J-- .t-y? A - . ' fy, - ' " . . , . CJ' v. Price SlOOJFer Year. OONCOHD, N. 0., THURSDAY; OCTOBEIV 5, 1899. Single Copy 5 CeJts -- - A YOUXG. MAN DEAD. Death Robs Mr. Walt Barringer and . Mr. Wm. Bradford's Barn Burned Wife of Their Eldest Son Had i Wednesday Nipht -wo EincMuIes Reached the Age of Nineteen Years. and a Horse Perish In the Flames. Death visited the home of Mr. j On Wednesday night numbers WattBarringer in No 9 township noticed. the reflection on ; the sty robbing them of the oldest child of a large fire west of here. It of the home -Wednesday night. ' was the barn of Mr. Wm. Brad Just as he was leaving the days ford .burning.' Mr. Bradford of youth and preparing himself ?lwes; in Mecklenburg county for the journey of lifef con- just across' tie - Cabarrus county sumption gained a hold upon his line a: short distanbe. ! body, which meant death. - , I Some one from in that neigh He was-19 years of, age. Last borhood brought tne news Here, winter he had a severe case of His large barn was burned;, la grippe. He never recovered and two fine mules and one Horse completely from it and the also were consumed, severer ' disease gained hold, j This is the second fire that has For several weeks he had been confined to his bed The remains will ' be interred at Poplar Tent tomorrow To Bd Married Tonight.. This evening at 8 o'clock in the Baptist church Miss Jennie Sapp, of this placeand Rev. JE M Davenport, of Coin jock, N. C, will be united in marriage by Rev. B Lacy Eoge. Mrs. F V Barrier, Mrs. Chas. Brown, Mrs. Gourley, and Mr. Wade Kimball, relatives of the bride, arrived this morning from Salis bury. The bride and groom will leave tomorrow morning. Mr. Mark Morrison to Wed. Some time ago we hinted the fact that Harrisburg was soon to have one "of its citizens lead a married life. It will be on the5 25th of this month at Clifton. S. C. The party -is "Mr. Mark Morrison WHo wiil marry IVlissf Williams. Mr. Morrison has for the last while been beauti fying His home at Harrisburg and is now most comfortably fixed and congratulations are in advance deserving to thr couple. At Forest Hill M. E. Church. A large number attended the meeting at Forest Hill Methodist church last night and an in creased amount of interest was mani fested. Twenty or more rose to their feet in the congregation for prayer and two came forward. ' Four Days of Fighting. There has been more or. less activity in the Philippines for the past several" days. It is said that there have been four days of '.fighting. Capt. Eldridge, of the 14th Infantry, and Lieut. Grubbs, of the 6th, were killed. There were ten or twelve men killed or wounded. Three men on an out post were killed by the enemy, Gen. Otis says, from lack of due care or over-confidence in .the natives. . A good quantity of ammunition was captured from the enemy, but no cannon. The enemy retreated, as nsual, leav- mg nearly 100 dead. Yellow Feier Still Lingers. Yellow fever still drags its ex istence. The frost was not ef fective in ttie lower latitudes. The reports are as follows: Jack son Miss., One new case and one death. To date 15 cases, five deaths and two recoveries. , iSTew Orleans, five new cases and . one death. Key West 27 new cases, no deaths. HIS SECOND FIRE. .visited Mr. Bradford. Numbers of years ago a fire' fobbed iim of a considerable amount of cot ton, etc. Luther Oiercash Captured. For quite a while Sheriff Peck has had papers against' Luther Overcash, of the western part of our county, whoSas wanted for car- ryingja concealed weapon. But he is ca'ptured now, and will be tried at the coming term of count. He was captured Wednes day evening by Jailer Townsend and Mr. Billy Caldwell. His Father at the Point of Death. .Mr. M D Schubert will leave to night for ' rostoria, 01 ' fl!e ' Has rdceivd the news that his fatner is at . the point of death. Hii f ither is now 87 years of age; She Conquered the Germans nVFrahcoernwar the ' ... ...- French hospital at Vendome was tin charge the late Mme. Coralie dahen, one of the most noted nurses of the time. There:xilde"d by two nurses and seven Chris tian sisters of mercy, "she rd ceived thousands of French and German soldiers. "Then the Prussian's occupied Vendome they wished to hold the ' hospital and plant on it the German Hag. But. warned of the enemy's in- tentions, Mme. Calien; early one Tonnor 4-u January morning:.' visited the Prussian general, who, sur- rmq Ktt ic oo-pp 4. iuuuucu kjj xjixo oucnii., w mo auu u v to seize thp buildinsr. ; 4 , -oir.-.sne. exciaimea. "we have received your wounded !and nursed them as though they, were our own. We will - continue to do so, but weNjwill remain' in a French hospitals ' We willnbt have it converted into a German Hospital." : :v '' , Madame,!' was the reply, "we are masters!"' . ; "In the town it may be; here, . no: was tne answer. "we: are protected by the Red Grossand the Fi-oncn flag. You have no right to touch either the .one or the other." She conquered, and from that day the utmost admiration "was openly evinced for her by "the Germans. San Francisco Argo naut. , -:. I" Fell 1,000 Feet. pes Mpines,tla., Oct. 4 Marze Townsend, of Decorah, la., about 20 years old, was killed' on the Carnival circus grounds this evening, while attempting' a par chute leap. While up lOCX) feet in the air, the parachute failed to open and he fell to the earth like astone and was picked (dp dead and terribly marierled. ' A large crowd saw the accident. ; : THE FIRST MONTH. Report . of the Graded School for the ? Month of September. . ' The following, is the report of tHe graded school, for Septem ber: , Central Building. , . . Boys 184, girls 178, al;,62V pier cent, of attendance 96; tardy I a-, Lruani i, pumsnea y; visitors 15. , . ; Forest Hill. . Boys 33, girlsr34, total 67; per cent, of attendance 85; tardy 6; truant 0 ; punished 0 ;' visitors 6. Cannonville. Boys 41, girls 43, total 84; ' per cent, of attendance 93; tardy 3; truant 1; punished 3; visitors 0. Total for September, 1899, 513. Total for September, 1898, 413. Colored School. Boys 60, girls 71, total 131; per cent, of attendance 96; tardy 13; truant 0; punished 8; visitors 37. Total, colored, September 1899. 131. ' f ; Total, colored, September, 1898, 75. . . ' C S COLER. Supt. s. : - - i ? 1 i' - i Amid all the notoriety 6f Ad- Dewey "May Wed. mirai uewey, little nas been forth-coming about his domestic relations. Since hls refurn it is fieing gossiped that; ; he is tio marr Krs.1 Sazeh, ! tlie widow bf rijreii. xiazen, ana. sisxer ;ox - lvirs. Jbm ; It McXiean , whose hospi talities he accepted while in Washington. The" admiral has been a wid oWer ' for s twenty ;y ears. : Mrs, Hazen i's said to do wealthy, and very attractive,' a genuine society lady, too, . The' hero is 62 years old. and will henceforth have lit tle -to" do but draw a fine" salary and live inJ a home given him, by areclative people. All this, beside a woman's natural pride id a husband that ' everybody is ax, aomirauon makes our Dewey a catch whose l" - ?fr vvms iw tu man- ( 1 " spurn. . us iing" ciass 01 women wouiu I w -Politeness in Edgfccomtie. Does the blarney of theTrisli more than, equal that of th ne gro? In the following instance, certainly not: Ellas Carr, Jr., some time ago, so my informant tells, on a wartn dusty road, was taking?a young lady from War- renton out to Bracebridgo. t The conversation drifted to polite ,ness, when the lady began to in- sisti that the negroes in Wat ren county were sp much - more po lite than - elsewhere. She' was" persisting in her contention till j the i carriage passed a wagon which He two had seen drive out of the'road When1 more than one i hundred yards ahead. As they passed' thfe driver, Keddick Hinysj! he doffed liis hat and Is it any wonaer we had tofiiurejin tha.'Myo?8 C jrts" far ' biojk vl a? Q said, HOwdy do, Mr. Elias, I' he town.; ; Our trade makes ;it necessary. . Give ns yon r trade; that's y . , x 1 - ,x Jt "what w want. Ve need new streets and straighten old tone3 it takei jj Stopped, f earm7 1 was makin too m0ney toffet them and wearewilling tocontribate-jast keep as basyr much :v'- '-dus,.i,---Tarbor6. South- (J and we won't kick--as:we haventtime. U erner. ."" ft&t&smiGKSSK Tne Wothinirtaiin prop- We are expecting a Car of Fu rniture today. prompt and' permaueut cures Have made it a great favorite uith tne-people every wnere. r or sai bv 'M. L. Marsh & Co.. Drnggists. J - " Your Home Paper. ' ; You may be able to gef?a large city paper filled with murders, COCk fifftitS: sRfiafi rfaT 'oKacfePXtf for less nioney than : you pay for o : , : v., your local paper, but. these city papers never advertise your community and r make the prop erty more .valuable. ; They do Jriot : help along ; your schools ; Churches and public enterprises; they do not, pub ish ' your t home news; they say; nothing good of you, your town, or your neigh5 borhood; they take no interest in you. A gpod newspaper is as much of advantage to a twn or county as are good schools. Stand by your home paper, it "will stand by you, and is ever on the look out for your interest. Selected. A Forest on Ice. One ol tie largest forests in the world stands on ice. It is situated between Ural v and the Okdotsk sea. A well was recent ly dug in that region, when it was. found that at a depth of 300 feet, the ground was still frozen.Times-Visitor. PERSONAL POIN TERS. G T? .Ould, of Lynchburg, - iVa;; is here today. i?r tv f . V" Mr- S F Stephens, of Char lote, was here today. Mr, Jpies yprke went down to Albemarle this morning. I , f tMr. ,ii ;Ed. Correll returned this morning JronviAlbe- marle. ::: : ,- r-Mrs. Q J I)urham , and little soi. rettirnfed,;, $o . Bessetoer this ni(jrnmg.;i4;ffi.' H Odell acfebSy&iSd-ber: : : MrsJij'pear-vpf'-f.!,Kin,j ston, is Hfe today! Mrs. Beard is the authoress of the book, 1 'A Peserted Wifel 3V wriich is written frdm her owfi-experience. t:JL' JL tSSSSSSSSSSSXSSSSSiX. j - t . . BELL, t t . P. S. Somethk, new in town. Ye Spring Mattress, The Best in town. ' "mi ram,? - at 1 J. Eivin's. I ', j - . ' ' j -.- t ;,. - - -- ' :. ... . . -i T .;: t f .For Owftr Mrs. Wmslow'e , Boutbii ft . byrup has been used for orer fiitv tar bv mil lions of mothers' for their children "Y. eetning ; witn perfect race ,-while teething; with perfect success. It boocqos we- cnirf Boitns tne crum4 y8 all pain, cures wind colic, and i Lthe bet remedy for Diarrhoea. It will ately ; Sold by drufffrist8,In, every part of the world .Twenty-live cent a bet tie.; Be Bare andf ask for "Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup,"; and take no other kind v. Mackintoshes,- Etc., . . ... . . . . - all of 1 store at LUb H.L.Parhs wet Calls for ubbe Wnich be fouiid at tHis reasonable price & . With a car of TRUNKS. Oar -load of BTOVJES. Car load of OH AIRS, and' the Thil Car of SPRINGS in the last four months, all in this week ma DDIO Q S-n rlAnKlb CX OCJ. weary ones lie down an h 0 ,'oinhtion. liell, Hur. Lj Co. -1- V A - i A