DR-r'STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER and SON. Editors and Proprietors. HAPPENINGS AT MT. PLEASANT. OFFICE IN TllJE JUUUItIS BUILt iH el STANDARD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by ries. Kates of Subscription: M'OO 2 00 i 00 35 a5 . Six ro mhH . ; ... . . . . , Thr'H months ....... One Qiouiti . . T . . . . , THE WEEKLY STANDARD ia a our-pae, eisjbt-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other.paper. Price $1.00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates r Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, ' ' Concord, N. 0. Concord, N. C, Nov. 22. MURDERING NATI VES NOT ALLOWED The charge is made public against Col. Metcalf. of the 20th Kansas Infantry, that in the bat tle oi: Caloocan he shot and kille" native soldier, who was at the time a-disarmed prisoner. The Colonel denies it, but it will be . ib. vestigated. It makes no little stir. Wether or not Col. 'Metcalf is guilty the lively sensa tion bver it precludes the idea thut our soldiers are a set of unsoldierly, savage-like warriors over thare as some of the sensa tional paijers had it before Geri. Funs, on rose and denied it. We thir r It fair to presume that the soldier who murders or brutally treats a Filipino will win the -condemnation, scorn and con tempt of all proud and noble American soldiers. MRS. JAMES WRIGHTDEAD. Third Stroke of Paralysis on Fonrth Annrrersaiy of Eirst A Most Exein . plary Character. Mrs. James Wright, of near Enoch ville", whose serious illness was noted a few days since, died at 8.40 o'clock Tuesday night. Just four years ago to the day fshe was stricken with paralysis. borne two weeks ago she suffered anothor stroke which admonished all that the end was near. The final stroke ended her sufferings t on Tuesday. She was 65 years old. , . - She leaves a sorrowing hus - dan;' ;uid four children viz: Prof E ciii 1 F E and Mr. J A Wright and Mr;;. J Allen Sloop, Mrs. J C Deaton and Miss Nellie Wright and also a brother, Mr Ephraim uvereash, and sister, Mrs Susan Deal, to mourn her loss while th jy cherish the fond memory of a most exemplary and' lovable character. She was a shining light in the membership of St." ' Enoch's Church where her funeral will take place on s Thursday at 10 o'clock. It is well with the righteous when they die, - A False Report A Correction and 'Other Interesting News. Written' for The Standard. ' s ' Mt. Pleasant, ; Nov. 21. M s. L A Lentz and daughter, Miss Ella, of Norwood, visited relatives here Saturday and Sun- dav. ' .':" .'":"V - Messrs. Lee and Pines Barn- hardt, of Norwood, were guests at the Welsh hotel Sunday. - Rev. Cord ell. of the Methodist church here, preached his fare well sermon Sunday night. He reports a very pleasant and fruit ful work while on this charge. He expects, and is expected, to return after .Conference, cr at least he was given a 'pounding" Monday night, such as has not been witnessed here for a num ber of years. The pulpit of this place has anounced a union Thanksgiving service to be held in the Lutheran church. The entertainment last Satur day evening was quite a success It consisted of songs, recitations, tablaux and short plays. It was a departure from : the old, stiff way our entertainments gener ally are, and was rich, rare and racy. As an evidence of appre piation it has been called for, and will be given next Friday night, with a number of substitutions. Israel Miller, colored, and Will jTEarks, colored, were ar raigned before Capt. Cook yes terday morning for stealing i pair of suspenders. . Parks not being found guilty, Miller pai4 the cost. . , Tom iPetrea, son of Morton Petrea, used language not ex actly consistant , with our town ordinance Saturday evening to tne amount of two dollars, which some of his friends paid before taking him out of town. We wish to correct an error in The Standard ' bf the 20th, in regard to the smallpox scare. The victim of the supposed dis ease was Mr. De Berry Bar- ringer and not a negro, as that issue: stated. Although it was not a case of smallpox, we are assured that Mr. Barringer was partially covered with "shingles." A number of our young men spent the day in Gold Hill Sun day. It is reported that several of them were drunk, which re port, we wish to say, is abso lutely false. Isjb it strange?: now some people will let their imaginations got the ' best of them? " " - - ' . The Masons of this place are making Jsqin97 improvements in tHe lodge room by having it nicely Jaintedand the wlndbws frosted. State Grand Lecturer Benjamin W Hatcher, will prob ably be here in the near future. THE SESSION OPENS. (Continued from first page.) 1839 when he was received in its connection. Of the living who worship ped in the first church he enumerated Capt. J :M and Mrs; Alexander, :Mr. : and Mrs.. Sam Murr, Mrs. Rich (n o w the oldest citizen in the town) and Mrs. Hill. -.. . In closing, some sketches of early pastors added interest and sometimes a vein of decided I m -Prepar i mi g f or Conference Von ?A y .Need . Some , of these .Art Iciei 52 o Bleacned Table Damask 52 Cotton 25c; Linen, do. : inches wide 47Jc. ; do.' 72 inches wide 85c. . Good Assortment' of Towels, Cotton, unbleached; '5c; Bleached up to l2ic; Linen 121c. t? - Bla.nkets 50c. pe r p a i r u p to $ 1 . 2 5 CO pleasan try to the narrative . nek was stopping with a - family tOunicerpanes, Assorted , sit i . n 5 to S I , ' s not understand the German they said things, not "intend his 10-4 Bleached Sheeting 22 1-26. per ivi ears, "in that language. After -sL'z i 0. C a. cho cn reading a Chapter that night he : VU' Ldl,lb UOU, LU MM Per Pair. rnade the evening prayer in See our Irish Doint curtains at 2.50; fwA-m German. - y - ? - Scrim: 5c; Muslins i and Swisses at 10 to' 16c: Printed ' When Rev. Arnold closed, the. c ' ' Silkolines 6i to 12-ic. ' " t Pf t r:,,.!"troluc? th -!?v: Nice Assortment Fancy Table Covers, Scarf. Paul J Carroway, the presiding rt.. . ,, -;V j , . , ..rTw.-., eider of the Winston district, who Tidies, Oushioiis, Cusliion Govers, etc., was asked to make a semi-cen- ' in stamped, printed and worked patterns. tennial address, he having been . in the ministry for fifty years. ElTlbfOldery Silks His address was all full of in- ' at i to 3c. per skein. Zephyr 5c. por skein terest, bristling with incidents Special in, ; ' - - . : 4 of a humorous nature. U ndecorated -German China . He Js a man prelminently for. Three ' sizes Plates and Sauce dishes at 60c. per set the present and its opportunities Decorated cake plates, salad bowls, berry sets, cups and saucer oux Demg caiiea upon thus, he ytt. ! rtt rV Z4- ttt1 1 . Jvi J 1 I uxiuiiu iv wen uiiuuii ii m Liie in terests of the memory of former presiding elders to dwell chiefly on the lives and incidents of sev- James Reid received a srood 40 KINDS OF . i . .. 0 m m in Combs 5c. up. Hair Brushes 8c. up. Silk Dress Skirts , o. - - no . . fu.ou. vnea per ones share of his discourse, also Rev; -2c- UP- Ladies vests 15c. up. "Drawers to match 48c. up Men's Robt I Carson. V ; Undershirts' ,18c. up. Drawers 25c. up. Nice lot of hoods and catis x or chi 1 n rpm Soo mn in nonf The speaker said thai, he could ;i ,: .: . - not realize that he Is old but he AbOUt 500 NOVfi S at ID nphc ooaI, was reallyolder than the body or 1 ! 1 ' : 5 V , organization to which ho be- You will make amistafee to buy. a Oar)e be longs and he deplored a division ; ipre seemg our line. ;'r.. ? in the organic body to which he i Very resDectfullv. is a living witness. " In btiig " w the departure of soveral of -the vMf OUoLldlt samtea he referred to their "re1 union where there is no Mason and Dixon's line." " He deplore the decadence of tJie good old Methodist ways ; bf ', ' . t"": - - . ' i H , ii you have anything to sell While Tliere is Je-There Is Hope, I was afflicted with catarrh! could neither taste nor smell and co uld har but little. Ely's Cream .Jiaim cured it. Marcus G. Shautz, Rahway, N. J. ; r The Balm 'reached me safely - ana tne errect is surprising. My : son says the first application gave ucuiuuu. x oiiex. tvuspecxiunv. lvirs. iraniam i'reeman, Do vcr, N. H. r:-'1' The Balm does not irritate or cause sneezing. Sold by drug gists at 50 cents, or mailed vby Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., iNew York. ' - Mr. G H Birdsall, of Scran ton, Pa., the special friend of Rev. .W C Alexander, arrived this morning prepared to try the sports of our Southern fields: " The Newspaper Representatives Here. The meeting of the Methodist Conference i always" means work for " the newspaper pe ople as their sessions are of interest to V people throughout the western part of the States The Charlotte Observer is represented by Miss Mamie Bays, and -te- Charlotte News by Mr. D H Little john. Mr; Samuel Adams, who is cor respondent for a number of pa pers and who is connected with the Christian Advocate, is also here. The Standard is repre sented by its local editor, Wade Barrier. ' h J in IS Mf meit 01 11 - d' SarsaiiarilU. her. nn p ccraulishes iT JHtti. ir-..j;f - - . well-attended and notable Quart- t yare not a subscriber to J erly-Qpriferences, the class meet M J The Standard t Jng.Mhe kneeling in prayer : be- ::nowte tto ttae to subscribe.! f orer taking one's seat in church - : ' fin f ' f Tl Q Vrr1 fltr-rlrki-k1ikk .-C -C .X. JUAAAJUJLJLJI.jjl.. .. ...... - . 5 "vyvAJ-j '"-cijjxnat: ui last- -xyTTVT'y v vvf Ttvv'pA mg, out ne nnds much more in the progressive Methodism of to day .that is cause -for rejoicing and encouragenrent. The bid style of shouting all day and giving nothing at night was now replaced with a zeal for sending the gospel over the world. He was glad that there are 'finer and more-attractive churches and ad vances all along 'the lines of the upbaijding. . Sk----''- 1 The speaker's - peroration glowed with eloquent: power: " K'-I The president then announced a committee dh: -nominations I of officers for the society ' foi- the ensuing year, said committee i6 report; at some period- of the present conterence. The meeting closed with hvnm and benediction. t i rt . ij SfAClDARD TH you can make it known thrnnTi 2 o - t The Standard. is published every day (Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door month. E STflfilDARI. ypprmtsre and other news that is interest to our readers and to make ,ivvj we people..... THAT THROBBING HEADACHE ; Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. Kine'fl New Lila Pilla rri; ' ...kj jk.uuoaiXJUB of sufferers have proved their matchless iur oicjs. ana eryous Headaches. They made pure blood strong nerves and bnild up your health. Easy to take Try them. Only 25 cents, Money back jl iiyw oiueu. ub j? eizer's JLrusf otore. . atrial when you make your next order for... " I Job Work. Work readhen promised. t -I -4. volcano Eruptions lood Sarsapftrilla wV- xoo laioiii, aieo Aiia, Kunninff and lor it tare Fever 'Sores, ' Ulcers, Boils, Felons? Tha C ' Cora, Warts, Cuts,. Bruises, Burnt Z 1 "e Standard. gsaMgk Chapped Hands.; OhilblaS I : - fcuaiauwuu. ooia ai j? etzer's Dins store v -- -. yTT.. .... ...... v Advertising:rates:iii; X made known on application. J i , 'v.-'-:-;

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