1 3 Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1900. Single copy 5 ci&TS. G . . 1 1 I . - .CKH.llIB nr t iTTii nTTiTniTTTirvn . ANOH BR. DA.YNOT TO . BE ENDURED. Dqjrkness of Nght Gives Place to Gloofn fit Capitulation, An official dispatch was .trans mitted from London early this (Tuesday) m orning. as follows : Paardeberg, Feb. 27, 1900. ftfm Cronie with his entire conmand. capitulated uncondi tionatly at early daylight and are now prisoners in my care. Further deiails later. - Signed Roberts. Land Deals Recently Recorded. From the Register of Deeds office we notice that Henderson "Winecotf and M I Litaker have sold to Joseph W Litaker a tract of land in No. 4 township con sist lg of 64f acres The con sideratfpn of the deal was $800. Mr. Jos. W Litaker and wife Jiave also sold to WS Ritchie a tract of 50 acres. more or less in that township for $850. Mr. D V Litaker, who lives on Soutti Mam street, has purchased Mr. Cl'nt Ury's land a few miles below town on Buffalo creek, consist' ng of 54 acres more or less. The . consideration was $540. . Mr. Chas. Wagoner has sold to David Honeycutt a lot on Mill street near the Cannonville Pres byterian church for $725. The Case Dismissed. On Monday afternoon a young man from the eastern 'part of the county was arraigae'd on the dharge cf stealing a pair ol pants from the store of the Cannon & Fetzer Co. The case was tried, but there was not enough evi dence to convict the young man, who claimed that be picked the package up through mistae with some of his own clothes. BIddirg the Old XortU State 'Adieu. ES3 Ed! Honey chtt and David Har key, two ybung men from the eastern part of our county, left here Monday night to make their homes elsewhere. They inti mated that they were going to Ashovillabut purchased tickets " to Joplin, Mo. The yws From Glass. Glass, Feb. 27. Mrs. Fred Glass returned home th'.s morn tng from the Whitebead-Stokes sanitarium where shy has been under treatment for nearly, a montn. one seems ., mu-i im proved. Miss Maggie Wiaecoff, who has hofih aLiendinfir school atJ Lee's Business Cojlege, is home forvbi'e. A smSll mule of some age has taken iffe abode at Mr. David Earnhardt's. Its name or owner is unknown. The Young Ladies Sewing Circle recently organized met Monday afternoon with Miss Mary Ella Cannon. THE REVENUE LAW. Ull the Mail Casneis Will Sow Ua?e to Afll a Keren 8e Stamp On the Pack aef They Haul When Charges Are Made. . 4 In accordance with. tne reve nue laws ajchange !i(5w,takos ef feci on -the maiL routes." iThe postmasters at the. different; bifices have received notice from the revenue tlebaifmeut to notify I all the mall carriers -going from their omces tnat tney win do compelled to affix a one-centr revenue stamp for all packages they carry for which charges are ma&e. , ' This ruling will effect Mr. Jacob Shoe, who carries the mail daily between hefejand Mt. Pleas ant, 'inor'e than any one going from this place. Ho has already 'f i 1 1 purcnaseu ins biatups auu m ceipts. All packages that he carries now for which charges are made will either cost the Q-.cn,i ciT ' oonia ftiA Mr. Shoe only makes four cents for his services.. J o w1!! soem si range to some of our star route ca ..' ers to cr ve a receipt W(. a a one-cent revenue stacnp affixed for' a dozen eggs, a few chickens or several quarts, of berries whch they i - ' " ri v " Tbo rul'Dff sl ates that where a mail p.jvrlfvr ntilv oficasionallVU,;rV,4- ' - -J U carries packages ho is not sub- aro a common carrier to points on their line, they are subject to the revenue law. The Tupils Surprise Their Teacher. On last Saturday afternoon at xi i c it 4i i TMPC )SH ) H. i HH 1 1 I )1 1 Ij 1 1 . Hi; I IlJUl , , , , . . at joid venter scnooi iiouso uio teacher as well as the pupils was surprised. Mr. Adam Lippard has been teaching the school and as is the custom among a num ber of our schools he had a treat in store fof them. But they were prepared and presented him with a beautiful edition of the History of China, Japan and Corea. It is a valuable book containing over nine hundred pages and is greatly appreciated by the teacher. A Sad Accident Near Salisbury. On last Saturday night two children went upstairs in the home of Mr. Jno. Kerns who lives near Salisbury. Soon a rArmrt from a erun was heard i - J' c and when the members of the ZlZ w tw found familv rnshod in they found litt.lo Alvin Kerns, the four year old boy, shot in, the neck and his face badly burned. His deata wflSfl1mnSt instantaneous. The V i .n vui cn the la.,l' nye monias) oispecu rtVi or iirl wns tbo little son on,. j 'e T vy u j--a a. (u)loadcd" ua case. What Dewey Tliinhs. The fisrhi'ng admiral was in terviewed on the idea of foriiTy-j mg me lSVniiilia uiiuui auuis ie- poi-ted to have s5d. "Portifica-' tions? Why of not. As course I understand it, the caial js to"be rA sVinnlrl bo a neutralized com- mercial pathway, between the goat oceans. To fortify it would simply result in makjng it a battle grouiyl in case of war. Fortifications .would be enor - mouy expensive and ought not j i Jt n..fltn wMi v.-w o r uooe ereciua. mi m i sufficient guarantee of the ncu - peace. -Mr. 0 C Randleman, rvf W , . . Randleman, spent tins morning here. . traiuy.aa saiecy . 1 Bfa in fim hf wnt as -Well aS in T nnnfrAp.fcAd MflTinaa diarThofifl unA - i 1 A SUDDEN DEATH. Mr. Offaiah Beaver Dies in His Chair The Postoffice Changes Quarters Marriages Adding to the List Per- sonals. I ' . Vritten for The Standard, China 'prove, Feb. 26. Mr. John Cruse and . Miss Janie Ritchie were married Sunday. Rev. Wert perf ormed the cere mony. . Miss Emma Lip6, of Enoch ville, returned today from Zeb, where she has been visiting for 9 week or more. Frank Patterson ca'me homo from Roanoke Cpllege Saturday. His eyes are giving him a great aeai 0f trouble. 1 The post office at China .Grove : has been moved irom tne nuiid - has been moved from the build- ing near the big hole to Hols- ' i riiinw 'fin o ctAro '' A. Mrs. Alex Overcash, of near. Enochville, died this morning' about 4 oclock. The funeral , 1 services will bo conducted at St. , f?Mnnh Tnosdav at 10 o'clock. I Enoch Tuesday at 10 o'clock. . . . the cotton mill, will leave tQ- We are sorry to see him I UlgUU IID MIJ.V3 aJJ. J nina Grove. Mr. Obediah Beaver, who . jivbu auuuu muco v this place, near V atsonville postoffice,' while at his neigh- bors, Mr. Goodman's, died Sun- dav in his chair. Mr. Beaver, iitoc in qc rrWi nfx'iHVi jir usual. T Mo in to f-,wv 7 hn fM. co t.n morn r.hner- " v ' ful than usual. The iuneral ser-1 r . . , , , , m J vices will be conducted luesuay nmif 1 O -.V.1 i-wolj- o f. Mf. 7, rn T?o. about 12 o'clock at Mt. , Zion Re - formed church. He was about, 60 years of age. Mr. Joe Walker and Miss Jen nie Karriker were united in holy matrimony Sunday. Rev. J Q Wertz officiated. An Order That Knockcs Out Speculative Mail Contracts. An order was issued by Second Assistant Postmaster General Shallenberg'er, providing that no bid submitted under an adver tisement hereafter issued for carrying the mails on a star route or on a screen wagon route shall be considered unless the bidder resides or agrees to reside , on or contiguous 1 ioute on wh.ch the serv, to the ce is periovmed and gives his persoflal supervision to tne jpei ocmance of the service. Tb 's issuance of - j i . i t,? is oraer is iiouesst ry uy tiio I .-m Am i : many xaiiures umu -iig ux .u lativ contactors J o perform the j serv.'ce required by their con tracts. Washington Dispatch. Double Proof. "Do you believe in heredity, Mrs. Simpson?' Tndoad I do. Every mean ; trait Bobby has I can trace right back 1(0 his, father. "Does his father believe in heredity too?" "Yes. Ho traces Bobby's , faults all back to me." Chicago Record. . (" Beat "Out of An Increase Eis Pension, A Mexican war veteran and DXDminent ( editor UQeein -. , ment of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera this mkiuIv Via a Iron': mofrriTfri Soitiriir on iti crease'in my pent ""on for on eyery re-, newax a aose oi resiorea me. xi is ii J . i. i j: l unoquauttu an n 4uiuft euro iur uwriuucH and is pleaBant and safe to take. For sale by M. h Marsh & Co., druggist. I Mr. Jno. T Sink, Jr. of Lex- ington township killed a hog last i week that is remarkable for the amount of cash it; has net Led its owner. It was a sow and weighed 5t)8 pounds when killed., Mr. Sink says he has raised 117 pigs from this sow which he sold 'for $352. Add to this present worth of rork rtar round. sav Avh i r . k . - cents, tfnd it will be seen that he reajizod exactly $377.40 from one nog. Lexington Lispatch. PERSONALS. HL Parks spent last night in Charlotte. Mr. Frank Hargrave, of Lex ington, is here today. F.ev. W P MGhee, of ; Mooresvii,e js terQ todav j . I Mr. MoDroe Melchor, of Pioneer Mdls, spent today here. M Jno. - iearon,., one ox here toay. . -m.ss unassieiirown returned !to school at Elizabeth college TV T i- y A T)tMTtvi r - y-l TV T-n Geo w BrQWQ weat to Salisbury this morning. They will re urn tonight. M'ss Maie Pitts went to Sal- . , ... . : Whihe&d.Sfcolre8 ospi. j as a trained nurse. , Mi aod Mrs. Pink Mison- heimer and Mr. and Mrs. A Ef Lentz are spendinEr todav at Mr. .:- V Misenheiroer's farm m the coun- rv " Rev. Paul Barrmsrer and W R Kind offlcers oi thQ j ' m x .j :n Mt. ; pjeasant cotton mil', passed through, here th's morning on their way to Ubar'otte on busi- ness. Just Received A fresh line of Kemniker - Woolwlne Co.'s Celebrated Chocolates, Ko-KreamSj and the finest line of Penny Goods ever ; brongncto tne city. California Oranges, Alakuma, , . . . .oi' un ' i and a nice assortment of Stick Candy at S. J. Ervin's. 'Phone ... 6q FOR THE ' V !MIILIl5.xr)im! iri rr . AT 5 CENTS PER COPY. Vocal and instrumental from best authors. Would cost yovr feotn rausio dealers from S0 ip 50 cents per copy. Remember our price is only 5 cents. DID YOU SAY ? NOW YOU ARE TALKING. Car Loads and Spot Cashf That's our way to buy, aad eyeryboly lcnow our way to sell goods-as represented or money back. Baby Carriages ! 50 at a time. It looks like we could suit you, don't it? Come and eee. We don't rim a 'aitment store. But before you give it up call and ste if we hSveo t gel vat rlonurtmonr. atjira lint, nfifnrfi V Donf forget onr Anti-F.usting Tin Ware Yours for luck, Bell, Residence JPhone. . . .90. H OT DrinK. . DUN "i; .forget you can geU the most delightfuj hot hocolate- at our not Stfcla fountain. . vfo use Van Houten's Fines Foun tain Coca. Our Beef Tea, To mato and Llam liouiilon aro Hnft simply elegant, and our L (J 1 ' w w Coffee, made from the very best.. extract di conee, cannot be beaten. We kindfv aSk that voii give us a call and be convinced. All drinks 5 cents ach. Concbrd. Drug Co. Phone . 37 Dig Wheat F7eld. There is a wheat field in Cali forn.'acon;a''g25,' 00ac: es. near Cfovis, Cal. The plaiting of this iminer. e trac began the m'ddle t)f last Julv, au it is. hoped to compleio It by the of Janua. y To do the uror e first y To go lue work zOO men, more than 1.000 houses and several tons of big ojc. chine. y are necessary. A Frightful Biiwiaer . Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cilt or bruise. Buoklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures fever sores, ulcers, boilSj corns, and skin erupt iuus. Dest pile cure on earth. Only a box at- Fetzer's drujr store. Cure guaranteed. i - ,. Alcohol Blaze at IV. A Paris dispalch of the "0 says fij-o broke out on Guiuhy at St. Oneo, a Parisian suburb, among r.-.i and alcohol deno.Vus that ; v - caused a number of explpsicci j. An open aroa round uao alcohol depos't was made a sea of fire by i the burning fluid spreading over 'it. Official, computa on gives i5q poisons inju'ed The finan- cial loss is .estimated at L', 000,000 f rank's. Stood Death Otf. E. B Monday, a lawyer of Henrietta. Tex., once fooled a prave-digger. He says: My brother v m very low with malarial and jaundice. I persuaded him to trv Electric Bitf . r;, and h was ' Soon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly cured. I am sure Electrio Bittirs b a his life. This remedy expels wl r;a, l.ills the disease germs and pi.aert ..m blood, i h .. , . ftids digestion, regnl-iteh liver, knlney aids digestion, regnl itPb liver, kidney and bowels, cures coi.dipnti - u, dyspep sia, neryous diseases, kidney troubles, female complaints; givs p it health. ! Only 50c at Fetzer's drug dure. f9 - fijd a hole, get a now pifce Harris '& Go. Store 'Phone.... 12 o o