J - Half . dfc3 S' f 2 frTl Tf TPfl LL(MvUi(Bili M L o r 4 "5 PftiCE: $4.00 per year. A PROBABLE CHANGE. A Petition Beiflg Circulated for a Change t csT I! UJ iu mo ovvei ue . ipe vu opting m.cvi -To Lav Aside a Part of. the Present One a,nd Run R Down Mill . Street. A stated someiays ago the . sewerage pipe on Spring street , is giving the twn authorities a . good. amount of trouble these days, which ljas already necces-J sitated the pipe bemg cut in a number of places. In view ' of this trouble, which has arpse be fore this time too? and the fact thatf this trouble is only ar short distance 'from .where the town gets its supply of drinking watef, a petition hasbeoji framed and is receiving namas asking that the Town Board, do away witK the sewerage pipe" leading from the intersection, of Mill and Spring streets over to the hollow near the graded school. Instea'd of this pipe they asK that the pipe be run-down Mill street connecting . with the present one dbwn in the' hollow. It is claimed that by this chance there will be such an incline down Mill street that there is scarcely any change of a pipecloggmg. Of eoursethe pipe it ?i, -u n , , lending irom xno gruuuu kciioui will be left connected. Has Returned to His Home. Mr. H M Brady, who for sev eral months has been spending his time in and near Concord on account of the placing of the iron bridge across Rocky River, left Thursday night for his home at ' Chattanooga. He hopes to return in several months when all of the material arrives for the Pharr's mill bridge. Tho cylin der peers which will be placed on both sides, instead of at one side as ws at first stated, will be about twenty-five feet long and two and one-half feet in diam eter. After being placed they will be filled with concrete. These peers are less expensive than other peers, and are still better than the most of peers of masonry. Mr. Branch Barnhardt Dead. , It has been noted in these col.- i urns frhat Mr. Branch Barnhardt, who for years filled most sue- j i cessfully tho x'esition as agent at New London, was .very sick with typhoid fcjver. Tho sad news now comes that ho died Thursday mcrning at 6 jo'clock. This death robs the community about New Loudon, Albemarle and Norwood of orie of the best known young men and one who has many friends. It is a shock to the whole community. He was a member of the Masonic ' Order, and Knights of Pythias and the lodges of Albemarle and Norwood conducted the funeral at Norwood. Talking Base Ball. The coming of the Philadel phia base ball club to Charlotte for the practice season, will stir up our local ball cranks. One informs the News man that an effort will be made in the near future to reorganize tho Char lotte club. Both Mt. Island and Concord are to have clubs the coming season. In view of this, Charlotte will bo compelled to fall in line. Charlotte News. CABARRUS MST ifEARDJFROM A. Distressing Death .of His Son From t Lodgment in Lung. Some of t)ur citfeens will re membir a former Cabarrus man, Mr. Victor A Ileglar. He js now at Motz, Mill(jr county, Ark. In a recent letter to a rel ative here he tells of the .dis tressing death of his little son, Wastes Leroy, of two antf. one haji years. The unfortunate little fellow got something into his .lung it was not learned what and all the doctors avail able were called in to rescue him. but'thev" were noweriess to . save'him. Ho did on thft- Sfiih of January. In his deep grief Mr. Heglar naturally solicits the comfort there is ma sympathetic sharing by those in his native community.. ' SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. The State University Takes a Sew Step Has 512 Enrolled. . At the pressing rocbmmenda- tion of President Alderman tho board of directors of the Uni- versity in its session -Wednesday authorized a continuous session . , A. , , . i-of the school for tho whole year, President Alderman gave ten reasons for his desire to inaugu- t i i a. ratfi tnfi now flfiTiHrtnrfi. Amrnic them are that it will enable young m arnwon to com- pletethe course in three years instead of four, it will enable teachers in other schools to reap larger benefits than can be ob- tained at the short summer schools, and it will enable in structors to visit other schools for self -improvement during. the periods of their vacations. ' President Alderman's report was very gratifying to the board, showing the institution now at the climax of its history with 512 students enrolled exclusive of the summer school. ' The institution is sprely in need of a water supply for 'drink ing purposes, as there is norio but that from wells. Mr. W AFoilonaJrade. 1 The Albemarle correspondent to th'e Charlotte Observer says that it is reported that Mr. W A Foil, of F.lowes, who formerly! conducted the Arlington hotel in Charlotte, will be the proprietor of the new Central hotel whjch is being built there. Smith-Helms Wedding. At Forest Hill Thursday even ing Rev. R M Hoyle performed the marriage ceremony to M W Smith and Miss Caroleno Helms. Pythians Take Notice! All members of Concord Lodge No. 51 Knights of Pythias are requested to meet in Castle Haljl tonight at 8 o'clock promptly. Work in first' rank. H. M. Weir, O. C. The Mother's Favorite. l Chamberlain's Couph Remedy ia the mother's favorite. It is pleasant and safe for children to take and always cures. It is intended especially for congrhs, colds, croup anl whooping cough, and is the best medicine made for these diseases. There is not the least danger in eiving it to children for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and it may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., druggist. C0NC0RD6N. C, FIR DAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1900. I IT WAS ANOTHER WINTER STORM. Reminder of Sixteen Tears andTwo . Days Ago. The western horizon became lowering a"nd ominous 2n Wednesday Evening, but willH some sharp lightning, (jonsid efable rain and moderate wind the 'clcfuds passed away and little was thought of it. . . We ipe that at "Salisbury it as sumed the propdrjion"? of a' roal storm. 'Just out of town the Sun says it took a cyclone shape and lifted" Mt. Leonard Bowies' house !cff tho foundations and blew 'down the chimney. It struclc Fraley's race track, blowing down the stand and other, prop- erty, making a loss of about $500. Other damage was done along the course. . m Xhero" was considerable 4 hail i about High Point. I At. HiwVlvn "NT V .tVio r(xh morning the gale was at the of CQ mil hour ad blew down a number of houses I in course of erection.. This winter storm is a forcible reminder of the one that passed over just 16 years and two days ago playing such hayoc through here and other parts of the State, Meetat Winston-Salemftext Year. Messrs. Jno. Welsh and W F Hudson returned home Thursday from Durham where they at- 'tended the meeting of the State ' Council Junior Order U. A. M The State Council adjourned shortly after midnight Wednes day night, to meet next year a Winston-Salem. The officers electod for the en suing year are: -t State Council B S Nissen. Vice Council C B Webb. Secretary Sam F France. Treasurer J T Thacker. Conductor-J B Moore. Warden F O Sink. Inside Sentinel Yopp. , Outside Sentinel W P Ezzell. State Council Chaplain E W Sawyer. , Gone to the Chain Clang. Several ; times has Henry Chambers, a negro, boon arraigned before our Superior court and has ftlso boen before the Federal court. Gehasgono to the chain' gang again This time he goes, for using such pro fane language. -m His Arm Broke. Mr. W W Wellman, ono of the operatives in the card room at the Odell mill, had tho misfor .tune Thusday afternoon to fall ind break his left arm near the risi. A Frigfftful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. BuckTon's Arnica Halve willkill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, and skin eruptions. Best pile euro on earth. Only 2-0 a boxat Fetzer's drug store. Cure guaranteed. Working Nifht and asp The busiest and mightest little thing that ever -was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills -change weak ness into strength, restlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Onlyl25o per box at Fetzer's drugstore. Washington's Birthday Exercises This Afternoon. . Alfof tne different gsades'in th graded school will take'part! DiT1.ftr?e.t?01 an et .this, afternoon in the Wtt, ton's Birthday exercises at 2 :$0 o'clock. 6n yesterday there were only a few exercises of the primary departments. PERSONALS. Mrs. Jjaura Allen returned home last night from a business .trip to Winston. Miss Nettie Allen has gone to Salisbury to spend several days with her friend, Miss Mary Bernhardt. Gus Hartsell spen blast night here and .wontr north this morn ing. - Mr. ' Luther Hartsell is in Charlotte again this afternoon. . Mrs. D B Castor and sister, Miss Sallio Kim'o, returned homo. this morning from Mt. Pleasant. Postmaster Patterson went to. Salisbury .last night. Mrs. M J Ramseur wont -to Salisbury this morning to visit Mrs. WG Boshamer. Messrs. A C Miller, C L Porter, W E Vest, and R E Mil- ler, of Charlotte, were registered at the St. Cloud today. Mr. J W Jenkins, of Wins ton, spent today here. . Francis H Leggett & Co. 's Selected Queen Olives. Heinz 's Mixed and Spiced Pickles and Chow-chow. Heinz 's Evaporated Horse Radish. Heinz's Preserved Fruit. India Relish. . Fresh Canned Salmon. Boston Baked Beans. Fresh Canned Beans and Peas. D. M.' Ferry's Celebrated Garden Seed. The Finest Quality of Gelatine in the city. S. J. Ervin's. 'Phone . 6q FOR THE AT 5 CENTS PER COPY. Vocal and instrumental from best authors. Would cost you from mnsis doalers from 30 to 50 cents per copy. DID YdtiTSAY? NOW Car rJoads and Soot Cash! That's our way to sell goods- as represented or Baby OasridEges! It looks like we could suit you. don't department store. But beforeyou give it up call and see if we haven't pot whnt you want. A full line of Leader and Gate City Stoyes. Beat oa thd market Don't forget our Anti-Rusting Tin Ware find a hole, get a now pieco. Yours for luck, Bell, 9 Residence Phono.... lJ0. Single copy 5 cents. - Uot'DrjrjkS.;." . . We use Van HoateiVs Finest Foun tain Uoca. Our Beef Ta. To- mato ana LiAjn' uouiikm are synpiy elegant, and pur Hot CQffee,.made frdm"the vary best extract of coffee, "cannot bo beaten. We kindly ask that yoil give us a call and beccfnvinced. All drinks 5 cents each. ' Concord- Drug Co. ' Phone Arc i some of you small r lots need just nojv jid even if not it will pay you to buy them for future use: 12 Quilts, full size, new process of making renders them very downy. They have sold well at 11.25 and 11.48; your choice now to close out Almost 200 yards of Fleece Goods or Flaneletts worth 10c. to close out at. . Just a few pairs of the 43c pants and vests to be sold at. . New Lot of Fine French Ginghams, beautiful waist pat terns only 1 1 m i mm. Remember our price is only 5 cents. YOU ARE TALKING. our way to buy, and everybody kuow money back. " 50 at a time. it? Come and see. Wo don't run a Harris & Co. Store 'Phone 12 fiAl o u