick last week and ' 'could'nt stay aTray'J from home so he packed up a few necessaries ; and left. He has not returned and we have since learned that he will not. One of the greatest events in colored social circles that has ever taken place here will be a marriage this, afternoon. The ceremonies will be performed" in the church at Eeidsville, and a. supper given to the'1 fifty invited guests at the house of the!groom. The Reidsville Band will furnish music at both places. Numbers of white people will attend. ". Mr. Ed. Heilig of Salisbury, .came in this evening on business. Hie Sunderland School Opens. The school at Sunderland hall, under the directorship of Miss Montgomery, has opened for the coming session of school and until air the pupils arrive the fulJ number; sixty, will be in the building. Miss Crump, of Char lotte, takes the place of teacher last year filled by Miss Welsh. Miss Helen Goss, who formerly taught in the school, has re turned. For the pa'st two or three years she has been inGali fornia and her friends will be pleased to know that her health is fully restored. Has Descendants in This County. We notice in an exchange from Oxford, Miss., that a chap ter of the Daughters of , the Con federacy there bears the name of the "David Reese" chapter. This is the name of one of , the sign ers of the Declaration of Inde pendence, and numbers in Meck lenburg and in .this county are related to him. Three genera tions of descendants are among the members of the chapter. Taking a Superintendent's Course. Two young men from Rocky River neighborhood the are in Concord now taking a course through the Cannon mills. They are Mr. Andrew Grier and Mr. Scales Miller. 1 " Mrs. C L T Fisher, of Char lotte, is spending' today with Mrs R A Brown. THE DROUGHT CONTINUES. I of the CroDS: About Organ Church -Some Sickness In the Community. ! - Written for The Standard. Organ Church, Oct. 3,-Our farmers would soon besrin to S3w wheat if they could get their . , . ianas ln condition, but most of it .was ploughed while dry( and 1 got very rougn. oince men we have not had rain enough to soften the clods and they can-' not be puivenzea. 5ut very . , , . -. . ; little oats are sowed and that is not coming up. UUi w ---- j been noted for its fine potatoes, both - sweet and Irish, but this year the sweet potato crop will be less than half a crop, while ,ih3 Irish potatoes will not, in , f ' . , vv e nave some sicKness, cams, . ' i .. . , , -'mumty. Dr. Goodman is kept J ousy. Arthur Bost, who has been attending school at China Grove, came home last week. He is on. the sick list, having had chiUs f Qr a week or two Rev. C Brown Cox and wife, of Asheville, who have been visiting at the parsonage for two weeks, have returned, to their home., - Mr. Jacob Carter has moved into his new house. ' " v Every Eiece, of Mail To fie .Weighed. 7 For the next month it wilL be an exceptionally busy time in the postoffices as an order has been sent out to every office requiring that every piece of mail that passes through the office must be mailed .and a report of the same made out. This will ne cessitate a vast amount of work on the postoffice clerks. This order has been made for the pur pose of finding more especially? what the railroads should be paid for carrying the mails This is. is the first time such an order'has been issued in many years. Mr. Ed. Ervin Married. at-. - t a vixi.ciVA me Hume j nix . , .j zi . Gourley near Plowes today 1 where Rev-J D Arnold is hold (Wednesday) to perform the ig a revival meeting. Already marriasre ceremonv to two J a;good amount of , interest is be- sons well known in our county. Theparties are Mr. Ed Ervin and Miss Jennie. Gourley. Miss Gourley is a former teacher of the school at the Bala mill. The ceremony took place at 3 olock. His Stay Is Limited. Dr. Byers, the eye specialist, is at the St. Cloud hotel-for a limited stay. His services are in large demand,by the apprecia tive patienta, and as his stay is j oi a snort duration, we would suggest that those who antic- lpate a .visit to Dr. Byers' office with a view of consulting him - professionally 1-. better do so , at once or be disappointed. Office Room 15, St. Cloud hotel. You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain VColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedyr M. L. Marsh & Co. will refund. yonr money if you are not satisfied after using it. It . is everywhere admitted to be the most jaccess- fui remedy in use for bowel com i plaints and the only one that nivAr foilo ' Ti- ; ; v ntver tails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. . 7 ; , 1.15 ATTACKED ON THE HIGHWAY. Some Person Attack Mr. William Bas isgrer 0n His Way Home Marriages ' in That VieinityThe News from the Churches. . f v Written for The Standard. : Faith, Oct3.--Mr. John Yost af Ms Bettie Stirewaltwere married Sunday by Rev. J-ML L j at the.ll0me of Mr p A peeler ' j Mjf. Will Josey and Miss Jen- pvVninP- hv.T? A "Rafipv Fsn t - o d . j j r the home of Mr B Fink Mr. William Basingerjwas re turnine' hnmp. Rntnrrlav A-u-pniTior aboub dark, from a shooting match when two men rode up behind his buggy and knocked him senseless put of his buggy and beat him up pretty badly and horse. went on home by itself with the buggy. It occured in . Baltimore R M Morrow', of a country road near the residence . Burlington, and Jno. S L Pat of Cicero Trexler. - . ' u t, n,. -vT n J T Wyatt is preparing to go down to the State Fair with his collection of exhibits and Indian relics that He Has been buying from the little ones for ;the past ten years. Mr. John M Corl, j of near Kluttz, in Cabarrus county, has rented one of J T Wyatt's farms and is moving in Faith, where he will farm next year. Rev. J C Clapp, of Newton, came down Saturday1 . and re turned Monday He . preached .Saturday niglrt and: Sunday in. the new Reformed church here to a large congregation. . j ': A seriefe of meetings are going on here at the Reformed church. -The church has just betm fin ished up on the inside and painted. i The new Lutheran church here is almost ready to be covered. . There was a baptising here Sunday, the 24th of September'. One more member was added to the Baptist church here. Interest Increasing Already. A large congregatipn attended tie meeting Tuesday . night at Forest Hill Methodist church in" manifested, and that night nve penitents came lorwum - iui ; Pyer- To add to the worship j excellent music is rendered by ! the choir under the leadership of Mr. H M Barrow. Gone to the State Normal. . Concord is represented at a number of educational institu tions this year and the attendance of our scHools here are also good." This year Concord has several students at the Greens- : i .ni ci Thw T rr. 0 n are Misses Irm a Kimmons Lar- rieSuther and Bessie Strieker, of this place, and Miss Addie, White, of near this place. THE BE8T PRESCRIPTION FOR 7 i CHILLS and fever is a bottle c Grove's Taste less jDhill Tonic. 'Never Jails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitation? Price 50 cents, tnonev back if it fails to cure. Your CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bfbmo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to care Thegenuin has L. 15. Q 5 ,n each tablet.- GREATT)EMOCRATIC CARNIVAL. Two Days of It At the Texas State ; Fair Col. Bryan There But Not as a Presidential Candidate. j j -, -rv ) great two-days Democratic carnival took place at Dallas, Texas Monday and Tuesday, the 2nd and 3rd, during the State fair. Ex-Governor Stone, of Missouri, made the great speech Monday. He .kept along the line of bimetalism and anti- 'monopoly. . Mr. Bryan was present and spoke on the second, day follow ing the speech of Judge James B Tarvin of Kentucky. Col. Bryan disclaimed presence as a presidential candidate. It is estimated that there were 50,000 people present. Messrs. G ; W Patterson, of arrived here Tuesday night. The Messrs. Patterson are nephews of Mr. Geo. W Patterson, who was buried Tuesday. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. C B Little, of Albemarle, was here today. Mr. A J Whittimore spent last night here. Rev. J A Dorritee, of Char lotte, arrivecLbre this morning.; He went STJncTerland hall. '. Rev Chas. B King, : of Char lotte, arrivedhere this morning dn. his way to, Mt. Pleasant to attend the meeting of the college boara tnere ulacJie stormed ln 20 minntes by Dr liles Vain Pills. Odo cent a dose." f and in the last today .... OF FANCY 1 CAKES I AT , J, MV11IS. H OIs it any wonder we had to fisnrtf in the "Mayor's C irts" for bHckadin g ; he town. Our trade makes ;it necessary. Give us your trade; thit s 0 v what we want. We need new streets and straighten old -one it takei Q money to get them and we aremm? to contriDutejasc Keep as outsy Q i and we won't kick as we haven't time. We are axpecting a SKiSSS;SW3 BELL, P. S. -Something new in town. iYe Spring Mattress, The Best in town. Mra Winslow's Sooihiij? Syrnp has bten used foi -over Hi t.v bars by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, w)ftns the gums, nllrttra all I ".7 J'JiIt Allien JUU V;U1IU, &UVi 13 the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It w'U relieye the poor little sufferer immedi ately. 1 Sold Vydrngffists in every part of the world. Twenty-five ceoic a bot tle. Be frure and ask for ''Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kir.d ' . 1 a n 5 p cess 'attended our SHOE SALE today. GRAND The wav and the the people bougnt comments'of cur most inttd ligent and appreciative ude was a sonrce of th gieateat gratification to this house. Everybody exprs-ed thtiri selves arj rfio'dingN nveu tetter values than expected. The Busy Place, . ? v - Did oil e ver ee such a crowd of euger buy exs, as filledour mammoth place today. Talk about, selling goods! Why 'twas a turn and twist all day. Hnnv dreds of pairs of s jes and many yards of dress goods got on the move. Our under' wear department ii full of everything in woo ?md cors ton at the 1owhs pf i v-s , HLParhs . With a car of TRUNKS. Car load of STOVES. Car load of CHAIRS the Thil l Car of SPRINGS four months, all in this week Car of Furniture today. HARRIS & CO. weary ones lie (bwa an a 03bintion ' 7 Bell, Harris & Oo. T wn