If. rHifll o I "s ti 1 i S i fcvl W rj SL " Tl E.3 frS K V V its 4 0 Price: $4.00 per year. CONCOlh), N. o o FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1900. o Single copy 5 cents. o ran,! m O o r V HIS CONDITION BETTER. ST" fir. antWMrs B. E.ILirris Eftertaln j TLt lnditionVtiov. fcoebel Is Hopefuf &eAetieirYiends jfl DinnA. A Reward cf.WtY Vhousa&d Jol mtten forwthe Standard. , , . .. , .v. : . liu-V)ffte"d?r ttoTeisdh.Wio .Shot . Un yesterday ypning air. ana Mrs DreyaM E.. Harris threw the -"Jlaw-ffhe. Caoitor Grounds ...... . . v . L open, trie doors or, .tneir ; cozy .. 5uardg( .. . jBome on Norfl!l!rai street, and Before going to press this af tprjioon we learn frdin the. Char - lotteNews that the coiditin of Trfr. (Joebot is better, toay aftd there is yet lio'pes for his, rQftov- . . Arewai-dof $50,000 has been ' . ofLcreiT for the cajituf e of tire manl who did the shooting of Mr. Goebel. . The Goebel legislature, was solieduled to meet", this after " noon at5 o'clock. The grpunds are well guarded though by the Taylor followers. . KENTUCKY IN WIAOS. GoefooJ Between Lifer and Death-Taylor Appeals to tho. President. The utmost coufusion and uncertainty reigns in Kentucky's capitol. . t It has become a question, quite uncomfortable to Mr. Taylor as to who is governor of the State. Jt has effected the refusal of & bank president to. cash his order and a penitentiary warden to release a man on a pardon from him. He has sent a long . telegram to the president giving his version of the situation and appealing to the strong national arm to relieve tho strain. " In the meantime the Democrats who are in the majority in both branches.of the legislature meet and formally attempt to enter the 'legislative halls and are de barred by troops under Taylor's 'command. Letters threatening assination flow thrQW the mails and there is some shyness, Mr. Goebel was at latest dis patches poising between life and death with chances many to .one against recovery. . A Boys Narrow Escape aC Thomasyilfe. . . , . ' L A Maie little black and xan aog - "Dixie belonging to Mr. Scott T3rowns children had a miracu lous escape. Thursday, It was ' following the chiklrn and they were in tho act of erossir.tf the railroad when a "special" came tearing aftmg at a flying rate. Geo. Bull ray across tho,trac?: immediately in f ronfof tho train, 1 the little dog at his heels. Geo. escaped a secftnd, but the pi kit knocked the dog down be- tween" the rails- and the ' train passed ovr her. Nothing buti , the diminutive size of the dog saved its life. It was unconscious when picked up, and from the loud lamentations of theachildren one would have thought a calam ity had befallen the village. The dog recovered, and Geo. Bulla's escape seems a special act of Providence. Thomasville cor respondent to the Lexington Dispatch. AX ELEGANT AjfJ'AIR. I w s trttftned quite it number q their friends hitoNhf. -; . . The parlrs, warm and lightt were a delightful." r.cyfuge. from the, wiilt(jr wnra and the'.cjirm- itg hosted and the popfllar host, by their hearty welcome, estb- lislipd theirw'ell known reputwT- tion fer. gcnerotis hospitality. The dinner, at 6 "o'clock," was an elaboratb one served in seven courses; and to pjce" ttiO menl?, on each plate was a otird Rearing a familiar quotation. ThesQ Were read 'in .turn and elicited .... much merriment as oach guest found a flattering .'allusion to some happy characteristic. . The table with exquisite snowy drapery, bright glass, .silver .and candelabra with . pink candlss, was made still more beautiful by masses of pink carnation and white hyacinths.' Tho carnations were souvenirs for the gentle men the ladies were given -the lovely pink bon-bon swans. menu. ' 1. Soup Tomato, French .Crou tons. . 2. Salmon cutlets, Sauce Tar taire . 3. Chicken croquats, 'Green peas.' . . 4. Turkey; boile.d, Oyster saucot . Sherbet, pineapple, and lemon, Potato croquets, Oysters scal ' loped, Celery, Olives, m Salted Almonds. 5. Lobster Salad. 6. Plum Pudding,. Sauce. 7. Coffee, Imported Wafers. 'An hour spent around the well filled board was followed by a jovial interchange of reminis cences of bygone days in Con cord, and the guests dispersed feeling happier for the pleasure of a social evening. Those present? were, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Fetzer, Mr. ajid Mrs. D. F. Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. p. Gibson, Mr. aiid Mrs.-William Stuart, Mi, and Mrs. R. S. Har ris. A Confcr'jjico'of Lutheran SVssionaries . or the Colored Tcop!e On Thursday night Rgv..Ocq. Schutos,- of Salisbury tlevfW P Phifor, of Charlolte, Rev. J 0 .ClpliiHuf nf rirfinn shorn. Tinv. N 1 ii IBakke, of Charlottt, ftev. pfket and showerpdthc swe'etinealsf Ensolbert of Rockwell, Prof Bimtrd'jk, of Grecnsbor and Rev. Sam Holt, arrived here t5 spend three days. They came to attend, tho conf ctence of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission aries for the colored people. It is a three days' session. The ministers are tho guests of Rev Schmidt and Prof. Rolfe. Wanted in Rowan County. Jno Wise, a white man was arrested out in No. 2 township Thursday on a warrant sent from toaiisoury ne is wanieu uy Sheriff Monroe for an assault and battery. In the Social World. This evening Mr. and Mrs. P Fetzer will entertain some of their friends at 6. 80 o'clock at tea. "THE HONEY BOYS." JrsicHPrcigies tnat Have Stamped Delight OjUth Memories of Their uVudieuce. . " It -as a treat th "Ro5jjf Bqys'avS tfs; Thursday irfght. It vas series of iflusical rend erings, cfiieflxy; vocal, but $aj:tiy instrumental, ihat was so noarhy perfect in ill its parts as to rank trio Juvenilo performers i f. . among irrus;cai prop: lglOS. Though so very yoing their voices ar e resonant, llowing, "grecofurand fatrly "strong. Tlio smootnncss oi.tne long drawn tones with the chtinciaJ'Qn made disfincl hy the audiblo Sound of the final c6nsona,nt is uniquo aii1 places the troupe on. tlio very pinnacle, of excellence. The cor net solos were. faultl6ssty rend ered and when the youthf ylness, of the perfoftn.cr is considered there's nq wonder that the au dience wa's transported with de light. Mr. Ciwanagh has 'vet'y smooth' y.oice and hi fendering qf 'VOld Kentuoky Homo" wa of superlatiyo excellence as 'was the trio rendering of "Auld Iiang Syne" by the boys. , The duet "Romeo.and Jliliette" was probable frought with tho richest enjoyment of the whole delight ful program. Those grpceful and winning little nightorrgajes have stamped their images on tho memories of tho. Concord people and pleasing sensations will attend every re turning thought of them. We hope they will 'return at some time 'and be greeted by a f nller house,, . . He Treats CWef Orr. There was' a very lonesome little 12-year-old negro boy at the police station Thursday. He was well droned and intelligent. His name is Willie Torrenco, and J he has come to Charlotte to find his niothe'r, Maggie Torrence, who, ho says, is visiting uo, or Sis, Torrence. The mother can not be found. Tho little boy is from .the llailo Gold Mine, near Kershaw, -S. C, and was sent up here by his fitter, a workman in the office'of tho superintendent. LHo was found .wandering aim lessly around thcSouthern wait ing room Thursday and Chief Orr ( Itook him In tow. . The boy showed his appreciation by slip ping away ftrvl e-oendin.g $3.75, oat of a total popkct money Cap ital of 4, in candy, oranges, 1a umn,e,ind the like, "lie brought these to tho (ihief in a largo, bas- upon him. If tljCe motile doesn't turn tp tlto boy will bo sent to Concord, where he say; Mc-io Bradley, his grandmother, lives. Char lotto Observer. Thoboy has a rrived with his fruits and canities. We UlveXo Rewards. An. , offer of this kind is the meanest of deceptions. Test tho curative powers of Ely's Cream Balm for the cure of Catarrh, Hav fever and old in iho hefi , arQ 5 tQ cotinue tho ff. tif -a -rr-mHo treatment. Relief is immediate and a cure follows. It is not drying, does not produce sneez It soothes and heals the mg. membrane. Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail. Ely Bros, 56 Warren., St New York. Homer Foil BadI Hurt. Rfiv. W H MftNairv. wlin nama up from Rockwell Wednesday, told uf of a painful agsiderit which hajlpeni near Roclgell Tuesday, .yn.omer.ri oyy.iae sou oi iyr. J je7i qoidv arufrjnsts even pare TI "PJkn nrni, ,!ri; 5 ,1,1' (oJ the world. fTfuty-five cersli Jbot- H Foil, was riding a horMwhen to Be Mire i,ask f Mrs -W TT .Tr 11 j -r th dnimiU fell down f ahig on!Jowa Soothing Syrup," au?4take n 4.1 " the yon One of Homer"leswas broken between thV thigh and knee. So bad ws the breakthat thobQne protruded throughtlfo flesh.' . Thcfnjury is a sorious buebut rnayaiQt prove fata!. Salisbury Sun. ' rVthhins Take Noliee! . All mcmbors.of Concord Lodge No. 51 Knights of Pythias. are ycquQSted to meet in Castlo Hall tonight at 8 o'clock" promptly. Work in third rank. ; Ewry memb.er'-of trua-tliird de gree team will please he present. H. M. Weir; (J. C. m . mm m - PERSONALS:" m Harry SJiaw. .of t!h(lrlotte, is bjere today. t . Mr. D B- Coltnane -went to Norwood this- morning to' spend tho day.' . Mr. Jno. O Wadsworth re turned homo this morning from Charlotte. . Mrs. M L Moore returned homo this morning after attond- ing tho Anderson-Keith marri- age. Mr. and Mrs. J M Mabery. went to McAdonsville this morn ing to visit their son, Mr. I F Mabery. . . Mrs. R A Brown went to S'alisbiiry this morning. Pi'ob ably Miss Maude Brown will re turned homo" in a day or two from the hdspital at Salisbury. W ynYNiVM mItI'ii ii nil j i ni-iiSBliSSl Oranges, v Banana and all kinds of . Canned Fruits and Vegetables. California Evaporated Peaches,, Lousiana Plantatio'n Molasses in cans at S. J. Erviri's; 'Phbae . : 69. A" Leader, that Leads All Oth'ers:'. Ni-iv .. 3 v :'-Ul - .'" f t I t F t -u. 'J Y " 1 , li ::: . . -t - - - . - ... Do you needone in j'our buduessl We havo about $2C 009 worth of Furniture that we boughi to Belt. Give tn a chance at jvu aud if v, o dou't tell vou we will rnotit. Call and see us. You are always welcome, Money back if fodaare not as represented. That's our Bell, 7 Residence Phone.... 90. For nitv Tears ?lrs- "WinBlow's uotfaire blyruphas - - ? - neeti used for over tiltvSJears bv 'mil. liors of mothers for their children wh .e teeljnjr with perfect success. It soothes the child, soften!? the guma, allars all pari, curefuwiml coli, and is theTbest remedvor Diarrhoea. It will J rtjieye tffe poor litlte 6u;rer iiutuedi- .rotLerkind ... s here and wd-are " imu mum r ' pr.epared to fijl your .w'ants."-' Gh'ildrens MisseVa'nd-Womaris . Leggings in ...black and fancy colors at'.; 59c- and 75c. . Boys and girls, best quality "Corduroy Leggings come above . the-. hknees and. buckles. only 98c;. ' All sizes in Womans -Over-" gaiters at" 25c- and 39c. Rubb'ers for ; everybody: Are yogr ' shoes gaffing thin? We have just the right-kind heavy bot toms that are flexible and easy '.wearing. Drop inandseewhat we have, y.pmiiBiifflf:' - , -v-b. t .. m ft 1 f tV way. Harris & Co. la Storo 'Phone 12. ...

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