4ff - 1 c(P . f?"5t YH:ix a'A Si NV vA- i k't "it'-v "CV ; o o wvm .jfiV0- s?r j'" f'l M ' H & 1 V- '' ,,.4 13 " M v. rs tri r; ..r ' Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1900. -Single copy 5 cents, H rl S ANOTHER SESSION. Our County Ccinmissloiiers UiiaMe to Detide the Bridge Question and ITill Held Anol'HT Electing Friday. For several months the people out in the Rocky River neigh borhood of the county have been interested in the work of the county commissioners and would have their representatives here on the first Monday. Months ago it was in regard to the pro posed now road out there, and now it is the bridge question. All of Monday afternoon was consumed by tho different argu ments put forth for and against the placing of the new iron bridge across the river at Black's .mill as had first been doclded, elso put half of it across the rU'cr at Pharr's mill and the other part of it across the river where the proposed now road i i ... j i r-ni ' woma crofjs Liio rurer. i nero is strong contention on both sides, and it would bo fortunate indeed if the parties could amicably agree to some movement rather than have sonle say ' that if it is not decided in their favor "Ihey will fight it until the last." Mr. C C Morrison, who is a specialist on this kind of work, visited the places on the river Monday morning and made his report as to the different po sitions that afternoon. He is not partial to any position but only gives them the facts of the case. Deeming it necessary to have , some more aaia on tne question before deciding finally, the com missioners adjourned to meet Friday again to hear the matter. Loose Miller-Jailed. Lonse Miller, one of the ne groes who last Saturday one week ago stole some things from the Cannon & Fetzer Co. store and has sincOj been hiding from the officers, has been found and now lies in jail awaiting a sen tence at the next term of court. He was caught Monday night in No. 3 township by Mr. Watt Smith, to whom the warrant was sent that day. Mr. Smith tied his negro on a mule and brought him here yet that night, getting hero abqut 1 o'clock in the morn- mg. To Have an Additional Mission Worker. At a ma-tin;- of the officers of the First iva.hterian church Monday night it was decided that an additional miss'en worker bo added hero in the field. This is thcfieh! now in charge of llv. Cochran Preston. It is not definitely decided as to who the additional minister will be but; the step means that tho Cannon vihe and Fo, est Hill Presby terian churches will each have services morning and night. rhemaa clJ Brr.kciuan Killed. Sundav mV.rht a freight train ran into a 1: ncl 5-lide - between Torrelle's u;.d Black Mountain .ou the Webu.u-ii road. The en gine wns turned over and Adam Jeffries, ihi-in, and Porter Nichols, brc: Sicilian, both colored, were caught underneath and crushed to death. rr. T R T.nffprtv. nf Cbinn, Grcve, is here this afternoon. 1?EAL ESTATE I)E"A I Mr. T. M Morris Purchases the R. S. j)urliaiu shaken xjp Sauday Eveuiug Harrls rropcrty ou Spring Street-j Miraculous Escape -Several May We. Mr. Harris Purchases Property From : Qne of the twQ boilQrs Qf thQ P ,B. Fetze?. Durham electric light plant ex- A real estate deal has been ploded Sunday evening with made whereby Mr. P AI. Morris fearful force and effect. As if by has purchased the house and .lot miracle no one was killed, but on Spring street where. Mr. ll S the injuries of two or three men Harris and family have been arQ likely to prove fatal, livins'for many years. Mr. R S The building W'as demolished, Harris, after disposing of his j th0 engine mashed into amass, property, has purchased from the twin boUer was lifted and set Mr. P B .FetEer the bouse and about ten feet away, heavy ma lot next to -Dr. N D Foyer's chinery was crashed, bricks and where Mr. Zeb Morris recently' various fragments vwro hurled lived. . Mr. Harris and family ; fearfully about, driving through will not move at once into their j tho walls ot houses and breaking new homo as it is at present glass from windows. The shock occupied by Messrs. G R P Mil- damaged plate glass 490 or 500 ler and Jno. J Cook. yards away. Our Cotton Sow Scarce " 0f tho inmates of the building Numbers probably think that ! Superintendent Brown was not Luers piuuuury iinuit unit ;d is lacking on account of ton market not being as Concor her cottoi high as . in some other towns, but if they will stop to remember that, tbis wns nr.o. of thfl Vfirv best of markets when tho farmers tm-, 4 cn nri viian oC! is often tho case, they must sellibruisd but ifc is thought he will at some wico in order to meet tbpir bills bcro is but little cotton in our county unsold. To Enhance lis Value. Messrs. Brown Bros, are these days, when the weather permits, adding . to the value of their property ou joutn Main street almost opposite Mr. R A Brown's residence where a blacksmith shop stood. The ground is very low but they are filling it up, making it suitable for building purposes. His Bond Reduced. The case of the State vs. Louis Smith, assault with deadly weapon on Mary Branick, a negro woman, has been tried be fore Esq. W J Hill. He was re quired to give a $200 bond for his appearance at the next term of Superior court. The negro woman's condition is about the same. It Will Not Be Moved. The correspondent to the Observer erred, it seems, Sunday in sayiug that the Nowman hos pital would be moved from Sal isbury to Charlottesville, Va. He intend to build a fine one at the latter place but his pres ent one will remain in Salisbury, Mr. M. S. Williird Here Today. Mr. M S Willard, of Wilming ton, who is a member of our present Legislature, vas here this morning for a few hours. Mr. Yv'illaril, is a prominent in surance man and & good Demo crat, St jckiolIerB Hay, This is tho appointed day for the meeting of th stockholders of the xjannon iUauuiaciurmg Co the Patterson Manufactur- Co., and the Coleman Manu- f acturiug Co. They meet this af tcrnoon about 3 or 4 o'clock. rostmastcr Vuth Smallpox. A late dispatch says the assis tant postmaster at Reidsvillc has smallpox. If so the mails will have to be fumigated there. B 01 LEU EXBLOklON. , ' seriously hurt; J.J Lumly was scalded and hurt by brick his condition is serious; Clydo Dick enson was inrown some aistauco -i , , tl!s lovuieu ,;nu ueoi is his injuries are not considered fatal; L ill Burnett,, colored, was soon recover; Alex Lyon, also coored was thrown some 30 feet. He is seriously if not fa tally hurt. The proporty is a total loss amounting to about $25,000, on tttIoV, 4V,r.rt -.oc? c-ir nnn which there was 10,000 insur- anco l'he plant Was tho property Of uten. j o oarr. Attention Veterans. The time is here for us to col lect the ten cents per capita dues to bo sent up to Confederate veteran headquarters. These funds must be forwarded and- reach their destination by the first of April They should bo in my hands by March 15th. Please do not delay to hand the undersigned your dime at once that Camp 212 may continue its good standing in the organiza tion. Please do not drop into tho error that it is not worth while to pay unless you intend to at tend the re-union. We gladly pay this small sum overy year to enable the Confederate Veterans' Association to continue its existence and its usefulness. Jno. D. Barrier, Treasurer Camp 212 U. C. V. A, Night ot Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for tue widow of the - bravo General TWrthnm of Marchiae, Mo. , when tuc doctors Raid she would die from pneumonia before morning," writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, wlio attended her that feailal ni-'ht, but she begged for pr, Kinps New Pis coyery, which had more than once saved her life, and cured Ler of con suraption. After t?lnr! phe elopt all niht. Further use entirely cured her. Tins marvellous medic e is guaranteed euro all throat, chest and lung dis ease. Only 50o and $1.00. -Trial bottles free at Fetzer's drug store. e Stood Death Off. E. B Munday, a lawyer Ilonritlia, Tex., once fooled a Rravo-dicr. He says: My brother vus very low with malarial and jaundice. I persuaded him to try Electric Bitters, ami he was soon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly erred. I am sure Electric Bitters saved, his life. This remedy expels malaria, kills 'the disease germs and purifies the blood, aids digestion, regulates liver, kidnoy and bowels, cures obstipation, dyspep- sia, nervous diseases, kidney troubles, female complaints; gives perfect health, Only 50c at FeCer's drug store. FILIPINOS (JIVE IT UP. Their Leader Dies of Fever iu the Mcuu taius. A Manila dispatch of the 12th says tho Filipino General Pinar Pio Del Pilar died recently in Morong mountains and that a consultation among the leaders resulted in acknowledging that it would be useless to offer fur ther resistance to tho Americans. Their forces therefore disbanded except small gangs in the hills. , Mr. II M Weir has rented Mr. II M Barrow's residence on.tho avenue leading from Main to Church street at rear Of Mr. IJarrow's home. PERSONALS. W J Swink, of China Groye, is hero today. Mrs. J W Wadsworth. of , Charlotte, .arrived here this morning 10 visn Mrs. j w Uan- nn. i r ,xr , A, - , rharlnt.to i ermn rlii-ior t n n-n with his .brother, Mr. Jno. C i U ausvvorth. Mrs. M J Ramseur returned this morning from Salisbury. . Mrs. Boshamor is getting along very wcxl at the hospital. Messrs. Sam Smith and Harvey Detwiler, of Charlotte, are here today- Mr- Smith has ' ' or Quite a whilo boon coming lllol.a V anrtAnr.A n;i but, rcnntlr snp.nrorl n. nrit.mn ,th tho firm nf T,onnn.rrl Jtr. ttllie Francis II Leggett & Co. 's Selected Queen Olives. m Heinz 's Mixed and Spiced Pickles and Chow-chow. Heinz 's Evaporated Horse Radish. Heinz 's Preserved Fruit. India Relish. Fresh Canned Salmon. .Boston Baked Beans. Fresh Canned Beans and Peas. D. M. Ferry's Celebrated Garden.Seed. The Finest Quality of Gelatine in the city. S. J. Ervin's. Photic 6q A Leader that tJZ; t -j -!Si J - ' .r- Do you need one in your bp.vc's? We rro Furniture that we bought to sell. Give us a change at you we will most. Cull and see us. You goods ujo not as represented. That's ourjway, Bell, Residence Phone. . . .90. For Ovr riitr years Mrs. Winslow's Hoothirg fcynip has een gsed for over titty jc-ius Ly luii liors of mothers for their Hhjron whe teething with perfect success. It soothes tho ohini,e softens V. allays ftH paic, enres wind colic, and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea" it viil relieve the poor little suffers r immedi ately. Sold by drmrrists in every" part of the world. Twenty-five ce.au, a bet tlf?. Be sure nnd ask for ''Mrs. Wir slows Soothing Syrup," au? take no other kind Now is the 'time to huy early; spring goods and do your sewing. Domestics and Fine Cambrics can 1k boii&'ht cheaper now th'-i after while when . thu pres ent stock is is e.!?Tisi'il,T'or you well know that fill cot- ton goods have advanced. tt ere are superior wane:: , at sensible prices English long cloth. 1 2 yards to the pieco, and tlio ver.7 best quality, per piece only $L75. Barker mills Domestic, om - of the old reliable brands, very soft, per yard . . New lot of Spring styles in a very fine French Ging hams, large assortment of patterns, per yard He- 10c 500 yards of Sea Island Percals, best goods, and never sell for less than 12c, but we have thorn in 3 to 10 yard pieces at lOc. Apron Ceck ginghams in blue and white, brown and white and green and a splendid quality at Qkc- Large quantity of Em broideries and Laces iu all the new patterns and priced according to your ideas of economy. h. i. pis s ciPiw: Leads All Others .1?- I about "k ' )' .wo ; ;v. V'-u aii'l it' we dcvn'i 'i-Al Jure woloucie. iiMcnoy ba:li. 1? Harris & Co. Store 'Phone.. ..12. 3 o n

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