f 5 t- "J 4 d i ""V - .. : : : : : c 11 I. A-- 7 Price: $4.0q per year.- 4 FALSE I&ETEXDER. Tom Fttr, a White Man, is Confined to Jail ln the Charge ot Getting Goods Under False Tretenccs Faijs to Cfet a Bondsman for Twenty-Five Dollars. Some days ago a white man named Tom Furr purchased g oods Ifom the Cannon & Fetzer Co., claiming that he had nfoney comiijg to him at the Cannon milts. He moved out of town Frank L Smith, Jos. F Good- and f aiie!3. to pay his bill after . man, now of Augusta, and Will twt pay 6y had passed. "j Flowe, of our county, have pur- Mr. Qaleb ftybinson, who is ' chased the stock of 'goods and now a" deputy, . went to arrest Uhe new company now Has ...him tViday down tke. railroad charge of tho business. " . near tho old section.hcmse. The j Mr. Jps. F'Goodman svill not fellov sh'owod a bad disposition c6iik h'ere to assist hi the' work hy vjantin to fight but Jiand- this coming May. Messrs.. cuffS quieted him. J Q Wadsworth ajid Will Flowe He was tried before a ?nagis- n5t be cohnogtpd with 'the tfateatfd bound over to court business othe'rwisa than as mcpi . The fellow could not find, a man bers of the company v Mr. Frank that wopld go on, his bond for Smith will bo in. the stor,also. $25, hence he is confined to jail. .Mr. Scott Freeze. . ' - It is tire intention of the com- Hickory Afttr the College... to fct once take' fcps conffrogauons, too qmnssence .The' Hickory .Demo.crat ha6Wardstho improvement of the!of the" debate, in which all mem- this: . . "This institution. (N. 0 - ..college) 'could be secured for Hickory with little effort, and the importance ol it should not stronghold ot Lutheranism, and there would be practically -no of Friday night at' the elegant It was also pointed out that ex position to the establishment' home of Mr. and Mrs. P B;ceptkns must be made with ro.- of the college here if the proper steps were taken toward secur- in it. The town's claims should bo nut before the Synod in its, approaching meeting by the t- , n TT 1 3 1 1 demand that' this opportunity should not slip. Inaction will . . ... . ., lose it, as the widest awake town alwavs carries off the prize." Trof. Ilanilll Arrive Monday. As previously announced'Pro'f. Hamill, the great Sunday schpoi worker, will arrive Monday and will deliver a lecture at Central Methodist church Monday after npon at 3 pTclock and at the First Presbyterian church at ?:30 o'clock. These lectures are. a .means o renewing vigoiwn the 6abbath school work, . and .the workers of all the diffeent 'de nominations aro especially wel come. - i Trf4 i .a xrrr Bifho. Joseph -S. Key,;.ofj over the hist session of tho We.ern North Carolina? Confer-1 enco of the M. E. ' Church? "South, hes appointed Key. SonLof (treensi oro W. L Gris- rcproscnta - tio of this conference in fho rjcumciikal Mission UonierTxe, jAumumai which will convene in Nw York ' the latter part of April. This; v, TOnmcfltirne from V- Protestant churches of the entire world. Mr. C lissom wtll atteifd the Conference. . -.o A I'cre ', :i Given Her. Qrg ol the most pleasant and enjoyable occasions o& the New Ycui was a recepion given Thursday night by Miss Beulah Hadenat her home on Church' street,.comphmentary to her at- tractive friend, Miss Sadie Pish- er, of Concord. Salisbury Truth - Index. - juutnerans oi mcivosy aim luoihy tbe charming way business interests of tho town 'presided over. To add $ THE NEW DJiUR FIRM. The Company Turchasos the Stock of OodsTrom lir. J. P. Gibson Im provements to he Made on the Build ing. Forsome time there has been ( a trade on for the Gibson Mrug ( store by a new company. The trade has been closed and ( Messrs. Jno. C Wadsworth, Mhv-mvtehl ;inthe front and otherwise im- v L " X p-roving the appearance of the building - I f al A. A participant in tho pleasures Fetzec's desires an expression sojgard to this general rule in cases ricuiy aescrvea or men- moi- au - complishod way 'of making' a happy circle. .The feast of good, things could only be surpassed! I . ( a . it was to the pleasures Misses., Van Wagner and Lucy Lore discoursed charm ing piano music in solo'and duet. .The inviteU guosts wero, Dr. and Mrs. ND Fetzej, Mr. ajid Mrs, W W Stuart, Dr. and frs. Herring, Misses. Van Wagner, Lucy Iore Mary Ram scar ind Willie Richmond, Prof. Keesler and Messrs. G L White and W M Stuart. - ; It was an'occasion productive of tnose mosi enaearmg sensations of respect, irie friendship and lasting attachment. " " Her Mother Dead. . . . Miss Bessie McNeely, . one ,of theyoun lady students at Sun derland hall, .receiver! the sad news Frjdayof the death" of .hoj mother at Statewille. bho re- coived jio particulars of hor liea . frfjm ;her mother on Tuesday andslK3 was as well as uual. Mrs. McNeely wasthewiflow of Mr. William Mc Neely. Miss Rumple, oncof thei , Stut.ftjnts at Wio scnool, accom ' an. :) fn ,:4cNctW ho?A . Mc- bed ivfiniv Tv-as xounci acaa in Friiay morning. TT'Z t Miss Mary EIltSmion Retnrns. After undeigoig an operation for appendicitis In 1 and confinement of he hospital : ome time . there Miss Mary lftla (Jannon has returned home from the hos pital at Salisbury. She is row almost entirely recovered and is able to walk about. Mrs. G II laylor, of &par- tanburg, arrived here Friday Taylor is a member of the j firrn c F Taylor & Co., the top l - roll coverers, which does work or our cotton mills. CONCdfej), N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1D0O. : ' ts THE COLORED MISSION. The Work of thf Conference of Worker4n the Colored Mission. Reported for The Standard. The conference of the workers in the colored mission in the State of North Carolina 'was called to order Friday morning in Grace Lutheran cnurch (col ored) by the pastor loci, Rev. J. Ph. Schmidt. Tho first husrfiess conference proceeded to was the election of onTcers, placing tho Kpv. N J Bakke, D. D., of .Char lotte, in thp chair, and electing R5v. John 0 Schmidt, of Grpeus boro,. as vice-pjesident, Rev. George Scutes; of Salisbury, .as secretary, and Mr. E F .Rolf, of this, city, as tscasifrer. . Afte several matters of minor importance had been disposed of, conference gavo its attention to a discussion by tho .Rev. Bakke on the requirements of appli cants into our colored Luthoran i it i , Vv- 1 i" 111 o4- l il n hit nnf An 4 lin applicant be expected his sin cerity and Christian standing having been proven to know the six Tchi&f parts of tho smal catechism of Dr. Martin -Luther. jwx uhoi ""ouj, uU mo minimum requisite would bo a tnorougivundorsianamg ot botii. ii- i . .t ii. i e . uuo w ur.iuo ui oiwn and grace After thoroughly discussing this theme, conference unani mously passed the resolution to adopt tho woitk and proscnta'tion of this subject by Br. Bakke with thanks' During thoa!!ternoon in public session a paper on the Fourth Commandment was read by; Rev. George 6chutes; In the evening at 7:30 'there Was public worship and a sermon by Rev. W .P Phifor, of Char lotte,, rafter tho'close of which the continuation of. the discussion on the Fourth Commandment was taken up. . This afternoon at 3. o'clock there will bo public services, at which "the Rev. John C. Schmidt, of Qreenfcboro, will preach, which v,il be followed by a dis cussion on the nature ajid jnodo of baptism. . In ihfi evening at 7:30 there will agafn bo a .sermon by Rev. Georgp Schutes. Working at Mght Neiv. Superintendent Suther of tlio "".barrui? mill hs ber?uf run jn tue ojq mm now at night. He started tBem Friday niht in ill force. We Uive No Howards. olTer of this kind is An he meaJlcst of deceptions. Test the cuiativo uwuj. v j jij- wo.un Balm Tor ho curo oi Catarrh, Hay fevr and co?d in tlio head and you are sure to continue the treatment. Relief isimmedkie arl a cure fol5)Ws. It is not drying, does not produco sneez ing. It soothes and oeafs the membrane. Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail. Ely Bros, 56 Warren., St New York. Mrs. W R Harris and children have returned homo from Monroe. A Literary Society Organized. ' ' ' Written for The Standard. Tlie Institute Literacy Society wfiich was organized week ago, held its first meeting Friday night. The society was called to order, by the president, Mies Frances Lippard. After the opening exercises by the chaplain, the following pro gram was rondored: Select Reading Miss Rosa Mund. Recitation MisS. Edith Shu Vocai Solo Miss Daisy Bar- rier. Escay Miss Coie Pounds. This jfrogram was yell ren dered and was highly enjoyed by all presqnt. After transaction of ousiness and motion of ad journment, the. meeting was brought t6.a cJosOj by a brilliant piano duet,, by two of our musi cal members. . A. E. B. Secretary. PERSONALS. Hansel P Thomas, of. Salis bury, was hore'this morning.. Mr. W F Wiley, of Durham, spcr.4- 1nst night here! - ' . . :s Ollie and Mauy. Clino wen u pharlotte'this morning to spend Sunday " with their sis ter, Miss Constance .TUhne, at Elizabeth College. Mra Baxter Gillon. arrivod horo this morning to spend Sun- ; day at JVJonroe Gillon's. ' Mr.JN.Bohanan, of'Hick-i ory, is here today. A Jones Yorke returned home this morning from on the froad. . " . 'Oranges, v . Bananas, . ; and all kinds of. Canned Fruits and Vegetables. California Evaporated Peaches, Lousiana- IJlaitation Mojasses in cans. at . S..J; Eryin's.; '-Phone .V. ALead'er that- Do you need one in your busiuots? We Lavo about i J.CC.) v.ulli ol Furniture that we bought to f-ell. Giro us a chnnco at -t-.iu an 1 if ,li-rt ii you we will ruoet. CmII and see ntO You,, are always wtlcorO. Money hack if goods are not as represented. That's ouiway. o Q Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phone. . . .'JO. Single copy 5 cents. For i-rr Flltw VfnrN Mrs. WinHlow8 Bopthirj? S-yrnihas boen used Str over lifty jenrs hy 'mil-lior-s if mothers for their children whe teetjjinp; with perfect euceess. It soothes th child, buftens tlie feutns, allays all pain, rek wind colic, and h the best renx-dy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tie ror little sufferer iratoedi ately. Sold dnjfriBts in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a (..bot tle. Be sure and ask for ''Mrs Wic slows Soothin: 8yrup," and lilts r.o other kind THE' MDD-. Ar!D - SLUSH '. Is' here arid we 'are prepared 'to fill'-your. wan t s. ' GMdrens, Misses arid WQmans' Leggings in black ' and fancy colors at.' 59c and ; 75c. Boys' m and girls best quality Co rd u roy . Leggi ngs come above, ihe knees and buckles. only.989. Ml siiq' in Womans. Over- gaiters at" 25c and 39c ."Rubbers for everybody. Are your shoes getting ihin? We. have just the right kind-rheavy.bcit toms that are.fleXiHe . and 'easy Wearing. Drop in and s'ee vhat-- ' we have, H;L 9 -fsnHinaav ii-ifiiiir.- Lda - ds; - AH: Others. Storo 'Phone . . nnno ' v..

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