"CT tSI til 53 ift 4m S Vfc;.a3 e 0 PrjcW: $4.00 er year. CONCORD, N. tt, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30,. 1900. -Single copy 5 cents. .v.- JCSg. Jk XS CONTEST ENDtD IN BLOOD. GeoJSfiotaffdI)iia Almo Inslutfy , ! i At Kentucky's Capital, News, flashed, over tbo wires . . today fit one o'clocV tjbit Gofcbel, the Dn;Qcrtic ccmtoetant iQrthe Governorship of "f&ntucky, had V f. i- . : . j -k. l ufeu&uym nuifs im nupie . ly "wounded though yCt itvhig. message announcod'that ho was' dead. . . . No particulars could be had but the weO is easily woven, i no governorship .hung in a -balance with plenty of .smouldering fire "... tljat was ' ready to flash at any .. . moment. . Young Lady at Cannonytjle Dead. Miss . Lucy Carriker,o'f Cannon villev died Monday night at 7 6'clock. after lingering some time with 'typhoid fever. She . lived with her brother, 'Mr. Ed. Carriker ad her mother. . She was 9, young lady of . about 18 .years.. ' ... The" remains' were interred at Rocky Ridge after the funeral services . conducted "by Rev. Coqhran Preston. . Should Trepac for Bubonic Plague. The Bubonic plague fs the far , off evil that seems to.defy man's staying hand and it is freely pre dicted that it will yet reaqh the American shores'. A. Chicago dispath of the 27th 'quotes Dr. Edwin Klebs, profes'spx of Pa thology and post graduate of a medical school, as saying that tha United' States Government should make preparations- for a ' .visi-t of the Bubonic plague. . He points out as significant! that Frange, - Gernlany, . Russia and Italy, are- making Pasteur anti toxin and 'suggests that - the . United ' States Department jof Agriculture be authorized by Congress 'to establish . serum ' stations on isla.nds in the Pacific and -Atlantic oceans and-perhaps in the creat lakes. Dr. Klebs' idea came from h,is careful watch "of the spread ol the; disease and . from the tact thatin 1806 at Can- ton, amoy administration of Pas te'ur antrtoiin roduce'd-th& death rate from : 90 per cent to fyom 9 to 13 per cent, but it requires a year.to perfect antitoxin.' The A ut nobi!e Wmi Do. m The iXutcHflobile mfvy le a satis- a . . . factiou. comfovt and" shef'oss to Ihos'evxho. want it .solely for fVansf)ortatioti purposed, but in iianyresp(-jcts it cantto a W.J place ot a, norse. tlonr, ior in psjawe, paji,you;loc.ks an automo bile's tai!, fetitch, its ioto "sky- tKa;d atrn angoof fafty-flvc.do-grrees by mostly an oveihead iieck-rein, yapt its'jpiouihjSorc by a crupl LitJTaadtleu if by" Jhe bal of a hoi'scnvUJfor ctorturp it by.nty of tb.e tther methoai ty licljc-talnlass ly of iT'n show tbat lhey arelowcr in ii.',o .scale of Unifnit,y tlin the btflpsei-e r lim m m mmm Buliiiiiwa'laffiioippoars. j A dispatch of the 29th from j1 Rio Janeiro announces that that port and GcnU are now free j Irom JJuLcir.c plague. -O -Mr. P E Chambers left last night foiaPhiladelphia, v THE .TORCH APPLIED. An Att'P to Fi a JUactsmitU Sliop -Jack Wilbeliii'a Arm Batly Cut- . rorsoifal. ' Vritten for The StandaM. China Grove, Jan. 80. Miss . - ... j Addie .White topped, ovec inj ChiflajGrovo Monday monj'mgofl I, . . i I ner way yo ureensporo 10 sciioui. Quite, a cutting scrape A nllicfi in China Gfovn Knndav eve.' Will Campbell, who -wo;ks in, the cotton m"ill,wiiilo drinking, went up to the home of. his friend, Jack Wilholm, and. while out in lho barnlot Campbell took out his knife and cut Wilhelm's arm very badly, cutting the "ar tary just above the -hand. Camp bell was arretted and taken to Salisbury Sunday night. . Robert Lafferty ' spent 'Satur day at his home, and returned to Derita Sunday, where he is teaching school,' There" was a narrow .escape of a fire in China Grove la"st night. An -unknown party mad.0 an al tempt to . burn Mr. J M Eddie man's blacksmith shop, pouring abottlo'of kerosene oil at one corner and lighting it. with, a match, but while the oil was yet burning, a colored man sawthe blaze and . ran and put it out before fire. the building cauht on Fight at China Grove. . H P Campbell, a former resi dent of Salisbury,' but. recently of China Grove, wTas brought up Sunday night by a deputy sheriff and 'placed in .jail. Campbell became irivolved in a difficulty Sunday afternoon with a- man by tho name of - Blackwelder and carved him up with a knife. 'He was arrested and put under a $50 bond, and iaHing to give "bond was committed to Jail. Black welder was not dangerously wounded. " Campbell was, drunk at tho time of the 'affray. Salis bury Index. ; ' " ' ' A ?ioy(M TurtJ'y Catchy . i Last week a negro man neai Vaughan shot a wild tur,key hen' that had tic'companied'. hts tanta turkeys too closo'.tb his.' house. While .in. his house '.chuckling" over his prospective dinner, .ho Heard . considerable.' flutt6ring near by Locking out he saw Jhfs'own gobbPr.iii a.hard fight yith a wild ce tf thu forest. " Intending to shoot the. intruder he took his &un Ut, but foupd it woukl ))Q difficult, to "hit one without'the other, ?Tnd that his. a'ppearimco . V"fis unnoticed by ti .stranjct: ho stcadjly crL tip a;itl laid hsr.Js uj.tori'hLs wild g-obTilership nd toot him .homo toJvfo4biw5at of "his tnato. News pepori;r. ' fTZ I (.iivc No lizards. An offer of this kind is the meanest of dficcion,. Test the umtivft flov.'prs of Elv's Cream ctical Agc.f for h0eiRro of Catarrh, i TTnv fovnr n.ndcold" in the head and yQU are sure to ccntinue the treatment. Relief is immediate anO a cure Callows. It k not drying, does not produce sneez- jing. It soothes and heals the impmbrane. Price 5CKcents at dgSiste l ailrxly 0S' ou vv arr.eu - " e w WHITE SUPKE3IACY. CoraeLct UsRoaon Togetliftf," . WhiW Voters. " TiU the liglits before mo, aad sVeh invoBtigfitjon as I hve beeti . . - '. - able to ftivejt, I have been lad fr. fiwi nincirr, J a lftwvw i 1 : - i ' u 'i Jookmg a it purely from a Jegal tanjjoinl, . that tho proposed amendment j(if , -adopted.) would not conflict witli thp Constitution .He found ! it impossible f cMlmibatlon tjiat is .Hid .only question 'I'havo undertakdn. to consider. . .' ' How many individual' persons pi 'diffarent races may, upon a puhus uuui-ulKi-u,u0euilaatuu within tftis ckss of voters, is not the quo'stion. ""Class -legisla-.' p. m. says the BoeVs aro-'follow-tion, discriminating against sdlno 'iu upiheir victory by a rapid and favoring, others-, is prohib- fscon t on Colenzo to- intercept A i i t i w . i - i the retreat of Gen. Duller, ited; but legislation. which, in , , carrying out a public purpose, is PERSONALS. limited in its application, if witlpn -the sphere of its. operation' Dr.. Calvin Corjiher, 'of it affocts? alike all persons simi- China Grove,- is here this after larly situated, 'is' not -within tlie nf011' ';'''. ' .. ' amendment.''' W'A Guthrie. . ! Mrs. R A Brown returned " J . i home this morning from Salis- This is a measure" Justified on Durv- ; the highest grounds with the' ' Attorney' Sidney Hej.lig, of Chinese . exclusion . act. These Salisbury v is here today on busi-aimond,-eyod "g'entle 'children.' of j ' ' the " fl9wery kingdom were not rArche'y Spigel roturned this desirable, citizens as they came jarsn1s'itev PondinS sovoral hero with the animus reVcrtcndi. . ' ' Ajnalgaination was ' inexpedient 1 Mesdames;Jas. 0 Gibson and and. elevation impossible. They ?bt- E Gibson returned homo -. ' , s , A ,i , this morning from, Charl6tto. . Jo6Taded manhood and decreased ... the scale of American labor. Tho ' Mrs. J W Cannon went . 'to great West prayed for relief ; the to f- , J , , '. rm,vr was answered and a na- t . tion'with a literature as old as the pyramids and a sublime code of. morals wjas shut out. "Was it right? The world says it was, for. public .policy demanded it. The ignorant negro dogrades the franchise atid. 'decreases the scale of. American manhood: His sus pension, till.quHlified, is justified on-tho same high grountl of pub lic policy.' It is against public policy to commit murder; there fore the criminal forfeits His life. It is. against It to steal; the 'thief i$ deprived of his fiber ty.. And it is against public policy for the ignorant; negro to vote therefore suspend him !,' A D -Cowlos, (Rep.) ' . ' J . ! ; . The amendment" .will be' ma ligned and mUsrepreseated by owy one whose futuro depends upon tho vote's of -ignorant, no-. groes', but this child of tho pern ocracy whh her face set firmly towards white supremacy fc her heart full of faith in honest, fear pW W KJtchin mkiii an Invcikt'v. , The doors of Gibson's drug) store are close.d to outsiders while , an inventory of the stock is be ing take Ross BcCbnnell and Robt. Whito are assisting Scott Freeze and P L Smith in their task. "Why did they operate on him forQLppendicitisj"' They wanted to find out what was the matter with him." Puck.A ers and hopes ol .goo a iuronT ... -.,rW4m M W ' ' ' ' . ;,;.-;' -1 ftnrin.ff in her .ears, unuanned o.r - mW,9-;-':.r, .j. by malfco. and. falsehood, w')ii T'Kf . ' Succeed, 'and .with hor success MMMM . wUl dome. wo.trflt. a b'Ucr dry JfeV 4jiZ-,x&'- : . .k . -i DULLER RICRtf )ES THE TUOELA. Could Xot Break Boer Line Ulit .Mad .Successful Retreat. Gen. BuJJer as bafra Tetr.eit - across the Tugely river ais wa. -1 1 1. .11 Ti ciuwjy proeaDie.. i was even claimed that Jie was in ereat danger of not being able toniake llis . Hr -tfth t fh government ftt honiQ eaya hvdid cot lose a man nor a poimd of - supplies in me retreat. : th!0US? the. Boer . The battle at Spion Kop will. go down nr history as one of thg bloodiest o battles a'nd -Lady- jJto83 ' ' ' . SQ'COud a London 'dispatch to the Now -York Evening Journal at 1 Salisbury this 'moraing to attend the bedside of Miss Mary Ella . i , kianDon. xviiss cannon nas ooen ( sitting up some since last Friday and will probably bo homo this i i. - . Oranges, '5ananas, . and all kinds of Canned Fruits and Vegetables. California Evaporated Peaches Lousiana Plantation Molasses in 6ans at . . V ' ' "'., -:v .: S. J! Ervihs. A Leader that . .JL-- . fo-sH! Do you need one in your bufiiuts? We huvo at out 5 ''j w uiQi rQ Furuiture that we bouyhi to toll. G ive us a cLiinei- at y i ami it w,. ( ..,'; nil 3'ou we will ruoli Call and see ua. You are ulwaya wt'lcoihe. M.i:ty ?8ck if poods are not as reprented. That's our -vvay. Bell, 5iesidene Phone 10. For 0Br Flltv Tear Mrs. Widow's Hoothirp Sympjhas been nsed or over fifty jt-nrs by ;mil liors of mcyhers for their cl'jLlxfti wh:je teethipgr with perfect success. It .soothe, the cjnlf, softera t!:ti.uruH, allays all pain, cuea wimTrMic, ani ig the best remedy tenf Diarrjioea. It will relieve the poor littje 'sufferer itttaei.i. fatftly. .Solfl by JiuerbistH ij fverv" ia,i t of the world. Twenty-Sve ce.tteVbo. Ha: 'Be tyr and ik for ."Mrts. Win slows Soothing' Syrup," &u ttke uo other1 kind ... Is here aind we are' prepared-to' fill youc w.ari.t s; Children's,- Misses and Womans Leggings, in -black' and fancy ' colors at 59c and 75c; Boys and girls best quality Cord u roy Leggi ngs come -above ' the .knees ' and' buckles only 98c. All siz6s in " .Womans Over gaiters -at 25c. and' 39c. Rubbers for. everybody. -Are your shoe.s getting thin? We ' have just the right kind heavy bot toms thatare'flexible and . easy wearing. Drop in and see what we. have, HI. .PARKS Leads..AII Other's. m 9 Harris 5: Co. THE MOD Store 'Phono 12. Q O