yl it,' ; i J d " SI ffo '1 Price: $4.00 per year.- CONCORD, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1900. Single copy 5 cents. o Ji 4 i ! r. t v & - iff -0 'J " y JULIUS CX3AR. The Julia Magnnrer Eook Club Devotes One of Its Evenings to This Tart of ShakesDcj; e - A Surprising " Love ' Storj Add . l. ' The Julia .Jagruder Book Club held the the season on ninth meetiner of Tuesday rfit Mrs Robort Gibson's It 'was one of taore'ihanusual interest, as it was flie' first of a series f Shakespeare, meetings, Julius Caesar being tholayliosen for studv. Three well written and interesting papers were read, showing a carefulness of study and clearness of tfiought that did credit to XliG writers. As usual the "fbat'of reason" ;vas fol ' lowicl-by one of a moro material character, -which was beautifuHyJ served an(i much enjoyed. But the hostess, not content with the ' usual literary entertainment, had a surprise in store, as the last course df her delicious lunphe'on, which brought the club suddenly back to the use of mental faculi ties. She had prepared, a Julia Magruder love story, most in geniously written, leaving blanks which were to be filled, each with the4itle of one of Miss Magiji der's novels, thus making a com plete love story. A pencil had j been placed at each plate, and i all went to work - with knitted brows, intent on recalling the titles which fitted into each blank space. The gravity, how ever, soon gave place to merri meDt as each lady who remem bered the name of the book that fitted into any blank would an nounce it in a tone of triumph, rendering it very easy for others less fortunate to fill up that space. However it was quite as amusing in that way, and had the Happy result of causing all papers to bo equally well made out. X. Bestowed to Charitable rurposes. At least five years ago a com pany through their representa tive was given permission to place two fortune-telling ma chines at the St. Cloud hotel. It was a slot machine, requiring five, cents "to work it. After a short while notice was given that these nfachines would have to be taken out as they were prohibited by the law unless taxed. The machines were taken down and laid away, waiting for their owner to come fyid unlock it, get the proceeds and do with the ma chine what he thought best. But no one ever came and the ma chines have been opened. In side was found $1.78, several wash(5rs and a few pieces of lead. Thfe amount in themachines will bo bestowed to sme jpharitable cause. To Open a Store Ilere. Mr. S M Gaskol, who some time ago meted his stock of goods frjpm hero to King Moun tain lfhs?ieided to retHrif to Con cord, whre he Was been doing business for several years. H has rcntgcl a sfqo rm at forest Hill. Ho . will occupy the first and second story of the newT building wrhere Mr. Mabery formerly stayed. SCENTS AT rilAAUEBERU. Gen. Cronjc Kequest Cranted-Ghalj Scows--Soiuters as Ministers. 1 The SCTDBafiS it Paardeberg, Stmtk 'Africa, on Tuesday morn-J irrg passl suudely from the grandly heroic revere combat tants hurled tho missiles ofdeath witk all the fury of .enmity, to the touchingly pathetic when the vaaqutehed has ail ; crushed within him bjit his. honorable pride and his care for those about him afld the victor turns to a sympathizing and condoling friend. . Gen. Cronje asked of Lord Roberts that his wife and all of his family, servants, secretary; adjutant and others close about him be allowed to share his prison witn mm. ne received assurarfco from, tho conqueror that lys requests should be eonv plied with, who proceeded to place him in the care of a com mandant" of suitable .rank to be escorted .to Capo Town. The next great deed by Lord Roberts was to have his army re lieve the wounded and suffering and bury the dead, all of whom made a ghastly scene. Dis patches say that many women and children could hardly b'e persuaded to accept such unex pected kindnesses as were be stowed upon them. It was said that Gen. Cronje had an army of 8,000 men but the number reported is 3,000 sold- iers. borne nad escaped and tne number was reduced in the killed and wounded yet the shrinkage is not accountable. ' Mrs. Jas. Johnston Dead. f )nlv a row davs aco we an nounced the death of Esq. Eph: raim Ervin. On Tuesday morn ing, the widov of Mr, Jas. j Johnston, wio lived at the same house died. She had pneumonia. She was -about 55 years of age and was the mother of fourteen children, most of whom are liv ing. She has been a widow for four or five years. Her maiden McKnight and has name was a brother . living- m. itowan .V V county. The remains were m- terred at Poplar Tent ' A W5rd To.You Veteran. We would acain remind Con federate veterans that the an nual dues of ten cents from each member should be coming in promptly. It is a small sum to each and is greatly needed to keep up the general organization. The fact of . the matter is that it ia a anm' eft cm9n oC 4r, Ai . . . an exponent to in praae oi a, .veteran, no cairiiuruiy uouaiieu i a veteran of com nfcndable .pride matter at the'last momentefore u iivj umy uuuvuuu iu luip iituo i i j l T r l a . j kinin. Caffip212 has maintain a proud standing ip. The associa-' tion. Ou" book shws every nme inth alphabetical $rcler nd4he years Hi which ach has 1 paid the little sum. it looks a little A -nrflsiPTi I r 1 a liLtlo srjotted witn I blanks. This book can be seen at any time. Let it make you feel nroud to look at your name there. Mil. TOMPX1SS IN GEORGIA. Creates JntercsUn Cttoli Milling Ahout Gainesville Some Forceful Ideas. "VVe ltavo a marked copy of the Georgia Cracker, whjch we seo is all aglow with delightover the spoqeh of Mr. D A Tonif kirfs, of -Charlotte, delivered recently in . ',.- Gainesville, Ga. Mr. To'mpkins has made a great study of cotton billing and his ideas are well worth ponder ing over. . - Tho Cracker says Mr. Tomp kins reasoned that had, tho insti-', tution of slavery not been abol ished the South woulfi. not have made the progress she has made f has made a grander victorv for the South than tho triumph of arms had for the North.' Mr. Tompkins does not advise decreased acreasre as assurance for profits for tho cotton crop for India is taking pattern from us and may soon supply the English factories. The profits he thinks lie in manufacturing the crop. . He advised that local capital be invested and mills be built and operated by local push and en ergy. The Cracker adds; "The speech throughout was listened to with interest, and al who heard it were7 deeply im pressed with the forceful re I marks. "Great crood is certain to re dound to Gainesville from the speech of Mr. Tompkins, for our people have bad the cotton mil question presented to them in its real shape and they are discuss- ing it with more intelligence and earnestness than ever before.' Pictures By Mall. Prof. H T J Ludwig asks us to say to those sending him pictures for the Confederate Regimental I history that it is not safe fo send I breakable pictures by mail unless iverv securlv packed as tho danger of breakage is too groat. He recently received one ruined by the post master's stamp. Trust Tbpse Wbo Have Tried It. I suffered from catarrh of 'the worait kind and never hoped for cure, out nays uream uaim seems to do even that. Oscar Ostrom, 45 Warren Avenue, Chicago, 111. I suffered from catarrji; it got so bad I could not work: I used Ely's Cream Balm and am en titelv well. A C Clark, 341 Shawmu Avenue, Boston, Mass. The Balm does not irritate or cause sneezing. Sold by drug I prist at, 50c. or mailed bv Elv r"" a i Brts- 56 Warren St., New Yprk. a Beat Out of Anlciease of His Pension. A MexicaiiVar veteran and prominent A 'lJr,li7r . "fluoinn, (ha aiimrriflp. of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico in '47 and '48 1 cfracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy Has Kept me irom xeum an? m- crease in my pension o on everp re newal a doBe or it restored me.' it is XOSSSS TtSSffl I ..i i j: i sale by M. L Marsh A Co., drugcist. re " enralzla. Oct Dr. MllfS u 'eclats. 'Oae ceni a doK 1 Li Good "Old-Tiroe" Candr Fullins ,liss Kate Morrison entertained a number of her friends. Tuesday night. The hours -sped rapidly in social enjoyment and a good part of the time was sp&it with a good "old-time candy pulling" Thoughts to Treasure. She neglect hp,u heart .who studies her glass. Lavatir. : Heaven nevgr helps the man whonvill nof act. Sophocles. ) Reason is our soul's left hand, Faith her right. John Donne. Dare to do your duty always; this is the height of true valor. Simmons.' Moderation is the silken string running through the pearl chain of all virtues. Thomas Fuller. He who has not a good' mem ory should never take upon him the trade of lying. Montaign. Whon ill news comes too late to be servicable to your neigh Dor KeeP 11 10 yourseil. bim- it to . rQerman ! wonld rather aim at perfec-i tion and fall short, than aim at 1 imperfection and attain it. A J Gordon. I take one decisive and imme- j diate step, and resign my all to the sufficiency of iny Saviour. Thomas Chalmers. Take the self-denial gayly and cheerfully! and let tho sunshine of thy gladness fall on dark things and bright alike, like the sunshine of the Almighty. Jas. Freeman Clarke. Just Received A. fresh line of Kemker - Woolwlne Co. '5 Celebrated "Chocolates, Ko-Kreams. and the finest line of Penny Goods ever brought to the city. California Oranges, Alakuma, a nice assortment of Stick Candy and at . S. J. Ervin's. Phone da- FOR THE " AT 5 CENTS PER COPY. Vocal and instrumental from Ibest authors. . "VWuld. cost you frirtv .music dealers from 80 to CO cents per copy. Eemember our prfoe is only -5 cents. m DID YOU SAY ?. NOW Pnr Trmrtia nd Hnnt fiftfih! That's onr air way to sell goods-as represented 6r Baby Carriages! 50 at a tipie. c It looks like we could suit you, don't it? Onio and see. "Wo clou't ran a clpaitment store. But before you give it up call ancl see if o hnyn't r. vit Vou want. A. full line of Leader and Gate City fcPjye?. eetou tiio a t't. Don't forget our Anti-Eustmg Tin Ware-find a holQ get a n v,Tq$o. Yours for luck, Bell, Residence Phone.... 90. Hot QrinksV'.. DON'T forgot you can get the most delightful hftt f'hQco.'Tftc' at our hot Soda funktin We. use Van Houten's Finest Foun tain Coca. Our Beef Tea, To mato and Clam Jtouill on n re simply ojeganfc, and our .Hot Coffee, mauVfrom the very beat fextxtfict of coffee, cannot ho, . beaten. .We kindly ask thnVvou give us a call and beconvincr.l. A11 drinkS5'cents each. Concord Drug Co, Pljone . 37. Matrimonial Troubles at China drove. A gen tleman from China Crove who spent Tuesday here tells us o.f an unusual occurrence there. On last Thursday two o' Chin,a Grove's youn-7 folks wore married'. Since thai timr all has been love aprciitly but on Monday evening she told her husband she was going to see her mother and in stead of seeing her mother she has gono with another fellow, and the one who formerly, bestowed his affections upon her. They boarded the train at Salisbury and" wont south, leaving the heart-broken husband behind. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a lmrriHa burn, Boald, cut or bruise. ' Bucklnu'a Arrio balve will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures fever aoree, ulcers, boils, corns, and skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 21c a box at Fetzet's drngr store. Cure uaranteod. stood Death Off. E. B Mnnday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., once fooled a pravo-digger. He says: My brother was very low with malarial and janndice. I persuaded him to try Electric Bitters, aud ho wan soon ranch better, but continued their uae until he was wholly eft red. I am sure Electric Bitters saved his life. This remedy expels lualiria, kills the disease germs and purilies the blood, aids digestion, regnkf ? liver, kidney and bowels, enres coaetipation, dyspep sia, neryons diseases, .Virtnpy troubles, female complaints; givts poi feet health. Only 50c at Fetzer's drugr -torf . WIT mire. over hen all otlu i - tho Qtn . 9 YOU ARJB JCALEIIXG-. wav to buv. and evervboJ knowH money tmck. Harris & Co. Stare 'Phone.. ..12- '""TT. Jf "1