., ' ... ... ' - ' ' - ' t . . V s . . . -, V M All 'I Price $4.00 Fer Year CONCOUD, N. C., WEDNESDAY, OOTOBEK 11, 1899. . .hiDgIeiGi)py 5 Cents ANOTHER ENTERPRISE PROBABLE, j Mr. Kent Ulalr To Probablj Open a jmm Thflrft The School Bovs tri uw 7 v - - iv Ha? iue Their Fun Persona! Written for The Standard. j to Mlssonri-Olher News. ' Mt. -Pleasant, Oct:' 10; and Mrs. Jas. P.Cook, were thd;iOtiGAiffeCH, a &ifSn guests of Captain Cook toaay.' Un9W5WuityV?: a restart Dr. Kent Blair, ot Charlotte; passed through here todW on his wav to Albemarle. Dr. Blair will probably put a stock of drugs in the old Cook &. Foil buildg in tho near Mr. in sclio in Concord OockSafrit.wnVnbe ol here:lef t f or. hia homa'W alfT?Ehe xt we re'interred in tfe cemetery. . , , ..W I0r13'nme.hear-0:rit is ri-.ir r.- nu j"--?' this mornmsr. where it. waaVni 1.1.: iiv ta .1 v ' -a -m t :.; he has accepted- a;-position- as ..KocKWeu. -.roller- mills.. wifVi at ,.. 5 Ana' Jiwri)ieTOMTT'??'.tWJ1; a mills in that place. r - .i m rl. x ivir. iarry jp on, son oi mr.L J Poll; who has been sick of the - - . , ' - fever, is getting.., :alpng very . . Some rff the College students1 hadauite a i oil v time last niht : xt: e 4-iT- at the expense of one of their fellows. A certain young the- ologue suggested a raid on a wink was given and Mn a short ' while they could; be seen gather- ing green corn just in the rear of Dr. Foil's. The usual pistol shot r. v j . v was fired and .away went the rogues. Wnen next seen, the young thaologue was standing in the "Prep Hall", with one small green ' "nubbin", hat next? ' f Miss Ida Allen, of Durham," who has been vistinig Miss Jen nie Skeen for the past few days, has returned to her home. Miss Daisy James, wlio has been visiting relatives in Rock Hill, has returned home. Miss Blanche McAllister, who' has been suffering with rheuma tism, is improving. T W ft . - Their Annual Meeting Htld. The stockholders of the Con cord Telephone Co. held their annual meeting Tuesday night. The officers of the past year were .re-elected, which are as follows: Dr. W jc ; Houston, President; Jno. P Allison; Vice President; LTD Coltrane, Sec retary and Treasurer i)r: W H Lilly and N F Yorke, directsrs. The other officers of the organi zation are also directors. The re port of the business was gratify, ing to she -stockholders.- . . , Miss Margaret MicCall Weds. Today, the 11th, Miss Marga ret McCall, who some months ago visited Miss Janie Ervin at this place for some time, wilFbe' mar ried in Raleigh to Mr. Wm. D Carmichael.'' Miss McCall is a chariaing young lady, very pop ular and well known in different parts of the State. Mr. Carmi chael is a prominent educator and has been connected with the Durham schools for some time. Converse Gets $500,000. The late D E Converse left one third of his estate to the col- leco that "ho fminJ ' mi,:,: " I seems Converse is the fortunate donee ofj500,.0QQ., Policeman Blackwelder found TlJraeater Tuesday night. 1 i ow waB deaf and dumb. N othing was dong with ; i M Man ,n j,, ' -.-;. : i r : t A -.; , . and Bites Animals A Profitable Move JWtief vMMjW attacKea by a mad, . doev v-Cha ... ' V J - 1 1 a III 1 I Sfim'Mf' WieM tuTd ;th"f Mrs. MaryiLRoberiHofiWJ cnnri " ' , V 'i"!! i?' . Vbnrsr.;-;Mrs. -Koberta-is a.dauisfhter of tlie 'ate ' Christ0T)hr' ww 1 ! ..locv.-. ? juu&x , Mrgsn vCnurcD. About thirty years ao Mr. Ear wiih; is :familyv inioved to 'Missouri, and homesteaded so-re public TatidsU SoonSS was bu -It and. station . located' :on his land.' nArOund thidJa town considerable health by selling ;.s;'5.r;:'. y--v 'J Miss Effie Kluttz, orsran5st at Organ churchtrhas (secured aTo sittoti m the miUmery depart- ment in G W Fink's new depart- ment store. 1 5 0 srr r - - .. a, '- 4.'--' " ' '' '' ' v ' Arthur Bost, who attended the school at Chma Grove for two and a half months, is at home. He says be came out a full- fledged M. D., (mule driver) as he has been driving (plow) ng) a mule since he is at home. (mn7l3monJma6t.'!ng at : QrgaYr church the fourth Sunday of this month". Preparatory Services ok Saturday at l:3Qj). m. From the Village of Glass. Written foriThe Standard.-'.' v . 1 Glass, Oct. 22:-r-Rey0sW B Oney preached a fine sermqn at! vouim uiuvu uxiuxuxi icao ou J - diy. - There was no ;preachng at Bethpage. The . Southera- Railway has heel doing scnie" work on our de pot the Jast few days. X -Some5 of 'the imp;; in:h Mr Hammond's school will graduate in' a few days. Be says :j!?irds are right plenty this year. Miss Carrr'e GUlon is, visitiig in Rowan and wiU return home ! Friday. ; ? ;! .-. j Ilirntw ; 1,4., . . 7 -4 r There was a) little cuttmcr affair . . " , . two miles north oV.,this place bunday evening, but no one was seriously hurt. i r NA , m?tin? . will s pommence at BetHpage church on Friday. , be f ore .the fourth Sunday. " Miss Maggie Brumley, of For est Hill, is visiting friends here this week. ,; ' " v ; Duiing the 'ciyil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diar- i rho'ea was' 'nno nf fh mAI frn'nfilrimKA HVoc.a i had to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. Dayid Taylor, of Wind Hidge, Greene county, Pa., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never" found anything that would give him such quick relief. It is tor sale by M. L. xlafsh & Co.. Druggist MAD DOG SCAREi s! lfAl .'weaKtiesa esiiy cured w i &ae44,, r.iuie'Ne-vaiasii ' Miss Ella Powell Dead. ; . k : ? About two years ' ago a ,. lady named Miss Ella 'Powell came to this place, from Virginia I and .was an operative in one of the cotton 'mills here. -S Some time ago she was taken sick, with id ' fiver and "de'spite all Car and attention possible death TOs the r,estilt, i n Shift died Tues, at ' CannonvUle' . ltShai' rfu . ;!-' -i'-1 to , -'- Hi " Mr.. Geo.' A titford, wp each young la3y and , hadno elatiyes hW;' He funeral was preached I fiir ' Kaxr ' W Smith n.t, Mrs W otthotexspf this septibn haVe ; interest Of H''l!i -BUCKlen & CO..!,,,: -n ,4.; spent1 Tuesday here. Mr. Let- ford is known in many States as 1 1 - ' -. i tuu raveiimK 5PJri.i)Uadisii ana bumbers,bf ..place's always look', r T ,vo mm V HUUttU V'11" ! ingj giving some demonstration ' bf 'his ;splrituaiistic worC . Mr teiford has had ouite a number 111 ,c i . . . . in ciroihs of spebtatorsl He is a firm beliver in this religion . f II l. J MIMW 0 -'WIJM j ' iii Eefience Witn a TVlieat Brill; j One of Mr. Jno. -S - Turner's sons had an experience last Mon day evening 'after leaving here with ! new wneatH 'drill; 3 The tamfan away,- breaking the 'drill t s . i . w i -s i t i slightly . and came near dragg him., - He saw- in time that one . the drills were 1 going to ; hook j him and quickly gave a. kickK Which broke the drill'off. It was a! fortunate kick. ': Cotton SligMly Off. y X I Cotton has been-' up VoTJ&O "on Our 'market here1 within the last Week but it is off slightly how, ( iki& 1 best bririging .f 7. 60 ; while mbst of it being1 bought for 7.50r One - hundred, bales were on the market V today' Nfejied day) at press time. NO CURE. NO PAY ;5 -;.t ' i 1 ii Tthat is" tbe. way all druggists sell Grovel Tasteless Chill Tonto for" chills and MtkUria. It is simply Irdn andi Quinine :n a tasteless f orm . :Chudren i iiove it. (Adolts refer it to bitter, nan- ieatiitfe'Touica'r Price. oOb." - ' War Seems Inevitable. 1 To-iJi numan appearances tne last ray Ol Jiope tiiciu vvai: iu tilt? r 1 , v - . A , Transvaa! was to be averted has fled: Those , sty r ay Dutchmen have taken ; the; aggressive and sent to the "English practical ultimatum that named - 5 o'clock today" (W ednesday) . as the period be lauded on Africa. Yon a8suin hnv. rjhamberlain's Colic.1 CHolei a antl Diarrhoea Remedy,., tOLti Marsh & Co. will refund your money if you are nbt satisfied after using it. It U Aeybrywhere admitted to be the most success- atwMcHacomp-iance. wouia Dff; , ,ls rf Jttl ...f Tv- - ii3 coafeidei-ed ' a practical declara- SJM..v;;. tea woVl ai vawr-U ; - w, r: , A tion of war.,; It is hard'y: sn- . Vs!lt ,;, sain it b ojyj J1rkC!!fiJ'ii' f ' is poskble that .Gfeat Britian tf iv', Sm lJUtjfc2e4t' accede.. One of , the Boer.de ov; '. ,:finx!i ii;;,.r.-;:!-v!i ,,.,.., snviA .-.t now Oil the high seas Shall' not ... , t.ji,. 7oh Va'wWiVovli:a.fl -attnrAKSfis.-Trji : t i ; Vi any part of SdlltH v -good but .some. arjgt.Je.tter- othbrs. "$epf ou .toyat ;;-ho A xGv4 Felt, Acma .'Sprjig, Nortec jpn,;. 'Sea . Mos Pineui:,;;, . ; itt mJ. ri 0 Gurled-Sairi tfoFtdVCotfan Htisk?ast; .bui by fvJ fnl-rnmedv in nse lor,DAWlcamvvivv nlainis and the onlv onfe tiHt! never fails. It is pleasant, safe i : ui and reliable. Charles B. Aycck for C jvernor. : The peopie of North v Carolina will in a ; few . short months be casting about, for a RmtahWrrfY . tried men all over the .State ' and: the people would be delighted to! honor all of . them. But if i;there- , nQ man amaQg,a1 these who; shoulders above rhis d eliowsJ -that man is, Charles r p. . nAycock,- of Goldsboro.d In- ayeryi batirpaign he. has- thrownrhimself I m 'tHej tipest pi ithet fight, y and when ever there arose aTGolialiin "the ranks of the opposition,' ' Aycock" has beenfi the- David' ti do the business for him. If the wished any f weight ;m Democratic ' co iventions, . 'f that matchless cani? paiguer and true; loyal mNoiW J MfJ , State. -Lexington Dispatch Tl T7 r C rXT t T- ViAVvrmn-rtpi v "mayor lvieans recurnea nQnje lasj nisrht. ;T)IIi: is jou hi tut II', th s morn In e for New York. 111 marie. tllfTIPfl T Charioite, whei she, ent avtdna tile bedsioB'oriMiss Julia Gray. Misi Ja worse- at j i a ,i . .v yesterday. v,v.-.- a; f ,inwww " for governor of this great StateifWi&jw mar, of New Yo:k. arerLeratto ar. ck. r- day. Vfc :-Mr ;p Bjtranto lOh home ih's mn,Ti tut frm,A.ll ; 5 -rtoa OiXi dVK.w . . . r iHVBura . iKRT.v 1 s n um.inQfl.T'' 1- 71 'i. ; " 1; rr 1 i ' 1 1' . . n ilioll ..ilUu I I 6 t&WA ;.r 0 Taoil3aoeo4ii! fnrthfl-mi inns w fl.-mivi' oatjjrassps lu - suare. . v.uii- , . r.ferenceis comings -Jon'tr forget usXyife rel unlo,adi a, , -. v .vJ solid car oBedstQdayaJidlcar '&$$Mjk& m&' -a ' - -We; arpaioui( sQAvjqgKl akua4o3k adTJr.lineof , Cafpots. aagentsW.S1 DoD,llarest,; ; . . . ahufaQturo;4i: lell, Harris &l. Go. For Ovr itV Tears,. .; "j Mra! Window's- Somite-' S?vVnn been used for over fifty y ears by mil- I of miothers focrxtheir children ?M&&&&? KiiniMBi TD . nmifl' .CilftuhC 4hA'n -V ft . . . slowaolipxrjuii'andltake no other?1JjoO - ai .ioO .0 X ,aa'oooO i .itwcs s.V; .assort rMWi Plaid efFecte'liey ar B 111st Wll St. wm h o tta ;aiag assolmeiit"dif 5 ' I0C Tt025a: yd. C- .41 1 - W 4 v- - . T.-v i Vi LTT T-iT. r-;1 - r"..' TW tTV.'iM riV? faCKage OI neVT ; I -. . . . . . . . are r e Wetew4tii .the newest fivef A 1 -ways RladQfidvV newgoods. .41 --- - i - -' ' ' H.L.Parft, - . , 1U es -tc:;sq -T 0-7 iff ilf havme t?u