S Je& i J tt ft Price: $4.00 per yeaV J . CONCORD, ft. CMWEBNESDi4Y, FEBRUARY 2 1900. i. : fM t " lOL j -..! Single- 6bpy 5 cexts. n w ..... . ....... . v o ... ........... , - j ' ; ; ; " .a. 1 "at U ii g i - - -fed ' 1 . . "Z , - - SYXOD, MEETS. rropositiou Frni Siflisbgrr,Ojerture From Tennessee hjuod andfotest Prom Mt. rieasant Heard'-Full Dis- cussion-Committee '.Continued Till Coming Me eting of Syuod. , The Evangelical ' Lutheran Synod of North Carolina con- vened on 'Tuesday the 20th at Salisbury tp hear and act upbn the report of tho committee au thorized to receive bids for the. location of North Carolina Col lege. There' were a goodly number present and much inter est manifested, though it was far short of a full synod. The order of procedure was arranged by "special committee and-tended to the greatest dis pat.ch of -business while the widest range of latitude was given for every one to be heard who was there as a duly author ized representative. It was evident that the bid of. "Salisbury was not an inducement sufficient to warrant its immedi ate acceptance. Hon. - Jno.- S Henderson and Mr. Jno. M Julian presented the claims of Salisbury. The Tennessee Synod had placed in'the hands of the com mittee an overture, not as an in ducement to remove the college Jrom Mt. Pleasant, but in the event that the Synod- should fix upon removal said synod would tender to the North Carolina' Synod a half interest in Lenoir College in consideration of co-op-orative union of college interests of the two Lutheran Synods in North Carolina. This inducement is defined as a.n unqualified iialf interest in its suitable lands and buildings val ued at $20,000,with the same in I erest , in' twelve good building lots. . Half the number of the board of directors would be chosen by each synod. Lenoir ' as a college is enjoy ing a fair degree of prosperity, J having enrolled this session 103 students," 80 of whom are in the college classes. ' ' . Revs. R A Yoder, D. D.; .WA Deatan'.and 6 L Miller repre sented the Tennessee Synod and manifested "the, most fraternal spirit of that body at the same time advising against any pre cipitate action ut desiring that a committee of of the two Synods arrange all essential and. even minor details. Messrs. C McAllister, Jonas Cook, C G Heilig and D D Bar- r:er, the later the lay delegate irom Holy Trinity, represented the claims '& Mt. Pleasant rijainsjt removal. Capt. Cook road a ratner caustic protest from Holy Trinity congregation set t -i as forth its grievance against ;uch as would result from the c ynod's conteniplated action of rnmnval. A preamble and resolution prevailed setting forth that in view of th? momentous import- :ice of such action and ' the ab ' ence of delegations from the syn od whose counsels were needed that it would be unwise to take action at present for the removal of the college and that the same ; - w , 9 9 . REYDIJLENt1lR0CGIIT0N CMISG L. V V J Testimonials ofEIis (Treat ers Sensation-Make? Bittest Enemies' anil WarntAcf PmiahIo t. .t. r- t, xvv; r. ijen. .ix urougnwn, The remains fcere interred in the 5? t0.de.llver 'hlS cemetery at Rocky River. "Christian CiUzenship and Pend- Qn Tuesd ni ht deth rob ing Problems" at the Baptist bed Mr and M R A miton of church n this citV on March 2(Tf 'iheir thirteen-months-old child, is, without doubt, one of the" v, yaan ti,ffnr.; wUu ' WiuW uiw.uSu, mioubiy pneumoilia and died from menin hatd and ardently, lbved men in giti3..The family iiveat the all of our Southland. During Buff3lo min The remains wU1 the past few years he has gone bG interred at Rocky RidgG from Texas tp Maine in evange- Thursday alter the funeral at listic work, le&ures and ad- Q home dresses, and everywhere ho has( gone there has followed a wave A Small Seeing Circle Organized. of sensational enthusiasm, such : as rarely characterizes any other man. REV. BROUGHTON. It has been said of him that he DR. LEN. G. makes more enemies and leaves arms forhis company. They ar mor friends and creates more j rived only a few days aS forV stir than any man in the minis-in number. Their arrival will try today. In his recent evange- listic engagements in New York, under the direction of the Union Ministers Conference, people were so anxious to get into the Academy of Music on Sunday af ternoon to hear his final sermon, that they not only packed every seat in the great building, but broke the door down to gain ad mittance, and four policeman were summoned to keep the crowd back. In his lecture on Christian Citi zenship and Pending Problems he m variably .has some strong things to say with reference to the solution of many' of the most practical questions.of the day. What some leading papers have to say: 9 "He i the ghost of Andrew Jackson. The man is a natural born orator. "-Atlanta Journal. "He is a living sensation with out attempting it.' Atlanta Con stitution. "He reminds one no little of the distinguished, actor, Henry Irvyig."-NewYofk World.v "He is damatlc, eloquent and forceful. He deals with sledge hammer bfows." New York Journal. "Thousands were turned away after packing every seat in the great Academy of Music in Brooklyn." New York Herald. comtftittee, with Rev. V Y Boozer in Ipkice of Rev. 3 A Rose, deceased, be continued to take under further consideration all bids, overtures and other papers bearing on the subject, and report at the next annual meeting of Synod in the coming May. j, Two Infants Dead. On TuesdaVJ ofL u" v rMr 'atid Mrs W F 4ra,v. who , vf township, dd qf pQeumonij?.. . W AJLXVXJi liUO UUU X4XXV, k Vf AVU Misses Juliette Johnson, Mary Young, Mary Ella Cannon, and Jennie Gibson, met Monday af- ternoon and organized a You.ng I Ladies sewing circle. Thej'were ! entertained at Miss Gibson's. On j I next Monday they meet with Miss Cannon. Will Go on the Road. Mr. Jesse Hamilton, of the Paragon Pharmacy at Asheville, spent Tuesday here and has re ii Tn nr A oVirTrlllri Beginning the first of next month ho will sever his connection with the Paragon and go back on the road for Burwell & Dunn, of; Charlotte. The New Guns Arrire. Capt. Goldston, of the Cabar- ' rU! Black Bys has received his aid them now luite much ln their drills as they have been waiting for them before their regularly work of drilling. Clearer Club Will Rctalitate. 'Concord, N. C, Feb. 21, 1900. We learn and know that the proprietor and enlploye of a hardware store in this city. aie talHng against the Cleaver Club Mfg.! Co;. - We believe it is very unjust: and ungentlemanly of them, for we have been buying everything we needed at theic store and Daid cash for all. but hereafter we surely will pot buy, any more of them and will "ad vise our- 500 friends -to do the same as we can order "from other cities by lots at reduced3 prices, and any such sTiall be treated the same', for they are not worthy our patronage. ' , Cleater Club Mfg. Co. w f .i , , ,m M m mr Ills Hands Caught in a Machine. On; Tuesday evening Martin McLellatid, who works at the bleachery, got three of his fin- erers ; badlv mashed, ln some way his fingers got caught in the folding machine. A Frightful Blunder WilJ often' cnuBe a horrible burn, scald, out or braise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and promptly heal itL Cures ferer sores, ulcers, boils, corns,! and skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. - Only '25o: a hox at Fetzer's druer store. Cure guaranteed. 'r- :;- ' ' Working Night and Da" The busiest and mightest little thine that ever -was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. ", These pills change weak- ness into strength, restlessness into energy, brain-fag iEto mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health'. Only .125o per box at Fetzer's drugstore. , . . Mr. H.W Clifford, of States ville, spent this morning here. ' J OUlf SEWERAGE 1TSTEM, Trguble Arlsir FrnItAga Ive eenBifsj Working 0n It ' Aeain. I r -DON'T forge? yoti xan Itseenfjthil.the troubles with , OTtaln ' our sewerage system at two ue Van Hou ten's "Pfti est ?gn places wlllUioW cease. For sev- tain Coca- Our Beef JTea, 'To eral days the, trouble has been going oi at the intersection of Mill and. Spring streets and ako at the man-hole near the. Sloop shop on North Main street. Workmen have been busy on the clogged place on Spring street. The pipes have become clogged and it has proved very difficulty to find the defective places, Faying OCT Weekly. The Odell Manufacturing Co. made their first weekly payment on last Monday. This is a change they .recently decided upon and the employos all seem pleased with it. PERSONALS. Ben Graven is home from China Grove. Mayor Ross, of China Grove, is here today. Mr Luther Hardsell attended court in Salisbury yesterday. Mr. Goo. Stinson, of Char lotte; spent last night here at Mr. S L Carroll's. The condi tion of Miss Hattie Carroll is un- changed. Francis H Leggett & Co. 's Selected Queen Olives. Heinz 's Mixed and Spiced Pickles and Chow-chow. Heinz 's Evaporated Horse Eadish. Heinz 's Preserved Fruit. India Refeh. . Fresh Canned Salipon. . Boston Baked Beans. . . Fresh Canned Bans and Peas. D. M. Ferry 's Celebrated Garden Seed. .The Finest Quality of Gelatine in the city. S.-J. Ervin's. Phone ."do- FIFTY .... CARRIAGES? Just Stand From Under f . That is the way we buy That is the reason we cair sell so cheap Dur line is cbmplete from a $1.50 Go Cart to a $25 Chariot. Come and see. ' Furniture fe Millions? If our friends will just keep up the present pace we will not complain. Our motto is anything you want at pricesight and money back if goods are not satisfactory. . Bell, Residence Phone. ... 90. 'Hat.'PriRs.. mato ana uiam liouiiion are j simply .elQgan$, and .our Hot. AXJltee, made from the vojy best . extract of coffee, can: Jot be. beaton, We'kinydly ask that you give us a call and tjo convinced. QAll drinks 5 cents each. Concord Drug Co. PKone 37. OUSEIEUF Noav is the turn (o imv early spring1 good ;:uddo I your sewing. I'oiiiestics and Fine Caiiilii'lcb w:u he bouprlit clieaper now thim after while when the pres ent stock is is cxhanstorhfnr j you well know that cU cot-' ton. goods have adv;nice(L Here are superior values, at sensible prices: English longclotli. lSyiirds to the piece, and the very best quality, per picco. opiy .fil.7&'. Barker mills Domestic, or o of the old reliable brnpls, very soft, per yard ... New lot of Spring styles in a very fine French Ging hams, large assortment of patterns, per yard 10c- 500 yards of Sea Island Percals, best goods, and never sell for less than 12ic, but we have them in ' 3 to 10 yard pieces at.... 10c- Apron Ceck ginghams in blue and white, brown and white and green and a splendid quality at Gl&- t Large quantity of Em broideries and Laces in all the new patterns and priced according to your ideas of economy. 1 1' IKS 1 if ML ' Harris & Co. Store 'Phone.. ..12 0