(J on 1fi TH fir M s.! 1 o Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 19', 1900. . Single copy 5 cc:;rj. H rmrni i f Oil? FIRE LIMITS. The Lii; s Soiv l.n'n Cut as lo the The Limits F,"de at the Iteeent Mooting of the Citj Fathers. At the 1 st meeting of the town fathers the firg limits were made out, which lines vv&l now be re memberod by oar people before building or improving inside of these lines. The past limits "Wire do-fecWve.. i The kn?novv runs Trom the in tersection of Corbin and Chur?h street at Mr. Jno. I Pat-' terson's corner, thence on Corbin, street - tc intersec tion Cff this street jvitnfSpring street, thence to f stake1" at south west corner of A L Sappenfield's property between his residence art tho Episcopal church, thence in . lino to Church street. This latter lino will run betwee'n the St." Cloud hotel and Mr. Joel feed's residence. It then follows Church street to the starting point mentioned. KEY. II H PE ARSON. His3Ict!o; of rrcac!:ii? and Work' in Strou? Contract to Sne Evangelism. We believe in Mr. Pearson. Ho preaches the Gospel in stron but 'decent language. He does not refer to his own'pnst life rror put a premium on 'Vild oats.' We do not know what Mr. Pear sou's past life has been, but from his preaching we would in fer that he has always been a gentleman. The ravings and rantings of Mrs. o J Jrvm, itov. an l Mrs. many of the noted "evangelists of J A BFry, and Misses Lila Bar our day are in striking -contract Tett, Lizzie Hemphill,. Lidie with the language and spirit of Smith, Stella Norris and Lucy the Master, who spoke .plainly and strongly but always de cently. "There is absolutely no excuse for a preacher playing , the buffoon except the ctesire to , make himself notorious. Such a man's soul is not on fire to, save men, but Tt is on fire with a sel fish ambition to set himself up. Tom Dixon, poor fellow, felt that he must say startling things, and the more he had to say, until finally, witn an ms resourceiui brilliancy, he wearied with all the empty applause his sensa tionalism brought him and re tired in disgust to private hfo. The trouble with the man was radical. He was not impelled by the richt motive. He went mto thpnnlnit fof the oDDortunitv it; afforded of keeping himself in -X L X i "..i view and in due time he con lapsed. Wfe have, often wondered that otiiers as a'mftitious as, ho, but not so brilliant, have held up so long. But their day is earning. The man who makes the minis try a ladder for his o.wn selfish uplifting is sure at lasf to fall. But the few like Mood.f and Qearson, who preaclf the 'plain old Grospel in tho plain old way, albeit with wondrous power, wfill be blessed of the Lord and lovfcd by Iha people. . A preacher,of all other men in the world, shquldset the example of gentlenes.. refinement, agd alf other qualities wnich mark tho perfect gentleman. Charity and Children.' Durham's Good 3Iotc Durham is to convert its "Smoky Hollow" into an indus trial circle it seems. A cotton ' mill is to ' be erected in. the spring with a capitol of $250,000 or fcauy.tw. CTOyJE I: FULL EETKEAT. L050S 78 "Wagons Captured by the - VI Rritish Boers Also Afrrres4ye The reliefc of Kim barley was followed py a haiy retreat by the Boer General,; Cronje. Ilp lost 78 wagons .captured by the British Saturday. These, were piiiuon AYiui various sieves mciua- 1 1 j. 1 m ' j 1 ing xuauser rines, snens ana ten barrels of explosives It seems that Gen. Qronjo will 'display lunch SKiii it . lie esqipes the effort, of the British to bag him. On the other hand the J3oersl are pressing to cut the Bitish line of communications from further east. , The. extract Mad'foi the Bridge at rharr's Mill The cost to the cotfhty of pkicing the new iron, britkre at Pharr'siMill on Rocky river wijl cost the county additionally $1,039, which coatract was made last Saturday. ' Besides, though,' 'the county will have half of tha Kinds of,Driagoyet ior ine.otner piace 1 1 . - ji 1 when a right? of way has been KPP.nrp.rl. mid nls;n :i lwrt, of ihn approach which was to have been used at the Black's mill. Mr. and Mrs. J. IJ. Sherrill Gfte a Dinner, On last Staturday an elegant dinner was served at G o'clock at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. J B Sherrill.. Those present wore Mr. and Mrs. J D Lentz, Mr. and Montgomery. Marriage Licenses Issued, On last Saturday afternoon Register Johnson' was called upon to, issue licenso'to S W Daniel of Mecklenburg county, and Misfc M L Torrence, of No. 2 towTnship. , Mr. Chas. Widen house, son of Mr. Monroe Wi denhouse of Forest Hill, was granted license to wed Miss Car rie Swearingen, of Forest Hill ;aiso, A railing Tree Kills Him Instantly. On Thursday night at a chop ping party in Rowan county, when a party of friends wore felling a treov tho tree, fell on Mr. Howard Bftsinger and killed him almost instantly. He .was about 45 years of. age nd un- nwried. ACall. . The Democratic Executive Committe of Cabarrus county will meet in the court house in Concord on Saturday, the 3rd of March at J 2 o'clock to call town ship primaries who will elect delegates to a county convention to nominate State officers to bo elected in August. A. B. "5fcTNG, ChaiBmanDem. ExCom. Fob. 19, 1900 Matonic Soticel oT)eciai couiiuuuiuauou r-i i ; i.i aw ot stokes Lioane jso. 6z A F and A M Monda,v night Feb. 19th, 1900, at 8 o'clock. Work in second degree. Craftsmen be promptly on time. - - R H Griffin, Sec. Feb. 17, 1900. , Prof. P E Wright, of China Grove, was with us today. I DURHAM'S STRETCH OF I)E ATIJ. Mr. Ernest .Young tho Last Victim- ATatckes" One Train lll the Other Strikes Him. TheDurhau ie Morning correspondent 1ip Pst says (lie stsptch of railroads skiing to East Durham tjs 16 stretch of lerih. People wall? onthe tracks inba3 weather, and whfti the lit ton yeajtssome ten or tifteen 2bpfo ha,ve b?en li,if?d tho. Tlelat. victim was Mi. FJrnest P Younj,. of near Cary, who Vas y.i Durham- on a visit and on the traces Friday morning Be seems to have been watching one train wllilo tl3 other was approach ing. Tfio engineei; blew the danger signal' too late. The train struck, him crusjiiug his head. He doubtlcs dfecfitHout pain. A Misquerade Tarty at China Grove. China Ci'ove, Feb. 1C: Not in a long wjiile hao the young folks enjoyed themselves as much as on Friday night whon Mrs. J S Iaffcrty gavo a mas querade party. All pains had been taken to make it a jolly time and indeed it was. Scarcely any of them wcro known tocach other as they wended they way about tho rooms in their strango attire. It was an evening to "laugh and grow fat" and the memories of this occasion will linger with tho guests for a long time, 'Squire Italics Married Thein. Wo have received a letter from 'Squire Bales, the marrying magistrate on tho North and South Carolina lino, informing us that on Wednesday, tho 14th, at 11, o'clock he performed the mauriago ceremony for Mr. Geo. W Lee and Miss Grace Furr. Both are from this county. -Ho also says that the report as to the requirement of having larriago licenses is "a mistake and he now expects to marry two hundred this year. ...... . 1. Kcstler-Meares, It will be pleasing t the friends of Mr. "Walter S Kestler, formerly of this pktce but now of Clemson College, S. C, to learn that he goC the ,be;t yf all valen tines on the 14th of February in the person of MiaK Ella Meares. Good wishes to the npwly wadded couple. , To Locate In Charlotte. We notice in the Charlotte Ob server that Mr. Jake Newell, of No, 10 township, who recently was granted license as an attor ney,, has decided to locate in Charlotte. . A Frightful munaer Will often cause horrible burn, acald, out or bruijp. BucklenV Arnica Salve will ilJ the pain and promptly heal it.'' Cures fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, nd skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth? Only 25o a box at FetzeVa drug store. Cure guaranteed. . ' Working Nijht and Da- The busiest and mightest little thine: that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weak ness into strength, restlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box at Fetzer's drug store. .... I Vteadache fttoppea In 20 minutes ty Da UUea I'ajm PixLti. "One cendo9" PERSONALS. Messrs Jno. B Sherrill and D Jl3oslian are spending this af ternoon in Char'otte. 4no. Smith and Arcbey Spi 'gefreturned home this morning from Salisbury ' v --Messrs. Zeb Moore and J S Blake, two drug salesmei of j wfcarlotte, spent todayhere. . I Mrs. R A Brcjwii went up to isarisoury tins morning to tne bedside of her daughter, 'Miss Maude Brown. . . , . Mr. J Si Calveft, of Rich mimfl, is he"ro foday in. the intier est of tho Westc,rjiUnion Tele graph Co. Mr. A Jdnes Yorke spent Sunday here., .Mr. C N .William son, ot "liryan, Tex., igio is a member of Longley, Lowo Alexander, of Chicago, spent yesterday hcr with him. Ho1 and Mr. Yorke are members of the firm. . s . -. - south Carolfna Has a Lynching. South Carolina broke her "late splendid record and had a lyneh? ing 'about eight miles above Aiken last Saturday, Will Burts, colored, was the subject. It wras the usual crime attempted on a married white lady. Burts con fessed his guilt. Hewashangod and shot. Last Saturday night was the coldest night we have Jiad this winter. The thermometer regis tered about 8 degrees. Francis H Leggett & Co. 's Selected Queen Olives. lleinzs Mixed and piced Pickles and Chow-chow. Heinz's Evaporated Horse Radish. Heinz's Preserved Fruit. India Relish. Fresh Canned Salmon. Boston Baked Beans. Fresh Canned Beans and Peas. D. M. Ferry's Celebrated Garden Seed. . The Finest Quality of Gelatine in the city. S. J.. Ervin'p. 'Phone . 6q FIRTY CARRIAGES! Just Stand -Frorn Under 1 ... . .- ' That is the way we buy. I'lfatr is the reasoil we can sell s'o cheap. ,0urline is complete from ?1.50 Oo Cart to a $25 Chariot. Come and see. . .Furniture F& Millions! If our friends will just keep up the present pace we will not complain. Our motto is anything you want at prices right and money back if goods are not satisfactory. Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phone .... 90. Store 'Phone . . . .4 2 Hot Drinks. DON'T forgot you c:va get thamost delightful hot hoc IV o at' our hrt SotT;i fiH:tJ.iii. Vvro use Van JJouten's Fiucs' I jnn- itain Coca. Qur Beef T..a, To- fmato and Clam Bouillon re siitmlv olncrnnt nifd mil' )l(if 1 i-r i . - extract of coffe?; gantAf be beatm. W7o lrindjy isk.thAt you give us a ca41and bp'convM't d. Concord Drug; Co. Phone nr Li fj iJ tm Ll L. k CJ I it II ' tH ' L lfii k, i Now is the $ime to imp early sprin g ; c d s " t vaI d o your so.wing'.. Domestics and JTinc Caml.'iicti 'ia be boiilit tjlieapor )ioV. than after wliile wlicii Vv pres ent stock is is o:vhar.3tc,for von xvU lcnowlhrtt all cot- ton goods have advanced. l l - at sensible prices: . English long cloth. 1y?r ''!'" . to the piece, and the very best quality,- per piece only 7.70 Barker mills Domestic ore of the oldrcliallol:ra:Vls, very soft, per yaf d ... Qq. New lot of Spring styles in a very rineFrench Ging hams, ' large 'assortnent of patterns, per' jard J0(? 500 yards of Sea Island Percals, best goods, and nover sell for less than 12Jc, but wo huve theni in 3 to 10 yard pieces at . ..... We Apron Cock ginghams in blue and white, brown and white and green and a splendid quality at Chc- La r go qur n t i ty o f Em broideries and -Laces in all the new. palic:..; and J 'Jul ideas or econom h. i. parks i mm

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