NO OTOE. $0 PAY That is' the Vay-all- druggists sel -Grove' Tasteles Chill Touio for chille and. "Malaria.";; H ,-is simily. Ironand umme hi a tasteless form. ChildreD oveit. Adults refer it to bitter, nan- WWW K7 Jlasa! CATARRH. In eXl its stages tbero tfhonld be cleinlines. the diseased membn:iie. . It eqreafatarrh and drives jtway .a cold in tbo head quickly: . 1 Cream Balm la placed Into the nostrils, sprtads mx the membrane and is absorbed. Relief Is im mediate and a core follows. . It is not drying floes not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 eenta at Drug to&or "bVjnaili Tnal Size. 10 cents b malL "" Jttir Bli01?HRS, 66 Warren; Strtet,lfeW tto I AM PRfcM&ED TO DOAHY - , THING IN - i .,..1 Plumbing, Steam Fitting and . iElectric Wiring; I HAVE SOME NICE Bath:Tubs?;:; . ON HAND. y El. AVAUJJV JLk3JL-L I04. B I C YCLE S Jiepaired Promptly and atisfac ? ' tion Guaranteed. rU FRESH FRUITS And Vegetables irjf ;stcat E. L. LIPES ' - 4--r 4t-t rr Vi "ttt vf - . ' ' 1 ' ' i.' u;'!W' Tiie LoTe Letter Answered. . one. oi some greau ..uvtjuv, A short time ago wo published has lailed to occur. ' It shelters. a -Model Love Letter," coming :A x ' ; 'a-VXv laugheth at fear andispurfceth out from-the pen of the editonof .the to .., ... c . w . . , . r ' immense discharges ' of the Monroe'Enquirer. One of pur correspondents is the author of kbtfscb," iiko melfod lavafroin. inswer 10 it. , r. ... the turbulent mouth' "di an affeo 'Y60 KNOW'."-' tionSfe ' volcano:' "1A. bountiful - 3 Gjpp rjj 1 1 1 the following answer to it: , ' Dearest" WK!1g 'languidly: sitting under theiiT -Af -nrW .ir ovr. irz & hi4 twiii&ht: rs;zi ' i;0fo, tth melodious , notes i:f- u v In use for orertf ettrs, ha,,boniV .tn;; snature or 01 a piamwvor iuiu ut. iw meeting. - Your benismant smue I plaintive on tEe;"back"fence,; what sh nfthl rmncrviiSfou since its infancy. ?uldJ1 is like & ffentle rii)tl bti the sur-l; t AtibdWi to deceive Jrou 6i this. receivebut your own deaf.letter fce f anrlKiakedf horhe-H V All CoWteiiati Bsc perlments tnac trino muv ana cauaiijrer i uo v CiJUHixeiirisrpenexiGo giuiuii '.ajsro fmriin&hdBeyd pUnita6lasS6s; arid "tHeodor of i . PmJI words coaled' rtwo . inches r picy bre"dth' b-ringsbaclr ! i Jf tfiicfe with-sugax of sweetness. I iftsaiJgigrTiit ArillL -.- t 'vi can't find adequate words td pro- sinelimcal;ion" of s6ddriferou9 k r A4 TO rQulgatemy xalorific; esoteric ;Limburger cheese; v Your ruhy ''(b feelings, as our - dictionary 1b ithtioneV drips. "They are i iatt UtfiiiiI-feB "is- Hciincalcss fund"' J?li8pji.t -1 eBdin : vapation ahroad; 'butv Mlg whicn-arisein the treat the last day of school, it the iniddle of nekt week. ; "Tons f 1 : rd' en;- was chock full of the very quin- Qf succulent kisses are smeared tessonce of double-distilled sweet- about over the' suburbs of your ness,: with , & large ? yeih of roseate face like soap-grease on delicious, honey-dripping" love the interior of a lard jarlled runtogall toough H, with peas. Little Cupids ire ing out in places, like a small boy's picnicking about - over head from .r a window of the ciassic countenance, 'and the school nouse wnen tne circus or thrilling melody of your stento- aioaa oi early watermelons rcgrnlates the natural sleep The Children'o-Panacea The Mother Friend. Bearp tlo Signature of : riah voice is" uneaualed bv anv- passes by. I was charmed by Ug other than that ' which pne.quaim, styie ofi numor oozmg iSSUos from an up-to-date frog out from your unique epistolary pond after a summer : 8hower. dissertation;;, and whilo rami- Qne wee smack of your luscious, noting thereon Uke an unsophis; rubicund lips is worttl a wWle cicateil goat on the coiinty-seat hogshead of the nectar which of M.,9id Pair 9f pantaloons, my jupiter sips and a swig o' cider heart unconsciously capitulated to boot. While restirie- mv .un- WinteriSCominir. r070 esffh worthy head on-ybur maaly VY ill li i3vuiiuii,M surrounded it like the rubber tJ f The pid ToaiaveAMOTS Bought ; ODELL I ALEEADY HAVE jON; , cpyer of a base ball in5th bot- C(J ct M(;k liko Wry HAND THREE CARS 0F Wffl .,-ttu, vr i. ""6 pumpkin vine 'around" an old t II. t 'yi??a? a stump, I am' as hear Utophia ani vciiivv- vwai iV v,tv:r vfi"- tne capital of the couy.:as PniniiriPTIiniMP'Tnrin AnhaTeteu nloaasonth. JfeJflT d products Ul A llll FACT U UHI b LUL1P l It is' time for yon to Jeiy .m a rappiy joji 7T7r . ' ., A , 01 ,111 ice-cream iacrory, or qis- the winter, isn't , jtt I alsoye wara ine canine cavivy mx uuu- pumfeVwitn-liiaA'as tb lerrv aosr-cone id . jviy loveasri; ii, t, n-1 T v ''tr. , ".cr U- 7 v i I uv" .J vxig u.ciu. uuii lay hand the best of antracite coal J West - v 4 1 r '.er' )i MAarFACTUnERS OF . m muLicc 1 uc 1 qA-x-i 0y; , moofiugy " lip, iicTiens of affectibnalihdifference, f -The tax books -for .1899 have L v 5 'a a ui but-now it is a tropical Africa I f-' been placed in -my bands iorK-e -v--:jA;. JSL, W1& the mosqmtoes all .trails: iiaXy. anflall teinavAwi are ns low. Your precious eyes . r;w' V, q; a , requested to, come,. forward: are like golden stars of . promise flint of- y0ur -iheart tihlck pay.thejr taxesat once !; ,; piping out through fr:Sery ta0-.OpaqueiSteer:of i'mi. and U - .. v City Tax Collector. nose nGvar havine Doked itseU scintillations touched the V ,.: , j. kT.. JbS? - V f der-ot -my-afEections and ; i-Vl oivLDlii r FP , Comr.leTion,and iWlvvT,. FINE Gangli ams, ?j. - T? . J" ' blasted away the rocks of ; . rOTXOB; :m;-hereby given that and has most wonderfully. and . I , r, a notftf or glOO dated Mav 1895 manrerence, ana uneartnea r on J W Gannon has been lost or w iaiisibn " " The glorious fountain blissil love ) stolen-and parties are warned p4Aef " 'i px , V , t. growing up as calves of the stall: notto tror-same, ,Hl . . cipient mustache whwh fts m most 4elicitously h to . ; 1 ,-l 'Z' J-.O Wirg:,. under the, dropping.Qtrour inform th&t r uiobsuuuug. MW1W 'll.i.a. velvety to tOBchand; reminds "TT' 77 TTTTO , 'e"tJ,.;,Vijvt gr r5 1 Vonf. affections., in- a : vneaf little I , z A NIGHT OF IERR0R. ; ; package, pds't-paid.., Iaencloso Plaids, r o rves M jiiifflffws,. SKIisfe'iS !SSiiSrS ;.M3Ma' .-,,.,, ,::uie aocvors Biiia sue cuuiu noi rr' wij -" - ' -j s Wfr PQllllBi I mucoiu, wuu aiKmiwi iieriuajr oiomug i suiiu sit on your I . MrMlWGMtW fourfnl mVHt "All t.hilnbht k'i'tit-? VMwiJ i 1111 nucoaiai; "::"::"20O:'tons- :i';AIsoTAaii.BM - Good Smith ' Coal. Gall and iget I morna. : but ' she begged for Dr. "'.TTllW?E&SjfTKBiIi:'.1lBIOHT:AIfD ilTSmaVyou iSnw.w!, J haa more ,tnan ouce eavea ner TArRmiio ieot esent n an-iMiafssI hi ett.wa had. curea her of con- in this and close counties. Salary pod sumptionv'Affjr three small "doses " a VeaTaM 'e she Slept .easilaU1 its fide, no more, no less salary. Position uo " J- -i' j JiSnK bar referencel; an bank further use conjlectpd her." V'in'-anytown; It' is mainly office work This marvelous ft . i ibeuicine is she mjiist floon Dneu-IK Vnni. ai ..iihui ' , - A VMTT!' Puiinp; tne ciyil war, as well as J . ' ' .-1- ret merunacaise ' conducted at home. Beference. En- Lnaranteed To , jyo$ ' ajl , throat, close self-addressed stamped envelope. I, a iWaUH RfJ ot. - , Jand ei.OO. Trial botUes free at '-MR SALE-A new Wheeler P"S fatore- . i, Wilson sewing machine with I i..-. 1:1L., .f Hi stvf rrifiV i the ,f nr.- THAT ' THROBBING HEAD- - fir1 Oall at this office5 and : ' v: ACHE at firsts-class inachine, ea l Woujd quiokly leave y0u if yoh terms ' "; : " used Dr. King's New Life J?ills. ' ' "'; , , Thousands of suffers have proved "WANTED Te. bny lOp.OW ttielf matcUesineri for sick and Diundsof old clrofP': nervous headaches. They make Svered attbe foiodry ;ate, ior blood aEd strong nervefl and : which we will py a price, buildnp yoiir health. 'Easy to burnt iron wanted. Co take. Try them. Only 25c. -AlW Pokcobp Foundry o. m jf J jFetze-Brug Store. ; . . .. UOUJN'iRY of all kind. '.- ' ' ' ' '' .-if ii;.r : i rr.i -if tiY .Vm m onr lftta vnr with Ri-n a:-: ; 3 ; ; T - wkwu, uM-i ;irrBEjOivliV 3 ."1 rnoea twas .one of. the moit'H trouDiesomer4 Qi8etLsethdrny had to eoemitb.-iM many instances it became chronic and thav old soldiers still suffer from it;Mr; David: Tavlor. of Wiridl ' Kiqe, Greene' county,' Pa.V is one Focuvfoot Wood always WantCBest of these. He uses 'Chamberlain's ! ,.. -: i w v ,r ,t ... T q 5&5ied, Diarrhoea - prfoe for xwuiwij anu nays ne never found anything that would give him such a nick relief. It ia trr cola by. MIi: Marsh & Co.. Druggist f?60 oI an'thagoods The soothing and nealing prop erties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have madeit a great favorite with the people everywhere. For sale byfM. L. Marsh & Co., Druggists "v: t Vi i rf, Q .- - . ' '... v t - -' V?V i . ill . veQmannlacriire -Vi: r i teett Go. outhcrn A- altway SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JULY THE 16TH. This eondensea schedule is hub lished as information, and is change without notice to the public: Trains leave concord N. C S.SST'A; It SW.k daily,for Eich- mond; -connects at Qreensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboro? - at Goldsboro fo Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and pointe Northi7 at Salisbury for f4she7ille, Knoxyille;and, points West. 7. 19 A. MNo. 83, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep ing Oars between New York and An CTsiaV New -York arid Tampa, Fla., and Norfolk to Charlottes - - ' 8;49.A. M. iNo:-ST. 'daily, : Wash ingtori and Southwestern limited for Atlan3rrningham Memphis, Mont omexy Mobile and New Orleans, - and all points South and Southwest Through Pullman sleeper New York to Ne w Orleans and New York to Memphis Dining car,-vestibuled coach, between WashmgtonJarid -.tlantaV 10:00 AfMNd'; 36, daily, for Wash ington, .Richmpnd, Raleigh and all toitita rNdftli. CarridsPullmaii drawing room buffet deeper,- New Orleans to BTawl ; Tcikitr Jacksonville to. New York: Pullman tourist cars from San Francisco via New Orleans and South tra Pacific Sundays and -Wednesdays. , iwa- ju. jCTo.i. aauy ior,Auano and all points Soutii. Solid train, RioI mbndto Atlanta -a . . 7:09 P. M. No.18. dai!vi04or RioiC oriois, ana uipoinxs m onil.: ' W MNoaaflyfrom Ri eifftvnQteensbcra KnoiviUo .: d Ashevflle to'CharrdtterN. O. 4i : - Ooncord c $jfcP:Mdv,tvf Washington ttnavcK)uijaw6ra-.iicnea., ior wai mgtbn land afl pdiritr NbhhT'i Throti rPimmB car Membhia eta Nfiw Tot NeQrtoanaitO-NewnTofk. Also carrifla vestibuled coach and dining car. Clo connection at Greensboro ; with sleeper ?9.Mp; 35,aiiy; foi Atlanta 5r,Ner "carries- Pullman sleeper NeWiTorkftoNewi Orleans.' Neir Yorjtto Jacksonnlle and Charlotte tP WHWl- ZrAlSO4 Pnllnaii tourist fear WaBhihgtono'Sari Francrs cd,lvia ttew Orleans Tuesday and ? Frj- wmzz-Mi m ; v J:, - 9. P.M.-No. 84; dally;: tne New York and FloridaTExDress. carries Pull- pman Sleeping Cars between Augusta ana jm ewlork. Tampa, Jfia, and New York end Charlotte to Richmond. r Car ries sleepefB Charlotte to 1 Norfolk yJa Qreenstxro . -y .First sections of regular through oj local freight- trains 'canyrssengcad only to points where they stop according to schedule. ; l 'Frank S.: Gannon, Third Vice-Pres. and Gen'L Man. Washington, p. C. John M. Culp, Traffio Manager, Washington, D, 0, W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, Washington, D. 0. G owan Dasenbery, (Local Agent, Concord. N.O'

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