W if i Pl?tc: $00 per year. CONCORD, $T.m THTOSDAY,. FEBRUARY 22, 1900.. Single copy 5 cem's: PSA. wi all V ft, r I 9 U H0?K)R CF THE DAY. t&e Studeuts of the China Grov Acad emy Kaiso a Fl&g A ffiHrht Storm-Mr, W iiitaker Wad. Written for Tlie Standard, e -Chirm Grove, Feb 22: Quite a little siorniassed over China Sroe yesterday evening. There was some, hail fell here. ' Mr. W A Litaker, a,n old vet eran, ,diecl "Wednesday, rooming at his home at 8.30 o'clock. The funeral -will be cpnducted today at 2 o'clock at Harris Chapel M. E. church. His age was 74 years. Tuijo a number of people in and noar Chma Grove a-e at tending court'this week. The students of Ohina Grove High school are taking holiday today and will raise a nige flag in houor of Washington's birthday." The fiole on which the flag will float is about 70 or 80 feet high. Will Do for a Joke. A hardware clerk, read the communication from the Cleaver Club Wednesday . He promptly said, "That does not mean our house, for we liave no customers that pay "for their goods every time they buy." A Union Service Sunday igut. There will.be a union service held at the Baptist church Sun day night, the program of which will be in Saturday's issue. Rev. McMaster, D. D., of AJleghany, Pa., who spent yesterday hqre but went over lo Charlotte this morning, will deliver an address that nigh t. In sfemory of the First rresident. The Concord High School had Qnly a morning session to day on-accotfht of it being Wash ington's birthday. This after noon at 2 o'clock tho children of the graded school had some ex ercises appropriate to the day. Mrs. Lamon's Gratitude. Washington, Feb. 21. Ad jutant General Corbin has re ceived from Mrs. Lawton, widow of Gen. Lawton, a reply to his , . . letter of severaLdays ago tell1 ng .- her that the ' Lawton fund, j - amounting to $98,450, was at her disposal whenever she desired it. General .Corbin explathed. today that the, money would be turned over to Mrs. Lawton on her re turn to Washington from Pewee Valley, Ky., whero she is now Mrs. Lawton's letter is as fol lows: Dear General Corbin: Such kindness as yours can njver be repaid, and my Ijeart .is full when Itry to thank you. Words seem very poor at such a time. Will you please believe I do appreciate it, andallmy life will find comfort in rememberance. The universal feeling which prompted such wonderful - gen erosity trom tne nation is so beneficial to meandfet) dear My gratitude is inxpressibly pro found. 1 It relieved the . one anxiety that Henry would have had, and I do not know how to thank you or the nation. Believe me, with kind regards, Very sircerly, Mary C. Lawton. Miss Ella Polk, of Charlotte, her way to Mt. Pleasant to visit i at Mr. Jno. a. Lioug's. v r j Tmj ricifFrsjl the TaccIrSitf rhjsi- eians. Chaflfttto is havi? somo ets perioftce now in the saftying ctyt of, its Compulsory vaccination or dlnance but those who refuse are learning a lesson from it, for numbers who at first refuse have t,o at last submit and also ay tho costs in the case. On Wednesday, whon th officers went to the Qingham cotton mill to vaccinate tho employes so coon the windows furnished tneans of esca'po and of the four hundred hands only thirty-three vere vaccinated. After finshing thoir work there the physicians went tp Mr. BYank Ftfn-'s school room (Mr. Fv'cr is fi-otn. our county) and, before the officers were inside all of the pupils weht out of tlie windows leaving the teacher and one pupal. Dr. Kcelcv Dead. Dr.'Kecley, the originator of the Grou Oira" by MissIIervey the Keeley.curo for alcoholism, j which was followed by a l-od-died suddenly at Los Ange W ' Tie Pcra 3 11 Amorica" by Cal.', on the 21st. He had just j Miss Leslie which claimed tho at- goife from his home at Dwight tention of the club Tho most 111., where ho first established a delicious cream and cake and hot hospital for the euro of those self-inflicted unfortunates. "Tho workman dies, the work goes on ' ' It seems to the writer that Dr. Keeley's name will go down to the end of time as one of the world's greatest benefactors. t Mrs. lloseublalt Dead. Mrs. J M Rosenblatt! of Greftnsboro, whoso somnambu listic f alk last Friday morning we noted a few days ago, was stricken. wHh pneumonia and death followed on the 21st, The ofise was peculiarly dis tressing. It was by abnormal strength that she walked from her sick bed and collapsed in an exposed condition from which her vitality could not rally. Bad Engine Runaway. A sad accident occurred Wednesday evening at a saw mill owned by Messrs. Ben Ab- ernethyand Webber Glass and Ksent back, "This is Gen. French locateda mile and a half west of coming to the relief of Kitnbor Connelly Springs, Mr. John'ty." The astonished garrison Deal-and son wero employed at had to exchange messages awhile - ! this mill, the son as fireman and the futfier as a laborer. Wpdnes- 'day evening the belt which runs the governor of the engine ran off and the engine began running i ! at a terrific rate of speed. The large belt f ron thft engine to the saw ran off 4he saw pulley. Be- fnro fhn flrfvmrrn rmilrl stem tho .1.1. i i- j : engmo this belt struck him and . , , . mi , , . i knocked him down. The father, J soeing his son's cndition, ran to ' the engine to shut off the steam. ' While 4n the actf do 'tig this thej large driving wheel burst from, too rapid speed, parts of the wheol striking Mr. Deal with great force and tendering him unconscious. The unfortunate t v, 4. i, - u i. rn lived for about an hour, but never regameu uuusoiuusuess. Morganton rsews. The Mother's Favorite. Chamberlain's Coufh Ilcmedy is the mother's favorite. It is pleasant and hardly breathe, I steadily grew worse safe for children to take and alwaya ( under doctor's treatment, but my wife cures. It is intended especially for , urged me to use Dr. King's New Dis cousbs, colds, croQp an I whoopinij coyery for consumption which com coush, and is the best medicine made pletely cured me. Coughs, colas, for these diseases. There is not the 1 bronchitis, la grippe, pneumonia, as least danger in siving it to children for . thma, hay fever, and all maladies of it contains no opium or other injurious ' chest, throat and lungs are positively babe l ly be given as confidently to an adult. For eale by M. L. Marsh & Co., druggist. ) alr? E Harris Lntertaiii' the Club. i . Mrs. B E Harris entertained Wednesday afternoon.. Feb. 21st1 1Qff nr.! TinfwHhcfn.n1iTio' tlio inclemency of theVeather thir teen members were present. We were glad to have with u,s qxl this p'easant occasion Mrs. Gowan Dusenbury, MissBoykin, of-Virginia, and Miss Montgom ery, of Sunderland Hall. Mrs. J PCool- presided over the meeting and after the roll call and reading of minute's, the program for .the'afternooivwas read byt Miss Lore j . The first number on the pro gratn was anjntensely inlpresting paper on "The Opera and some1 Famous Composers" by Mrs. R S Harris. The sec6nd member, an interesting sketch of somo of the most prominent "Singers in , coffee were then served by Mrs. 'Harris in her. usual charming 1 manner and the exquisite roses presented to each guest were in - aeea pretty souvenirs oi so ae- , lightful an afternoon. The club adjourned to meet wifh Miss LnsliV. Marnh. 7th. 1900. L. ' Singular aud rieasing. An incident occurred at the relief of Kimberly that must bo 'Phasing to contemplate, no matter which way the sympa thies run in this South African war. When Gen. Ffench was making his dash for tho relief of tho city he had some fight ing to do. The Kimberly garrison Had no idea that.tho firing toward tho city was his guns. They were yet'eight miles off and tho signal corps caught a heliograph mes sage that the Boers were shell- ing the .city. Tho signal .was V . - ' . " before thev could believe that it was not a Boer ruse. Within a few hours Gen. French rode in -m grand triumph and ihero was great manifestation of joy. AFriffhtful Biunaer Will 5ften cattoo a horrible bum, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the ram and promptly " , 1 , 1 . heal it. Cures fever sores, ulcers, boils, cornB and ekin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 2So a box at Fetzer's drngr etfre.Cure guaranteed. W()fking NI?m ana Da, The bnsiest aiTa mlglite(Jt little thin that ever WM ma(le ia Dr Km.fl New Life Pills These iills change wenk- ness into strength, -restlessness intol 'energy, bjam-iag : into 'mental power. They ire wonderful in bmlamg up the heJ Qnly per box at Fetzer,fl drugstore, His Wife Sayea rfim. My wife's good advice saved my life writes F. M. Ross of Winfield, Tenn., for I had such a bad cough 1 could cured by this marvellous medicine 50o. and $100. Every bottle guaranteed Trial bottle free at Fetzer's drug store the'Boethoven crUb at her.preUy ' Mr- V iJ UotfrTme home on VcitH WaiJi t on!in- t6dW atNorwooa. PERSONALS. Mr. D B C3Urtme Js spc'nd Mr- I) AHodgin, of Greens- wiyj uu "o jSliss Myra Leytan,-of "Char lotte, is spending today at the St. Cloud hoiol. Mr. Luther Hartsell went to Charlotte this corning on fjomQ legal business. . Clarence Connelly went over to Charlotte this morning to spend a few days. He is un veil. Mrs. E. M Andrews arrived I here this morning from Charlotte to visit? her sister, Mrs. WR Odell. Mr..Jno. Harris, of Ver sailles, O., arrived here last night on his way to Mt. Pleasant to visit Rev. J A Linn. Steele, tho haUer is heVe today. He has been coming to Concord semi-annually for sev en teen 'years. Miss Mary Ramseur, who is staying at Judge Montgomery's, went over to Charlotte this morn ing. Mr. Jas. C Gibs6n took ad j .vg vantage of the holiday today so j charlotte the afternoon in ' -M.r s- R. Af Brown returned Miss Maudo Brown, who is in J the hospital there, is gradually improving and hopes to return homo in a week or two. . Francis II Leggett & Co. 's Selected Queen Olives. Heinz 's Mixed and Spiced Pickles and Chow-chow. Heinz 's Kvapora.ted Horse Radish. Heinz 's Preserved Fruit. India.Relish. Fresh Canned Salmon. Boston Baked Beans. Fresh Canned Beans and Peas. D. M. FerryVCelebrated Garden Seed. The Finest Quality of Ggkitine in thexjity. S. J. .Ervin.'s. 'Phone 6q FOR THE i AT 5 CENTS PER COPY. Vcc d and instrumental trom best authors. Would cost yon f rom mnei' dealers from 30 to CO cents per popy. Hcmtaberct!r price is only $ cents. 9 DID "YOU SA,Y ? NOW YOU ARE JALKIKGL Car Loads and Spot Cash! That'sour way tobuy, and everybody knows our way to sell goods as represented or money back. ilaby Carriages! It looks like we could suit you, don't ft? Come and see. We doa't rua r. department store. But beforeyou give it up call and see if we haven't got wh.nt you want. A full line of Leader and Gate City IStoyet'. Best on the market. Don't forget our Anti-Rustmg Tin Ware find a hole, get a now piece. Yours for luck, Bell, Residence Phone .... 90. i Hot-Drinks. DON'T forget you can fret tftemot delightful hot hocolaie at 'our hot Soda fouiltai?" . Vvo use Yarf Houten's Finest Foun- - tain' Coca- 0ul' Beef .Tea' To" simply elegant, and 6iff Ht Coffee, made from the very best extract of coffee, cannot be beaten. We kindly ask that you give us a.call'and.be cfinyineed.. All drinks 5 cents eah. Concord Drug Co' . Phone . 37.. 0 111 V- " ' " A Pointer in. Shoes, It seems that eure enough t.lie gronnil hog predictions bavo come true. Ilere are some pnlues Hint r!k-.:M be interenting to you: MEN'S 130X CALF Shoes, new toe, made of ben :s -a. terial and as near water proof as can be made at . . ?:-$.." II MEN'S VICI or Box (Vf, in tan or black leathery buna sewed, an extraordinary val ue at :5.(H LtADlES' . SUOES, Fine, French Kid, button en lace, band sowed, mediae heayy bottoms at . . ... LADIES ' 1INE .'Jongola Shoes, button or lr?e, with extension edge, a goori, serviceable street shoe, onv WOMEN'S DONU OLA " 4 Street Shoes, all solid, every pair gnarantred f.tr service at A JOB LOT of about 50 pairs of children's shoes,izon U to 12, every pair worth 75c. 2.CO and $1.00, now go at the small price of . JUST. SIX Misses' Mnckir.-" toshes worth .f 1.50 t .... " MOTflTRRS we have, just 18 pairs 6f boys or si is o Juroy leg'na that buckle above the fcnee, the y rv thing this badfiloyp'. , ct hi weather. We sold tdem for $1.00, but we w;sh to c!"s out the balance on !.ul" .h. . fUPIffii SgIL 9 39 j50 at -a tim Vi Harris & Co. O Store 'Phone

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