fe; if kit .... ""-it Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, lfOO. Single copy 5 cents. A FREIGHT WRECK. Several Cars Derailed in Front of the Bleachcry SuuIay Xiglit Cotton Mill Machinery Damaged Four Cars Thrown Off of the Track. On Sunday night about 12 o'clock as the third soction of No. 73, a southbound freight train, was just in front of the blcachery on the main line, going at a good rate of speed, a wreck of several cars occurred. ( It is sup posed that it was caused by the trucks of one of the cars giving way. No ono was hurt but the track was. torn up somewhat and sev eral car loads of material dam aged. One of the demolished cars was loaded with railroad iron, another with an iron bridge and the other two which were thrown from the track were filled with cotton mill machinery. The machinery is badly dam aged, as it is small machinery which requires tho best of treat ment. Three other cars wero somewhat tlamaged but these were not thrown off of tho track. In order to let tho trains pass as quickly as possible tho cars were thrown from the track down tho large fill and over on the side track. Tho" working train reached hero in a few hours after tho wreck and was at work. All debris was re moved from tho track and rails laid for the passenger trains which were in waiting here, so that they passed over shortly before 0 o'clock in the morning. Mr. Will Kizziah, of this place, was the engineer but was in no dansrer. iu:in:: ross uasded. Claimed ItM.fe and a Flight to tilory. Reuben Ross was hanged at Lumbertou Friday, Gov. Rus sell after the long contest did not interfero and the execution took place. Ross professed innocence and made a tirade against what ho called the lower class of the Caucasian race. Ho professed the belief that ho was going straight to heaven. It is said that Ross told a ne gro that he had not committed the crii'no for which he was hanged but thot he was guilty of the Rockingham case for which John Evans was banjrod. Eov. was doi;; ; r bad man. Working c;. . : i.i-iuge uostiou. Messrs. Jno. P Allison nr-d Fred Ncrjbii, two of the con'ijv commiss'onrs, are this a Tut-. neon hokling their spoci.-.l. .v sion in rc'.r.u'd to the p!: c::':; of the iron bridge at Black's lui-l or at tho oi her two places on the river. There "is considerable contention on tho part of the different parties. Mr. C C Mor rison, tho agent for the bridge company, is before them this af ternoon and is giving them all information possible. lie was out at tho liver this morning. Masonic Notice I Regular communication Lodge No. 32 5 ' aw or hioK'es w A F and A M Monday 'A- night Feb. 12th, 1000, at 7.30 o'clock. Craftsmen take due notice. R H Griffin, Sec. Feb. 10, 1900, GETTING READY FOR THE "VETS Louisville's Great Auditorium for the Reunion Faro Ouo Cent a Mile. It seems unfortunate in every way for the Sato of Kentucky that her internal affairs should be so perturbed, butt Louisville seemed so anxious to show the Confederate veterans what she has already done and will do yet to commemorate the "Lost Cause" that the preparations sepm not abated. . Hon. Thos. D Osborne, chair man of the press committee, furnishes us the following: "The building that is toboput up at Louisville, Ky., for tho Confederate Re-union will be ioo x zvu ieeo ana consists oi a large rectangle, to each corner of which is attached a square u 4. iu i i c i, i is to beat the head of a broad fl. i . f , . i xi u flight of steps, is made through five wide doors into a vestibule seventy-five feet long. Through this vestibule, by fivo similar doors, tho main auditorium is reached. At each end of the vestibule will bo the stairways reaching The first floor is to consist of a feQ, 13 to bo S at Mr Dry great nave 175 feet long and ! 6 rest' Two hundred and seventy-five feet wide. Thei... . stage will fill the cntiro end of t.lio mnvr onnnitn tho main x i xt entrance, and tho commute rooms will occupy tho spree at the end of the aisles to tho loft and rixht of the stage. Toilet ooms, cloak rooms, etc., will be provided for near tho stage, and under the stairs at each sido of tho front. Tho greatest distance of any seat in the auditorium from the speaker's stand will bo 120 feet. There will be two galleries, either of which may bo entirely separatod from tho other, if desix'ed. The house will bo built with upright joints, stripped for the main body, and with pavilions covered with shiplap boards. It will bo whitened on tho outside and tinted on tho insido.J Tho roof will have a water proof covering. The windows will bo movable, many of them with flags used as panels, there by producing a fine effect. The .'in go will seat 200: the liro I Koor, ?,'('' .'0; the sub- 1,2- tr."n gallery, rial sr i. i i idei ..r-Itj, :; c.uiicdoi'.ue v'ott-ii.a etvw the pi :ins, and will Inve charge of its construction. All tho railroads in the South ern Traffic Asssociation have made a ono cent a mile rate for the Confederate Reunion "at Louisville May 30-Juno 3. The Siamese Twins Duplicated. Twins, joined exactly as tfie Siamese, twins were, have been born to an Innimile woman. They wero placed on exhibition shortly after their birth, and an injunction to prevent their dis play was refused by the courts. It is proposed to seiid them to the Paris exposition. Victoria, B. C, Dispatch, 8th. SCHOOLS TO CONTINUE YET. Some Increase In Attendance Vaccina tion Requirement. Tho school board hold a meet- ing today (Monday) at 11 o'clock to discussthe propriety of clos ing the factory schools. As several more pupils started to these schools this morning it was thought best to continuo tho schools for a few weeks longer to see if the attendance would increase. It was decided by unanimous vote not to rescind tho order re quiring vaccination. . MR. IYafTHE STATE. To seak Xwice ia KalcJ h an(l Lcc turc at Chapel Hill. Raleigh has mado groat prepa rations for tho visit of Mr. Bryan. 'He will bo met in Richmond by a , , . .. . J. 'delegation and will arrive in . . . , . . , Ho will speak at 4 o'clock for tho benefit of those who can't hoar him at' night. On Wednesday at noon ho will lecture at Chapel Hill on "Pcnd- Problems." An admission tablish an annual prize for tho ' ernmont, the balanco to be given i . . He will not be ablo to stop at t any other towns in tho State on his llym? i(m Gettins I::i ...!. 1 Xtrtuik Uliat it Costs. Some one estimates that get- ing born costs the United Stales fcLVu.w ally; getting manie: 000 annually; g.Ni' ..'le of tho y".)0 annu-s:;:)'),000,-buried, 75,000,000 an-in.'lly. (hMting drunk costs tho pUi of tho Unitod States inoiv, than ,I27, 000,000 annually, or more than ono and a half times as much as getting born, m::rrlcJ and buried put together. frivol Heart Review. A Night Gt Tcitt. "Awful anxiety ffit r of tho bravo Gei'til Marchias, Ie., vti ii li.c ' she would die fri)r,i -:; ,ti morninjj." nritfs hf H T! Vho attended l:v ft .:t";V- d sht! bi .;! d i-.'V ;u. j -4 1 !ri v. idoT jh'iiii (,f tjrs fi.iid i I'c'oi-e 1 n'i.f, ! lit !''. w Ui-i-i ' a vr. ') h.'.i - 4' c i ) - f:vrvl b-r 1 csire i . : - -J: i, a, c. 1 1.; free it t'l'.f ' r; :,.. Sight Aflcr 11 Years of Mrs. H E Austin v,-,-- ,l eleven years and recently 1 1 vl an operation performed in a Chicago hospital which completely re stored her sight. Stood Death Off. -E. B Muntlaj', a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex. , once fooled a Krave-clis;cer. lie says: My brother was very low with malarial auc jaundice. I persuaded him to try Electric Bitters, and he was Boon much better, but continued their ue until he was wholly cured.- I am sure Electric Bitters saved hig life. This remedy expels malaria, kills tho disease germs and purifies tho blood, aids digestion, regulateH liver, kidney and bowels, cures constipation, dyspep sia, nervous diseases, kidney troubles female complaints; c;ives perfect health. Only 50c at Fetzer'e drug store. ( A Negro Woman Badly Hurt. On Sunday night a negro wo man, Mary Branick, was hit on the head twice by a shovel han dle, making two considerable wounds, which it was at first thought would prove serious. Louis Smith, a white fellow, was charged with the offence and was arraigned before the mayor. He is bound over to court in a 300 bond. PERSONALS. Luther Weddington spent yesterday in Charlotte. Mr. F L Robbins, of Salis bury, spent yesterday here with his family.. Miss Emma Fink returned this afternoon on a delayed train from Gastonia. Prof. P E Wright, principal of the China Grove Academy, is hero this afternoon. Mr. M L Jackson, of Salis bury, proprietor of tho St. Cloud barber shop, is he.ro today. Claronco Connelly, of H L Parks & Co.'s, spent yesterday ! and today at his, homo in Char lotte. Mr. L Godfrey, of Provi denco, R. I. is hero today. Mr. Godfrey sold tho machinery for the Coleman cotton mill here. Mrs. M J Ramseur went to Salisbury this morning to attend tho bedside of Mrs. W G Bos hamer, who is undergoing treat ment at tho hospital there. Fmiicis 1 1 Txccrirett & Co. 's Selc-h'tl (Juoon Olives. 1 1 c s a v, 7s Mixed and Sp i c e d Piekicr; uvA Chow-chow. J loin 's i a apornted Horse Uiidirdu Uoins Preserved Fruit. Jmii;: ! Vrtr i r On nned Sal i tion. jost)!i li.ikcd Peans. ieirdi Canned Beans and Peas. J ). M. I'Vrrv's Celebrated (warden tii.vd. fJ'h(! i'iaest Quality of Cudatine ia the city. 5. J. Ervin's. 'Phone . . 6qs A Leader that : j .i... :.,:X-wt:'v ..' - j - . ' ; - ; ..- s s ; v J ... KM! illM.n'.lKlii)!!: Do you need one in your business? We have about ' yiOO wurth oi Furniture that we bought to sell. Give us a clini c ? a' you and if we dou't uii you we will most. Call and see U3. You iro always w.!co'.n. M ney back it goods are not as represented. That's ourvay. Bell, Harris & Co. Residence iPhone. .. .90. ' Store 'Phone.. .. liV For Over Flit? years Mrs. Winakrvv's Sootbirg Syrnp hna been used for over fifty jears by 'raii lioca of mothers for their children whe teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, soi'tens the gum?, allays all pain, cures -wind colic, and is the best remedy for Dianhor a. It will relieyo the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by drusjrists in ever J pit of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup," au? talce ro other kind Would you drop it: look over our line of S; Dress Goods. Probab! and mug y we have just what you have been looking for. All kinds of . Linings, Near Silk, etc. Our Lining Stock U one of the most complete to be found. A very good Brill ianteeno in black and nobby blue, 30 inches wide, only : . 3c An exlr-v quality of Sicilian or ib.'iUianteeue. larg; coat'.i grain, real vnlp.c 7ic vs-.'d. 12 inch or wibf, marked 'price . . at an attract ivo J o- d range of xatbM-ns .)!ack ct'tMious for x I line quality of b atM.i colors in croi i.. .-.i- s. Do yoa want a real 'ire bl'ick dross? then look at tho Henrietta wo sellr.t 98c I piece of Black TallHfn, Silk worth G5c, special price A9c New lot of plaids inch camel hair per yard only in effect, '2oc- Leads All Others. x . ,4 H -mm,., ip.'-i

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