II Yr i- mrnnHiir"""--f n T . f I rt' The following change 01" schedule took eacct Jan. 17. 1900. , NORTHBOUND 'o. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, id " " 10 20 a m, 12 8S 34 12 7-18 p m, 41 8.51 p m, (flag) 9.C4 p m, 8.0 'P ni (lieiti t) SOUTHBOUND fo. 37 arrives at 8.49 a m, (fla.) 11 " " 11 25 ft m, 5 tt " ftlOp'm, (flae) 33 " 7.29 am, ' 1 " 49 a jjaa, (freight) is flagged if nece.jtry for tbrotfgh travel south ff Charlotte, anel is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 3( stops regularly for puhs engeff for Salisbury, Lexinum, High Point, Greensboro, Reidsville, lan?jlle, Lyroiiburg, Charlotte?viile and Wash ington. . No. 37 stops for pas sengers coming from J.ynchburg or points beyond, and to . take on pas sengers for regular stopping places 'eouthof Newells. No. i8 utops to let oft' passengers from regular stopping places south of JNewells aid to take on passengers for regular stoi ping plUces, Lynchburg or beyond. IS 98. i$8 and 34 stop at Concord 'or paesenKr8 to or from the 0. 0. & A. L'ivision Charlolto to Augusta iud other points inJSoutU Carolina, Oeorgia and Florida, reached through jOolumbia qr Auejtfsta Also for through passen gers to of. from Richmond or Norfolk, . Nos. 7r8,ll and 12 are the local trains and connect at Salisbury vitir trams of W. TX. C. Division. . F0aND"ED..;..t. ....'....1842. si m Mr mm . "SiNG Theh OwnPkaise." . If vou reokon the endless jov and permanent value jou will get one or thorn celebrated STIEFJ rf ANOS They re jnade with all that skill which only years of constant and careful &- . tention tc every detail of their coustruc. tion can conipaand. MirJl)LE MAN'S PliQIT HAVEt). ? Therefore, -ttf; troi'ff burden you with in uijiiecossanly iJl( PIUQE, Con venient terms. tt'iau M.miifciiroi Miiitiiiutre JIil. Factory Brand Wareroe, wiV- CM. WiUmotlhu Mgr. Fine tuning and repairing. PALACE -ORGANS.: TELEPHONI3 NO. 71, amraawwiPJ, See change in Craven Bros. ad. Loose, pickles 7 cents lozen at Concord Bakery. per 2t : .Mrs. Owenfe, of- Sumner, is visiting at Mr. M L'Br6wns, . There are two genuine- cases and five suspected .c&ses of small pox at New London. Miss iJlsie Morrison' has re turned ta PioneerM,ilis after spending a wieek",here with Miss Catherine Morrison. . . Mr. Jacob Dove, for .the first time since he had" his attack of pneumonia, tperit yesterday, in A WW II. Mr. Jno. Bosfc has returned to Bosts Mills after spending . sev eral ays with his family at Sal isbury. s : ; Dr. J F Whisnant, who has been spending several days" with his' friend, J W Toney, has re turned to Henrietta. Solicitor Rush has returned to. Tiishomq; at Asheboro. While here Mr. Rush's family was in- lad a veryyotmg oao. Judge Timberlake and Solici tor Rush go to ' Statesville to hold court beginning on Feb. JBth. " -Jt Mrs. E J Buchanan an4 chil dren have returned to Lexington after spending somotime here at T.Ir.. Joel Reed's and Dr. L M ArAey's. I want to let the people who suffer from rheumatism and sciatica know that Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieyed me after a number, of other medicines ind a doctor had failed. It is . the best limment I have ever known of J. A. Doden, A.lpharetta, Ga. Thousands have been cured of rheumatism byttthis remedy. One application relieves the pain. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., druggist. The Alba llejwood Company. The jflba Hey wood company played to a very good house Wednesday iight. The per-; formances were highly enjoya- ble and were daly appreciated . , Mr. Hey wood's versatility is as astounding as it is uloasiusr. ; Mr, Ulrich's violincello per-! formances were excellent. ' Miss Carpenter has a very cul. j .1 11 1 1 ureu voice ana per songs were well received. Miss Monroe as a violinist af forded much enjoyment. . As a whote the entertainment wras all tftat one could demand or even appropriatoinon even- mg. Big Lawsuit On. St. Louis, or rather the State of Missouri, has bagun procod- iiigs in the Supreme Court of the United States to stop tlifi Chica- . . . . goese troni turniijg their sewer age from tho Lake? through the new caual into the Mississippi and under the'nases of the Mis; sourjans. ." It does'no doubt smell bad, but then, these peoxdo. should have urged their objections before Chicago Vpent ..$83,000,000 in building te canal -avpwedly for the purpose 6f matting- ft sewer of it. Raleigh Post. ' Wanted A few." boarders in private family. Apply to Avoid all drying inhalants and use that which cleanses and heals tho membrane. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and cures catarrh easily and pleasantly.. Cold iri-th'o head vanishes quickly. Price 50 ct'tiw at drugsistsor by mail. Catarrh caused difficulty iu speaking and to great extent loss of hearing. By tbo.uso of Ely's Cream Balm dropping of mucus has ceased, voice nnd hearing havo greatly improved, JW Davidson, Att'y at Law, Monmouth, III. , BUY YOUR v Bread, Cahes, Peis; Rolls,". Etc,! FROM THE ' . Concord Bakery , JoeFisIier, Proprietor.' . ' PHONE 122 GRADE House Furnishing Qood on Favorable -tehms. Guaranteed to'Lauiidry ir best of Aylo.J . . ' Rare opportunity for tasty ilotisowives. L B. Price' & Co., KANSAS GITY, MO. General xgentin City. -WANTED Tt buy I00,0u0 piurid8 of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the 'foundry at once, for which we will pay a fair price. No burnt iron wan'.e J. alCtf, ' ' Concord Foundry Co. HIGH NEW YORK MARKETS. COTTON Open Alarch 50 MaY 51 Aug.. 48 Sugar 1173 Low 53 50 48 110 Closed 55 2 HGf t 67 m CO si 52 1175 Chicago wheat. Mav 6"i G"i Juyfc - G8 C8i Gtf CONCORD MARKETS. . ' COTXON MARKET. Corrected by Cannon. vv..fbotzer Company. Gfood mioldliitp . . Middling: 7 45 7 35 0S5 rLow middling Stains . . ' . Corrected by Swiak & White. B:vcou.. . ..p., 7i iSugar-cured liu'ns 12.-lo.V Bulk meat sides . . , 7- Beesw:jx. 20 Butter , 10 to 15 Chickens 10 to 25 Com ,. 05 Eggs... w . ! l'k. Lard . .. ' 10 Flour (N. (J.) 2 00 Meal G5 Oats."...:.-.: . 50, Tallow...-. . 07 M. L. MarHh. & Oo. euarantoas every bottle of (chamber Iain's Couh llemedy. and will refund tte inouay to any one .who ianot satisfied after nsinr two-third o the contents. This is thd best remedy in the world for Li grippe, colds, crouy and whoopiDf? cough and. is pleasant and safe to tike. It irevents any endeticy f-a cold to result i tMjunionia, u '. j!is.i i c Was Saved.' Mr. J E Lilly, a piominenl.oitizen of '.Hannibal, Mo.,. lately had a wonderful deliverance from ft iriglitfnl death. In telling of it he says: "1 wus taken wjtht typhoidfeypr, that ran into pneumonia.' My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I conldn't even sit- up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of uonsnraption, whnii ' heard of l)r King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. 1 continued to use it. and naw am well and dtiong, I can't I Bay .too much iu its-. iraiHe." This marvellous medicine is the unrest ami fju'ekosS cure in th. 'vorl.l ior all 'i.':i.M.ot aad luujf troubJ!. ilegulf.t hh',h ;.) cents and l OO. Trial battles free. at lVtzers Drugstore. Evry bottlo 'TuaniTiteod. : ' LEATHER A nice assortment of Christ mas presents in lieather Goods Card Cases, Collar and Cult' . Boxes. ladies' and -gents1, purses, made of .alligator skim ' and-morocco, both in . tan and, black. dome and look at our lino of ; presents". 0 W. 'C. CORRBLL The Jeweler. W CLOSE QUI A few' If Kill B We Will Reduce. the price One-half. They wilt now go To firt callers " " At 25 cts. a dozen.? All colors separate. Fetzer's Drugstore. GOO D H Since taking Stock- wfe"fljid "that w.e- are .ratHef -full on. Jeans dn& Cassimers: -Our Vay to rdiicA stock is 'to re-. duce-prices. S.o here they.arA w6m don't -talk much .our pricofe do it for us- . Regular 15c. . Jeans- to Regular 20c. Jeans to Reorular 25c. Jeans to. Regular. 25c, Cassimcr to go at 16!c.3 . 3 r Regilar 35c. Uasjjimer to go at Jdc. All nice regular stock: borne short, lengths., . Your money'.s worth or y our money back. Come early and get your choice; ' . . . Gannon '&;Fetzer 'Cp:" . Do You Need a Stove ? It gives us grcatpleasnre to warrant and recommend the finest ever 'made, the line of Buck's Stoves and. Ranges i We Boil Over With. . . ' ' ; -v-iiiUtflUSiaSm -.Whci; if come? to . showing-these elegant Stoves. 1 believe in thern o thoroughly that' we neVer have, any trouble in getting, you 'interosted: -They have never .disappointed us. Made to hist a life time. . BUCK'S Stoves are to be. It's the Maehihe ft . , A ! or Xi-lit running, latest carriage arrangement whereby with the .least little stroke your writing is in view, the venient pointer, simple .ribbon arrangements, and Jighr. stroke. id The Remington-Shols Typewriter. Call on the local agents and inspect thefcachiuo ther at Standard office or fee the Postal Telegraph office. o Wade Barrier and R. L, McConnell, Local . 4b go go go ai at at 1 10c' 12 k. 15c. -"iiX f,Xb?' Celebrated White Enameled i , "best arranged ahd most con-, ho Agents4 o o 0 V 5S1 r ' -i