' fe $ 1 1:1 I' t$L,i 5s-- W Mil CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1900. Single copy 5 cex V." fa 4 "V Price: $1.00 per year. . '- " - . v "" ' ' fui.isnwiY's orFEii. ' ' ; " V ltifts:i t WA for Sorth Carolina Col- . .!lege-Th Iccrsee Syr1. Sufcnifls a the Matter Yet. Bf tole iione from Salisbury P tliis fle;nc:v we learn tht there as good working quorum ICt the opening aesSion of Hie Lutheran " nod. v. S. C Hollar, D. real a report of Salisbury made Its offer for tho college, vhieh was $300 in money nd sufc-se rations, nda 16 acre lot worth 6, 500. .The Tennessee Lutheran Synod say d if rem mined upon it will offer a half interest in Conover college and an equal sharq in the manage ment. Tio gonsidefation will come utj this aftornoon.. The. - program of this aftornoou is in the hands of - a comniitto ap pointed. i tm$ m W" A Largo Uclcgation Attended the Meet- lug From IJerc A large delegation from this county attended the called meet ing of tlio Lutheran Synod at Salisbury, which meeting was called to consider tho . North Carolina college movement. Those who attended from here were Messrs. Jno. L Miller, Jas. P Cook, Jno. M Hendrix, J D Barrier, Jos. Walter, Rev. C B Miller, Rev. W B Oney, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A Cline. Those from Mt.' Pleasant who passed through here were Rev." 8 D Steffey and Messrs. D D Barrier, H C McAl lister, C G Heilig and Jonas Cook. Honor Boll of the Graded School. Mr. Orr: Myrtle Dayvault, Shirley Montgomery. Miss Laura Leslie: Ollie Blume, Jennie Cqltrane, Robert Fetzer, Grace Patterson, Mary Lilly- Sherrill, Lbla Sappenfield, Hermina Quaatz, Willie Yates. Miss Ora Hoover: Carl Coler, Sammie Goodman, Joe Hartsell. Miss Pauline Means: Vernie Blume, Miriam Duniville. Miss Dodson: Emmit Cruse, Margaret Woodhouse. Miss Frances Hill: Julia Bar row, Hazel Allred. Miss Mary Lewis Harris: Fred Blume, Alfred Brower, Charles Coble, Isaac Kluttz, Les ier Milles, Guy, Scott, Charles Smith. . Miss Addio Stricker: Lucy Brown, Maud Brown, Ruth Col trano, John Young, Luther Sap penfield, Adele Johnson. gCANNONVILLE. Mrs. E C Misfenheimer: Grover Creech, Jasie Walter, Lola Walter. Miss Lena Leslie: Fanny Query. Married U Goldllill. " Mr. D V Peeler, of Rowan county and liss Edith S . Earn hardt, of Cabarrus county, re united in marriage at Gold Hill, Saturt&y, Feb. 17, 1900, by W T R Jenkins, Esq., at the residence of the magistrate. Salisbury Sun. T M Br.idley, who for some ro-peks has had charge of the Western Union office here, went to Charlotte this morning on business. 1 TWO SEW CHUUC1M2S. A Corner Stone l.n'A LastS:ituti!ay Accidents In tlie. Ityitiaunity -An Order for aJLarge Jloiiumcut Litton for The"b1an4!rd. Faith, Feb. 19. J T JTyatt, qf Faith, has just bcn awarded tho contract to buili the foundation V;th about . twenty thousand. pounds of stone, and cut,nd placS the large granite, base fin4 furnish tho-curbing, x 124nches, and place it. around tho family lot of the late,RT Holies, he lar go base will. go under the .lines' monument m Oliestnut Holm Hil cemetery at Salisbury. Dave Rusher got his leg broke some days ago It, caught a stump while riding on thVwagon. Charlie Shivo cut his fopt bad ly wliile cutting wood some days ago. . I before Uiis reaches you. Prof. Sktfll, o? Charlotte, has On account of tho scare tty.jof been giving music lessons to the water in the well the 'saw mill brass band boys find to-a class of hpre is only r'uaniug'on about young.fadies the past two week half time They aroall learning fast. .The Messrs. Barringer aod Evans ladies t'ake their lessons on are putting in posts from Con the organ. (.cord to the .forks of tho Gold The corner stone of the new Hill and Mt. Pleasant roads, and Lutheran church was laid bene repairing in general their tele Saturday. Fivo ministers were phono. Iin6. present. Services are now be ing held in the dmrch. , The large riew Reformed church here is now being painted inside and out. Mr. 'Henry Barger, with his young bride, who lives between! Faith and Concord, will soon move to Faith. He has, just J bought a fine corner lot and let out the contract to W S Earn-1 hardt to build his new, residence J right away. That's right ypung men, come to Faith, wherethere' is plenty o work and plenty gf money to pay for it, and where ; the people all live contented and happy. j The Standard is one of the" best: papers we know of and it is scattered all over this country, and fs always full of good news. A Candidate forjjtate Superintendent. "We noticer that Mr. R B Hunter, of Mecklenburg county, who for several yearS has been the- county superintendent. announces himself as a candi- date for the nomination of State Superintendent, which place, is at present filled by Mr. C H rMebane. Fire In Southern Pines Southern Pines had a sharp fire early Sunday in which hotel Aphia tho bank, post office and opera house were consumed. The guests in the hotel escaped with their baggage. Most of the furniture was lost. Little was lost intho post office and thft bank. Members of the Grand Lodge. Messrs. Jno. HWelsh and W F Hudson have been chosen by the Junior Order of United i(meriGn Mechanics to repre sent tho $dge at Durham Mis week at th meeting of the Grand Lodge gone throp days. They will be The Bingham school is arrang- 'ing for a good baseball team this, coming season. Jenkins, who has been playing short stop for Moun-, tain Island, has signed with them, I COUNTY SEWS. Quite ifu .tiiioujit of Slyness in Tliajw m Vavt of te Count? -f Sale ot Kusi- f Written ForJTha Slan-k. Govern, Feb. 20. ft seerfts if the ground hto projlicfions are to come true, fmt the "snoiiv is trving to T)lw Utrough tho house." f There i.f fluitft a lot ofsickness . . in pmrimonia is moslf prevalent Asrnes. the eiirht vear 61d daughter of Mr. Charles Cress, j conval(scent. His little sftn, Clifford, isno beti or. typhoid fever, is no better. If Madam Eumor is correct there will bo ft marrwge in this ' neighborhood ere long; maybe We are informed of the sale of Messrs. J M Ridenhoure Bro's. machinery including the cotton gin, saw mill and steam works toMr. George Miller, of near St. Johns, There is to be an old time exhibition at the close of the public school here which will be on next Tuesday, the 27th-. Wade, thp little son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ritchie, fell into the. fire Monday, burning its hands considerably. The severe cold snap, we have had has almost killed the oats in this community. Mr. Geo. Ritchie has gone to Salisbury to attend the meeting of the Lutheran Synod. Her Mind 1s Deranged. On Monday afternoon Mrs Craton, whose maiden name was Lovinia Furr, was placed in jail here. She was brought here on a warrant fromEsquire Marshall Herrinof No, 9 township. . Her mind is not good and she has j been causing a good amount of 'trouble in the community. She wjplt be left irf jail at least until the commis6ionors can next month inake some disposition of the case. Probably she will be placed in the countv homo. Spencer Has a Blaze. Spencer had a big fire Sunday nierht after 12 o'clock. Two dwellings and a double store room werc burned. The prop erty was insurod. . - A Frightful Blunder WiJl often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut Or- bruise. Bucklen's Arnica $alve will kill ihe pain and promptly heal it. ' Cures fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, and skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 250 a box at Fetzer's tug store. Cure guaranteed. Working Nlffhtiid Da- i The busiest and Brightest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pilia. These pills cnange weak ness into strength, restlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the heaJth. Only.25o per box at Fetzer's drugstore. A JOINT DEBATE. georgeville A&idemj and Uuiouville YM iVt Tfieir. debaters Sae to ! .iiTH i ::h a .iiiii... itii in uih i i im t -r jt- - Written for The Standard. 9 x-.-... -... Goprgeville, Teb. 20T L T Shinn is nreparjner lumber for a nev house. Tlrlnk a moment about it, Noiwithstandinr the weather we had a very cold gdod crwd at the debate last .Sa-tur day nfght and the old folks any hhat iMs otlOH)f the Rt hot ntr;f,0(i akw ihilt tw ever heard. 'It lasted nearly three hours. After the discussion was over Uio judges Vendered decision in favor of the affirma tivo. We will bebate the same o'uestion in Unionvillo on Satur day night, March 10th. ' The program stands as before. .The question for debase is '"Re solved, That tho proposed con stitutional amendment should lo adopted. PERSONALS. ' Mrs. Harding returned to Judge Montgomery's this morn ing from Davidson. . Rev. T W Smith returned home this morning from Salis bury Mr. Sam Houston, of Char lotto, m who is travelling for a Charleston house, is hero today. Francis II Leggett &Co. 'a Selected Queen Olives. Ileinz's Mixed andSpiced Pickles and" Chow-chow. Heinz 's Evaporated Hdrse Radish. Heinz's Preserved Fruit. India Relish. Fresh Canned Salmon. Boston Baked Beans. Fresh Canned Beans and Peas. D. M. Ferry-s Celebrated Garden Seed. The Finest Quality of Gelatine in he city. S: J. Ervih's. 'Phone . ............. 6o Just Stand That is 'the way we buy. That is the reason we sell so cheap Orir line is complete from a $1.50 Cart to a $25 Cliriot. Come and see. . Furniture Millions! If ourfriends will just keep ut the pfeseiit pace y, a wilPnot complafn. Our motto is anything you want at prices right and money back if goods are not satisfactory. Bell, OResidence jPhone. . . .90. Hot Drinks. , r,, ..f . niost deSghtful hot T; at .our hot Ljdafountai?;. V7f u) ?"an Hour's Iiir.or;t i'our;. tain Oo(?a. Gur BeciVl'ea, To mato fand. C'lan Buuiiloii avo. simply elegant,, find orr TTot Cotfifemadevfrc'fti the v'ry 'Wi extract o coffee, 'ci-'nio' ho batn nci lit: We kind.lv ask th: give us a call and bo coufituvti. EjAll drinks 1 cents each. Concord Drup- Co. pf f 99 rr r Now is tinn ! -IT ' J I U.v early spring your scwinj-T. and Fine Ciiax bought ' cheaper after while when (Mil jo now than cut stock i is (;-x han. -tcJ, for you well know that all cot ton goods have advpncd. Here are superior t.Iivs at sensible prices: English long cloth. lSyua'ds to the piece, and the wiry best quality, per piece only !,7t' Barker mills Domostic, one of tno old reliable bran ds, . . very soft, per yard . Oc- New lot of Spring styles in a very fine Freuch Ciug hams, large assortment of patterns, per yard 10?- 500 yards of Sea Island Percals, best goods, and never sell for less than 12c, but we have them in 3 to 10 yard pieces at : W c Apron Ceck giDghams in blue and white, brown and white and green and a splendid quality at' Cc- , Large quantity of Km broideries and Laces in all the new patterns and priced according to your ideas oi econonr V. J H. L PARKS i BPfifil JIISRL8. H t 1 1 i 1 1 r h v PFPTV ' . CARRIAGES! U. From Under 1 eiia Ga Harris & Co. Store 'Phone. . . . 12J 1 rn