.! v : CI Price: LOO per year.- CONCORD N. 0 FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1900. Single copy 5 cents 3. J s 1 r 1RKIG11 SUPT. ROSE'S SON WOUND UP. .ON - . SHAFT. . One Leg Erf tj rely Severed From' Body A CLrfie some Sight. Superintendent A J Rose's little 10-year-old son met with a most horrible accident at Bala mill this afternoon. There is an old grist mill that is run by' an iron shafting. It seems that the little fellow was playing with or too near it and when found was a gruesome sight. One leg was entirety -severed from the body and the other was horribly, mangled.. It is not known at what time the accident happened. As the message was 'phdned to us just as we were going to press the poor little fellow was yet suffering but doubtless death did or will relief. soon bring, the only The Executive Committee Meets To monw. The County Democratic Exe cutive Committee will meet to morrow at the court house ac cording to the call of Chairman A B Young .for the purpose of deciding upon a date to call the township primaries. Secretary and Treasurer Elected. At the meeting last Thursday of the directors of the Windemere Knitting Mills, . Mr. J C Leslie was elected secretary and treas urer, .relieving Mr. J W Cannon, president, who had been serving in p dual capacity. The company will move into its new building soon, and will begin work on a more extensive scale. Stanly Enterprise.1 ' . Mri. Honeycutt Dies Suddenly. We notice in the Salisbury Truth-Index that the mother of Mr. Ephriam Honeycutt, of No. 7 township, was found . dead in bed on AVednesday morning, the 28th. She was accustomed to rising early and finding her yet ;n bed he failed hr but she was deadr. Heart disease is supposed to be the cause of herdeath. . Amendment to Be Discussed. ... The debating society at Forest Hill wili discuss the constitu tional amendment next Tuesday night in Furies at 8.o'cloc?k. hall, beginning Messrs. J A Fui and Will w w Morgan will llefend the a ffrma- tive and Messrs. H H Hjnson, M O Bridge and Junius Shinn the negative. A fee of ten cents will be "charged, the proceeds from which will bo appropriated to paying for a library for tho so . ciety. LADTS3?ITH RELIEVED: Gn. Dundonald Eniys Unopposed Half . Pound.of JffSal and Some Jlorsc Eng. - - L' land Wild With Joy. . i . . Ladysmfth is relieved. Gen! Buller sent Gen. Dundonald with a reconnaitering force on Wed nesday nighfr to ascertain the situation. -He reported that be could enter Ladysmith and was ordered to do so. Ho 'found Gen. White ready to sally iovth and meet4iim if he should meet much opposition but there was none. The city was on tiptoe of expectancy as a message had been received that relief 'could be expected within 24 hours. The soldiers had been living on a half pound of meal per day supplemented with horse or mule meat. They are much reduced and will have to be fed up be fore they cart do much fighting of following the Boers who are withdrawing. The effect of the news in Eng land is said to be joy almost to the 'degree of madness. Bells rang, shouts filled the air, con gratulations were exchanged, conventionalities were thrown1 off. making friends and acquaintance out ef everybody and a day off from business, schools etc., was taken in the bursts of patriotic demonstrations. Tho people were literally wild. A Bone Lodged in His Throat. Dr. H F Long got a bird bono in his throat Sunday and it pains him very much at times. Ho went to Charlotte Tuesday even ing to have it taken out, but it was decided best to let it take its course for a time beforo attempt ing an operation to remove it. Dr. Long returned home Thurs day. His friends ho'pe nothing serious will result. Statesvillo Mascot. Dr. Long is the smallpox ex pert who visited the Morris family here when they had the disease. . . ; To Put In a New Switchboard. At a meeting recently of the Concord Telephone Co., it was decided to purchase a mow switchboard . for the central office. Every place on the switchboard is taken up now with a 'phone and there are several applicants waiting for 'phones but cannot get them. The new switchboard will be in two sections accommodating one hundred drops to each one, while tho present one only accommo dates one hundred "and forty. Mt. Tleasant Tarties -fed. Register Johnson issued mar riage licenses Thursday to Mr. Jas Johnson and Miss Ella J&nes Both of these parties live at Mt. Pleasant. Tho to-be bride is a sister of Superinten dent.Tames, of the Kindley cot ton mill there. Tho carpenters have been re the modelling the interior of store of H L Parks & Co. Mumford Ritchie rot.nrnpfl i home la'st night from Richfield. ' J The Mysterious Bounds of a Lady's . watch., . Almost two years ago a nice silyer watch belonging to MiSs Petijl Brpwn, wfiich was Jiibiy prized pve! accoutft of 'it having been a birthday 'present, mys tertpusly disappeared. Strange, though, theriady did not miss ler watch.until she returned frbm a visit of several we.e?s. Shqrtly after She left a.watch was found on the street uear'Mr. Jojl Reed's .residence by Mr,. Hall, who was then, carrying ho mail, for the Odfcll Manufacturing Co. The watch was advertised for some time but no. one answered tho ad. This svas very like.ly on account of the facfc that the watch had not yet been missed. 'But after the mail carrier had kept tho watch several months ho traded it off. It was traded two more times and landed at Correlf's jewelry store Tnursday for re pairs. - Mr. Correll recognized the watch and the rounds of the valuable time-piece Ravo been retraced. Miss. Brown will get Hat TTTfl adjustment of the matter. There is a letter "P" engraved on the back of the watch. Mr. Jno A McDonald Dead. It will be remembered that only a few month s ago Mr. Jno. A McDonald came to Charlotte and this place from his home in Arkansas to visit his brothers in Charlotte and here Ho returned to Arkansas only a short while ago and on Wednesday a tele gram was received that he died that day. Mr. McDonald loft here, quite a long- while ago. He leaves a wife and two children. He is a brother of : Capt. Chas. McDonald of this place. Mr. McDonald was once the clerk of the court of this county during a 'republican administra tion just after the war and Mr. Jas. C Gibsou's predecessor. At the time of his death he was the county suveyor of Ashley county in Arkansas. . A Meeting of the Cong-rogation Called. The officers of the First Pres byterian church met at Mr. D F Cannon's Thursday night to talk over the matter of calling a pas tor, Temodelling the church and parsonage. . The delegation of ladies as representatives of their part of the church flock, were present also. No decisive action in any way was taken but it was decid ed that a congregational meeting be held on Sunday, March 18th. ' . He Fooled the Surgeons, All doctors told Renick Hamilton of West Jefferiftiu, Ohio, after Miffcring eighteen months from rectal fistula, ho would die unless a costly operation was performed; but he cured himself with Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the best in the world. Barest pil$ cure on garjh. Only 25c. a box t Inzer's drug store. I Annual Mcetiiyr to Be Held Monday I Klght I The regular annua mooting of the Cabarrus County UuiHiflg and Loan Association wilf. be field in the court house Monday ! Vjthlans Take Xoticel 1 All members of Concord Lodge : No. 51 . Knights . of Pythias aro I requested to meet in Castle Hall tonight at 8' o'clock promptly. vVorkm secona rantf. H. M. Weir, (I C. ni-ht, March 5ih, at wOiOnh nnrriflirfis su at a time. ..: 'O'clock. - VV K UDELL, f jr , i L D C'OLTRANE, President. jt i()0kB hte we could uit you.tlon't it? O mi at d s.e. We d.'t rua a oecreiary. department store, iui Deiorec-u " c." ' " V. ' 7" i 1. ,nn ant. A full line of Leader and Gate Oityn tcp. If&t on t1p.uoL We Hare a Number of Them IIere2 oIn an articla in? the Charlotte Observer we notice Concord Is quotedas Saving one white.bar ber shop. Concord has reached the place that but few men here patronize only .the. white bar bers, and there are in this place six barber shops, with white op eratives. TheFe are nine or ten persons in our town skilled in the art of .smoothing one's face and trimming the hair. At the Mayor's Court. A negro boy was arraigned beforo Mayor Means Thursday night on the charge of being drunlr. There was not sufficient proof and he was dismissed. A young negro boy was tried for delivering whiskey. He was Prmvirl mini f r onrl -f? n rA rn r A rl lar and also had- to tho ; . J i -A. V. LA 11 1 1 U 1 1 L V tMI 1111 1 1111 Al 17 111 J I PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. WC'Lindsey, of Salis bury, is hero today. - Mr. W Hope Whyte,' of Char: lotte, spenttoday here. Mr. H C Long, of Charlotte, spent this morning here. Gordon Finger, of Charlotte, spont last night here. Mr. Jno. C Wadsworth went over to Charlotte this morning to visit his brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Levy went over to Charlotte this morning: He has gone to Davidson. Mrs. J M Odell went to Fort Mills this morning tp visit her sister, Mrs. S E White. Just Received A fresh line of Kemker - Woolwine Co.'s Celebrated Chocolates, Ko-Kreams, and the finest line of Penny Goods ever brought to the oity. California Oranges, Alakuma, and a nice assortment of Stick Candy P at S. J. Ervin's. Phone .do. FOR THE AT 5 CENTS PER COPY. Vocal and instrumental from best authors. .WoulJcofit you from mus dealers from 30 to 5(V;eTits per copy. Remember our price is only 5 cents. DID YOU S AY ? HOW YOU 'ARE TALKING. i Carlioads and Spot Cash! That's our way to buy, aad everyb vly know our wy to ;11 poods- as ;?prenenten or Don't forget our Anti-RustiDg Tin Wart- Yours for luck, Bell, OResidence Phon&. . . .ttO. HOW. , ABOUT TT? Those hot drfhks at the Concord Drug Cfl?s Hot Soda Fountain will drive away that chilly, shivering "feeling thatrthis cold weather throws upon you. The liberal pa tronage weJlave received pr&ye3 the real merit of our drinke Concord Drug Co.; Phone ' . '37. GARDEN SEED! ' Our buyer lias made a deal through which we are enabled to offer 5,000 papers of Buist's garden seeds at 1 cent a paper. Everybody knows Buist's Seeds rank among the, best They are guaranteed fresh from Buists great seed farms and as good as any seeds on the market. All kinds of the Celebrated Buist's seeds at 1 cent a paper; H. L. Parks & Co. 9 9 money pbjk. Harris &aCo: . Store 'Phono.. .. 12 j III. u h i:u u, .ti ix y i'vv.

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