1 f .4 : til ' T '' i .1 u H PiiiCE: C-i-OO per year.- o CONCORD, N. 0., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1900. SlXGLE COPY 5 CENTS. S fl fcl p tl rl V ,f? ? vf sft ... h & i t f ; fcr - -' f lv i : i r n 1 i v.- SLICH TRICK. Kr lie V,'!8 Beaten Out of $1,00(1..!)? a Mn in Clerical Kobes. A. L. Thorn, of Point Pleasant, "V. Va., a member of the Mason County Coili't, and a man of wealth and usually astute busi ness qualities, was beaten out of si, 000 by a novel schema a few days arc. Tuesday evening last a Strang- j a Baptist circuit rider who had lost Iris way. At. 0.30 a young looking couple drove up and asked to be directed to a minister, as they wanted to be married. Thorn's romatic turn cropped out, and ho invited tho couple indoors i ,.1 , ,.,1 ,,..,-,, H,m.wJ . U VU IUU UUIL'CU lo III V i!A.-llUU&, ttfl UiU bUH. I,?., i....,... .i.v 4,. 4 n everything was ransacked, but oC a dairy and . , ... , , i money and otlier valuibies wero driving one of mi in, i.'j'.DiiuiiHii: inau ne was , i- and be married by the itenerant! 7 " o-4 , ... mi i - . . , iboro to allow No. oo to pass, and minister. The knot was tied and I . , . , 1 , Thorn sr-ned the certificate a 1 aftr S1mn- llls ordcrs' ho was witness, treating to coffee, cake, pie and apples in honor of the, event. The next day Thorn. went to the bank and was astonished to find that his check for $1,000 had been cashed. Ho had signed it, payable to" bearer, through a slit in the marriage certificate. Monroe Enquirer. THEY ELOrE. Bride Not Eighteen Years of Age. While Mr. J F Bost was in Concord on the 14th inst. he says one (ieorgo Washington Lee of Stanly county drove up to his home in No. 4 township and took in Miss Grace Furr and went to parts unknown but doubtless to .the sphere of matrimony. Miss Furr is not 18 years of age and there seems to have been no consent to her marriage Mrs. Mitchell Clark Dead. On Wednesday morning the wife of Mr. Mitchell Clark died at Forest Hill. She is the wife of the young man who is em ployed, at Craven Bros, store. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. jMC Honeycutt, of Forest Hill, and had been married since December of 1$98. Sho was 21 years of age. The funeral was preached at the home of Mr. Honeycutt by Rev. R M Hoyle after whjch the remains were in terred in tho city cemetery. Making Another Improvement. Gradually the new company is adding to the appearance and convenience of the Gibson drug store. Ere long large plato lass be placed in the front. At; nrfisont wnrlrmmi arfl husv nlac-' ing a large window where form erly was the stairway leading to the hall upstairs. Tho stairway leading to the hall will be placed farther back in the building. This change is made to add more light to' the rear of tho store. Congress UJysterioos Death. Congressman Charles A Chick ering, of Copenhagen, New York, was found dead outside the Grand Union Hotel in Now York city on Tuesday. It is not known whether it was suicide or some unaccountable accident by j which he fell from the fourth 1I0RKIBLE CliDLtf IN i'LOKlDA. Family or Throe Slain Tise Shinier a ' Jlystcry. 0 A Jacksonville, ' Fla., dispatch of the 13th says.. Mrr,. Rosa Rob erts, a widow of 78, her bachelor son of 53 and maiden- daughter of 51 were murdered at their south of town th'.j afternoon, homo about seven miles from tho J when Charles Hammer, in de city probably Monday. Thero is ; fending his. own life, shot and no duo to the. murderers, and- mortally wounded his 19-year- , . , i i ; . j - ' i i , IWl. IXKJl iTWillV3 I I UJU The murders were committed with an axe. The family was found by mere accident. i.-isniocr joiiu teizer ucau. On Wednesday night at 7.. 10 as engineer John Fetzer, was pull- incr nut nf flin cilinrr nt Cl-rnnrta. nearu 10 ien ins nrcman inai no couldn't sec. He then fell against the boiler and died. Ho had charge of tho engine on No. 7, the southbound train. Mr. Fetzer has been engineering on this road cpiito a while and well of his mother. Hammer got pos- j horo tomorrow at the callod known especially by railroad ' session of tho revolver and iu a. met -ting of tho county commis msn. lie was a member of the ' scufflo which ensued ho was sc-1 honors. Masonic Order, Red men and T? 1 1 - r-. Tin nrno n nAiicni r 4 li rv r; "' n V i A- ,v r Messrs. N D and P B Fetzer of" strength of his son, and believing this place. jhis life to bo in danger, the In tne Social Iteahns. j 1 c 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. W S Wil liams on Depot stroct last night. Mrs. Williams served light re freshments to the guests. A Valentine party was given on North Church street Wednes-. day night at Mr. ' M L Moore's residence. There were twenty present to spend the evening most pleasantly and to receive a comic valentine as a souvenir of St. Valentine's Day of 1900. . ' Editor Deal's Marriage Notice. The Wilkesboro Chronicle has the following account of the edi tor's marriage: This editor and Miss Mamie Wallace were married last Wed nesday, at this place, at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Mr. Rodgers the Methodist pastor, performed the ceremony. The old woman joins her old man in thanking their friends for the many good wishes extended them. Attended the Funeral ot Their Brother. As announced in thes 3 columns Mr. John Green, of this place, died at the home of his father Several miles east Of Mt. Pleas- j ant Tuesday. Quite a number Of the members Ol the Udd J'ei-1 lows' lodge hero attended the i funeral at Salem church in Stanly county today (Thursday). Lutler Withheld the Truth. Now it seems that Butler won his victory in getting a report ! e u " ,-44 -,7rmr I from sub-committee ..unfavorable : from committee a letter from Judge Simonton which if pre- ! sented to the committee in the interests of truth and fairness would havo been favorable to Ewart. Tho case may bo ro- opened. It places Butler inaj bad light. But he mostly shines vjuiie a gooanumueroi coupies , , , , , , , second shot before ho could re- were entertained in the new,, , . , I FATIlEIi SHOOTS HIS SON. Driven to the Horrible Deed iu Self De fense From DruukOu Son. A Greensboro special of tho 14th to tho Charlotte Observer says: A sad affair occurred a mile Uammcr is piopriotor the son has been the milk wagons After making his delivery this moriug he ho- came kitoxicated and remained fter 12 in tovvrn until shortly after 12 'o'clock, taking ' dinner at ares i ; tanrant ( "When he reached home tho boy's father and mother made an .f?sTt 4 - o In'm in .v i-.-1t,. house and eat dinner, but ho was . , , m an ugly mood and started to leave, telling tnem ne was going to a near-by distillery, His father began to remonstrate with j his son, when the latter drew a revolver and would have fired had it not been for the entreaties ( vcrely beaton and choked by his Slf T? fVPnim 1 ' 1 Tl T i 1 1 a - till nrTl rV father firod a ball into tho body j Sunday and will attend tho moet nf Vn5 Vrv follmnno' it, xp ih n. ing of Synod at Salisbury next w ' .viw "r ... .v.. lease nimseii. dulu uuiis on- tored tho stomach and will prove fatal. Hammer carried the limp and blooding form of his son into the house and sent for a physician, after which he walked into the town and surrendered himself to the sheriff. The preliminary hearing has boon postponed un til tho grief-stricken wife and Knottier, who was the only eye witness to the tragedy, can at tend. Mr. Hammer is a plain, hon est and industrious man and is crazed with grief over the sad oc currence which caused him to stain his hands with the blood of his offspring. A Nlffht ol Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave . General Burnham of MarchiaBt'Me., when the doctors said she would die from pneumonia before morning," writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, but she begged for Dr. Kings New Dis covery, which had more than once saved her life, and cured her of con sumption. After taking, she slept all night. Further use entirely cured her, T,-fl marvP.llnns medimne is GrnnrnnlMftl to cure all throat, chest and lung dis ease, uniy ouo anu i.w. xxiai uouicb f ree at Fetzer,B drng Btore- Stood Death Off. E. B Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., once fooled a grave-digger. He says: My brother was very low with malarial and jaundice. I persuaded him to trv Elecric Bitters, and he was soon much better, but continued their .... ... , . T use until he was wholly cured.' I am his life. This remedy expels malaria, kills the disease germs and purifies the blood, aids digestion, regulates liver, kidney and bowels, cures constipation, dyspep sia, neryous diseases, kidney troubles, lemaie complain is; erives perieet neaitn. i Only 50c at Fetzcr's drug store. Mrs. r ""k" Black went to Charlotte this morning to visit PERSONALS. Mr. N F Yorko Salisbury. has gono to Dj. L M Archey wTeifl down to Albcmarlo this morning. John Smith went to Albc marlo this morning to spend two days. Miss Mary Johnson went to Lodo this morning to spend a few days. Mrs. R Brown went to Salisbury this morning to attend tho bedsido of Miss Maude i Brown. Mr, Bon Spigel arrived hero last -night from 'Salisbury to ! V'1S brotllcr Archeyj Spigel. Miss Kate Crawford, of Sal isbury, passed through here to day on her way to Mt. Pleasant to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Pink Misen heimer went to Charlotte this morning. Mrs. Misenheimcr will return homo next week. Miss Aphia Collins, of .Ashe ville, arrived hero this morning to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Luthor Saunders. Mr. C C Morrison, tho bridgo man, roturned this morning to bo Rgv. C B Millor loft fVilc morning to spend a few days with his mother. Ho will also tako part in ft corner.stouo lay. ing at Faith on Saturday and - - v u - Tuesday. Francis II Leggett & Co. 's Selected Queen Olives. Ileinz's Mixed and Spiced Pickles and Chow-chow. Heinz 's Evaporated Horse Radish. Ileinz's Preserved Fruit. India Relish. Fresh Canned Salmon. Boston Baked Beans. . Fresh Canned Beans and Peas. D. M. Ferry's Celebrated Garden Seed. . The Finest (Quality of Gelatine in the city. . S. J. Ervin's. 'Phone 6q A Leader that : i K? ygyr l ..-. 4 -' V ! m, has- f ,' -. - i, - TV- . .""s. Do you need one in your business? We have about $ 20. 000 worth Furniture that we bought to sell. Give ni a chnnc at yu aud il ve doj.'t veil, you we will most. Call and see us. You Jxre always welcome. M -ucy bncl? ii goods are not as repreten ted. That's ouiJv ay. Bell, Harris & Co, Residence Phone. . . .90. Store 'Phone .... 12. For -:r Fiitr Tior Mrs. Winslow's Soriirfr Fyrnp'Tfc'ja been usvil fr r ovvv fi.'tv 5rr, by 'rnjj. lior-i of mother . b-r tUrir ctiiJchcJi vlr.e tcetbiu; w i ; h pei ft c 1 1 r: eeei. J sootbes llirf cti!,, .soff.'DP t':, , allnjs all pt.in, cntcH wind colic, ftn-l is tte best rvu-Cy for Dianicr i rMieyethe yooc iiitle f-uilcrer iran'pi ate!y. Sold 'y di n-ihts in cvuJ pa;i of tho world. Twcuty-.il ve r p tie. Be f nre nd nsk for "Mrs. Win dows South-in-- Syrup," uus? taLo other kir.d Now is the tini" to ,ny early spring good:; aMvI o your sewing. Dor.K.i ' and Fine Canibi'ics . i: !;; bought cheaper hy; than after wliile when the t ic ent stock is is exhausted, for you well know -r all cot ton goods have advanced. Here are superior value s at sensible prices: English long cloth, ll' yards to the. piece, and the very best quality, per pice;;, only : $1.73. Barker .mills Domestic, one ui i uu um i uj muit; ui aims very soft, per yard. . . New lot of Spring styles in a very lino French .Ging hams, large assortment of patterns, per yard 0c. 10c 500 yards of Sea Island Percals, best goods, and never sell for less than 12c, but we have them in 3 to 10 yard pieces at 10 c Apron Ceck ginghams in blue and white, brown and white and green and a splendid quality at Gc- Large quantity of Em broideries and Laces in all the new patterns and priced according to your ideas of ecoliomy. ill pin coin Leads All Others. - - -7-' tory of the hotel. that wray. ' her home folks. .