. vta. Mw SKO".- 30 Jin. STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, Editors and Proprietors, r5 fr ' E I rtCE nilURIS BUlliUJ IIIELSTANDARD is published every mj (b"ud6xcepted) and delivered by riob xlates ot Subscription : One ar . . .......... R00 Six uioain. . . . .'.-2.00 Three naonth8 t.. l-00 One tnonth .". . . ,35 Bintl . cany. ......... 2 05 TIU3 WEEKL"L oTANDARD fl oaf-fne, eight-column paper. It Mb a larger cVculaiion in Oabarrusthan any otlAr paper Pfice $1.00 peranum in advauco. Adveitisnig Rates : ' TAnis "for regular advertisement? fiu.ade kirbwn on application. Address all communications to m . THE aTNDARD', Concord, N. O. TELEPHONENO.,71. Concord, N. C., Feb. 28, moo. ASH WEDNESDAY. This is Ash' Wednesday, tl e beginning. of the LetUen season, which embraces the forty days preceding Easter or resurrection Sunday. -The custom, of dividing the year into certainchutch seasons is probably not tracable to the apostolic period, but is at legist Iracablo to about the year GOO. There is a beauty and sig nificance, about these terms that probably Ipst much of their hold cn the church through the os- . traugemcnt consequent upon the reformation ol flio K5tli century. Tuesday preceding Ash Wed lio'Juv called Shrovetide or Shrove Tuesday, a day originally liiuikcd by festivities, or rather the ending " of festivities, on which tho early Christians' con IejL;lbiio'vero 'heard prior to the Lenten season. Shrove is the pust'lonso of shrive, - which 'sig nifies the hearing of confessions. liio (Catholic church adheres most closely to the usage, hence -tho Mardi Gras at New Orleans, which closer on Tnesday. Ash "Wednesday has its signi Jieaaco from the impressive cus toia of tho early church when the palm branches, consecrated in the celebration of . Palm Sun day of the former year were burned and the ashes kept for this Asu Wednesday when the priest sprinkled these ashes on tho people while he repeated the Latin ritual, which .being trans lated is, "Remember that' thOu art dust and must return .to dust." " . . " ! ; Stated seasons or periods of abnegation, humiliation, fasting, . discipline of the carnal appetites and propensities liave ever be6ii regarded by the church as pro- fi tableland conducive to spiritual jiro'Alh. . As forty days is so conspicu ously a?;Qciatcd with events in Bible history connectm, as it were, haveii and tiarth most clo.ly, it is eminently appropri ate that the 10 days including passin wfiek and terminating witli the uslufriyg in of the 4 'que:" of all fostaV days, Eas ier, should be reganfed ahd cherished by the chtfrch as ajpe rid c special spiritual training. What Sas become ol the tra ditional warnj spell of weather in Febiuary? It has not greeted us for so long that the idea oy sticks to us as a noStsJosy does. Last year the crouncl-hosr 'got rattluh between sunshine and cloud an? thetottom of the either bureau almost dropped out. This yoar if f?o came out a.t all ho probably froze in his tracks. So the weather has not boor, vi: it used to be, and thero's no telling what's coming. It re minds one of a sick man, who on bfiins? visited bv a friend and cj - asked of his condition said, "Oh, I'm mighty; poorly) and some times I get worse." , REUNION PARAGRAPHS. Echoes From the Committee of Arrange ment at Loulsyille. Col. Ben La Bree is suffering fgpm night-mare. In a wordhe has had a horse' on tjle rain evrsince receiving the ordjr t3 nurr.hasfl seventv-nve or more l ,T ' - M chanjping steecfs.for thos rich! Confederates who are coming here from" Arkansas In May. Money is. no object to thern. All they want is a lotof .superb. horses, genuine Kentucky thoroughbreds. The soldier's tbadge which will be worja by veterans $nly, at the Louisville Ieryaion, May 30-June 3, will be a shield widi the head of Gen. RoberJ E Lee on one side and tne battle and union. flags crossed on the reverse. As Louisville is - connected with 18,000. miles of navigable water, it is expected tha many river excursions will' be arranged .during the Confed erate Reunion there, May 80-31, June 1-2-3. Among tria boats 'o be used in tho excursion service will be the famous fivo-decln steamer from Cincinnati. The souvenir badge of the Confederate Reunion at Louis ville,' May 30-Juno 3, will be a celluloid canteen with thp.pvofilc of Winnie Davis, daughter of the Confederacy, on one side and the Winnie Davis rose on the other. Steamship Builder . RainJoy, who constructed the famous Merrimac, has written thnt he hopes to be in Louisville at the Reunion May 3J-31, June 1-2-3. ' The attack on Fort Donelson will bo represented on the Ohio river during the Confederate Re union in Louisville, May 30-31, June 1-2-3. ' Louisville never had a .more generally: popular job on her hands than that of fixing to re ceive and entertain the old Con federate 'war scirs" this May. . Gen. John B Hood's twin daughters, Misses Ida and Adele,' will attend the Confederate Vet eran Reunion at Louisville 'May 80-Jun9 3. " " ' Several old nogroes will be at the Reunion of Confederate Vet erans in this city, Mn 3Q-31, June 1-2-3. , There" is no stranger sight in history than these faith ful colored servants accompany ing the master Jo the ncM, wait ing on him, fighUhg with him, bearing home his lotfcrs ancUper sonaf trinkets when dead. . , A Prominent Chicago Woman Spffeks. Prof. Roxa Tyler, of Chi?o, Yice r President Illinois Woman's Alliance, in speaBmg ot Chamberlain's Congh Remedy, say: "I suffered with a severe cold this winter which threatened to rrm intormeumonia. I tried dilig ent remedies buteemed to grow worse and theidieine upset my stomach. A iriend advised me to try Chamberlain's flonli TA 1 T J :l pleasancto taktrand it Relieved me dfj nce. 11 am now entirely recovered aved a doctor's bill, time and suffering and twill never be without thissplendu medicine again. Forjsale by MJfL Jfarsh & Co. Urn. - v m m m treaitaehe fttojfpca In 20 mjffcites tvDi SCS Au PuAi "One rPT'ir.cp ii.pultromdriiglst8. "One cent atUie The Mother's Fayorlte. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the mother's favorite. It is pleasant ami safe for children to take and alwayn cures. It is intended especially for cougrhs, colds, oroup an whoopim? cough, and is the best medicine made for these diseases. . There is not the least danger in giving it to children for it contaiDs no opium or other injurious drug and it may be given as confidently to tl babe ae to an adult. For sale by M. L. Marh & Co., druggist. . ; r ML. Marsh & Co. guarantees every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and wiljrffund the money to any one who is noUeatisfied aftensing two third o4;ho contents. This is the- best remedy in yie world Tor la grippecohis, croup ana Whooping cough ana is pleasant and safe to take. 9 It prevents any ondJhcy of 9 coffl $ result infeumonia. I CoRcoi'd Nalioiiaf Bank Offero the business publio a reliable, per. manen.t, oonseryativeind pecommoaat- rh&banking instutin. We Solicit your natronage witli the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of ybur patf oiage. It we can serve you any time w6 will be srlad to have vou come and see ns. LIBBtUL ACOOilAIODATCONS J IV UUOlUiUilUOi - - - - Capital ani Surplus - - - -$50.1100. D. B Coltbans, Chashier, J. M. Odei . President. For Sale.. fome very desirable building lots well lbcated. Some well improved property that will go at a bargain. J. F. -Hurley & Co' Bonds and all kinds of Insurance. MLL. Brown & Bro, LIVERY. PEED AND SALE STABLES. ! Just in roar of St. Cloud Hotel.. Omnibuses mget all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs. , . ' ... We are prepared to give the people this winter better bargains than usual in all kinds erf ; ! " " : : U- i; Heavy aed Fancy Groceries ! At wholesale and retail. , pay you to see our Large It. will Stock Tinware, Wood ware, ' ' Glassware, Crockery, -HalU?, Etd . ' : j boforo buying.. For" Clover Seed Seed live, andRockSalt go "to G' Wt Patterson's,'. In ell Its etares there should be clc;!iness. Ely's Crcsi clean?i4i3otneE ar.-l ho.ila the diseased membrane. It CjJ"9 catarrh awl drives away'a cold in the ld w ma yiuickly. Creara Eilra is p!aJ Int the nostrils, epreads over thiemhranellDd is absorbed.ip.lief Is Im mediate and a cure follows. It is not dryinfr-oea not produce sneezing, arge SizBO cents at Drug jlsS or by mall. JFrtal Size, 10 cents by mall. Hj-Y BliOTIIEKS, 50 Warren Street, New York. ft Ills Wife Sayea rilm. My wife's $?ood advieTsaved tliy rites F Rosa QfYmfi.ed, T r I bad sncblabad couh I c , life writes for I bad'sjicbla could IiardlVj breatlio, 1 Bmaduy grew wore nndeirdoctor's treafliient? but my wile urged mft to use Dr. King's New Dis covery forTionsuruptioff which com pletely cured - iSe. . Coughs, colas, bronchitis 1ft grippe, pneumonia, as thma, hay fever, and all maladies of chest, throat and lungs are positively cured by this inaryelloua medicine 50c. and $100. Every bottle guaranteed Trial bottle free at Fetzer's drug store 31 Per Yard is a very low figure to quote on Hamburg 2 Edn-ino-s but we still have it at that price and up. You will see but little difference we.have bought these goods under .the market for spot cash. We ha ye Hemstitched Tucking, 21 inches wide, at 40c. per yard. All- over Embroidery at 90c. l . . - White Checked Najnsooks 5c. yaM up. . Dimities 7ic, yard up. J ' , . India Linens 51c yard up. A 'Nine L ina'nf Fancv Seam Braid at 5c. Good Course Bleached Muslin at 61c '.' . 9-4 Blached Sheeting at 24c - .. , ' Worth Zlic. yard. Lace Curtain's. 48c .to $2.50 per - pair. White curtain goods 5 to lic. yard. Sterling Silver Friendship Hearts" at 10 c '- ' v Sterling Silver Beauty Pins. at 8ic. . The price quoted on Bo Paper and Tablets were not for last week only but will continue until the entire $200 worth is sold.. When you pay full price for box p'aper or tablets you are simply throwing money away, for our prices on the goods average below the wholesale price. Sealing Wax, 3 sticks in. a box for 12c.-- ".: Very respectfully, BOStlan. mm w- mm.- ' 8t. Lopis, I.Io., A'Jg. Thouph only 19 years old, I s' - ffore pains aua foniaie troaiaes two years. spring l roi bo oaa 1 nan 10 quii wcrit, to support tiyseif, end could not afiOKj Sriced doctors I got one bottle of wine ol ardui aud that inado me feel better. Have now used several bottles a:d am well. My mother used tha Win for Cliange of Life aud ra greatly relieved. " i : ' MISS MARGARET -WALSH. ,C7 Many plrls and women find it necessary to earn their own living la Tarious kinds of emplo'yment. Their work is efften so hard and confin ing tHat the health breaks down. Tli?ir delicate constitutions are unfitted for tiresome.tasks. Weakness nearly always makes its appearance in the peculiarly delicate womanly organs. Constant standing on the feet, and coming and going at the beck of a superintendent or foreman, in duces falling of the womb, leuc vhoea, headache and backache. The pay .of women workers is otten notoriously sma!l that when sickness comes they have no money tc igage sk;"(ul physicians! 1 To them Wipe UDItS' ADVISORY DEPAJvf Forailvlce In cRses rci)n!ria Bpial dlr tions, audresB, trtvim; syiiu.toms, Lnilln' LlTUory Daji'l, T hi. KATTASOOUA MEDICINE CO., CTiattenooKA, Tenn. Druggists sell Large Bottle for $1.00. JW i 1. 1 ill ii rf PHCENIX MUTUAL LifI; : Insujiaijce : Company, of Hartford, Con. For some months I haye represented the Phtenix Mutual Lifensurance Co. I am reliably infoi mWthatMr. Marable is here reoresentinsr the same company. althougbjie has neve" tok me so. If for aivfc reason you preier to gryeyour annlinaf inn for insurance in the above nnmninf t.n him. rather than to me. well and good, bv alimeans insure with the . - Jno.. Slots, Art Plfbfliix Mufifal 'Life In- 9 rt n tt , n i surance0uo. , oi iiartiora, Conn. vim jio Tcopid - 1 Thtit's Why in the price of Hamburg here as . 12. - l from Last I bud a.higii-. i. '1 r j v Pi t n ar ji is truly a Diessing. it cm es tfIm of their ills at a small cost, and they can act" as their own physicians. No dactor can do as much for "female troubles" as Wine of CarduL Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow. ' els in natural motion and cleanse th'e system of all impurities An b vIutc cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con iipation and kind jed diseases. .114 :.. r. bmi.-ii, Liiilccrjurg, Va. rites yont ki?ow how I could b vithoi?t them.I have had -;vv:f disease for over twenlv r-:.v;3. Am now entirely cnreL TutVs Liver Filk ' . 11 ill! 5 gpp 8Af4ff ache ana KirtnjirroM rerev O o