5 Ml Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1900. Single copy 5 cents. EOAD QUESTIONS. The Monthly Meeting of the Conntj Commissioners Jurors Drawn for the Next Term-of Court Other Business. The county commissioners, Messrs. Jno. P Allison, M F . Nesbit and? Jno. S Turner, held their angular monthly meeiftig . ; Monday. . . - It was decided that Superin tendent Benfield have a new tent lor the shelter oi his men on. the chau; gang. D H McEachcrn wa,s paid $1G.4Q for building a bridge od .new Statesville road at Caleb Goodman's. A petition was. preseated by k number of people in that part of the county petitioning the com missioners to charlge the public road from Concord to Rocky River church as fpllows: Go ing from Rocky River church to Cbncord leaving the present road at a well near said church on J M i . Y Alexander's land running through said Alexander's land, Emma; Carter land, crossing Rocky River near mouth of Back creek through the lands of C A Black. VH Heelar, the Boiles children, Mrs. M M Bost, F A Archibald, L M Morrison, Joe A White, V C Parish, Mrs. Cyrus Johnston, and Walter Parish and into the Pharr's mill road near F S Pharr's. This is the much talked of straight-cut road that has been argued for some time. The Board ordered a publication of the petition. Another petition 'signed by quite a good number was pre sented asking that the road be straightened from tho Burt Furr home place to Robt. Blackwel der's, also to straighten the road from the front of D M Isen hour's home to bend in road in Jas, Fisher's,, field to avoid the bend by Trinity church. After consideration the Board ordered that the sheEriff 'summon the following jury, Caleb 'Goodman, E F Ptiggart, Xj.M MorrisQn, ' Wm. Propst, an E K Misen heimer, tp lay out said changes in the road and assess alj dam ages td property owners. There . was also a petition presented askiirgtlyit tirischange be not made, hence the Board appoints this'jury before taking any ac tion in ordfcr to find out the .damages that there will be. .Several more additions "were1 made to the county homo this montl?. , The following jury -vas drawn .for the .Atfril term of court: Levi Hahn, C A Cook, fiE: Tucker, D W Walker, T 41 Cook, j H.W LndwTig, Joe MesRner, W Mr dwig, JoeMesImer, VV M W A SideVFafayette' ' rf mli-:! i ! Faggart, Palter son. yjvv. x jjainugoi, W Wfrtkor. D.HCorzine, J E 1 Rorers.Luther M Barringe"r,D W Honecutt, H J Ritchie, AHj Wenninger, Martin teller, Tu Rifchie, H Caimer, J Duress, (? EcL Kcstler, G W Earnhardt, it x -1 ffr .11 , JSL WT TI Androm H I "VVaDdhGusG. W U Andrew, Zob A Morris, R S Boger, X E Ritchie, D R Ellis, Geo. H Lentz, .Inn T) Bnrrincrer. M L Buch- anan, E P Deal, K isues, uan , "VV Tucker. ATTEMPTED TO ESCAPE. A White Man Flees From the Officer But thVSIght of a Pistol Brings Him to n Standstill-Charged With DfsHMre. .Tnn-P Allisnn tnhprnWo poking of Mortgaged Property. . On Monday af ternpon Deputy Sher jff Robinson was out or the eastern edge of town looking for a young white man, Bikle Scott, who fs charged "flfith. disposing pf mortgaged property. When the fellow saw tho officer he at tempted to hide behind the barn. When the officer came in plain view oj trim Scott took to his heels and wuuld have been in a good way for escape had not Mr. Robinson been on horse- back. A pistol was leveled on the runn,er and the command given to halt, which was all that was necessary, for the fellow stopped. . "He was tried before, a magis trate and in 'default of a bonds man, he was sent to jail, to await court. The Misses Sims Entertain. Quite a good number, of young folks' were at the home of the Misses Sims Monday evening to take part in the evening's en joyment given in honor of their cousins, -Misses Lila Stafford and Annie Thomason. In the early part of the evening's program light refreshments were served. Before dispersing for the night tho couples were again ushered to the dining hall to partake of hot drinks. ' Has a Position With the Postal. Mr. T H Bradley, the young man who came here several weeks ago and worked in the Western Union telegraph office, left Monday night for Char lotte, where a position was ten dered him in tho main office of the Postal Telegraph Co.; .Mr. Bradley for more than a week had been, working on the wires at the depot. 1 - Mr. Sol Levy "to leaye Us. Mr. Sol Levy, who for about a year or more has been .conduct ing a meat business here, has decided to move bis family .to Charlotte and will close out' his busiHess here'. He will handle meats probably at Mooresville andDavidson Black Sam Jonffi Coming. Black Sam Jojaes, the colored evangelist who brings such crowds of colored people to gether, will arrive here tonight ' and will probaCly stop here sev- . 1 . 1 . . eral days. Me is otherwise " " " J RENAKKABLE CURES OF RHEUMATISM 1L. TT 3- -L T..i1.f Jl I 1 x rom iuo v xnuiuatur, xiLiuieiMirutuu Ni O. The ed?f tbeVmdichas had ,oc.c81 ?,n ie1 the fc?iCftCy ?f V1hamber, mm o ltiu r10. ' -Mn-m n - I.- r V ! TOL11 TO in IDAfl IflDll H lrCT 'r ,W,D 'r. u , v 7 ; ' ! yuni riieumaiisu iu uie Buouiuer.iruiu , wmcn nsunereu excriaung pum ,or , - h medicine fof ohildrtm ten da wVchwas Relieved with two.t jd A otf applications of Pain Balm, Rubbing the , drQ8i SolAt Mar7h's dru norto offllf(1 nnd rPHll7.1Tlf 1-nst.RTit 1 " benefit, and tire renef lit a very J short yme. Becnd, in jneumati-m in thfch int, almo; progtrifting hira w jth eeyere psnn, wijicn was reiyea uy iwo applications, rubbinf with tho liniment onretirins at nicht. and eetting up free from pain.- Sold at MSrsh's drug store. Mr. J L Kendall and little son ! jayg returned home after spend- j iug several days at Morganton. Miss Mart Young's Birthday Party. 1 A delightful treat for the younger folks was the birthday party given Monday' night Joy I -"-r - "- " Miss Mary Young. The evening was spent in games, a complete program of which had been ar ranged. The young men blind folded picked, their choice of a 1 room -full of girls. One of tho . r: wnole- evening was tue exniDit of the invited ones when they first, faced a camera. Prizes were awarded to thS oHes wHo guessed the most of tho photo- graphs. Mis? . Cassie Watson gained the prize, which was a nice picture, and Martin Luther Cannon succeoded in getting the boobv .prize a small stick of candy. A grand supper was sorved. Her Condition Hopeful. Congressman KluUz's little daughter, who has appendicitis, has hadto undergo a second op eration, but her condition is con sidered favorable to recovery. Charred With Retailing Whiskey. Policemau Johnson captured a nonfrn nnmod AHnm. Snt.r, ft.r. t,n XUAVv -"-"" depot Monday night before the fellow could bid Concord a last farewell. All' arrangements had been made by the negro to leave. He was arrested on a warrant charging him with retailing whiskey. Ho is in jail awaiting court. What's Your Face worth. Sometimed a fortune, bufc never, if i ii i : - you imy u nuiiuw couiiiuu, .uu- aicea iook, mom, paicnes anu uioicubb on the skin all sfcns of liver trouble. But Dr, King's New Life Tills giye clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25o. at Fetzer's drujr store. Desperate Loto Affair. Pitt county had a very unusual tragedy last Sunday night. One Jesse James wanted to marry the daughter of Mr. Ed Lewis. The parents objected antl James went armed and accompanied by his brother Sam James to take the bride by force. A conflict ensued in which arms were freely used. When the smoke lifted from the scene Sam James was found mortally wounded (ho died since) and Jesse and Mr. Lewis were wounded. M Lewis received two shots, neither is regarded very serious, how ever. . The Jameses . are said to bo desperate characters.' If troubled with jhenmatiam, give Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent t it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. Tt also cures sprains and bruises in one-third time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest eland ular and otner swellings are ?,uicklIcur5 b pp!riD" il- tie warranted. Price 25c. and 50o. ioi Bale at Marsh's drug stcra. - . A GOOD COUliU MbDlCIINb l UlVClllLljKbr "I have noJieaitancv m recommend ing ChanberJain's Cough liemdy,' pooulai bakr, of Petersburg, Va. " g . to our hidrn w troubled with bad coughs, al.o wkc says F P Moran,B a well-knoTn and hen oop insr couh. .and it haa always gi and it has always given ' ' T. - perffd satisfaction. It was reco S't jeo meby a druggist as tlie be as it Con or narmlui stgife. JL A ri&tjjit mfnaer m m ... " 1 Will often cause a "bwribl Uprn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica yaive wjn tiff the pain and prc&ptly heal it. Cures fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, and skin eruptions. Best nile cure on earth. Only 25o a box at Fetzer's drug store. Cure guaranteed. PERSONAL POINTERS. - AiecK xiartsell went to Albe - marie this morning to attend t o some court matters. W A Cothran,' Jthe roller coverer, went to Salisbury this mnrnino nn Vtncmacc ' ' morning on business. Mr. Frank Furr, who is teaching school in Charlotte, ar rived here this morning tp visjt his brother, J A Furr. M Harris. of-Sflis- . isb whoison the oad these' days, is spending teday here at Mr. M L Brown's. ' Mrs jj T Boykin wt oyer to Charlotte this morning to visit her sister, Mrs. Jno.' F Yorke. ' Hqr mother, Mrs. Rogers, is also tlloro, Walter Linton Has a Narrow Escape. Mr. Walter R Linton had a narrow escape Saturday from serious Injury. He was on top of a box-car going from the Gold Hill depot to the Union Copper Mine. A j telephone wire which he failed to notice was hanging very low, and as his car'came under it. .he was struck squarely in the face. ' But for Capfc. Victor Woodrum he might have been thrown under the cars. As ' it is Mr: Linton has a very ugly scar on his lip. Salisbury Truth-Index. For Ov FIt Tears Mrs.' WinsloVs . Boothia Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lioEa of mothers for their children whi;e teething, with perfect success. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is I relieye the poor little sufferer immedi- . ate by drU?et8 iQ eyery cf the world. Twenty-five -cents a bot tic. Be sure and asfc for 'Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup," au?";take no other kind. Just Received A fresh line of Kemmker - Woolwine Co.'s Celebrated Chocolates,-Ko-Kiieams, and tho finest line of Penny Ocods ever brought to the city. . California Oranges, Alakuma, and a nice assortment of Stick Candy . . . at S. J. ErviiVs, 'Phone 6q Bes.t on.arth ! R6yal Felt 1 ono and be convinced. Bell, ITarris also carry Itt stock the Celebrated Curled Ilojled Edge Cotton in two partwf Pine Boiled Ed;?e Cotton in two nartw 1'ihe Straw and Cotton to fit all sizes of. tie 'your ir life spent in bed Help xm fn oiy effort to make you comfort iblo ?et Pr of Chairs just in, an our "Lbadei" fjtov.f not cn)y tako i!i forg but takeyit to petection Furnitlirje! r uia on ppoWcath, E- SSa5 55355 OUr WRV f gouj,i mre not as repreaSBtecf. uiuU ami m 0 Bell, Residence Phone . . . , 00.' HOW r i T3f r 7T IT n '.I tSU U 1 Air Those hot drinka at the Concord Draff Co.'s Hot Soda Fountain will driye away that chilly, shivering feeling tBat this cold weather throws upon you. The liberal pa tronage we have received prove tho realujerjt of our drinks. Concord DrUP" Go , Phone 37- n i m. The very latest Dress Goods. Novelties in.Ladies' Col lars and Neckwear. 9 -M.i1 '-r-r-r toiiK waists in new designs. X Wrappers well mado and moderately priced. fa New Embroideries and insertions. . H t Parhsfe- Mattresses. & roIo n 'en for Coiftui'd, Huir, Ac uie uoi le Conb nation, I."ti:!on, Fiber. Fiber. e M Obs, lttan ard Iiu.sk, s. lith S.irinas to matkh. On3 i UU3-U ll'.fc Of eayi Stjd from utd.' (VT- icRfc iipOur way tobay. Everybody k iow s to Hell fifciall Vniiti nod A'.niuM' back 6ee m. Hsjrrts &fCo ' 1 Jl StortB,Phon'J....12 of - T T 1 n 0, L.rans 6 AtX! VV! 2v! i fa : : : v : : :- a fa &UK waists fa J in new designs. m 2Ck rr 9 71 m ' ' 9 0 r

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