..1 wmm Price: $4.00 peiyear.- "CONCORD, N. 0M MONDAY, EBRUARf 6, 1900. Single coFy 5 cents. 5 T Or j o r v. r vV w- r1 GOOD CITIZEN DEAD. Vnemonia.theCau9eof Eijf Ephrjinf tErvIn's Doath-He Follows Hjs Wife to the Ony-e-One of Our County's ft est Citizens Cabarrus county lost one of its best citizens Sunday morning when the end. of tbjs life on earth camG to JSsq. Ephraim Ei .vin, of No 3 township, neat Tulm postoflice. He was a man of a good mind and was liked by our .people.. Even before the war he was a magistral and his counsel was always worth seek ing. Ho was considered one of ' the fathers, as it were, of the community. He leaves behind fo,ur chil dren, all grown. Several years ago he was robbed of his loved companion. Those left behind1 are Messrs. Tom and Howard Ervin'and Mrs. Ed Graham and Mrs. Jno.' Johnson. The funeral was preached by Rev. W Y Love. , Has Been Tilth Them, Ever Siilce Slie Was a Little Child. Abput the yoar 1884 Mr.t and Mrs. Baxter Parks took into their household a little m girl named Fannie Earnhardt, who had been staying at the county home. Her age was not known but from one -who knew her in her infancy it is thought that she was bora in 1880. Since the . time' that Mr. Parks took her and gave her a home' she has been with them until now, which is sixteen years. She has gone to live with her half-brother here who works in one of the cotton mills. Lord Ablner la the Number. We clip the following in which wenotice the name of Lord Ab- inger in the . number, who is a- kinsman to Mrs. Robt. Gibson, of this place, and who was ex pected to visit here some time ago: " "The first unit of the special corps of yeomanry called the Duke of Cambridge's Own, loft London this morning to embark at Southampton for South Af-J .riqa-. The force is composed en-.1 tirely of men of god social position. Lord Abinger .wears corporal's' stripes, while Lord Ailesbury's son is a trooper. Each man had to pay 20 for the privilege of joining, the 1 money going to purchase their outfits, while their pay is. do nated to the fund for the relief of the widows and children of th,e killed soldier&y immense crowtls orat?d the, "gentlemen rankfjrs," as they wer termed, on their way to'the station, and the train started amid remarka ble scenes of qathusasm "The Duke of Onmbridg and ther titled personages weit to Southampton to hjid the manry farewell." yeo- Cors of Large Troperteans. William H Lotz died in Read ing, Pa., on the 18th. He weighed 537 pounds. His coffin inside dimension were 78 inches in length, 38 in width and 29 in depth, 5TAKIX G 0 S S iV LIFE , BrMllas Futnre B .".. A , K Brief, .Feb. 26.--Late Wedrles- da evening hail fell thick and faskfor a while. . The recentf rains have cause'd our streams to get on a swell and go picnicking about over the low grounds. The hoarse voice of. spring, so much explofted by poets as a thing of music and a joy forever, may soon be heard in the land at least the melancholic howling i ji rn r ' n n m n www n-n a m n a u Neighborhood-The Kabbit Crop .oints of striking utility con-i , , oemg a nre.wmcn the most delightful hoUOhocoiatW ch4 "r. i. tVvi i . ; migiit have resulted more sen- at our hot Soda fimtain Wa . Shcrt. tmue to bubble up to the surface . .-..,. A, our "ot ooudisiratain. ,vv9 w;mt. .tt,,i,. a.-, m j v 1 ously man it did. Alampcauffht usq Van Houten's Fm5st P.oun- Wntten for Jhe Standard. . . of the frog-pond of human e- . consider- tain Cca- Our Be Tea .To-. of the wind is clearly discernible. fear in the hearts of crows and Rabbit tails aro shorter than j induce them notr to visit corn ever that is, their aggregate ; fields? -Stupendous thought of length- -owing to the lamentable of these esculent fewness rodents. . In living green are wheat fields arrayod. But the vicissitudes of our fickle climate have not dealt so gently with the boyhood of oats. " The political caldron is begin ning to thaw a little about the edges. . However, as yet, no great interest is being devoted to "Polly-ticks." Indeed, ticks in general will need to defer reg ular operations until the advent of summer skies. . Under the efficient auspices of Mr. JW Lonr and Miss Lillie Long, the public school at Brief , ' A academy come to a conclusion last Wednesday. Much sweet ness was manifested on tho occasion the pupils being de lighted with goodly presents of candy. if our fresh village, unfamiliar with the ways of the world, be seen wearing a half-grown oiusn on the suburbs of her modest features, perhaps it is because she is' about to be embraced by Mormon elders. They have an appointment booked for the public shool house, we under stand. Our miniature city presents the gratifying anomaly of being on a commercial and industrial boom just now. Mr. W H Big- gors, assuming the reins 01 ji mercantile activity, hs intro duced a well -filled store. This makes an impgrtant era of de velopment, 'rejuVenating tho comatose spirits of trade and reinstating somewhat of the de parted glory of the village. A trained ear may discern the semi-musical hum of numerous saw mills in dh'erso directions. We nqtfe the orynnPzation of sev eral h c$firms. Our rfative timfcor is rapidly beig prepared for nfcirket. jt he present rates, future generations may expect to enjoy the "unenviable luxury of imported lumber when a netfj hen-coof is to be erected, or a Lroosting plaoe to bo constructed for a coupio di (Jujiid's victims. Who doge not know that the venerabfip 1 'scooter-mole-rooter" plow is characterized y inestim able utility? Ycis only serve to establish js merits. Other plows may be made, used, and diHard ed, like a worn-out dishrag or a soiled paper collar; but this one unique no plus ultra of agricul tural impliments has fastened the fangs of its popularity insep- affection. Its. adaptability tfsJ enhanced and .augmented by.4he j. a l e : xt I - ?, incessant. iuk"i ui nuiw. ew nprifinr.o and oDservation.. iv . certain citizen who sometimes fcle. when he br.oko & 6 indulges hi snog work, related ceeded in quelling the flames be that minks had been working fore they -gained a hold havoc in the way of depopulat- on anything. It will be remem-ing'hishen-roostilntilacrppled bered that Cook. & Fisher's "scoote r-mole-rooter" was livery stables are next door to brought in for repair, when the his store. marauders suddenly coased the.ir j depredations, and "staid quit.' PERSONALS. Is it possible that the "scooter mole-rooter" may yet be utilized as a olever depice for inspiring inspiring inconceivable magnitude! DAN JUCE DEAD. The Trince of Clowns Succumbs to Bright's Disease How lie Took the New York Spocial, 22d, to Baltimore Sun says:. "Undo Dai" Rico, tho most famous of clowris, died this even ing at Long Branch, N. ' J., i 1 1 1 v n 1 . dusfc rinS- He was 77 years old, and his history was practically , 11 .1 . I 11. . ii. . t .11 : that of the circus tho roal, old Yankee circus in America. His real name was Daniel Mc Laren and he was bqrn in New Yorkcfty. His father nicknamed him "Dan Rice" after a famous clown whom he had known in Ireland. The boy stuck to the name and touched tho heights and depths of circus luck, making in his time three independent fortunes and losing them one after an other. Ho died comparatively poor, but to the last he was i cheerful, and had a jest over ready. Ho had owne'd three dif ferent shows and traveled not only .in .every .portion of the United States, but extensively in Europe as well. Ho was mar ried three times, and a wife'who' is said to own a valuable ranch in Texas, survives him. The old clown had started to write a. book idling of his career,, but increasing infirmities prevented him from finishing it. Ho vzxs engaged upon theNastn chapter ft foiy days before his death. Tho causa of Ids death v? as Bright's disease. Mr. 5"no. D Ross, cf Char lotte, inhere today. He ?figur- cnn Jn Mf Duft some work for the uring Co. at thmf new mill. Beat0ut of An Increase of Ills Pension. Mexican war veteran and prominent editor writes : "Seeing the advertise ment of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, 4am mind?& that as a sqJcJJer in Mexico in '47 and I contractetlalexican diarrhoea and this remedvhas kept me frt'iSf ettinf? an in crease fa my pension Tor whevery re newal a dose of it restored me." It is unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and is pleasfjat and safe to take. For sale by M. L Marsh & Co., drugerist. ft. Mnes'JVrin Mll8 are guaranteed to f Meatc acne ww cunv.ie vno cent a woreuuuauuwuunui hOYonu ton Mr Cochran has been weeks. . spending some time in Florida. In his life he was the most Ho will leave for his home to noted of all knights of tho saw- morrow morning. T,n,st. RsAmrAa. ifl.wauiTnv,f L " :in's store at Forest Hill there f lotte w'as he'rQ this orain . Postmaster Patterson spent yesterday in Charlotte. . Robt Burke, of DanviHe, spent yesterday here. Mr. Furber Jones, of Char - lotte, is here today. . . ".Ernpst, FAtzAr ronf tMe morning here, Mr. A Jones Yorke spent jesterday here. Sam Sloop, who is working ."for the Postal Telegraph Co., ! spent yesterday here. Mr. Jos. S Cochran, of Stanton, Va., arfiyed"here today to visit Bis cousin, Rev. C Pros- Francis II Leggett & Co. 's ! oelected Queen Olives. Heinz 's Mixed and Spiced Pickles and Chow-chow. Heinz 's Evaporated Horse Radish. Heinz's Preserved Fruit. India Belish. Fresh Canned Salmon. Boston Baked Beans. Fresh Canned Beans and Peas. D. M. Ferry's Celebrated Garden Seed. The Finest Quality -of Gelatine in the city. S. J. Ervin's. 'Phone 6q FOR THE em i AT 5-CEKTS PEE COPY. Vca! and instrumental"! rom best authors. Wouhl cost yoif from ir.w dealers from 30 to 50 cents per copy. Remember our price fa only 5 cuts. DID YOU SAY ? NOW YbU ARE TALlftlTGu Car Loads and Spot Cash? That's our way to buy, and'eyervbo.iy inoT oiy ay to sell goods-as represented or money back. 55aby Carriages ! 50 at atinjG. It looks like we could suit you, don't it? Comjj and see. c don't raff & depaitoPt-nt store. But before you eive it vou want. A full line of Leader audXlate City Stoves. Bee on tho mnrket. Don t forcret our Anti-Rusting Tin AVare Yours for luck, JBell, Residence Phone. . . .90. H PkT I IT I !C I I VL 51 II irui mato and Clam Bouillon Tiro simply elegant, aftd our Hot Ooffee,made from the. very best extract of coffee, cannot . be beaten. We kindly askthat yoo. give us a call and be convinced All drinks $ cents each. Concord Drug Co, Phone 37. Younpr Men's Destiny. In all events, to the Southern youth, whether his fortune bd small or great, his education broad or limited, the finger of hppe points not a professional 1 career, but to the uvcnne.V of j trade, or manufacturing and of industrial develoi unent. lie has never yet talJen snout oi e:xpec- tations, and he will hardly do so now. Columbia State. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn;, Bflald, cut or bruise. Bucklen'a Arnica balve will kill the min and promptly , heal it. Cures fever sfrte, n!c is, boils, corns, and ekinf ernpliunR. Cost pile cure on earth. Onty ifa a box ft Fetzer'a drug store. Cuie iuimtecd. Senator Morgan hasnooxaltea opinion of some of the senators. Ho is quoted as saying that some j of tho senators would oppose the. ten commaudineiiLii if the Cr.oat .Jehovah should dvf viqvA and offer thorn as legislation, so foarfu1 are they that they, would lo:-:e. tho vote of tho criminal clr. ,s whilo others would offer amendments in order to show their ability higher criticism. Monroe En quirer. Stood Death Off. E. B Monday, a lawyer ox ilenriettftv Te3j., once fooled a rave-digger. Ht , says: My brother Wiia very lov with malarial and jaundice. T rcrsnaded him to try Electric Bitters, and he wae soon much better, but continued their use until he was whol'y cl::' :1. I nir, sure Electrio Bitters saved his lifo. This remedy expels irnlirin. kills 'the diisense germs and 1 .unties the LlooJ, aids digestion, rfgnl.-.t" livr. kidney and bowels, cures eo; MipiUum. dripr si, nervous diseases, kidney troubles female complaints; tjivt. p -uct Lculth Only 50c at Fetzcr'e dru ttcre. 9 up eall una see haven t got TV 1 ,-hat hnora hole, pet a now piece. Harris & Co. Store 'Phone. . . . 12