(flTa-- .. U' 14 i 1 S3 $5 t a. f & l4 Price: $4.00 per year.- CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1900. -Single copy 5 (P.xts. : ' -'lit. 1 fei R W 0'LY0E REMAINS. The Sail Cnsc ciho Family of Mr. Chas. K Ury-Oiilr the Little Girl Behind. There are not many cases mora sad than the one of the family of Mr. Chas. K Ury, who it will be remembered, died about tw years ago. In two years time he and two children have died. On Monday night his wife, who lived at Cherry ville, died, Jeving now onjy. one little girl, Ollio, of the family of five. , He died of consumption, which disease also caused theMeath of his .wife. The remains wTere brought here today (Wednesday) to bo interred beside those of her husband. She was 27 years old. Her maiden name was Dora Hurt and she was married at Rock Hill where she then lived. Misses Alice and Susie Hurt, of Cherry -ville, sibtors of the deceased, ac companied the remains hero. l.'as Ikon V IiuessOvtr Thirty Tears T , .i, . , in uK? rocfnii muo oi hio stock of goods of the Gibson drug store Cue of our citizens, Dr. J P. Gib s;on, retires from the pharmacist counter, where he has served for thirty-four years. It will not seem as usual without Dr. Gib vsryi, who is well kuown by the people, and who is known by our older peep1! is "Dr. Phi to Gib son." Immediately af lor the war ho began hiuincss here in the room novT TV. , vault's grocer-c. In 1801 ho moved kilo .i!u i-reoent building whero ho recently closed out his stock. . lnpte! PN?'-Mo !o t'i? Ccntf Tumse. . Oscar Laws, ff youn man from Touucssee who had been staj-ingr.-t tates ville, attempted to end hir: life in the court room there Tuesday afternoon. When he heard the sentence of eight months to the chains ang for an assault and' battery he at once took out his knife and plunged it into his breast. The knife was taken away from him and after ho was taken to tlio clerk's office he again attempted to end it with a razor. The News ut China Grove. China Grove, Feb. 7. Mr. Dock Canup, who has been out of school for quite awhile, is in school again. The ?c--eH hoys nnd girls are proxarh':j fr entertainment some time in this month. We will mention date later. Though 11: o mud is deep tbo people slill coma in with their eight cent cotton. Mr. Jim Bostlan, of this place, is very low. He is not expected to live. The Long-Locked-ror Arrives. For months and months has the engine for the new oil mill been looked for in vain but it has at last arrived and workmen are now busy r.Iuciug it. This has caused re.:1:? a good amount of trouble to the company. TTcr Gran,,.'i:": or very m. Miss Mamie Ury left Tuesday night for Hickory where sbj3 was called by the illness of her grand mother, Mrs. Lavinia Ury, who is now 90 years old. I NO SMALLPOX HERE. The Test House Is Now Vacant-Mr. M. L. Furr Has Recovered and Is Sow a Free Man. Concord car truthfully say now that there is not a case of smallpox in town or confined in its pest house out of town. JVlr. M L Furr, who for thirty days, has been havyig an cxperiente with it was ruieasod Tuesday afternoon. His face is noj: very badly marked but his. whole boly well shows that he has haA the dis ease. m Mr Furr has for the last week been very anxious o be released but it was not deemed advisable by the proper author ities to let him out until Tues day. There is now no danger of the spread of the disease from this man. . From Oar Neighboring' Village. Glass, Feb. G. Tho wall fell in tho -famous' old. well at W D union's last week. Miss Mary WireofT mid Mr?3, Mary C Campbell are at T M Rogers' nursing the two cases of ty i hoid' fever. Mamie is getting better but Fourney is not doing so well. Mrs. F W Glass went to Salis bury last week to be treated by Dr. Whitehead, on very well. She is getting Mr. S W Winccoff is suffering from a severo throat trouble. Demia, the little child of F W Bost, is quite sick. Their Engagement Canceled. The Ogarita & Hatfield Com' pany, which played hero last night and had nnnouncod that they would play again tonight, canceled their engagement this morning and left for Monroe, where they play tomorrow night. They felt that their play was not properly appreciated by a num ber of the audience and preferred not to play unless to an appro ciative audience. Coannissionets Meet Monday. - Our county commissioners went down to Rocky River Tuesday and looked over the dif ferent places where the drcn bridge is wanted by the .people of that part of the county. They decided that on next Monday tbero would be a mooting ,f tho commissioners to hoar the mat ter dbcussed 'by the diiloroLt delegations. . NaTt'S (TIXINGS. . Lieut. Col. Stevens a retired British officer is in St. Louis for more American stock. Among them ho wants 1,000 horses shipped to South Africa. J B Blades and Bros, of Eliza- DCth city have bought 90,000. acres of s?ramp lands in Camden Onslow and Jones counties from the state board of education. They wanttho timber chiefly. , , , , u,-.4-1 Rowan county has had about ,5.000 worth of smallpox. The town of Salisbury wdl rrobably 1 take $1,000 of this amount. , Miles' rain PiTt are guaranteed torf1 ead'Vihe minviv -vine cent a uum EVESIXG OF PLFAHUItE. Q Ogarita and Hatfield Company Clever, Versatile and Enjoyable. The Ogarita and Hatfield company ve ns a most excellent play Tuesday night. Though, but two performers on the stage, an actress and an actor, they are so exceed ingly versatile and clevgr, as to'fjirnish a variety of songs and operatic and. comedy playS reaching frojrc the droll to the I the most thrilling passionate Ldrama. A few tiarts were com ically funny andevery part was more than ordinarily reahstic-high-toned, and enjojnible. Mrs. Hatfield has a charming voico and her songs are quite pleasing. Tiie company is exceedingly generous and wo have only to regret that moro ladies did not avail themselves of tho splendid opportunity of an evenings en- joyn?int. If we want clover popular plays in Concord this corn any should have a packed house. Coinmiltee Tavcrs Tearson. A Washington dispatch of tho 5th says the IIou.so eominiUee credentials by a vote of 5 to 3 re ports in favor of iVar&oii in the 9th district. This n;ake;i it cor- tain that Mr. Cr-.w: d will 3c. his placo and Pearson will take it. it magics il i'j.ju. iUti'i io lieve that some men do not suc ceed in gelling hh'h phxes while unable to get above partisan sway nigs. Some congressmen would do well to read tho history of the last North Carolina Legis lature. A Iriffhtful mimaer Will often cause a horrible burn, Keuld, cut or bruiso. Uuckh'n'H Arnica Halve will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, and skin, eruptions. Best pilo cure on earth. Only 25o a box at Foizer's drug store. Cure guaranteed. l gents Wanted For "Life of I). L. Moody" by his son, W. It. Moody, and Ira D. hankoy. Largest, richest and best. Highest profits paid. It is the only official, authentic, fndorsod life. Authorized by tho family. Be ware of fakes and frauds. Outfits free. Freight paid. Credit triven. Drop all trash and clear 300 a' lnonth with the official, reliable life. Our reference, any bans in town; Aiiuress liiu Dominion Company, .Department J, Chicago. . dnil3 io Photos for io Cent?. We have just received our Penny Camera and are now nrepared to do IJiat kind of work in connection with our largo photo work. VvTe Will make you real pictures at a cent apiece and it does not take long to finish them. Patronize new home industry. Scott & Kluttz. Opposite Yorkc & Wads worth. His Wife Sayea rfim. My wife's good advice saved n?p life writes F. M. Ross of Winiield, Tenn., for T hid such a bad couch I couUI hardly breathe, I steadily grew wortO under doctor's treatment, but my wife furged m0 to n8e Dr. King's New Dis- coyery for consumi)tion which com- bronchitis, la grippe. ' pneumonia, as- thma, hay fever, and all maladies of chest, throat and lungs are positively cured by this marvellous medicine; 50c. andfl.W, Jvery uotue guaranieeu. i Trial bottles free at Fetzer's drug store, KENTUCKY SSIES BRIGHTER. rassions Cooling Down -Forbearance and Forgiveness Supplanting ECate. After that great, bitter cam paign in Kentucky that culmi nated in the killing qf William Goebel, the duel government in trie State, Taylor's resisting writs tilHhe danger point was at htind, the Legislature barred out of the capitol, and assembhng in the most dangerous point in the Stn.tfi n.nd nvvrmml pTin.nss roirrnorl j the angry passions are sub siding and the tlifiiculties seem about to be adjusted. Taylor will probably be ruled out, tljo Goebel law modified and no prosecutions pursued against anybody for what seemed right from one political standpoint but wrong from another. Tho Kentucky skies look brighter. PERSONALS. Rev. N I Bakke camo over last night from Charlotte. -j-John Goodman 'came homo from Charlotte last night. Mr. T) F Cannon is in Char- .. ..rLernoon. -Mr. R II Mcrritt, of the standard Oil Co., is here today T. , , , i;r. elevens roiurnoa ncre this morning from China Grove. Mr. Ben Spigel returned to oaiisbuiy this morning afl.ci .pending soveral days Iiero. Prof. II M Ilamill, who was too sick" Io leave yesterday, left this morning for Hickory whero ho delivers an address in tho in terest of tho Sunday school work. C-. -. J- .- w .l .ifc.Vnil m.-jfrl Oranges, Bananas, and all kinds of Canned Fruits and Vegetables. California Evaporated Peaches, Lonsiana Plantation Molasses in cans at S. J. Ervin's. ' Phone 6o A Leader that Leads All Others. py..,,. . - ;.'...,-:, , - .r. ,-.. ,. , .V..,,., j W wp--m. v ;v-v(vkf;i u , f r- Do you need one in your bunincES? Lave p.luut C'-T(1C0 worth of Furniture that we bought to Bell. Givo us a chance ut you niul if Me dou't 'ell you we will most. Call and see us. You are always we koine. Money back if Roods are not as represented. That's our way. Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phone .... 90. Stoi e 'Phone .... 1 2. ror 0r Fijfv rrnrn Mrs. p'insluw'b Boothirsr Syrup has been used for over tiitv teara bv.'mil- liors of mothers for their eb-'Mren wh'.a teething withptrfect snccess. It soJthes the child, softenstlo ums, . allays all pain, cures wind colic, and ia the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tlj poor little fcufforer iujinodi- j ately. SqJd by drupiata in every; part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot - ilo. Be sure and ask for ".Mrs.. Wiu bIowb Soothing Syrup," au? tt.lio no other kind The W "FT Frightened at his shadow has i-one bac!i in his hole, and we are io h weeks of .winter v ther if the old sayi: be true. Our Sc.' Shoe s for chii ! en aiid are J 1.1 L v( i vv weigiu, wear ve; easv, and . price cu 98c., $1.25 and Our Wornan;: ' ??s at $2.00, $2.50 ..r.d .00 are sho'- of jomiori. and durability, Phono us the size and we -viil send them around for a selection. . I. PIS I Eili. it o 0 i.i fi