JCS - a .a -a rf n-fl S Jrs) I fflV Q (O i?fl!nOL Sri & ' kS.f Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, laocy D Single copy 5 cents. AJk 2 ; g w 1 Til l KEXTUCIiY TRAGEDY. TYilliani Ooebel Shot by a Yile Assassin From a Third Stjpy Window ivuiokeless Powder Used Yictim Alive at Midnight-lJon't Know Who Did It. . , The message ovey the wires .Ti3iy ' 'that William 'Aqehfil fcad been, Miot ae. cohectbilt tht he was dead was a iRistake. He wifs. living at midnight but his conditioners mostritiaal. . Hh. toryjs bi'eflv.astollbur. Goebel was entering the capitol -it . . i - - n grounds at tgn minutes .aner xi o'clock in, com pany with two friends. Some one, from the third i-rtory of a large bupding oi offices uear, had raised a window ' . jirQm -wliichhe fired frvejshots inJ , quick.succi)ssfon.,With smoHelass powder. The "first sapt only took efteqk t entered the rlgiit 'sideust below the a7mp.it ;and J . passed through tho back part of the right lung, passing. ovit just bekw-thelett stioulder blade. A, doctor was hastily sun- mohed twid sajd tHat death wQuld f olkw,quiQkly i$ whiqh.tke vic tim disseated. He firmly main tained -later that ho would OJJl VIVtJ. .. . . The doctors at jnidnighf ex . presseu some nope 01 nis recovery ifaliv.e1ill morning .vhich was hardly hoped for. . There. was . one man arrested . . ealid jailed but th'e evidolifte against 4rim is no.t very sterong. M. " 1 f 1 The dcj. is donbunced by .all patties but ws doubtless thp consuwation of a complete scheme in which thel6 is a reason to believe some ; armed, moun taineers are,ihvolved. . t The infamy seems tho mora despicable too that after he fell "and "friends were so near'hfm four phojta, were fked "endangef- ing tne lives of others "yhile Goebpl, lay at the point of de&ththc contesting board which has beeif heading the'ease fpr two week met oy a strict party voce declared Goebql loaly .'elected .as gov- ernor ciT Kentucky.. .The Rtf 1 jDublicanf propose to-apply for an injunction an,dhoie to win il JfcT t m Stateguaids are.' coming into Frailkfort in 'numbers; as if, it were to be ."tho. cenjro of some bloody cnfii hgugH it is hoped that eyer will be main tained. . . f Latest dispatches , say thrtt Goebeldied tody ("Wednesday) at 1:25 p. m! " . lft r tsc Is a Titiful Ouc. Tho attorneys and officers of the court house are each morn ing visited bv Josepltine Kluttz, Wio negro woman wno was seme - - 4 timn n rrn prinfinniTHin 5nil ond if. h reacVS c ljktaea m?1 CT an' I become a nuisanceand no remedy is known. Her mincTis none too , good and she can not bo coiiyincei Some time !go she ; againshc yet she can not bo convinced of it and hence her visits each morning with her pleas. It is a pitiable case. v,ltl u , v.vtv. Col, Carr's lloblcr Caus;lit. Harry Cohen, a Jew has been arrested in Savannah, Ga., for robbery and it now appears as if he is the fellow that robbed Col. J S Hnrr snrnwrnont isam The Pinkertons worked up the case. I o PAPERS FR03I OYWl THE SEAS. Lieuf. Hill Scuds the Stitidard Three Manila Dailies Interesting, Thingf Contained in Tncm 1 Lieut! dwrd Hiy df usthe kindness to seifd three Manila nevpapejes .tliat arrived tft Tuoiday tiie 30th. '.TJioJ. are. 'The. Manila Freelom," darted SflndVi Dec. 1899; -'"The Tribune, Friday' ,Dcc. 23, and 'The American' of .same date. Phey-a je aH dailies. , : .The printing ishal-dly. up the averag'e of our exchanges, but the matter is decidedly in,- k'eresting. In another Qolumn fre copy an editorial and a (Sample of editorial .squibs t 6m "F4e- , Asweglcm6o over tho, pages we see tat "l'reeclom" gives an historic sketch of athletic." ring a fighting, beginning with'-1719. and. ays thero'havo.-bcon 48 battles, ior tne -cnampioDsnip , 01 vie world.. -The list, of .dates and I contestants end pf course .-with .... . Jeffrios.'and Sharkey on Nov. 3. atNew Xork. The pditor talses off his gloy'es and skins a row of business shop's that hesays pretend to bo drink-' ing stands while they are. dens of 'vile "lewdness and robbery, giving" mli'ch trouble to thepo-' lice ana lpuitaryguaras. xno roasting, that he'give seemsxal culated to'help:burn out the pu- ftr4sccht h,ble " . In i'The Tribune" we 'note the v ... ... address of Gen. Otis at tho death of Gen. Lawton. It is sot in double colump in mourning bor der. H alsoxinnouncesthe pro- crrr)r rn.11Von.i.V,s otr. frr tVio kji I 111, fUlXA VUA v uv.j - v funoral. "... The Tribunb tleparts'rom its 1 usual joservodness to;bestbw im Stmted , praise on 6ne Madame Konorah, who was giving a Se ries ot seances, in which she could bring to her vieNv. tragedies? etc.,.thatwould have bewildered Pinkcrton telling the spot where the knife orbalf pnfered'a mup dered. 'victim of. which she had not.jbedn inbj.med The notice is neatled. "Hign Or5er Enter- tinjnent," to an wafer Wnt where fliey found 100 worjji jf such goods. It also tolls the storv of nabbins S some tough counterfeiters. 114 "American nasi iripie- j "ouncinytno nnt oeyona Mateo wmcn mo Americans avengeu tne aeatn oi bt. wion. 11 Ves the program of exorcises prepared t)r(Dara tor tne opemmg oi tne opens oitne Y. M. C. A. coinpletd. hall then nearly The marriage law promul- gad by Gen full. Otis is given in "An Enjoyable Little Dinner" ; v,i AmiUnr, r. L ' . social affair m honor ox Messrs. ! Collins and Martin, of the Asso-! ' ciated Press, and it is called a . The Tribune alse tells of tha-: promptly . answered tVat ..he." s. ''. discoVeryl-of ' hief" who sColojwould champion tW "cause pi (. LeadeY that Lead AH Others. . American army ofSicers'! ard-.ortb Carolina" it assaulted-, in . . robs. Wlien the thief broko!aayway- '.. Vsr? down under questioning he led). ' a Narrow Escape of Tvo lialiif s. ! "r-lzt.l9- ' " '- ola boiler on tne ,4i. i.f I rfi.' ' a press stag party. The writer notfs that it is said tftat alH newspaper men, are kickrs, bu tnat they did not iotc afc" tliatf:4 1cwverln t . ins.i Hofi.Qf .mera for. theif ttil(fit.i dinner, and kws gen&l hst V X" ?a-- "e" I .ViJSfW V? t'60' J . ,F fore AiiotheriUek Paes. sojthes- tyb child, softer th Rvupa, SBllled andbluslted liiiO a sVCft't alTiys. all Din..cure8 wind colic. an?Tia . Aooffe'alointeresUnanVwhi now.; 1Ias -and iHnd-byrlo.MatillpeJsin-w.h is cnfined-jn the.est the Soutli African .war. , Each pajiej; Seems to hay,e a gpod run oiaAvartisemenrf; ana trac seefaS good, .tfjcrug'h it is of ident tjiatjjnonoy matters ird somewhat mixed and the kCnd of mOney must bo tQ&intef. The suBsjcrtption pVico bfthe papers, f6r irfstanco, irroliesaysd ican 10 pent." Another gi;os prjf Only, in. gtJd and aup.thor in U. Sv money. ----. . rAn Unusual Dgciifreiice. . . Three miles southeast, of Con cord tlKsre are twb .churches , .. . . .within twohundred ystrds of eacli otljr. 1hy .are. Rocky.. Ridge Mothcxjist' and'Whito. Hali'Pres-. 'byterian..,. On Tuesday, Janu: tiry dOilv 1900, at the samo liQuc funeral -services "wore conductod in each "ohurdh, iind tli f unejal trains-entere'd tho cemetery oply a few mbments'apirt. The.gra.ves wgre not morq than thirty feet apart, ahd immodiately'as one ser vice .closed,,, tho . other.. 1 com- . i .1 .- mencad.tho'.assomblod congrp- l - 1 31 ' . 1 il. . giiiioniiy.movmgommeir i-rucKJs, auu uiea.ine. graves wore fUle'd simultaneously.' The two i- . . . 11 V burials wero, Mr...Rilssell, by Rev. Nelson, and Miss Carrikor, by Rev. 'Preaton! In Distressing Circumstances. m Misfortune and poverty is at the hpnie of Mr. iild. Carrikor at Cannbnville' arid wero ii. not for the.helr) rendered bysome of'the good pogplo of tmvh their con ditioji would- bb'mucn worse. 4 It will bo "renjembercd that one of Mjt.'.Carrilver's'si.stors.diQd only p few days ago, while another is recovering from the fov.er'arid two -others have been sicjk. . Senator Daniels in 0i;r Defense . Hon. R B Glenn in. a privatp letter a'sked . Senator D'aniel 6f Virginia, to reciprocate tho kind ness of Senatop Vance in the Old Dominion' day of need and.de fend North Carolina n6w. -vhent the class that makes it a great Stat.has no reiirsentativo i fnar Raleigh Ltst Saturday whilo : tficy were omo 54staiCG atay. iThe olAr bgy.to flay jSio lit i hi9.father pi po to play smoke He not only moked but maio blaze f the houso and all iL A neihbor arrtved just in timet, to rush in and rescue the smaller chndf ho wc mero ibes in t? . nnifllos. Tha t older ones 4f.,.;v. :got t of the burning housf but could not take tho babies oulm Bucklen's Arnic Salve ! Has world-wicle fame for marvelloas ; m a Tf LiirniiKVi) n.liv nthor Kfllve. lo- . tion. ointment or balm for cuts, com?, 1 hnrns. boil9. sores. feloDs. ulcers, teer, salt rheum, fever sores, enappeu cpiuls, ekin eruptions; infallible for i'es. 0u'e euaranteea naifa drtlff dinfA Only 25c. at et-j I - . . ,.! . i... ,.. , , , . A . " III ir k Jr. I r f II III 7. kJlllltlUl -M- IVi J ' ' - ' .. ., . ., , mm m mi mi, - sfhall Children in .their house; . immS. kyi K!?B7Dt H ' ' . T " SlAIXiY IMPROVING. ! For rntv reni s , Mrs.. WiEftlo-vsotbftg SyrWnaS nr Ar t. MM- -n P-cutuscu iui utbi in i.y v eui atuy . inn- house,mdre than twd ftiiles out of town, will soon bo a thins of the .past, Vs the,victini, Mrfclose JPtiTi has now recovered and is only stayinghlsllottod time: JEIis.body is'grajdually asenining its normal appearance tintl it is very, probable that he .will do re- leased within a weeic. The col- ..... ored man who had : been he,lping4 iu,tlip work th'qro Ijas beehds- charged. Mr. Furr and Mr. Mc- Namt)va. are . f ery" anxi.oua to lgaiq see tho 'town of Concord after 'thoirVeVeral weeks o'f cqn-. flnement. To the Daughters .of the Oonfe'dcrajey. , t Aljr members- -of the .laughters tof. tJi.o Confoueraoy are requested to.' bo present Jit lho: meeting Thursday v" afternoon at'4j30 o'clock at Mrs. D B "Morrison's. . irrs,.R AB'rqwer, , ' . Secretary- 4 PERSONALS.' Mr. VV ROdell went to.' Bynum this motning. . . . - Dr. j E Srnoot'spent last mgat in iSalisbury. ,T a c,.. i ' . . Mr.-S F Stephens,, of Char- lotte is herQ V . I . . V . " . turned to Salisbury, last night. , Mrs,. A.M Brown, "Mrs. M L r Brown aud Mrs. N P Yorke -Tent to Salisbury thismQrning to visit Mrs. P H Thompsor;.. They .ex pect to return, home tonight. Bananas, . . and all kinds of '..Ganhcd bruits and . Vegetables'. California . Evaporated Jeaclies, Lousiilna l4lantation . M6lasses-in cans-at S. J.- Ervin'Sf yphoae 6fr . . . Do vou need one in your bu&iDees? Furniture that we bought to fell. Give you we will most Call and see na. You goods are nut as represented. That's our Bell, Residence Phone. . . JO. ! MMMM- , ILe 1 laffrefuedy.fr Ejfelf hoi It.filf relieve Mje poutJitlie. sufferer immeili- jfrlv ftAlA 1 kTT .Tr'tmivtota.i. ht,a' ...... f uf the work tlo. Be Mirfi Blbws. SLln Syy4ir' M take f iuer jij.nu I AliiuUliv: is. here an'dwe aVe Dt.ep.areato- riN: vour If r- i i I 1 - - v want s..v . Childrafl's,-. 'Misses and Wornans 'teggihgs, in -black anfaocy qolofs' at' 59otsn&'15c. ' Boys'- and gi.rls: best quality Corduroy' Laggings Come .abqv.e -the khees : and buckles . . l i. rin. am oniy 2oc. ,."aii size.s -in .'Womahs"; .Ov.er gaiters ' at; 25c an.d'. 39c'. -Bubbers 'for everybody; !Are youc shoes .getting; tbin? have, .'lust -tho rioht kind h'fiavv hot- t3 , . torns that.are'flexible" and eay', wearing. Drop in and see wh.at we hatfe, . . - . . lumi mm.. We havo about tQC.CCO vuitIi'of m a (ince at ymi aniKif wo doa't -Tell are always vtJcomcr Li.oi.cy back if -n ay. Harris & Co. Storo 'Phone .... 12. ft ' v i l Jwent-av ceiita a IboU unci Rk for ''Mrs Win. r m . . THE

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