LONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1899. tit 1TP AT AUGUSTA. -Single copy 5 caxr, it He Likes Egs and Souse. The News and Observer of the i " As! Loss Al aiiU rjtllit? Vi U1U 9th-says: Estimate i Light Township, the Hands of a Betkless Driver. On -"Sunday afternoon -two young men hired from Coil's t A' Cii&nsre in the S.rtinn. : Mr,; RM Turner, who for some time has been the section master - -. h ' i esterda v in t v Q tt. ? . , d - comt Vv!ov PWo TvVUWo 01,0 of his '"' black lor the railroad company hero ith a buggy. About has been sent to Juano, a few - LUy iiAciiu over to court, hv Mn,., T3n ,,lU.v " . broke out in the city ' to yrt .V7 Acu were seen u ('i0 - - - 14. i to answer to the charges of lar-' rivw; ; ,. -.u -rt, Ga., resulting m ' PPr,Tr Af fo 5 - anvmg at oi v V " . ' . ceny ot half a dozen egs f and !rwi v:c -uitKm of business houses - and ono ox linest -hotels being re duced 'O ashes. ; : : . To help in handling the furious ; norses uuu,aarK bundav evenino-the fp.llns miles below tfhnrlntfo A nDm with the horse yet, - man named Saunders has taken a rapid rate. Mr; t Mr, Turner's place. Mr. Turner , Corl captured the team near the lias' been seeking a change on j Fdr 0fip Pi;tr rears been riFd for ever li'ty eir8 be mi! liona or -mothers ir tiie'r :.Liiirtn while tet t.ia, xith pcrf .a niCvj. soothes the child, softetis the erir allays alLpuin, cures wiud ci-IIc, aai 1j the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It ill rtlieyetbe poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by drujjisth inc vjy ;-ut of the world. Tweutv-fiTO ceuf s i ! , Sa vannah and . Macon i f ! at! mf lof hls ar" I will be. The horse time been dealt with, but, FOB had been tl3 i' i tne man Johnson wprn nhc noino 1 w W V W VWiViVO that the prisoner could not over come, so he is a guest af Sheriff page's hotel in the rear of the court house." city. The tl;e !1k sum ed the pi ' loss v; milfoil I?t:iii: krl ' ' ' ' the X- i i Arlington hotels hotel, one of in the city, a ; building, was con A the whole of one of pal blocks there. The stimated at about one Yor.n lady Forest Hill Dead. - i --..-. morning about 6:20 . is a bottle cf Grove's Tate Tonio. Never fails to enre; Then why experiment with worthless j money back if it fails to cure. , .c.-rrocs d;- last P'OV-.: seems, the re 1 - i to .:;! r ,i r:c Mayor's Coart. i crowd could be seen mayor's office;1 for i y morning trials, con o time having been con u g citing witnesses. Two were aeaic wiin j:or One had to pay six j tlie other paid ten i rang white men and a ,7? tried for having a e .up at Forest Hill ,uiy night. Corn liquor 4--rt in the matter, it ilie white fellows and each paid over five r the melee. u uiocK mip LOia Williamscln, a : Thai is the way all druggists sell young lady whose home Lwas Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic . for chills .fierce is doubtless fond of j vvliAtlAO uuo Quinine in a tasteless form. Children ox nnd cmico f ' i several months has boen living sve it. Adnlts refer it to bitter,, nau- n- L1.4- ITn a n- A -r- -w , . ivf, wwi. u x ui u o jcuu ao ivi r. u Jr uook's . . died. She kas only 17 years of Rev. J. W Lacy Selected. Services were held at Rocky Rivor Si ..day. by Rev. Cochran Preston, of this place. After the serino' v. oonscresrational meetins: -t - was hell to consider calling a pastor, ttev. J w ijacy, wno is reiii..: . : d by numbers . of our poopl . 1 ving been here only a few T: 1 arm r.n'iiri ago, was nominated inimously elected. It is hoped t hat Rev. Lacy will see fit Southern's New Equipment. Vice-President Gannon says : 4 'The Southern has given the or der for an extensivenew equip: meut, as follows: For 41 new en gines to the Richmond Locomo tive Works; 12 new passenger cars, to be built at Pullman, 111.; 4 new baggageand express cars; 650 new box cars, tobe built at JelTorsonville, Ind. ; 1,000 coal, coke and stock cars, to be built by the Southern Car Company, J of Gadsden, Ala." age and was stricken of typhoid 1 fever The remains were taken to Iredell, county for int artnent. The funeral was preached at St. I atthews church. . " XT Tlie Little Chill's Beath a Surprise. The little infant of Mr. "and PERSONALS. Rev. J E Thompson returned here this morning. ' Mr. S F Stephens, of Char lotte, is here today. Aleck Hartsellwent to Albe marle this morning to attend court. Th? 'JopcilleetinffS. On Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock the - gospel services be gan in the opera house, con ducted by Rev. Jas. H Lippard. A fairly good house was present. Rev. Lippard delivered a ser mon. The singing was excellent. Miss Addie Patterson contrib uted to the programme by sing ing a beautiful solo. These meetings will be held each after noon there. to acc( Sad. ry moiitl c . With O:;!- i r , -., - V. ;'h teGotlc mi. 5 ' Sad. that li danger. -nta Journal tells the 7 of a little girl 18 ; playing round a tub a few inches depth of , wh en it toppled in drowned , while its s near attending to her affairs, not realizing child was in the least r. .Tps. a.hsian Dead. ; On Sivuday night Mr. Jas.. -Ailnian, who lived near the Ca nus rnill5 and was commonly -s Keilis Allman, died, had pneumoniaT -He was .a - "n of bont bO years of age and leave:. :;Ual children. The preached at - Cold vaLer ch near hero. : fIa so r;o Tv ay while with a crowd 0u:;:; men Sunday night Will Stands Head on Turnips. Mr. R F Biles, of No. 9 town ship, stands head we believe on turnips. We have one of his on exhibition that tipped the scales at 8J pounds, including a light top which we removed, ; and it held the scales down to 7 pounds and 14 ounces" yet. . It measures 30 inches-round; Now who can beat this ? At Work in 'o. 3 Township. " The chaingang on last Satur day moved their tenths to No. 3 township where they ,s will tie at work for several weeks. W F Hess and Frank Carroll, who have been guarding, . are enjoy ing a vacation of a few weeks. Mrs. Walter LiDe. who live on Mr. J W Schenck's nl?.fA in this Mr. Harold She m well, of county, died Sunday night. The Lexington, arrived here this little child was as well -as usual mormn . ; - on Sunday afternoon. No cause ' Messrs. Jno." C Wadsworth is known for its death. - ,and Js- Cannon returned - - .-. t - home from Charlotte this morn- To Be Married Tomorrow IS'isrht. - 1 ii3k " V . Tomorrow night Mr. Tim Dca-! Judge Montgomery and Mr. ton, who cl erks at the store of J L Crxell-haye ,gpiieto Albe the Yorke & Wadsworth Zo. r marI to attend court there this will b married to Miss Maggie f- ; d' : McLester, of Forest Hill. Rev. 'Mr. and Mrs. V 1 Sitos are B Lacy Hoge will perform the at Monroe today preparing 'to nere.- x ney win arrive ceremony. move tomorrow. An Electric Cigar Lighter. Dr. D D Johnson has added a new convenience to his store in the way of a cigar lighter. It is at the easy disposal of the smok ing public but now don' ask the doctor-for matches too. t!ght -: -t the elbow. This is time he has suffered "en arm. : " . Kimball arrived ,iriy night to spend a xier h use and. -3 at IMr. .jiio. Holiday Eailroad Bates. - : On account of the holidays the Southern will sell round trip tickets for one and ' one third fare. Tickets will be on sale Dec. 22-25, 30-31, and Jan. 1st, continuous passage with limit to Jan. 4th. The three leading Southern cotton manufacturing States are Sou th Carolina, with mins,, : commandea one nunarea aonars IOr di tolxijxtJ uiiwiiui " special field. The man became so unreliable from drink that the editors are now afraid of his articles, and although he can to day write as forcibly ; as 'at any time- during his life, he sits in a cellar in one of our cities writing , A Pointer for Boys. Another thing which led me to make up my- mindsoiever to touch liquor was the damage which I saw wrought by it upon some of the: finest minds with which it was ever my privilege to come into contact, and I con eluded tli at what had resulted injuriously to others might prove go to me. i I have seen, even in my few years of professional life, some of the smartest, yea, bril liant, literary "men dethroned from splendid positions" c wingto nothing else but their indulgence in wine. I have known men with salaries of thousands of; dollar per year, occupying po-P115 which hundreds would strive a lifetime; to attain, - Come to beg gary from drink.. Only recently there applied to me, f or any posi tion I could offer him, one of the most brilliant edi torial-writes in the newspapers profession a man who, two years ago, easily Mr. Gus Hartsell, who; spent Sunday here, went tp Albe marle this morning on business. He will return Sunday. . Miss Mary Bernhardt, of Salisbury, and Mr. Arthur Rey nolds, of Delaware, are spending today at Mr. R A Brown's. tie. Be- snre and ask for "lira. V slows Soothing Syrup," a-ud tuke co other kind iL-o 1 Cat M MA. J. K4 r pitchers, mottled colors, only lb llli1 OF China epaptment. - Home-made iMince Meats - - AT L pan ft-; a pii It We Say ! - Do you hear those "Wedding Beiis.: They be ringing loud and clear, .Evidently calling you to the . - -a rf-M 1 9 snindles. consuuiiiis 438,876 bales; North Carolina, with 168 mills, 1,003,268 spindles, consuming 380,231 bales, and Georgia, with 67 mills, 696,394 spindles, consuming 280,177 bales. Morning Star. : TO CUTIS A GOLD IIS ONE-DAY iMn, Lax.tne uromo kuiui Furniture Store o" Be I, Harris k Co. newspaper wrappers for one dol- if it fails to iar per thousand. Ladies' Home . TP -,: D M l ..'.r- Thegenum nas u. journal. . drwgists refund mony ) where they make present a Tspecialty"-useful as well as ornamental at prices that Suits everybody. Come and see. XmasVwill soon be here. If you . want a present for Father, Mother, Brother, or Sister, or some other body's brother or sister, we are the neople, so our customers say that keep everything at 'prices way down. We like you in fad; we love you; and the larger your bill the Vji ter we love you. Increase our love won't yc"r o. Residence ? Phone. . : .90. btoie Vhone. . . .12. i xl tach tablet t