i V Price : $4. 00 per year. CONCORD, N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 30, 1900. Single copy 5 cents. 1 - S I J - - 4 Jf "J DELEGATES UTOIJTlED. The Executive Committee of the-Countj? Sunday School Convention Names the Ones to Attend the State Convention In Charlotte. At a meeting of the executive committee of the County Sunday' fort in bringing up an old de School Convention today (Satur- cision in th courts that has long day) the following delegates since lost its application by a from the different townships changed constitution", 'and says: were appointed to attend the; ' "The only remaining count in State Sunday School Con- his arraignment is that the voter vention to be held in Charlotte B as no appeal from the regis in March: No. 1, A N Harris; No. trar." Truly this is pitiable. 2, W J McLaughlin; No. 3, C 'A "As a matter of fact, no such Hamilton; No. 4, S W Winecoff; appeal has ever been practicable No: 5, R J Cook No. 6, Amos under any election law ever Penninger; No. 7, Jnb. R Nuss- passed in North Carolina, so far man; No. 8, Rev. Paul Barringer; as I have been able to discover. No. 9, P F Widenhouse; No. 10, Under the fusion election law of Thos. J Shinn; No. -11, W S 1897 the judges of the supreme White; No. 12, Revs. B Lacy and superior courts were given Hoge and JAB Fry. ! supervision and control over the All pastors of the town and county boards as to the appoint county and all officers of the ment of registrars and judges of County Sunday School Conven- . . . : & , tion are expected to attend.: ,Tbe executive committee ad-' journed to ' meet ' again on the 28th of April for the purpose of J 1 1 A . 0 A 1 J setting a date for the county con vention. - The New Drug Store Opened. Mr. W S Williams, who some time ago arrived here and has been busy opening his stock ' 6f drugs in the corner Litaker building, opened hisdoo-s to thend requiring judges personally public Friday afternoon. The style of the firm is the Concord Drug Company. " Tne room has been nicely ar ranged with everything, in cluding the counters, prescrip tion desk, drugs, etc. The open ing has been delayed on account of the non-arrival of a portion of their goods and fixtures, but they hope to have their stock complete in a few days. We welcome the new firm and hope that success will crown their ef forts. Organizing a Cotton Mill. :Trueman Chapman, - of Con. cord, N. C, is endeavoring to organize a cotton mill for the manufacture of a fine grade of yarns, No. 30's up. Mr. Chap man was in Charlotte this week getting estimates on machin ery. When completed the mill will contain about 6,000 spindles, although a smaller number than this will be at first installed. Mr. Chapman feels confident the project will go through. Textile Excelsior. To Deliver Their Annual Sermon. Pursuant to the call extended to him by the order, Rev. C B Miller will deliver the annual sermon to the Knights of Py thias lodge in St. James Luth eran church on Sunday night, March the 4th'. The members will attend in a body. Gen. Lawton's Final Burial. Gen. Lawton's body was laid to rest in Arlington cemetery amid suitable ceremonies on the 9th. The President and cabinet officers attended. Gen. Buller Balked Again. ' For the third time it seems that General Buller has had to drawback under the Boer fire and Ladysmith is left in fate's uncertain balance. The week closes with no headway made by the British. KLUTTZ SCORES UNSET. Answers Llnnej's Flimsy Objections to the North Carolina Election Law. (Concluded from yesterday). He then takes up Linney's ef cUOfl' W1U1 Powtu Ui lumoviU. and right to hear complaints of violations of duty by such officers and to require cause to be shown, t A and so forth, under penalties,1 but nowhere do I find any pro vision for an appeal by the indi vidual elector from the ruling of , the registrar. .. . - . ' ' "This dragging the judiciary into the mire of practical politics interested in the result of . the filop.tinn (nnr inrHr.inrv hfiine' v j c elective) to pass upon petty dis putes as to appointment of regis trars and judges was one of the most distasteful and dangerous features of the bad law which the Democratic party has wiped off the statute book and replaced with one infinitely fairer and better. . "But I shall not follow the gentleman further. Why should I? His evasion of the question as to why he does not take this law to his own Republican su preme court is so palpable as to be undeserving of serious notice. "Nor shall I dignify the gen tleman's very original, very un warranted, and very unnatural way of accounting for .the fre quency of lynchings with any extended reply. I would do him no injustice, but if his language means anything, it means that the denial of the right to vote is the provocative cause of lynch ing! ! In the light of what all tho world knows as to tho deplorablo and detestable crime which is the great cause of lynching, not only intho South but the world over, I leave the gentleman's explana tion to his constituents and to his own conscience. Judging, however, by the gentleman's own standard, this 'vicious elec tion law of 1899' has given North Carolina a 'purer- ballot'than she had under the fusion election law of 1895-97; for whereas in 1898 under that law there were four lynchings in the State, under the present law, which he so roundly reviles, I am informed there was not a single lynching in 1899. The gentleman's argu ment overreaches itself and proves entirely too much. Mr. Chairman, this unseemly contro versy was not of my seeking. "I deprecate alike the re-open-j ing of sectional debate and the discussion here of matters purely internal to the several' States. Let us fight out our questions of internal State policy at home and reserve our best thought and our best effort for the na tional weal when we come here. "Every State in 5 this Union has its own troublesome internal questions to deal with ', and each State ought - to. be ready and willing to : concede the patriot ism; the willingness, and the wisdom of every one of her sis ters td' settle ' lier own problems for herself without the inter meddling of outsiders. ' - "The better thought of this great body of representatives of all the people ought -to frown upon that son of any State who for selfish or partisan gain would disturb the fast:ementing ties of there-united sefctioils or, : worse, would here decry and deride the people of his o.wn State." . Ho points to tho characteristics of Daniel Webster, whose monu - luuub utiu, juou ucou uuvwiiwi, ttiiu. ascribes as a crowning virtue his great loyal defenses . of Massa chusetts, and says: .... . - t 4,These have' made his name immortal; but I have yet to learn that any man has commended himself to the intelligence and patriotism of Oongross or the country, much less to fame, by besmirching and - impugning his own people. This way lies not true greatness. "Mr. Chairman, I must have done. North Carolina needs neither apology nor eulogy at jny hands. Every glowing fact in her glorious history and de velopment colonial, Revolu tionary, ante-bellum and post bellum proclaims the greatness, the Heroism, tho patriotism, the truthfulness, and tho trustfulness of her people. With them duty is paramount, obligation is sa cred, law is supreme. . In their own best way, tired of corrupt and ruinous fusion legislation, j they are, dealing with the great racial, financial, educational, and political problems y which con front them.- With faith in them selves, in God, and in humanity; with a full appreciation of their dutv. to themselves, to .their country, to the constitution, to their homes and loved ones, they will, in God's good time, unde terred by threats of force bills or Federal interference, work out these problems , to tho glory of God and the good of mankind." Applause. Hopes to Open the 15th. The Postal Telegraph Co., whose lines are now being placed here in the postoffico building, hopes, to be able to transmit messages by the 15th. The com pany lis equipping their office here very nicely for their man ager, Mr. R L McConnell. Masonic Notice! Regular communication air of Stokes ixage jno. 6Z A F and A M Monday night Feb. 12th, 1900, at 7.30 o'clock. ' Craftsmen take due notice. R H Griffin, Sec. Feb. 10, 1900. , Mr. A B vMcIver, soliciting agent of the Raleigh Post, is here today. VA MR. BOGGS SAYS GOOD BYE. Disgusted With Leaders' and Without Hope of Reform Through the Party; - , . ,Mra Geo. E Boggs one of ,the founders of the Populist party who had been quite active in its movements but .opposed fusion with all his might has resigned his place as ; a jnember: of the executive committee and stands aloof from the party in great disgust at the drift away from its original principles.. He writes an open letter . to Dr Thompson, the chairman, say ing that he has no hope of rea lizing . his objects in the party. He hopes for the triumph of the principles but not through the party as it is control ed and. run. PERSONALS. ; Rev T W Smith went to Sal isbury this morning to fill his . . A . a . 't 1 m appointments on xne uoncora p circuit tomorrow, J , , . morning to spend i ounday. Mr. C C Morrison, of Chat tanooga, who travels for the King Iron Bridge Co.: is here to- Jday on account of the agitated bridge question on Rocky River. I Mr. Jas. Misenheimer, of Charlotte, is here today. Mr. Neal Ainsworth, advance agent of "The Girl From Chili," was here today, i r Francis II Leggett & Co. 's Selected Queen Olives. Heinz 's Mixed and Spiced Pickles and Chow-chow. Heinz 's Evaporated Horse Radish. ,: Heinz's Preserved Fruit. . India Kclisli. r Fresh Canned Salmon. Boston Baked. Beans. Fresh Canned Beans and Peas. D. M. Ferry's Celebrated Garden Seed. The Finest Quality of Gelatine in the city. S. J Ervin's. Phone , . . . .......... 6q A Leader that Leads All Others. Do you need one in your business? We have about $20,000 worth ot Furniture that we bought to sell. Give us a chance at you and if we don't "Kill you we will most. Call and 6ee us. You lare always welcome. Money back if goods are not as represented. That's ourfway. Bell; Residence Phone.... 80. for r rut Tenrs Mrs. Winslow's SoothicK Symp hai been used for over fifty yearn by 'miU Hoc a of mothers for their cbildrea tyhi.e teething with perfect success. It soothe the child, softens the gums, allays ail pain, cures wind colic, and if the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It wi'l relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately.' Sold by druggist in everyj part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for 'M"rs. Win Blows Soothing Syrup," aud take 20 other kind . . - mns. Would you' drob" in and look oyer our line of Spring Press'Ooods.. -Probably we have just what you have been looking for. All kinds of Linings, Near Silk, etc. Our Lining Stock is one of the most complete to be found. A very good Brillianteene in black and nobby blue, 36 inches wide, only . . 33c. An extra quality of Sicilian or Brillianteene, large coarse grain, real value , 75c yard, 42 inches wibe, marked at an attractive 1 P"ce S7ic- A good range of patterns in black crepons for skirts 50c A real fino quality of black and colors in crepons at $1-J.8- Do you want a real line black dress? then look at the Henrietta we sell at 08c- 1 piece 'Silk, 'price of Black Taffetta worth 65c, special New lot of plaids in 3(3 , inch camel hair effect, ' per yard only 25 C- hi. pin iw. ,rri'.. Harris & Co. Store 'Phone.. '..12.