LXUi Price $4.Q0 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, T ESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cv-ta I A NEGRO ESCAPES. After Two Years a Crminal Is Captured and Escapes the Second Time Per gonals. Written for The Standard. China Gvove, Oct. 16. Mr. John Plaster, who was living with Mr. Bing Beaver, of this place, died Saturday evening. He r was buried at Enochville Sunday e vening. Rev. Henderson N Miller and f nmilv. of Mt. Pleasant, are vis iting at Mrs. I F Patterson's. Rev. Miller held services at Grace Lutheran church Sunday Tand at St. Mark's E L church that night. j I Mr. Charles. Watkins, of I Spartanburg, spent Sunday here ' with his family. . Mrs. Summerville, of Durham, is stopping at Dr. J B Gaitner's. Mrs. George Winecoif returned to Albemarle Saturday morning, after spending a week at her father's. Mr. Arthur Ford, of States ville, spent Sunday with her sis ter, Miss Flora Sechler. '. Mr. Robert Lafferty, of David son college, is spending some time with his father, Dr. J S Laf -ferty. A number of our young people attented communion services at Ebenezer Sunday. , Tom Scott, a negro, who was r arrested for stealing cotton seed from Mr. Efird about two years ago, and escaped, was caught by Policeman Smith, Saturday even ing. On their way to jail the negro made his escape again. Messrs. Colin Miller and H S Sechler spent Sunday in Salis bury. He Is In Tronble Now. Graham Wagoner, a young man of Chester, S. C, son of the J W Wagoner who is confined in jail for retailing whiskey here a num ber of months ago, is in trouble hare now, and was put in" jail also Monday night. , The officers got hold of the fact that this young man was attempting to in duce the witnesses against his father to leave the town that night, Deputy Townsend and Po liceman Johnson went to the de pot and , found .the . fellow- and also the two witnesses. They were brought up town and the; young fellow, Wagoner, was tried.'' He was taken to jail to await trial in the court house, , and the wit nesses were bound over ' for their appearance at the trial. The charge against this young man is now a serious one and it is well that the officers were so vigilant as to capture the fellow before the train arrived that night. Columbia Conies in Ahead. ' 'Y The first race between the Co lumbia and the Shamrock was effected Monday, 'and the wind blew the Yankee boat in about ten minutes ahead of the Irish craft. 'Rah for 'Merikyl Cleanline Next to Godliness. ,,io!rfoySi t0 keep your clothes clean and. pressed by Alexander & Hendrix. Satisfaction nl- ways guaranteed. SERVED HIM RIGHT, Pastor Oney Gets a Pounding. The people of St. Andrews congregation, have been sitting quietly and letting their pastor say f what he pleased now for some time. But they have been laying for him 1 a good pounding. They built a place in which to keep him and put him into it Monday with , the implied com mand, "Now abide there -But iyoicmwujou mvuuuu;, and when the evening shades gathered around, they gathered in and made it warm for;, him. J stock that bears up weU.vhMft -r. ; survived, and is jolly in:anc pation of augmented avoirdupqis and his spirits are light lind gaj as a prospective bridegroom's. Complimentary to Mrs II M Barrow. The Henderson Gold Leaf has the following to say of Mrs, H M Barrow, of this place, who has been at that place visiting: "Mrs. Herbert M Barrow, of Concord, one of the most devoted of the "Daughters," as she is one of the most lovable of wo" men, is attending the convention this week. As a young lady (Miss Maggie Garret, of Halifax,) Mrs. Barrow was a frequent visi tor to Henderson and her pre sence gives pleasure to her many friends and admirers among our citizens.? .WitJbiv her bright and j beautiful little daughter Adelaide" she is the guest of Mrs. . Man ning." Taken to StatesYille for Trial. Mr. Jas. S Free, of Asheboro, who is in the revenue service, came here Monday night to take Geo. M R Cline to Statesville for trial for violating the revenue laws. Geo. Cline has been con fined in our jail here for four months, and it is , thought that, owing to the fact that he has been confied here so long, his sentence will not be very long. . He Gets His News Directly. v Mr.1 W G Boshanier, who is manager, of the market quota '.- 1 . t . i .-.'it ;' - - . - '' tatioris for Murphy & Co. of New York, is not satisfied with a wire from Richmond, Va.Jand his company now has a wire running into., his, office directly from New York,iand he gets the quotations iniio waycurtailed. MrS -McDuffie, a telegraph operator, arrived here Monday nisrht from 5 Reids ville to take charge of the instruments. t ' : The Concert Next Tuesday Night. - Quite i an-amount of good music j 1 has-been -recently obtained by the band and it is their intention & give acbheert on ' Tuesday night of next .. week, in Caton's hall. There will also be some vocal music in the program r: by "... " it some of our best home talent. ( THE BE3T PRFSOETPTION CHILLS FOB a)d fever is a bottle z' Urove's - Taste leK?t flhill Todkj. Never f nils to: cure; Then why experiment; win worthless imitations? . Price 50 cents. Tour monev back if it fails. to cure. . . CURE A COLO IN io2 DAY ! Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugrgists refund money if it fails to cure. 25o. The genuin has Jj.l B. Q eachutablet, .V ..... 1 Committees Appointed to Secure Homes THe four ministers of the Methodist churches here, to gether with a number of the stewards of the churches, met Monday night and appointed comf mittees to secure homes for the ministers and delegate that will be here next month to attend the Conference of theWesterti North Carolina districts iAt present 317 people have expressed, their intentionf coming; : Th minis- iqT oi eacn enurcn witn two sxew- ards, compose the committees. Central M, E. church-hM three teajfds .appointed VWith heir. Guilty, l::&S$pfffi Jn6. QbWmaBnd' J'.C' BlacU for an "' was;. tried .Monday taf ter- jiconiHoriTheo F Kluttz and i uage montgomeryv sppe m ae fence of Mr, Foremati, while SoUcitbK.RusH-'pr Mr. Black -submitted to hiM, part of the i MrayX; Judge Bobinson compietea ms pnarge xo tne 3 ury at 6.30 in the eveninigf ;;The jury rendered their -verdiqt Jthat Mr. Foreman was not guilty It will be remembered thajliliis affray occurred at Brown's stables that afternoon before 'thai shoo tins' affair of that night severaLmonths ago. Officers for the Company Elected .A meeting of the . Cabarrus Black 'Boys . was ' held in their armory Monday - night. This meeting was held for the pur pose of electing the commissioned officers. Mr. Eli Golds ton was elected as their captain, Andrew Grier first lieutenant, and Garah Caldwell second lieutenant. PERSONAL POI NTERS. -Mr. Gray Barber returned to Charlotte last night. Miss Pearl Brown will leave tomorrow morning to attend the State fair. s., " -Misses Constance Cline and Chassie Brown returned to Eliza beth College last night, - ., For rtitr Mrs.; Winstbw s Sootbinflr- Symp has been used i6t over fif tyyealls by miU lions bti mothers ior their ;C children while teethinsr, with perfect success.' I soothes the child,' softens- the giims allays U painreureS1 wind colic, and is tne oest remeay ior .uiarrnoea; wii relieve the poor" little sufferer? immeui atel v. Sold by drugffists : in every part of tne world. ' Twentyflve ' cents a- bot tle. 3e sure and ask f or Mrs Win-slows- Soothing Syrup;' V and tke no other kind . . 5 v fTrtidachr ttnn4l In 20 minute toy Dt Vaik Piu 'Qno cent a Ucauv." - .- -J ' " ' 1 " .... i - a y&A 'MaMz - tr ttw .-tai. ...... i m m i!t !V . AT t i - MID I Howard Alpine This time it is Some days ago we liad was a grand success ma is. 4 ' lust what they expected. We aavertised bargain shoes had bargain shoes, and sold oargain snoes. commencing nexr viaay. Oct. 20th, we will put on our counters 500 Sample Hats at less than manufacturer's cost. We bought them cheap and are going to sell them the same way. We savthat we will sel you hats at Half -Price and we mean it. The sizes are mostly 7 and 71. So if you have the big head iiist a little you can get favored. They will be Placed oh counters m the front of 4;he store sam6 as bur shoe sale. Each lot wiibfei cefilJy marked aud you can make your selection: 4 r V $2.50 and $3.00 hats go at $1.48. $2.00 and $2.25 hats go on counter for the small price of $1.25. $2.00 hats and $1.50 go on the 98 cent counter. Other Men's hats as low as 25 cents, worth double the price. Just think 500 mens hats and no two alike. Oh, my, want we have a'crowd. You never saw such Prices as we will have on fine hats. You want to be here Friday or Saturday for Monday you might haveto take Hobson's choice. ; ' TTTf - These cool mornings should push your thoughts, towards Underwear and we are just the people to fill your wants.' We un doubtedly (have the most complete line to be found and the prices, 5 'be sure, we make tnem 6. K. - Friday we expect - to throw oJ pne aWe of 25 dozen Mens' Heavy Fleeced Ribbed' Shirts and DweVskold ev garment,' for a few days attho special price of 39c.,' 'of 75c. a Suit;" Everything in Women's and Childrens Underwear, wool 'or u -1 X; Worlds of Matresses in stock and a solid car: of. 100 on the way.' - Like ;,Zebanc5e's hiskv5y--allr Matteresses are good but some are better ?4han others. " . See our: Royal Felt, " Acma Spring,' Perfection, Sea - Moss, Pine Fiber,, Curled Hair, Cotton; f Cotton and Husklast but by no meansjleast our Rice Straw withvcotton top, the Mattress for the millions. ; ' We'' have' 'Mattresse3rto;;pare7 Cori ferenceis coming. .Don't forget us. 5 We - ure ;nloading a solid car of Beds today-Solid car of Sprmg.f last week. We are at vour service. s -'Take 'a look at bur line of Carpets. .We are, agents lor J. .c: J. uooson, ; :ne largest TIanufacturo of the'United States- J If you haven't time to come, 'Phone ord6rsN6.JI2:tV u!f1S 1 Bell; Harris & Co. 1 wo ot rae Leadie 5ty es. HOWARD STYLE a, Big Hat Sale. a bie: shoe sale whicli because ; ,eotle found cotton. , Big values hitched onto rft. ft it v. & PANY a

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