ft J' J V t. UHLU S! .7.. Mi' sr. I .,MEVTr Aw . wit : t it I f 1 Price $4.00 Per Yflar. AN AFTERNOON TEA. CONCORD, N. C., TfltTRSQAY; OCTOBER 26, 1899. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION; Mrs. Jas. W Cannon Entertains a Larse ThA p0rtiA TI " ' I eopIe in 0nr Newly-Acquired Ter- Number at Her HomeAn Occasion To Be Remembered Long. Written for The Standard. ' On Wednesday , from, four to six Mrs. James W, Cannon re received a large number of her friends at an afternoon tea, ritory Called Upon to Obserre the Day -pec.iaj fall for Church Services. . Washington, Oct. ' 25.Th'o President today issued the follow ing. Thanksgiving proclamation : "By ThePresident of the United States : : - ' UA PROCLAMATION. - national custom dear tp he Single Copy 5 Cents Fetzer, J M Odell, W R OdelL John C Wadsworth,M C Duseri bery and : James- C Gibsori. The guests were welcomed ' in the front hall ;by Misses SaUie iErvin and Nannie" .Cannon! V Misses Alice Jones Mrs. Cannon and Mrs Douglass 1 v, . ?-lonal custom dear t(?-the 4. j ' . v: , hearts ,f the people calls for tha were assisted receiving hv ' - ! : :J-.-1'. p "e AUvLU ,r y, : 'ih - ? , by setting apart of one day in, each Mesdames Elija Cannon,: D P ( year as an' occasion of1 fecial Cannon, W;CTAiexanr, ; thanksgiving to ; .A1mighfcy'(ibd Henderson; John Allison P bI blessings of ; thejpreced- .0 j A uunorea od servance. , acquires wittf v time a tender significance ItOenriches domestic life. ;It, summons. . un- -der the family: roof the absent 'o.Viilrimn r l y3". .'iul! 2 -mi xi. iu giau jLouuion witn thosethey' love. ,. ry , ."Seldom.has this ; nation - hai greater .cause for $ nrnfonnrt Meansj presided oyer a bpwx great pesti- delicious ; frait frappe, , while "s?d oxxr shPret Misses Margaret -Allison.: May f ?P? Oates. I4liiJte-m fey . , v : s " t-.fVff .warded the efforts of the -huj- Cannoum the dinnmg ropm in have come to the femo. Thb serving refreshments which one national lnances: Ha eeti' wora-peMecttLy describes j strengthened,; and pulicjcredit x vwi "". Arum scuooi,' iia;.Deen-sustamecto and; j made Marv Virginia rl GtrrfU ""CiLl fifrrinV TW oil Brown, Jennie .Gibson "and. Mary $nl Ella nnon--jmada waitresses. The parlor 'wSs Pepity while there - has .feeeni, beautifully decorated with "palmM :FPand ed and ferns, the halls wifh dahlias 3? 'ffo 0nr, national and the dinning; rpom with a pr- tlT' fTl and.SChools 'fusion of ' Asitely loVell " American pa- T , - ft ( triotjism, has, been,ealtedi. Jhose roses. v In thereception room' at1- -ftSSgefffi mining thonl tention.was:suddenly-caU-t6; 6f 't the fact that the number of la- cess have been in a large degree aies receiving was thirteen spared from disaster' arid disease it was at once hailed as . a refu- An honorable- peace has beeh. tation of th old' superstition, ratified7 with: a foreigrifnaticL since nothing 'could ''x beniOr en- with which' w.wererifcwr, arM tirely successfulthan this " most we are noW; pleasant evening. , with every power on earth. ' ' "The trust we ' have assumed Loyal to His Friend. for the benefit of the people of Editor Standard:! did, not 9,u.ba has, .been faithfully ad ef aU denominations, in order Thej Hare Passed lionolulnl that in the social features of ;the Mr. Jno. A Sims has received day its real significance mav riot a letter from v.iw oi be lost sight of, but fervent which was written' at Honoiulu' prayers may Vbe offered to the Ae - iff in the band bf : the Most High for a continuance of Twenty-Ninth -Infantry- The the- .divine 3 guidance without regiment reached there on-the which man's efforts are vain, and evening of ih:d i9fV, ur, ; for lyme; consolation to those one week on 'their way from San ;vr.-r ;rrrrr: "" XJ-fCiA? . "v. .xaucisco io Honolulu. He said inir nves lor country, that they would soon leave there t'1: recommend also ' that on bound for Manilla hioh , i , i' .... v . ' v, . w t t .... v r uivuu u T?- ay asvmay do iouna a tnree weeks' sail. ; His letter practical, labor 4 shall cease from is interesting, relating (unusuai its' accustomed toil, and charity incidents in : their ' trip Just abound toward the sick, the befdre closing his -letter - he needy and the poor.: - stated that a wbman had "In witness: whereof, I have found on board: Pressed in 'a set my rharid arid: caused the seal soldier's ' clothes acting as "a Of the United States to be affixed, newspaper reporter. ' One jof tne : "4DonetWcity bf Washing- soldiers jumped overboard and ton' this 25th:day of - October, in was lost during their sail. - v the year of ou Lord 1899, and of ' 'ir . . : .; the Indebendencfi of th TW Cle3uh?ess Nex ?odls. ; t : StathtTnri 9jfT, i - . it pays tO; keep your ; clothes ? tteitIl- t :; clean and pressed by" Alexander (Seal) v William McKinley. & Hendrix. Satisfaction always cBy thd President: ' ; guaranteed. - ' - -' ; 4V :3Secrptary of State." mm 1 Lin i inii The cool morn- 1 ..... '.'... ' : .. - mg :lrttrn ycur owiards thouglitst UlTderwe PEBSONAL JPOiNTERS. His Scorej I K6w 184. went to i ivir. &am, Houston, of nhnr, , There is not a better contribu- v tor tooUcottbiiarket rthan ' r- P JB: Ppltrane Mr Barret whorcontinues No tllis morri- , to sellf cotton 1 here each week. ' i 'Mr. Denson ; Caldwell went ast week his score was 99 l aiid up to Morganton , last night. I Wednesday ' v evening r-8o . Jiiore Miss " Grace Trb utman re 15ales wer'ebrbughtihe morning from' bales y ere taken from Cnarlbtte's r : Mrs. ' Robt.I Walthall .-and-platform -ind" brought' ;here. child returned- hbme last night! Mi) Barrett rjavsetv8 Tit fro.m Harrisburg, tK . , C ; Mr. BarreW pays ; ninety - cerits Pi uaio lor naming ii nere. i ne lasYiotbroulht7;lO. - - r we are nd prenared to fill youpwants. xviuucU drawers, 50 per (dent wool, only 95c. suit. -Pine Mririp r vests 98a Oman's SUltS,- 48c 98 c Their Sem'r-1innuai Ylslt Made. ,5 Dr. am3.MdnolnArj4. W IVTioi&itbn anS! JAiex- semi-Wntiall theV county home wuvf jau aiuu iOUll ' iuy CiclLllO LO "thS&t Bbard'of Parity, paid their-SH miikirig put their report to . send to the aprjbintedWfilTthe;: made vacant by Dr. M; L Stevens. see vnnr "fiHitn-rial "nf loof Ti. vanced. . -Thfir is a, . marVfiH I . day on Juge Robinson until progress toward the restoration ; Mr. R. W. Mood j. Married last mht Tf- T Vinri coQ U PJ healthy, industrial, conditions. W r,ntirA in tVi niiirr,w when issued, I would have and under wise sanitary, regula- state that Mr. R Wells Moody, asked you to publish this yester- tions the island has enjoyed unu- j 0f Greenville, S; 0.,, was jnar- dav 1 puai mpiiuii nom me scourge ried to Miss Virginia Green, of ui lever. iae nurncane wmcti nmim o of v, wi swept over our. new possession dav afternoon. Mr. Mood v is of Porto Rico, destroying the f known to some, persons in this homes and property of the in county. He isdenown by many habitants, , called, forth; the in-' in Stanly county : - . stant sympathy of the people of v , , , the United States whb were swift i . , NO CURE. KO PAT V to .respond with generous aid" rru j ; v, .. , & - v "- Thiit is the way all drnsrists sell to the sufferers. ' While the in- Owve Tasteless Chill Tonic tor chills aiid.i Malaria. Lfc is simplv lru and In your editorial you say that Judge Robinson "made himself absolutely offensive" to the "bar" here. He has never been offensive to me in the performance of any of his duties as judge. And, with the utmost respect, for you in this matter, I cannot concur in some other things that you say of him. ... I write this simply and solely as a duty to my personal friend. Judge Robinson and I, in politics, are far apart and we differ other- wise. But he would expeet this ' "For these X -vu u-wii. kjx. diJLLU. X Uiy .llOL, to disappoint my friends in any proper expectation. I know that, under similar circumstances, Judge Robinson would do the same for me. I would expect it of im. And T am trying to 1U:e up to this teaching: "All things whatsoever ye .would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. . Respectfully, Paul B- Means. Oct. 26, 1899: ' : Mr. and Mrs. R A Brown and' Miss: MaudeBrowh went to Char.-! lotte this morning. Mr. Joe - Barrett, of Mai' tnews, arrived here ithis morning xq collect iq.r ne sales of his cot ton of yesterday. 1:1 m - OF union 'All kinds of , Ghiid teh' s union suits and. separate suits Tin -:w;6bl or 1 cotton. We 4MSii!lctblea-- and verv '.fir .i-v : aerwear Katre 'been careful in 2 f . selectib n. GA Qmnine iu a tasteless "form, i riiidrfn Rove it. . Adults refernt to bitttr."''iiftd' leatiuu Topf Price, - - surrection .still continues in the island of Luzon, business is re- sumine: its activitv. a,nd nnnfi. dence in the good purposes of' Durham Quarantines. ' - .,' the United States is being rap-; Durham has quarantined idly established throughout the against Roxboro and South Bos archipelago. ton.Va.. on account of s.nalhov. reasons and rnv, ;c nnniptp faoMn u uuuiui6, x, miwui said but the appearance of the Kmley, President of the United disease WOuld be so detrimental States, do hereby name Thurs- to the tobacco trade . that no day, the the 30th day ofNovem- cbances wiU be taken ihat it is ber, 1899, as a day of general possible to avoid thanksgiving and prayer, to be . observed as such by all our peo- Red Hot From the Gun pie on this continent and in our " Was the ball that hit G. B. Stadman Si jt boast our We 10c. children n I ( about our and 15c. s and Misses' -;F'a;;s;t lrii:c Hose; 1 there are no better to ; be foun d. Drop in arid; see them. H.X. Parks & Co. newlv ncmiirorl iQlnnQ nc wpII of Newark, Mich., in the Ciyil War uwiy acquirea islands, as weii: Ifc caU8ed horrible Ulcers that no treat as by those who may be at sea .or ment helped for 20 years. Then crvirnT.nivirT. iA a ' Bncklen's Arnica Salve cured him. sojourning m foreign lands; and Cures Cuts, Braises. Burns, Boils, I advise that on this day religious Felons, Corns. Skin Eruptions. Best nvw- ' 0-u-n j a. j Pile cure on earth. 25cts. abox. Cure exercises shall be conducted in gonted. Sold at Fetzer's Dm- the churches or meeting places store " Worlds of Matresses in stock and a solid car of 100 on the way. Like Zeb Vance's whiskey all Matteresses are good but some are better than others. See our Royal Felt," Acma Spring, Perfection, Sea Moss, Pine Fiber, Curled Hair,- Cotton, Cotton and Husk last but by no meansy east, our Rice Straw with cotton top, the Mattress for the millions. We have Mattresses to "spare. Con ferenceis '"coming. Don't forget us. We are unjoading a solid car of Beds today Solid car of Springs last week. We are at your service. Take a look at our line of Carpets. We are agents for J. & J. Dobson, the largest -Manufacture of the United States- If you haven't time '.to' come, 'Phone orders No. 12. Bell, Harris & Go. . (A

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