The Yolinfie of Business Not Known to lumbers of People-Mr Wyatt De notes a Mill-Stone to the Orphan Asylum. ... Written for The S'mdard. . . Faith, Oct Bl Faith is growing faster this year than ever before. There is a large number of peo ple here who don't do anything but work in the granite quarries the year round, wnen tne weather is not too bad. There are thousands of car loads of , very fine granite all over this section. The rough granite is not so valuable, but the work that is put on it to get it in the proper shape is what counts. The contractors do all their busi ness tjy mail, writing and answer ing letters, figuring on jobs of dif ferent kinds and telling people what they furnish r certain kinds ework for on board of cars in their city. Lots of people get granite from this place, and send the money for it,' and never see the man or men that they deal with. They hear of them and know them as business men and granite dealers. The mail route along this way is a great blessing to this section of the country. Large packages of newspapers come to our office for the people in this settlement J T Wyatt, of this place, is . 48 years old today, and in order to remember his birthday ho dc? nates a3Q3-f oot mill-stone (now cut ready to ship) to the Oxford orphan asylum, at Oxford, N. 0. If they, or any one interested, will sell it, the money can go to the asylum, all except one dollar to pay for hauling it to the Salis bury depot from Faith. If Faith had a railroad she would grow into a city in a very short time. The people make horse troughs, hearth rocks, bases, steps, door and window sills, cemetery and street curb ing, and building stones, and many other things out of gran ite, and it will last until Gabriel blows his h orn, for we quarry hands to all come and take a rest. The Hallowe'en Party. Written for'.The. Standard. The Hallowe'en party given by Miss Jennie Smith to her niece, Miss Cassie Watson, was a most novel and delightful affair. The Smith house was trans formed into wonderland. The spooks presided over the party and their ghostly silence was very impressive. The evening was one continued surprise, and the many tests of fortune kept the company in a high state tof delightful enjoyment. The All-hallowe'en was car ried out in the decorations of the table. At supper each guest was given a candle, tied with ribbon, on which was told their fortune. It will Ions be rGtofrahp.rrid hiri tUe mei-ry guests as an event in wor lives, ana iui-nallowe'eii 1?ill 'ever-bring charming memo tics in its train. , - Mr. Quint Smith and Miss Jennie showed their wonderful talent and resources in entertain- :Rev. Z Rush went f peasant yesterday to:spend tl lew y- t t OUT IN FULL FORCE.I ine .Beethoven Club Met Wednesday Evening The First Program of the S2 Season Treated to Luscious Fruits. Written for The Standard. : Tne Beethoven Club met With Mrs. W R Harris Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The members were out in full force, and all were anxious to hear the first program of the season. - Our efficient secretary, Mrs. W R Harris, read a paper oh Mu sical History, " and to say it was well written . and full of good thought, is expressin g it lightly. Next on the program was a piano solo from Bach by Conr cord's pianist, Miss Lucy Lore. Miss Van Wagner showed her- self to be master of the piano. By request she rendered, with much expression, a selection from Paderewski. The last on program was a vocal quartette, ' sweetly sung by Misses Rose Harris, Mary Lewis Harris, Willie Richmond and Alice Sims. After enjoying a splendidly rendered program we were treated to the most luscious fruits of the season by our charming hostess, Mrs. Harris. The Beethoven Club adjourned with pleasant memories of the afternoon to meet with Mrs. M E H Caldwell Nov. 15, 1899. No Sympathy to be Show, Mr. H J Overman, of this city, representing the two Salisbury and the three Charlotte lodges, K. of P., telegraphed Mr. Jim Hurley, who is now in Albe marle, that these lodges had no, sympathy to show Editor Bivins, and that they would be content with nothing less than a full re-, traction of the charges made by his paper. The lodges in Charlotte phoned Mr. Overman that they were with him in this sentiment and would back him up. Salisbury Sun. - ; ., One Whipped and One Jailed, v On Wednesday night' Mayor Means had before him "a negro boy, Robt. Ellis and Mary Cham bers, for a little affair. It takes two to make a quarrel and so two were punished. .The boy was relased by his mother giving him a genuine whipping, which scene was witnessed uy sruiivmixu. Johnston. The girl was fined for her conduct and ordered to be confined in jail ten days. Forest Hill Meeting. , The protracted meeting at? the Forest Hill Presbyterian church has been a good one. The bad weather diminished the crowds two nights, but the services go right on. The singing continues Igopd and- inspiring, Sk great .f-. nf oninvmcnk onisrhi Lvni probably cloG the mtiagj aiid'a large crowd ii' expected. Everybody cordially invited. . M. L. Marsh & Co. guarantees ery bottle o Chamberlain's Cough Bem eayand will refund the money to any one who is not satisfied af ter nsingr two thirds of the contents. This is thebeet remedy in tho world for la grippe, nnncrha nnldR - crouo and whooping f(4lfc in pneumonia. J j - . m t 1 He Came Here After His Son. For some time a young man named S E Hoana, of Anderson, b. C. has been at Forest Hill working in the mill. The y oung man has several times run away from home and on Wednesday his father had Policeman fJohn ston;to go to Forest Hill and get him. Mr. Johnston found him at the company store and both were ready to get into the buggy and come down to the mayor's office when the fellow put to his heels. He was chased through backiyards and gardens and at last captured. His father took him back to Anderson Wednes day night. The boy vowed he would not stay at home, though. Faggart-Eimmons Wedding. As was mentioned in these columns some time ago, Mr. Ar thur Faggart, of this place, and Miss Nina Kimmons, daughter of Mr. Mack Kimmons, of No. 3 township, were married Wed nesday afternoon, the 1st, by Rev. J Y Love. Mr. and Mrs. Faggart will at present stay at Mr. S E W Pharr's until his resi? dence is finished. We welcome this new couple to our city. A Mad Dog Scare. Late Wednesday afternoon there was some excitement in the neighborhood of Brafford's mill below town when a large yellow dog, with symptoms of hydrophobia, attempted to bite several persons and also to bite a mule. Several persons fol lowed 'the rabid animal and succeeded in ending its life after shooting it several times. For tunately no one was bitten. Mr. M. L. Sherrill Yery Low. Mr. M L Sherrill, son of Mr. M O Sherrill, of this place, is very low in Charlotte with ty phoid fever. He also has a lung disease. His relatives here received the news that he is not expected to live but a short while. . . Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cures Others Why Hot You? My wife has been using Chamberlain's Pain Balm with good results, lor a lame shoulder that ha pained her con tinually for nine years. We haye tried all kinds of medicines and doctors with out receiving any benefit from any of them. One day we saw an advertise ment of this medicine and thought oi tryine it, which we did with the best of AAtinfftAtinn. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well: For sale by M. ju. Marsh & Uo., Drug gist. Twelve Saiidors Lost. As a result of Monday night's storm comes the news that the steamship Colwell was wrecked and twelve of the crew were lost, Capt. Gaskill alone be ing picked up after 24 hours of clinging to' a sort of raft. The Colwell was on her way to New York from Fernan dinft ladan with lumber. licww of xeoff2s for - their e.bildien while teething, perfect snccess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. : It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists m every part of the world. Twexity-flve cents a ot- -r -r.A nd- fnr lrs. Win- A I n L'l 1 T " H III I L 1 li. M v . . slows Soothing Sy Liu. a-o o. i i iap," and take no other kind 1 Mrs. Sarah Montgomery. Dead, n , i( For only a few day has .' Mrs. Montgomery, the widow . of Mr. Jas. Montgomery, been sick at the home of her brother, Mr. : Denson Caldwell. But she passed her 80th year last March and her body easily succumbed-to death's call when all pain ceaseth. ; She died at o'clock today (Thurs day). She was the widow of Jas. Montgomery, of Mecklenburg county, who died about a year ago. She has three brothers liv ing Mr. Denson Caldwell, of this place, and Messrs. Jno. M and Wm. L Caldwell, of Meck lenburg county . The remains will, be taken to Mecklenburg county tomorrow and interred in the Back Creek cemetery. THAT THROBBING HEADACHE. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Lite Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. iThey made pure, blood strong nerves and build up your healths Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents, Money back if not cured, at Fetzer'a trag Store. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mrs. J W Wadsworth, of Charlotte, arrived here this morning. Miss Margaret Allison will leave tonight for Roanoke, Va., on her return home to Baton Rouge, La. Mrs. W WSPharr5and Miss Ida Phar, of Charlotte, arrived here thiscmorninff. n Thev are visiting Mrs. GJWPatterson. Mrs. Alf red Marsh, nee Miss Margaret Robinson, returned to Charlotte last night. She is on her way to Morganton to visit. OF t IfamI CffiES - AT . S.J. Iff 11 Si Don Bother! Our cousins on the "other side are able to take care of themselves just like Bell, Harris & Go. are' for all your wants in the Furniture line With three solid cars of Furniture, two cars of springs, two cars of chairs, one car of Mattresses, you need not worrv about hieh prices on furniture, and as for Stoves, we have tha famous Leader lino, Gate City, Iron Krntf, Happj Tunes etc 1 Wood Heater and OoaJ Hetaters all bought m enr lots -'and -if-yoiX ! give us a chaac we will soil you; O!os, gdod, betkSr anil boatt. time is money you should Furnitureof all kinds J Hall Furniture, Kitchen Furniture. - To sum it .up. w have anything you w&ntv Pictures or. frames are strictly la it.- Call and see. The Umbrella is Best That Wears Longest. It is not the handle of an umbrella that keeps one dry in a rain storm. The covering does that. The covering is the im portant part to consider. When dealers talk only about the handles itis safe to consider the"we3k and inferior. We give you a good covering and in all a substantial rain protector at 75c, 98c, $1.25 up to $3.00. Parents We have been pre paring for this sloppy, bad weather and have juct the thing in school Mackintoshes for boys and girls at moderate prices. Rubbers and Mackintoshes some times save doctor bills. At 82.48 we are showing a weman'-s blue serge double cape Mackintosh that's, worthy of y our attention. H. L. Parks & Co. have a clock. Onico ancKLatrary- Harris to. if

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