1 THE S r .:AWI!lEAir.lKO ;'ciike rou CATARRH 'V CAT R ARK IS AYFrv:,- 0y'S cream Balm COLD' ie menibiv Jl. La-gc si-' re ioC ty nJ' '; Warren ?"- Easy and Pleasant to use, . Contains no in jurious Drug. Is quick ly absorved. Gives re ief .at once. It oiens nd-cleans the Nasal Passages. Allays In- - ;," fiamalion. Heals and prote?ts the membrane, restores the senses of taste and smell. Large size 50c at Drug gist or by mail; 1 rial size 10c by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, COLD N HEAD New York L .We aro people ti 5 thai? un' . We are prepared fjbo' give the people this winder better bargains than usual in all kinds of nd F Heavy, aedl Faocy teem s tnd r i our jtai i At wholesale ancl retail. iC will nav vou to see our Large Stock 4. V V " ' of oodw.T-11j;ware Wood ware, u , ',--- before buying- For Clover Seed 'rTi o'.'V' Seed Rye, andRockSalt go to fatter r Q: W. Patterson's outhern ailway anuahy SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JANUARY 17TH.1900. f red sen edu. 'This condensed schedule is pub' ! ;subjcct to change without notlci Inge v.M,t. nA -...UH-. , Traiss leare concord N. C f " , ., ' 1 5.52 A. M. Nol 8, .daily, for Rich- . ' ttond: connects at Greensboro foi ure . Kaleierh and GoldsLoro; at Goldeboro ba 8, b at ldeDoro, m toi Norfolk, at Danville for Washington rth, at nlio ana P" utn and Through Pullman sleeper New York to n eleePer,fKew Orleans and New York to Memphis, ,and points North, at Salisbury for Asheville, Knoxville and points West. o. sd, tn c a Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep t, oarries J 1 'in Oars between New' York and An ,n New loil --pta. New Yrr'.; Rnd Tampa, Fla., and and Tarri) .Cjfolkvto. charlotte, -. Richmond to urlotto, I 'Chprlottv.' , S(.;-8i4iA..M.-- 'o. 87, daily, Wash iSo. i, ' "ingten HiJi Southu-efetern limited tor K?iWf wTT1 'Atlah'tH. iiirmingLamV Memphis, Mont 8 ,l,fgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and An luJNeW VOlh 'Dinincr rftr. VAfit.ihnlfi1 nfth. hfitwpfin -tijnled c,a -Wasbington and - Atlanta, Pullman ,nd tlaA;" tourist cars Washington 'to San Fran shJngton t. co Tuesdays, Thnrsdays and Satur ThiT6dfiysdays . ' W ... , ,10; 26 A. M.-No. 86, daily, for Wash- ,So. b,v!fti.A jjagtoni Richmond, Raleigh and all onak -ftl' ,i joints North. Carries Pullman drawing ,ames lnT''"rbom buffet sleeper, New Orleans to eeper, New. . York; JaceonYiUe.. . to .. .New. ,JacHn7lhrYork. Dining car between Spartan- r & 1 xe' bnrpr. S. 0., and Washington. JkWaB)aD(rtv'-, 11:25 A. M.-No. 11, daily for Atlanta ,No. ll, davxftna all points South. Solid train, Rich-, oouth. boluj to Atlanta. It n - 7;18-P.-M.-No. 12,. daily, fpr. Rich No. 12. daip mond, Asheville, Chatanooga, Raleigh Le, Chatano NftVfn5k. nT1fi oil nrsint, Korth. a points oi -iT. 8.51 P MiKo. 7 dftjiyt f; f r7? 7,AHv!a'SWashington,'Goldsborot Selma, Lgton, GoLibljgj., Greensbcro Knoxville and ;obI)o ii'VAfcheville to Charlotte. N. C. J uarioue. jj. . . . 8. 51 p. M.-No 38, dailv, Washington to. 2 c&va, ftn)j Southwestern limited, for Wash Lrn unatfo ington andal, intB Kortbt Through (points Aort puuman car, Memphia to New York; Kmpiiih to New Orleans to New York. Also carries p New lorli -vestibuled coach and dining car. Close Ciiana clmiJ -connection at Greensboro with sleeper txreensboro fT Norf0lk. IJxillman tourist cars San rullmon torn prancisco to Washington Mondays, Washingf o yednes d vn p.nd Saturdays. , nd Batiudayf- 910 P. M. No. 85, daily, for Atlanta No. 85, ufti and New Orleans, carries Pullman .cans, cfvrii' sleeper New York to New Orleans. New otk to jew vyork to Jacksonville and A Prominent Chiwo Woman Speaks. Prof. Roxa Tyler, of Chicago, Vice President Illinois Woman's Alliarice, in speaking of C Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy, says : 'I suffered with a NEW THE AT Y WITH ENGLAND. G severe cold this winter which threatened to run into pneumonia. I tried differ ent remedies but seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach. A triend adviBed me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take and it relieved me at once. I am now entirely recovered, saved a doctor's bill, time and suffering, and I will never be without this splendid medicine again. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co. ' Beat Out of An Increase cfUls Pension. A Mexican war veteran and prominent editor write: "Seeing the advertise ment of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aijd Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico in '47 and '48 I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an in crease in my pension for on every re newal a dose of it restored me." It is unequalled a& a quick cure for diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe to take. H or sale by M. L Marsh A Co., druggist. M,L. Brown & Bro LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. "Justin rear of St. Cloud Hotel. umniouses meet an passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules always on hand for .sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs. ODELL GO. HAMVFACTCBEKS 9 444 FINE Ginghams, Plaids, - Sheeting, Salt Bags. AND Outing. Cloths. DEALER IN Genei al Merchandise. Charlotte Washington briviiie arn 'Atlanta. Dinning car ling car v - Spartanburg, S. O. O. tourist car Washineton to San Francis- ehiEgton to COt via jrew Orleans Tuesday and Fri-. 1 leans Tarsi; days. T y. 54 P. M. No. 34, daily, the New :so. 31, ciairYorj aU(j j?iori,a Express, carries Pull i3a kxprest . jjuau Sleeping Cars between Augusta Cip tetTfend New York. Tampa, Fla, and New rk. J arnra, iYork; Charlotte to Richmond and Char ,c to Uii;rao-jotie to Norfolk via Greensboro, jlk via hrzi ;. First sections of regular through or .6 0 ,reca.nr jai freight trains cany passenger! trains r3i ruiy j0 points where they stop according whetothcvoBchedule. . Frank S. Gannon, ink S. C aiin - Third Vice-Pres. and Gen'l. Ms .'res. ftnd Gtt. Washington, L. 0. ilr, Troffi V Washington, D, 0, Vfto' W. A. Turk, Ge-n'. Pass. Agent, i W8Bivntftn. Dccenbery, JLocal Agent, tcry, I''" " - Concord, NO. -BUYERS OF- COUNTRY PRODUCE Four-foot Wood always Wanted. Price for same. .., Best . . . .0. We.invito an inspection'of all the goods . . wemanufacture . . For the Benefit of the Nioaraguan Ca nal How it Is to be Regulated. A new treaty has been formu lated and signed by Secretary Hay and Ambassador Paunce fote and has been presented to the United States Senate for rat ification. It abrogates parts of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty and opens the way for the United States to take up the construc tion of a grand enterprise, The following rules provide for control of the Nicaraguan canal, which we are destined to have ere long, viz: First. The canal shall be free and open, in time of war as in time .of peaco, to vessels of commerce and of war of all na tions, on terms of entire equality. Second. The canal shall never be blockaded, nor shall any right of war be exercised nor any act of hostility be committed within it. Third. Vessels of war of bel ligerent nations shall not re victual' nor take any stores in the canal oxcept sp far as may be strictly necessary,, and 'the transit of such vessels through the canal shall be effected with the least possible delay, in, ac cordance with regulations in force, and with only such inter mission as may result from the necessities of the service. Prizes shall be in all respects subject to the same rules as vossels of war of belligerents. Fourth. No belligerent shall embark or disembark troops, munitions of war or warlike ma terials in the canal except in case of accidental hindrance of transit, and in such case transit shall be resumed with all possi ble dispatch. Fifth. The provisions of these articles shall apply to waters adjacent to the canal within three marine miles of either end. Vessels of war of belligerents shall not remain in such waters longer than twenty-four hours at any one time except in case of distress, and in such case shall depart as soon as possible; but a vessel of war of one belligerent shall not depart within twenty- four hours of the departure of a vessel of war of another bellig erent. Sixth. Thfc plant, establish ment, buildings and all wprks necessaryto .construction, main tenance and operation of the canal shall be deemed part there of for the purpose of this con vention, and in timo of war, as in timo of peace, shall enjoy complete immunity from attack or injury by belligerents and from acts calculated to impair their usefulness as part of the canaf. 4 Seventh. No fortifications shall bo erected commanding the 'canal or walers adjacent. The United State however, shall be at liberty to maintain such mili tary police along the canal as may be necessary $ protect it again stlawles,4hoss and disorder. Other articles of the conven tion provide for inviting other powersto adhere to the treaty and foj its ratification by the Unitdll States and England. m.u 1 . . .Jii'J. ..... ... 1 mil m . 1 r-,- v ; .-T .. . . . . -,.,, ,M ,irr - ..-...a . :niT. ' r.in '1. Hn.,lni.mlmMwi:n:,hllh'l'W' j "fr'.ii t.iMiMTiir.inuMTnTV.ii-uii..iin.u:i:n.iii iU.i.Ttr- j j . I I r a AYcgetablePreparafionfor As similating Uuffoodand'aegula ling the S tomachs aodBoweb of ProinotesDig'CslioaCheeifUI ness and EestContains ndthcr Opium .Tlorphine wtWiEtaL KOT NATiC OTIC Pumpkin Sent tbt.Sama fHpermint If), airtana&Tol ftZrmSeed -f oriitd Sagttr A Dcrfect Remedy f orConstipa- tion, SourStomach.Diarrhoea, Voms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss arid LOSS OF SlEER Tac Simile Slgriauixe of TTEW "YOHK. tn hwrffi h'l" - nun iinii i' ' 11 iffMirt-n'itii 't --- i. CXACT COPT OT "WEAEFEB, I: For Infants and Children. The .Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signati w The Kind You Have Always Bought. Pi) w - era ft TMl CENVftUR COMPANY, MCWVORK OlTV. c If you are not a subscriber to The Standard now Is the time to subscribe. a . u have anyu? ta u can make it known thr tt The Standard. 4.4. - t 5 " If you want to buy anything ft you can call for it , through ! . The Standard. i- rpnage of the people THE STANDARD is published every day Sunday ex cepted) and delivered at your door for only 10c- per week or 35c- per month.'. r.V. , . Zl .7 THE STANDARD prints home and other1 news that is of interest to our readers and to make it grow better we must have the pat- Give us a trial when you make your next order for. Job Work. Work ready when promised X. J Advertising rates in .$...- - jj--' The Standard made known on application. ' fh m Concord N. c. - Working Nljht and Da1- The budest and mightest little thins; that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thc&o pilla change weak ness into strength, restlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25o per box at Fetzor's drugstore. COAL f K..L. Craven HasBomt 800 TONS JELICO COAL 200 TONS HARD COAL. taViriinaEffiaiii EM Eye Cancel CoaL Best steam coalat mine prices. Good Smith Coal. Call and get what vou want. 'Phone 74. ' over again hen all other prf "9 One Tiv : :k :;.s over ai uv.--f-'i !j Us cure, -rir;.i;-n:-. fuHed.tliaf Notice to Tax-Payers. The tax, books have been open since the 1st of September and you have not been in to pay your tax. I have to settle with the town by the 10t h of January, 1900, so I am obliged tohave your tax at once. I will call on you at once for the amount of your tax and shall expect you to be ready for me, If not paid when I call, I will proceed to collect same by law. This is plain talk, and it mean.? business. S. J. Ervjn, City Tax Collector. Dec. 9, 99 , X.

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