) o O o kice:$4.00 per year. r. CQNCORD, N. 0M THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1900. -Single copy 5 cents. ! -th w w o'M m i p i it r r -m n u u W:' - O O a g z ; ' ; . ' ' o 1 . " a .,' : . "-. t 0 ?. - ... v. -I ESFERAfE COJDryjp. peBtucki.UaTwo 26ver'nors--TajlorT0fcif Wftlds'Kajonjfthority-Goeber'Or- , gaii on .Wednesday yie re- part of m the "death, of William Gebel.as ireirfaturS. 'A tligh t!mo .Tm"tcovt 'he? zaomor in dytng Condition f rtra. which he only rallied in the evening. A mftre confu3 condition ;1kan there 1s at FraiMrfort is .hard fd c5hcerve of. , 7 .'.Acting Go-rerar. Taylor riafl the city kristng ith bayonets of 4he State "guard and though th legislature is it. 'regular session lie .had the trooPs to fi?3vent the member; of tttfo leg- islature from meeting m the capitol .and they were Informed that the 'governor had adjburne.d the bo'dy tb me,ef in London in.a mpuntainoijs county, ' a very strQiignotd of .Republicanisms of lawlessness and tragedy where Democratic members feel hmsale k go. The Democrats made several attempts to ipeet at othpr points but wemhinderd by armed men. . Finally a majority of both houses in . an a'ddrcss to the common wealth of Kentucky spt forth that thjey were debarred from the tjapitol and himlred'f it)m meeting . elsewhere by military force un der the.dkectipn bf acting' gover nor Taylor, and declared William Gpebel to be"tho legally elected (rovernorof Kentucky and J'.C W Begkham as Lieutenant gov- etnor. Chief Justice Hazelrjg thereupon proceeded to adminis ter the oath of office to. both and Governor Goebel then promptly discharged Adjutant General Collier tmd appointed Gen. Jphn J3 Castleman in his s'tead, also .issuing a proclamation. requiring the armed troops to disperse.; Kentucky now has two gov ernors and there is no telling what will be the result. The in junction and bayonel factors may have something later. . Has His ghoes Sent To Him. Afew days ago the Cannon &! Fetter Co., ofthis place, received .an order from," Lieut. .Edward Hill for a pair of shoes to bo .sent to him at once to Manila It will take the shoes about six W. i -tit trt-f 4 weens to reacn mm. 'rno siwo. 'ordered wo a vici kid shoe and . no dpubt in that country wbukl have cost'him an enormous priue if even'fg be fouud cn the mar ket. . To IJe An AJvajice Aprent. Mr. Andrew Grier, who for some months hs been working in the Cannon mills, gave up his situation some days ago jis his physician advised him to do so on account of bis bpalth. Wp learn from tbo rimrlofto Oh-' server lint hn bn nonlPfi a sen tr Uiat he has accepted a position as advance agent for tne iNortli Carolina Kollmg ., position. One iK Our Coldest lights. WedneUfy night was one of those nihts when one must guard well against freezing, as it was one of tho coldest nights that we have had during the winter; The thermometer regis tered" 9 and 10 degrees, which is the point reached during our THE, SU$DAYII00LS a rVofcssor Ilamyi To UeHtfe Mond . . . - i .. i m i m .1.1? ,i m m 9 9 9 work witl rejjeivo with "geasaf- fisf.ction tlfe announcement that Prof. H M Haaiiir.will bo. .hero Monday. Ho is a well ldwnJ and eftninent expounder of Sun div school'methous, and where eve'r he. gooe he is givtfn a good audience who como to 'learn of hismothod. ' H6 is the International .Field Secretary of "the 'Internationa Sunday Sghooh Association of the United .States and Canada, and his work requires him to visit.the prmcipa'lr cities and to address Sunday school nass mqetings. '. : Ho will arrive here. Monday and will have a naeeling at Cen trar Methodist cllurch that a"fter- jioon at 3 o'clock. All are cor . . . dially invited a ad especially the. Sun'day schGo workers of every denomination. ' At .7-:3'0 O'clock fliat evening he will give an ad dress at the' First Presbyterian church. Their Coucert Captured Richmond. Saturday's Richmond News has the 'following about the Blatehford 'Kavanagh and - ' 'Roneys Bdys" concert-company which plays hare tonight: "Roney's Boys" captured the hearts bf Richmond at tho Y. M. C. A. hall last night. Suph con tinued and spontaneous applause is rarely heard in the concert 1 hall, probably because 'the com pany far exceeded expectations instead of falling below it ' as is too often tho pase. Blatohford Kavanagh, . the mellow-voiced baritone, received a royal . welcojne and was listened to with . delight, on . ac count of his charming manner as well as his svm pathetic and beautiful voice. ' .' But it wq-s to whom the ' 'RoAey 's the, hearts of Boys" the people probably went -out the strongest. It was a many folded appeal. Their exquisite singing and playing, frobably excelled in artistic finish and. intelligent interpretation, any perforfiiances by IIUIq peoplo , evev hoard of in theso parts. Their elegant court cu'stumeS in Louis XV velvet an,l sattn Jurocades, kca '.and goia and si4ver braid, their, trim military uniforms, their artless, unconsciousness and high-bred manners coupled with winning Smiles ail CUlIllJiULUix ui otao picture that did the heart good. It was smalfrwondor that people smothcrod them with at-f nearly smomcioa mom wim xi - - - " - 1' r tion at the close of the concert, and ladies stole kia after ki$s 4from their rosy cheeks. Failed To Give Bond. "Will Campbell, tho fellow who some days ego cut Jack "VVilhelm at China Grovo, was tried by Esq. Sifford and in default of a $50 bond is now confined to jail .fM Worker rf Byrf Uenoa- All irvi--T-4ofrrl In QnndlTT clinrtl I in Salisbury. , THEIR MOCK TRIAL. LThe Sfiiilenced Fully fartried Out brJlifl Writteti lot The ttftidnrd Mt'PleaftSR,' Feb.' 1; V$Ir! I no. t" i ai:u i Son5ay herb. . . Mr. C H EiAhpson, assistant general Mscniic L'ectuser, ha ejj tenced ma work hcra with Patttr- on Lodge otiet week. '.. 4 Mich timbgr.is'beibg -cufr and bandied to the saw mills around Eere now. Tho Inmber fa princi pally for the 'LuscaYora cotton mill. V The- !ao ball fever has struck our to.wn "early." A team ha's been organized and a movement on foot for. the "vhere with'f to '"push it along." A mock trial was held. We'dnes d.ay -aftf moon ia the college chapel by the students, in which a cer tain young inan was tried for not fullfHling an engagement with a joung lady. .After qujte a hot discussion by the four "he-ars" the. jury' rende'red' the verdict, "gujlty 6f false" pretense." The j courtsaw fit to sentence him to five lashes, which were duly adminis tered by the "sheriff. 1 Feast For Muslp Lovers. The" following is taken from the Kokomo (Ind.) Tribune Qf the company which plays' hero tonight; 'Kokomo music lovers are sel dom affordod an opportunity of hearing 'as fine a program as that rendered by tho Roney Concert Company at tho. Congregational church Wednesday evening. Tho entertainment is simply flawless. It combines 'every essential of a high grade, wholesome attrac tion and the Congregational peo ple deserve to be comin ended upon their enterprise in securing it." A Big rorkcr. Mr.- J. A.. Miller, of Davio C0Unty, who was in tho city to day tqlls us tha't he.killed a ho; this week that weighed 60 pounds. t ' This is the largest porker reported .in this SocUon j th'ifif . year. Salisbury Tiaitfi-, ajex What's the matter with barrus this winter that Ca- sho seems Co be behind in ness? hogUh- We Olive "o Kewartls. 1 An offer of this kind is the ! ' meanest of deceptions. Test tho j ! curative powers of Ely's Cream j -r. , f the cure 01 Uatarrn, ! nay fever and cold in tho head and you are sure to continue tho , treatment. Relief is immediate follows Ifc is not drying, does not produce sneez mg. It soothes and heals the membrane. Price 50 cents at druggists oiby mail. Ely Bros, 56 Warren., St New York. Brick Store House For Tie. Brick store-house, splendidly located in town of Mt. Pleasant ... . Concord, N. 0. O d&w f 3 , Mr. W G Means spent this ' afternoon in CharlotQ. i I amssal reumon. Ilcv. McLa'ugfflin's 80tli Birtliday-56 Bfi f. ."Re UQ SlcLacshlfrfwas 80 MJCal a III LI1H ill I nisi r yeareoia on enjj utn ol Jaaftrv. Asjs then3U6tora m .these birtfi days, his'.hillren, gratjd " chil dren and pret,.ftrand 'children together with tnemterp of'h'is own 'arid pthar clrurches thaj mab'a up a most endearitig circla asmblou een on that.pnawy iaornina; to do him honor and rererancb ami bestow on. him such efifta as help tomas:e np-cneermrejip one. who has -battled against a many win ters in life's vidisitudinous jour ney. , . . ; .. Key. LcLaughlin has epent 56 of thse 80 years in the ministrr. 46 of thenV cpntinuoua y aa pastor ot his. present charge- of IWk Greek ARP olirch in Mecklen burg'coanty. Ihese are annual .periods, ot special pJapurp to thw patrinrch and those that asseqbio around him. May there yet be maoy mure .for. them n a kind provi dence's Btofe house. ' . . . Bucklen'S Arnjc Salve lias world-wide 'fame for marvellous cures. It furpassfcs any -other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for. cut?, corns, bunys, .boils', soros, feloDsJ ulcers, tetter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped hp ds, sum eruptions; infallible lor .nes, Jure guaranteed. Only 26o. at Fet- zer'a druf? tore. "It is easier to bo a harmless dove than a decent serpont. PERSONALS. Mr. E'Shoad and wife, of Now York, are registered at the St. Cloud hotel today, Mr, Y A Dayvault, of Elm wood, spent last night berg. 0 Mrs. Garrison arrived 'last night from-Bessmer to visit 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D B Gol trano. . . Oranges, Bananas, and all kinds of Canned Fruits and Vegetables. California ' Evaporated-Peaches, ' Lousiana Plantation Molasses in. cans at S. J. Jgrvin's, 1 Phone ..6q ' A Leader that Leads All. Others... fc V -T"J-- . . -. Do you need one in your business? Furniture that we boneht to sell. Oive ua :ii i nn j v Thut's our r " r'ui inn ti 1 n 1. 1 1 1 an i nii i, rnii i,nt a. Bell, Is , w wiwmfm For riitv Yrn.wm Mrs. Winslow's Soothkpr PvrnD has been used for over fifty years by 'mil- 0 lorrj of mothers for their children wh-.e teetlig;? with perfect enccess. It soothes th child, Boftens the gums, allays allpain, cures wnd colic.nd is the best remt dfor Diarrho(. It will mieTe the poor little suflVrft- immedi Vin- Blowa'boothma Svrun." auc bike t.7i Lother kind '.Is -here and We'ara ' piepared'to fillyour.' wants, Childrens, Misses and-Womans-Leggings in black and. fancy oolocs at 59c and 75c. Boys and girls best quality Corduroy .Leggings come above the knees and buckles only 98c. Alf sizes: in Womans Over gaiters at 25c and 39c. .Rubbers for everybody. Are your shoes getting, thiri? We "have just . the right kind heavy bot toms that areilexible and easv wearing. Drop in and see what we have. H. I.' PiS- f' fiOMPHY. ' 8 'ItKJ''TH T We havo about !20,(.00 wir!h of a chance at you ar,d if we doa't -el i , 1 nr i i way. Harris;& Co. ately?, $oll by dnigrerists la every; part oHhe world. Twenty-five cen aibot tla. Bfl sure and ask for ''Mrs. Win- - THE MUD MID SUM' cold spell some time ago. V Residence Phone.... 90. Store 'Phono.. 12.