,0 p! au - f --if 1 W n n ft m- -mis m-m m m rsl&t ?a si V sr Ji C7 Price: 84.00 jer year. CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 4900. Single copy 5 cents. a ' y. 1 SCHOOL TROUBLES. The School Committee Fails to Upheld . il.. T A. the Teacher-(tfie of the "Largest I Sales-Other News. j Written for the Standard. : Clear Creek, Feb. 5. Horse drovers pass .along weekly. Four-fifths of the farmers in ttas section have to buy corn. work was completed in. the one The grippe has made its ad- day. A, delegation from No.1 Vent in this vicinity. township in regard toHhe placing There is a great dearth of of , iron bridge. . It will bo sweat potatoes in this commu- remembered that it had boeri ny decided that the.uew iron bridge The chicken-pox has about which has just arrived would be run its course in this section. placed across tho river at the J V Carriker has just had his Black's mill place but a move store and postoffico building ment is ncrwon foot by some of painted cozens, despite the fact that Mr. ilenry Pope's .school at tho masonry work is all com- Gannon's closed last week. floted at tho intended place, to The baseball team of $ethelhavo a Part of the New bridge a i -p i n -niiJf placed across tho river at Academy defeated the Brief nine s . , . -.o mi j-1 ,4. .i Pharr's mill and. the other paft by C6 to 13. They didn't play . . , J . J 1 J. of it across the river about a with a .yarn ball either. . niinrfor nf .1 ' h ' This country is infested with lewer. upru inun n-iu uwu a long timo. A teacher was aslfed recently to locate Devil's Island, and, he could not do it. WiH the editor not give thfs information in his paper, with a short -description . of the island, tl;at we may all 'bo edifed together? Packages of cotton seed are being sent out from Washington to the Mends of Hon. Theodore 1 il Illuttz; ' The school children of Sosau- mow's have a miniature Christ- , iniiBuuu cu.:ulu, uvajf wiv, uxx which they hang nice littlo pros- ents for ono another, and fre- quontlythey spring a pleasant surprise on tho teacher by pu-t- J ting on it something of real ben- efit for him.. Theso children are' to b' commended for the happy! hnnt. thfv frivo-lhftiV minds, as o- - ' wTell in their work as in their play. There were about two hundred r . , , ,7 Jftfterthe sewerage of tho town ! last fcatumay, ana seemea mat . nearly all wanted corn. One of j the finesli hogs we haw ever seen was linociieu uou to iur. Benj. Burleysonfpr $14.90. One vorv commendable feature, of this sale was the total absence of rowdyism.O drinking. It "was a Jovial but so'er crowd. Mr. W A Faulk, a model young 1 f 1 c inati and a faithful teacher, re- Houston public school, all f(tr i. . , tho want of due encouragement and co-operation on the part of tho school committee. It seems tlu'it some of the larger boys truid to coerce him to give a "treat" on the last day by "barring" h'fta out, whereupon Mr. Faulk expelled five of the urchins, and on arriving at the school houso next morning he The tracts consisted of 216 acres encountered tho same dilemma 'more or less and wasbid off by from the sam boys whom he; Mr. Will Flowe for $1,250. had expe'Jed. He went to the committee and asked them to aid him in maintaining proper dis cipline in the .school. . They re fused to do so, and he thereupon kicked the polluted dust from off his sandals and departed hither, leaving them to rest under the burden of official incompetency andj an effeminacy of purpose that is utterly disgusting. Mr. Faulk is entitled to the assurance that he has the moral support of all his fellow-craftsmen. ; COMMISSIONERS DAY. Delegations from the County Before " . .Them asjlo the-Roads and Bridges SeTeral Admitted to the County IlomeJ Other Business. The volume of business before the commissioners this monthjwjth all the dispatches, and the was not as much as usual and all 1 ,.v , " nrill where the. proposed new. road of somo months ng0 would cross the river. Tno people in that part of the county sent quito a good delegation hgre -Monday in order to do all possible for either the change or Ihe Carrying outoftko Black's mill movement. Something must bo demo at an early date as tho bridge has now arrived, so Commissioners Alli- son, Nesbit and Turner went to view tho Piton today (Tues day.) I It was ordered that AaronJ TT'rcvfl TVTvc .T HP TT,nn finrl rliilrl , , . , and Betsy Barnnger be admitted to th0 county home. ' Mr. Mike Scott wns appointed as Croek Commissioner for Lit Uo Cold Walter crook to fill the vacany of Mr. A D Misenheimer, deceased. . ' A part payment, amounting to $1,664 was ordered to be made to tno King iron lindgo Uo. lor the iron bridgo purchased for Rocky river. Chairman" Allison was ap- i pointed as a committeo to look and mako or tho sa-me also that h(, aUend to tho repairs at. the jail as suggested by the Bmuujuijf. Mr. MeBriie Is Dead- . The young man McBride, who on last Friday afterncion was I shotin.Davidson county by a ne- . ... ro m a row at a distillery, is 1 ,iT dead, his wound in thoarmbeinpr : such a bad one. rm, i a been captured and lodged in the I Lexington jail. There is a con- jsklerablo fcclinr over themat- j ter. . BMOJFhyMr. WJUFlowe. On Monday tho lands of Mr. C F Smith, of No. 9 township, as advertised in this paper by Mr. Ephraim Bost as trustee, was sold at the court house door. Working Nljht and Da- The buMest and mighpst littlthins that ever was made is fr. Kind's New Life rillg These pills change weak ness into strength, restlessness into energy, brain-fa into mental power. They're wonderful in building np the health. Only 25c per box at Fetzer's drug store. Miss Annie Troutman has one to Charlotte to visit her sister, rs. xviaynaru, wuo is sick. ,0. Brains Kot Bullets at lYork-TajIor Re- leases Walker. Tho situation in Kentucky is ! less imminent it seems than at the end of last week, and yet great volume of matter in those dispatchoS rfifc is uncertain hat course will b( pursued. Taylor has Released Alonzo Walker and thereby has ma terially lessoned tho strain and is rk1 of the haboas corpus writ. A conference late Monday night between representatives of tho factions pointed to oening tho gates to a solution. The plan was to send the troops homo and allow tho Legislature to meet in the capitol. This plan however may not materialize for lack of signatures. In the meimtimo tho command for tho 'Legislature to moet in London was not Coun termanded and it' may adjourn to meet in Frankfort or not do so. There is a plan, spoken ot' for Kir. Beckham to establish his seat of government in Louis,: ville. Tho best of tho situation is that sin.ee the assassination pf Mr. Goebol thero is a- kinju ux conservative anxiety to avert further bloodshed and securo ad justment by brains rather than bullets. Taking Treatment at the Ilosi-Ital. Mvs. W G- Boshamer has gone to Salisbury where sho will un dergo treatment at U19 hosi)ital. She 'was accompauied there by Dr. WH Lilly and Mr. Xtoshamer. Sho will very probably bo thoro several weeks. To Open a Store at Forest Hill. Wahor Hopkins, who is now 1 0 1 1 .. j TT'11 1 ' mercnanai:iing 1x1 uoiu xiui, nus rented a roomatForost Hill and will ptt in a small stock of goods. The store room is located next door to Messfs. Cook & Fisher's stables. A Frightful Blunder Will often .cause a horrible burn, scald, cut ur bruise. Cucklen's Arnica balve will kill the Yain and promptly heal it. Cures fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, and skin eruptions. Bfcst pile cureon earth. Ony 25o a bx at Fetzer's drug store. Cure guaranteed. Agents Wanted Foa "Life of 1). L. n Mooily" by lua son, W. H. Moody, and Ira D. hankey. Largest, rict:'jt and best. Highest profits paid. It ia the only official, authentic, endorsed life. Authorized by tho Limily. Be ware of fakes and frauds. Outtita free. Freight paid. Credit given. JJrop all trash and clear $C0'J a iuocth with the ar JSO'JA nocth with the ible life. Uur refereco, in town. Address Tho j Jompny, Depirtment J, , amis 1 official, reh:: any bank Dominion Comp? Chicago. Penny Camera i(f Photos for 10 Cents. We liave just received our Penny Camera and are now prej)aret iv liu lxiuu r.pui uj. vvuiiv in connection with our large photo work. "VYo will make you fpnlChint.ures at a cent ameco and it does not take long to finish them. Patronize a new homo industry. Scott & Kluttz. Opposite Yorke & "VVadsworth. rrortTfirfiA m. 'euralgfa ctireef , IU.ES' YA.W Y -una yen- oao KEXTCCKV 3I0RE QUIET. Pneumonia Swept aTamily Away. Thp Ditrhnm Mnrnino- TTprilrl ine uurnam Morning neram of the 4t says that one veek ajjo Mr. Henry T Carlton, of Patterson township, Durham fcounty, died of pneumonid in his 90th year. Just five days later t,: ii j . his wfe died of tho same disease in her 84th year, and "on, Satur-" tlay. tUeir widowed daughter and pnly member of the family re maining with them succumbed to the same disease at the age of 52. Tfius a household was swept away within one week of that dread disease. PERSONALS. Mr. Zob Moore, of Charlotto, is here today. Mr. Jno. C Leslie roturned to Albemarle this morning. Mrs. Jno. Leslie, and littlo girl went to Charlotto fliis morn mg. Mr. II M Weir is in Salisbury today on busiposs for the firm of II L Parks & Co. Messrs. W C Corroll, Zeb' Morris and Dr. L M Archey are in Charlotto this aftornoon. Mr. J A C '.Black welder, of Cprvrv-; ville, went to Salisbury Lais morning on church business. Prof. H M Hamill, who ad dressod our pooplo yesterday at Central Methodist and the First Presbyterian churches, is sick at tho' hotel today. He was unable to br.ve this morning: Mr. 0 C Moore, the dairyman of Charlotte, is here today. Mr! Mooro"is an enthusiast in dairy wOrk and wns ono of the fore most men at tho dairy mooting hero last year. :z..".,.,f3 Oranges, . .Bananas and a41 kinds of Canned Fruits and Vegetables. California Evaporated Peaches, Lousiana' Plantation Molasses in cans at S. J. Ervin's. . 'Phofie 6g- A Leader that ' 'KiliJr L' - i -A, " '..'; 1 -'rtit- 'VA ' t ' V : i -'i.'S$lr.mm. 3 ft.w- '-rT-UY. . . t&m-vr . Do you need one in your busiutss? We have about CCO worth of Furniture that we bought to sell. G ve us a chance at you and if we don't seii you we will most. Cail and see us. You are always welcome. Money buck if goods are not as represented. That's our way. Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phone.... DO. Store 'Phon?.. . 12. For rtr TiU-w Tffrg M- Wiusluw'h Koothirg Byrup ha . been nsed for over flfty g ,mii. l iocs ol nltynera for tnor chlTdreik wh'. e teething with perfect siccba. It soothes the child, softens te Rnma, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieyo the poor little 6ufforer inamedi- j ately. Sold by druists in ejeryj iart of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot- tlo. Be sure and ask for Win bIows Soothing Syrup," anc take no other kind Is here and wo are prepared to fill your "want s. Chiklrens, Misses and Womans Leggings in 'black' and -fancy' colors at 59c and '15c. .'Boys ;and girls best quality Go rd u roy Leg g i h gs come' above the knees and only 98c. All ': 'TOO in Womans Over gaiters at 25c 'and 39c. Rubbers for everybody. Arc your shoes getting thin? YVe have just the right kind heavy bot toms that are flexible and easy wearing. Drop in and see'what we have, " treads AH Others. THE MUD AMD SLUSH