01( . O Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. a, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1900. Single copy 5 cents. JL ; V 5 1 LORD ROBERTS ATTACKS. Outflanks the Boers Who Beat a Hastj RetreatBulIer Pressed. On War to Go to the Bitter End. . "What promisedtobe a "deadly strife between the armies of Lord Roberts audtGen. Joubert on the Modderriver and for Tohich the world was waiting almost with bated breath has reulte'd in an overwhelming attaek by Roberts ' aifd a precipitate retread - by the Boer forces. The latter are simply overmatched 'm numbers and were easily outflanked when it meant retreat'or capture. The movement occurred on the . 7th. There was not mucl) fight ing, though dispatches, say that 50 English fell at the first onset. The English are following in hot pursuit. Gen. Buller is pressing for ward also and trying to reach mountain passes on the Trans vaal border. His progress is im peded by the destruction of bridges and culverts by the" Boers. They use the torch and the explosive freely. - President Kruger's conference with President Steyn seems to have sealed the alliance more closely, and the determination was arrived at to fight to the bitter end. Gen. CronjegoestoSt. Helena. A flay That is Clean, Bright and Tore. The play of "An Indiana Ro mance," which will soon be with us, is from the pen of Mr. J C Nugent. It is a prstoral comedy- drama,' entirely new, refreshing and interesting.. It is not of the classic, but a simple tale dra matically told, where the heart plays a great big part, where tears mingle with laughter and you go away feeling better and stronger to face life and its dull realities. This play was pur chased from Mr. Nugent by Mr. Robert Downing, and the com pany now presenting it is under the direction of that well known actor and manager. The prices for this engagement - will be within the reach of all and we trust that the people of this city will appreciate a play that is clean, bright , and pure. The date for this production is Satur day, March 10th. ' ' . To Tay Them an Official Tisit ; Tomorrow night the Py thians will have an exceptionally inter esting session. Mr.""WM Lyles, th& p. D. G. C.,. will pay ,thfc lodge an official visit and will be accompanied by Mr. J Robt. Jor dan, the grand . lecturer. Sev eral others are e'xpected to tic compauv these gentlemen from Charlotte, among- them Mayor McCall. Besides the official visit the second decree will be con ferred upon Mr. Baxter Parks. On the Sick List Mrs. Marshall Mabery is sick. Sbfi has bpfin bavins' chills. - Dr. U Ki Uaiaweu IS connnea x i-: uj 4.a iu iiis, ueu. luuajr. , Mr. JacoD JJOV6. wno nas ' never regained his health since his spell of pneumonia, is again sick. Mr. T M Bradley, who some days ago went to Charlotte to take a position with the Postal Telegraph Co., has returned here. He is acquainting himself with the railroad telegraph work. LAND. DEALS. Root. McAlIister.SclIs Ills Property and Purchases Jhe Shoemaker Property-H P . mm A An operetta ror tne uasebaii jhojs A Thief In Town. ; ' Written fjr The Sfandara. Mt Pleasant, March 7: Mr. and Mrs. L ALentz, of Nor wood, are visjting Mrs! Vyels,h. Mr. W B Anthony has nearly completed ' painting Mr. JEI C McAllister's house.' He has work enough in this neighbor hood for the summer .The contract for brick work on the Tuscarora milj has beon let to Mr. R A Brown, of Con cord, and work will soon begin. Little Giles, son of Mr. 'Adam' Kindley,whohas been quite sick, isvery much improved. , Several of our citizens have been attending court in Albe marle this week. ' Some person or persons enter firl iha nroTnittoa n F Mi- "RnK TnVin . whole loft of hay, belonging to Mrs. Kate Smith. Mr. John Beaver, of Rock well, and a former resident of this place, has purchased Mr. R. L McAllister's property on West mill street, and will move in the near future. Mr. McAllister will move over on the Jackson Shoe maker property, which-he has purchased. - An operetta entitled "Little Bo-Peep" will bo rendered in the Philalaethian hall Saturday evening the 17th, the proqeeds for the benefit of the college base ball team. The base ball game between Concord.High school and North Carolina college which was to havo. been played here last' Sat urday eve, will be played next Saturday 10th. Our boys are in good trim .and anxious for the game. . . Those holes of water that have been for a number of yeats standing in the ditches between the Masonic hall and the Semi nary have at last boon drained. On last Sunday evening about 4 o'clock Mr. James Johnson and Miss ' Ella JameSj both of this place, were married at the parsonage of St. John's church by Rev.. Steffey. . RED ASHE DISASTER. Makes Li Wit) Improvement In Details of " Horror. News from thoRed Ashe mirfe in West Virginia, "docs not Jtem-i per the situation much. Twenty nine dead and five injured have been gotten out. It is estimated tkat there are yet forty entombed-: and there is no hope of life for ' 1 any oi mem. - . ' Ajdded to the degree of dis tress ' tkafauggests . itself to any! one there is a pathetic story ol one Mr. Long whoso wifelieti sonie time ago and left him with ua - rvuMT nA . uimxo i" iva lArt nn t hpir tathp.r to al ow i., . i.xi-.lj mem lo acompany aim ma. uay Vntn thfi mmo. It, m pans a farnilv ... j extinct. - He Fouled-the Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton of West Jefferson, Ohio, after siifftring eighteen months from rectal fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was performed; buts be cured himself with n i -fl M 4 I'll. uucmen's -Arnica eaive, tno oesi in me world. Surest pile cure on earth. Only 25c. a box at Fetrer's drug store. PHILADELPHIA'S JJJRE- Losses AmoAV to 800,000 Men, Wj - men and Children Thrown OntfEm ployment. ' A Philadelphia dispatch of the 7th says: . loss of over $800,000 occurred Urr'.orr Uti tn u a rv- goods district.1 The conflagra- rangemects and has- leased the tion . originated , in the engine ( hotel for this sum mer'&stay, room of Shoneman Brothers This is a" beautiful summer re dry gotfds and military store, at .sort and is' well .known" by Eighth and' Arch streets. - A seekers after resC and health. It general alarm was sounded; but is six miles from -Hickory. He all efforts. to save the -building hopes to bpen the hotel about were fruitless, and it was lev 'the fir'st o Junv -eled.' The - loss is placed- at ' , ; :. - .t $300., 000. " - " ' 'AN H0MEST MEDICINE FOR LA GRIPPB ' Mark Brothers' , dry goods George W Waitt, of Sonth Gardiner, ... . i-i nle., says: "I have had the worst cough, store, ad jomtng, was completely coidf chin8 and erip and have taken gutted, entailing - an estimated loss of $300,000. The Shoneman building was four stories and Mark's five stories in height. The flames spread to the six story building on Cherry street, occupied by Myerhoff Brothers, manufacturers of women's and children's clothing, and the Philadelphia Electrical Equip ment Company. Nothing was left of this place but tho walls, and the loss is plaped at $200,- 000. . Several smaller buildings were more or less seriously dam- aged. About 1,500 persons,' b , ' . .,, 1 J men, women and children, were thrown out of employment by the fire. l A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately . made on O F Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly attending SCH001 at tno Univer proved fatal. It came through his kid- sity of Pennsylvania, is spending neys. His back got eo lame he could . today here with his mother at not stoop without great pain, nor sit in W G Boshamer's, on his way to a chair except propped by cushions. No ( Palatka, Fla. . -remedy .helpe.d him' until he tried n Electric Bitters which effected suchi a wonderful change that he writes ho feels like a new man. . This marvelous medicine- cures backache and kidney trouble, and purifies the blood and buifds up your health. Only 50o. per bottle at Fetzer's drug store. No man or woman of the hum blest sort cm really be strong, pure and good, without the work! . being . the . better for it, without somebody being helped and comforted by the very exist ence of this goodness. Phillips Brooks. . i .REMARKABLE CURES. OF RHEUMATISM From the Vindicator. 'Itutherfordton : N.C. ; .The editor of tho Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber Iain's Pain Balm twice with the nlost remarkable results fn each case. .First, with? rheumatism in tho shoulder from I which ha Buffered'excTuciatiiJg.pHin foe ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Tain Balm, rubbibgr thft parts afflicted and realizing instant benefit and entire relief m a very short time: Second, in rhcumati m in Viirrli irtint .nlmoHt nrosf rn.tino' him with ' Beyere pain, which was relieved by two applications, rubbins-.with the Hmment on retiring at night, and getting up free 1 from pain, bold at Marsh's drug storo A GOOD COUGH MEDICINE FOR CHILBHEN "I have no hesitancy in recommend ing Cha-nberlam's Uongh Atemedy,". ( : m ' , '-My ; -t .; i says F. V Moran, a well-known and jRpcf nn rrTn'' A-l Dooulai baker, of Petersburg. V. "Wo Dco L Ul l; I-aJ II I,.;. i;IO)i , nave given it to our cnuaren wnen i tronbledwith bad coughs, alsft whoop ling cough, and it has always given nerfect eatisfaction. It was recom mended to me by w druggist as a the best s ft con- harmful cons me(Jicine for children as tained no opium or otner drugs, bold at Marina drug fore. ' at i If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It jll not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the pain, ft also cures sprains and bruises in one-third time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest, eland alar and other swellings are "nickv cnred bv annlvineit. Every bot vtie warranted. Price 25c, and 50c. l oi sale at Marsh's drug stcr". hotel Leased, jrj Foil Leases the Spacing; Catawba . Springs Hotegfor the Sum. mer. . "--Mr. W A Foil has, returnedto his home at Flowes after a busi- -no.sJ triP t0- sParm .w , Springs. He completed all'ar Iota of trash of no aooount but' profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy is the only thing tht has done any good whatever, I' have used one bottle of it and the chills, cold and grip have left me. I congratulate the manu facturers of n honest medicine." Sold at Marsh's drug store. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Dick nierht here. Smith spent last Mr. A H ' March returned home this morning from Lexing ton. ' , ' '.. - ; AXbemlQ this morning on busi- ness.'. ....... . ... . , . , . , Miss Ad ele Hutchinson and gistGrt Miss Susie Hutchinson, of Charlotte, arrived hero this morning. They are at Mr. J M Odell's. Mr. David Hamseur, who is Just Received A fresh line of Kemniker- WoolwiaiQuCOj. Celebrated Chocolates, Ko-KreamsV "vu,,i and the finest line of Penny, Goods e,ver brought to the city. ! J.!;v m ; Ji I .; California! i ! Oranges,! ? ALAKiTtWAJrr and a nice assortment of gtiok Candy S. J. Ervin's; trAUni;) R oy al Felt . Try oce and bHCi-nviJbed.'' Bell,1 Harris & t:; f JJe ngents for Concovd, Wa also cairy in st "k tli Celebratt-d Vuritd)Uair,;AL.b cuii I-nation Ferieetion, ltnlled J-;lge Cotton in two purts, i'ino Tiler, Si M", Cotton and Husk. Bell.'trarri's&r:; fctraw and Cotton--'o fit a!r sizes 0! UDs.witli .rin.rs to wa cn. ( ne tMrd ot your Ike is so'iit in bed. Help us in onr -fforfc to make jou c m fort.. hi J Doa't forget C r of Chairs ji.t in, and our "Leader", IStov-s ' ou'yta'ic tLo caks, but late it to perfection." ' '"V ' Furniture I yon tM cash . L T our wiiy f goods tire not its rvpreHented. -'C'tll and . Beli? .''. 90. " - i Residence tPhone HOW' About, ft?. Those hot drink's at the Copcord Drug .Co.'S ijot Sodar Fountain A.. 'will drive awy that? ' 'chijlv, shiyerinf? feeling that this cold weather throws . upon you.,, 'The' liberal pa tronage we have ecefved prove he reaj merit of pur drinks Concord Dr(ig Co.. Rhone, v 37. is a gentle reminder of so m e new 'things that .may be - just what you want. 3fo use trying to tell you about these fancy ruffs and new styles but we-invite you to come and see. All kinds of tuck ing and puffing. Beautiful embroidery and insertions in, cam bric or swiss. Very dainty val. aud linen laces in fine quality. Fine dimities, nain sooks and lawns. Linen lawns for dresses. Also hand kerchief linens. English , long cloth; all kinds of domestics, and cambrics. I'ijlfliV 41 --; ,, i. , V tiil iuW& are:-sh.pTv'iiif' the l-WFiPW .belts, both in leatner 1 1 .1 and ribbon. ifi.h U J . I i O I . ill. I II ' .huf KMC I ! 'ii.tr tMat t r e s s e s . ... ' H say ? Stan.I irem . uiiaer. r ajlsv is our wy tM b iy. Every oJ,- to sell Wmull j rchts and i Oiiey biicfc pee ux Warns & Co. y ' ' Stpie 'Plione,. ,.12 h. i. pin t