MILT .STANDARD JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, 9 Editors and Proprietors. 1 UK ST AN IP AlD ia published evef y ay (SundtK'except?!d)anidelivered by rie-. Ifctes oL Subscription : Oiiu year ...... H.UU Six months . , . . . ItOO . . .35 ... -.05 0: ..-...if. - B'.ngijf qo-oy. .v. . THE WEEKLY STANDARD s. orLT-msre, eiizbt-coliimn paper. It has ' larger circulation in Cabairusthan a 'outer paper. Price $1,00 per annum in 6cLvaL.oo. . Advertising Kates : Tinas for 'regular adFertisemente madoTsnovrn on application. . A 4 all commanications to ' THE STANDARD, Concord, N. 0. TELEPHONE NO. 71. Concvkd, N. C, Mar. 8; 900 WHY IT DIDN'T APrEAR. We received a communication n Wednesday with reference t6 Dr. Rakesiraw'tS fine entertain ment. It purported to be f torn iho. Julia Magruder Book Club with request to publish. We are sorry that we could not comply from two reasons, viz: It was . not signed officially by the sec retary of the book club nor by anv individual by which we could-know the author, and be cause it arrived entirely too late. After delaying to almost the last moment we pushed from our pencil what appeared in the Standard and it was set up in typo when the other arrived. We hope for better luck next time -in having the communica tion signed and sent m in . time. The author's name need no ap . pear in print if so desired. SMALLPOX TO BE DREADED. We saw a short statement some time ago with reference to smallpox in Missippi where the disease is of virulent type but got it misplaced before noting Now again comes a dispatch from Jackson, dated, the. 7th, which'says that in the Jonesville neighborhood in Hinds 'county the conditions are deplorable. The disease is of virulent type and is exterminating some fam iles. Almost 100 deaths have occurred withingix weeks. The greatest demoralization prevails. We cannot speak from a high scientific standpoint but from .impressions gained by medical men we understand eontagious diseases Susceptible of fluctua tions from the yirulent to the mild and vice versa. . The smallpox we have been having recently in the State has beCn of very mild type but there isjittle security againet Ms glid ing into ft cfegree of severity. Evevy known method for its suppression should b adopted, the chief of which is vaccination. r T- 1 Oliver Dockery ! office but m HeV always wanting the people dqn't want him and stjll he insists, they do und that he is fleeted. He hasif t Stand ing room for one foot in his coni test with Jpllam But if he is turned down again ne will say 1 1 m the .Democrats pZ his office. cheated him out wManifWBiMMwiinB For r rt.tvTrears ft Mrs. Winslow's SoothiDfc Syrup has been used for over fifty years by 'mil lions of mothers for their children wh 8 teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by drugjrists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be eure and ask for ''Mrs. Win- tilowij Soothing otuer kind. Syrup," au';tako no Q TALUABLE DEVICE. Shields Fireman While Fijfhtin? Flames To Be Patented. Mrv P H "Lewis, of Raleigh, is getting up a devic$ by which to enable firemen to fight fire at Closer range than it is now pos- siblotodo. " :' BrieJlydescribedit is a kind'of shrhld or house in which the firemen, especially the po2zle man, may approach to ai,y point desired without regard to the heat that too often interferes. It is made of twVthin metal sheets riveted together and filled oeiween who. asoestos iijpre oia half fnch in thickness. The noz zle plays through a hole and the operator looks through ising glass windows. The, device will 'weigh only about 100 pounds, is on roliers and jpan be easily, moved. It can be folded in convenient shape for handling and becomes a part of the hook and ladder equipment. Notice of intention to patent has been given so that Mr. Lowis isfully protected. Plague Looking Ominous. The following dispatches look rathjr ominous, and .may well raise the question, where's the plague going to stop ? San Francisco, March 7. A case of what is supposed to be bubonic plague, though the ex act nature .of the disease' is yet uncertain, has been discovered in Chinatown. The patient, who is a Chinese, was immediately isolated, and the whole of Chi natown has been placed under strict quarantine regulations. No fear is apprehended .of the spread of the disease,' whatever it may prove, to be. A large force of police is being kept in Chinatown to maintain he quarantine. The physicians interested in the case are not yet prepared to make a definite statement, regarding the case, but from others who have ex- . . N. . ... penance in such matters, it is earned that th$ case will hardly prove to be one of plague, as the man has long been a resident of this city. Had he been a re cent arrival from the Orient, greater alarm would have been felt. The cordon of police now watching Chinatown is kent there simply as a precautionary measure. Calcutta, March. 7. :The bu .. . bonic plague increases, tharo having been 411 deaths from the disease here last week. This is causing a great 'exodus, of mer chants. . Buenos Ayres March 7. A number t)f cases of what is sup posed to be the bubonic nlairue have been officially reiDortod. Urgent measures are being adopted to prevent tho spread of the disease. Capo Town? March 7. The steamer which has arrived here rom Rosario, Argentine Repub- ic, with bubonic pl?j3rueaboard. as uauietuyesieraay, is.ino urn T1J l 1 ,i t- , n ish steamer Kilbourn, Captain Valder. She is in strict iiuaran ine. There are throe cases plague on the Kilbourn. The captain died during the voyage, presumably of the disease. M. L. Marsh & Co. guarantees every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one who is not satisfied after using two- third of tho contents. This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe, colds, croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any ondency of a result in peunionia. LEADSYILLE IS BURNING. Four Blocks in Ashes-Mining Property Threatened A Leadsville, S. D., dispatch at 1:30 today says: The town is in flames. Pour business blocks are alre$dy destroyed. The Homestead mining plant is Ahrea&ned. e We silspectj, tlia thi isLead Ep. "An Indiana Romance." A critic who" had witnessed performances said: . "It was nof long before the listeners recog nized .that it was no ordinary actress wljo interpreted the lines of Pauline in the .beautiful play, 'Lady of Lyons." In addition to herdramatic power, Miss Weems is a handsome . young woman, aud she looked as well as acted the part. There was'no require ment of the play which she did not.reach'." M'iss Weems is now under the management of that popular actor and manager, Mr. Robert Downing, and her first appearance here ifhder his man agemont will be . in the part of Mary Ramsey in the beautiful comedy-drama, "An Indiana Ro mance." The Beethoven Club Meets. The Beethoven Club was enteri tained by Miss Bettie Leslie at the home of Mrs. Dr. Herring Wednesday, March 7. The afternoon was spent in listening to Mendchlsohn's musical "com positions and to a very interest? ing paper touching upon the life of the great composer. After the program delicate refreshments were served by the hostess and enjoyed by all. The club adjourned to meet with Miss Ada Craven March 21, 1900. NEW YORK MARKETS. COTTON High Low Closed Open May.. . 9 25 9 27 8 95 8 95 9 19 8 94. 8 94 9 09 80 8 80 100 97 98 July Aug.. Sugar 9 18 9 04 98 CHICAGO WHEAT. 65 66 J. 65f.66f 66. 67f 66 67i May. July. Spot cotton 9 CONCORD MARKETS. COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannon & Fetzer Company. Good middling . 9 50 Middling .T 9 40 Low middling 9 00 Stains., t .. 8 50 PRODUCE MARKET. CorrectedV Swink & White Bacon m 8 Sugar-cured hams 14 Bulk meat sides . . .n . .. . 8 Beeswax. . 20 Butter .. 10 to 15 Qhickens .... 10 to 25 Corn 65 Eggs u'm Lard Flour (N. C.) Meal 10 $2 10 65 50 07 Tallow.. I WSfc w clcanEcs, sootses end hc.ala the diseased aiouirJ!. It cures catarrh and a.-ives away a cold ia tho head auickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into tho nos&ls, spflads over the membrane and ia absorbed. Relief is im mediate and a cure follows. It is not dryingS-does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 eents at Drug Cists, or by mail. Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. ElY BliOTHEES, 64 Warren Street. New York. .i3"i5??Ts SwvsaparMa Las overate over' again proved bj its cure& ?;an all other preparations failed, thaj 10 Quo Trip" OLOOD Purififff m in mi us Btages tnoro AUr...tti- lAfll t thorn K' . Te'. :ald ua cleanliness. (r'''tR Wg.tyfl 'Ph If e c k ei-Si p; - - TX Jv f f'CT Gr' rf . ; -:New -QiJ -'P. 'rices.' - This is a w.ell known fact ii trade ojrejes. that Hamburg Embroideries ' Have greatly advanced m the past 12 montlis. In fact some houses are asking anadvance of 40 per cent over old pricesr We have decided to shoulder the most of this advance, notwithstanding it cuts our usual profits aj)0uf one-half. We.sha-lJ look to a much larger .trade . o remunerate us for the sacrificeof .profits 20 per cent on a large volume "of trade. will count up more than 33i on a small one. " . ' We have prepared a box of samples containing1 Ninety Patterns, Plainly marked for the benefit of the trade whocan't get down town, Send for the box and select your goods at home. . Very Re March 2, 1900. To Whom it May Concern: We wish to inform the mem bers and friends that we open for and commence business this day and that the few remaining shares will be sold to white, respectable, honest working men only, wJio will comply with all the rules and regulations. Cleayers 01 ani Mfg. Co. Paul. P. I. Fyfe, President. David L. Parish, Secretary. John F. Laughlin, Treasurer. Paul P. I. Fyfe, J. H. McDaniels, J. F Laughlin. . J. H. J. Kluttz, . W. A. Sides; Directors'. Notice to Delinquent. AlMhose who have not paid their taxs for the year 4899 are hereby notified hat they must do so at once, unles .you waht to pay cost. It will be but a few days until you will.receive a no tice from mo that I have levied. on your property, and that will mean cost to you. The law compels me to advertise prop erty for 30 days before the first of May, and then all real estate on wnicn me taaui nave not been paid will Ve wlL 'Now if A I T I I 1 J . J 1 . you haven't got your ectipt yet you had better come and get it at once. This is certainly youlast chifrhce. t Respectfully, J L Peck, Sheriff. March1!', Banke Routes a Robber. . Mr. Jlt Garrisb, cashier of te bank of Thornville, Ohifc, had been robbed of health by a serious trouble until he tried Dr. King's New Di9coyery for consumption. Then ho wrote: "It is the beat medicine I ever used for a severe cold or a bad case of lung trouble. I always keep a bottle on hand." Don't suffer with coueh?, colds, or any throat, chest or lung trouble when you can be cured so easily. Only 50o. and $1.00. Triil bottles free at Fetzer'a drue; store. sp e c tful J y , uxHo We are prepared to givo the people this winter better bargains than usual in all kinds of ' Heavy, and. Fancy At wholesalo and retail.. It will pay you to see our Large Stock of.. Tinware, Wood ware, "Glassware, Crockery, Hats Etc. . before bi!ying.,For Clover Seed Seed Rye, and RockSalt go to G W. Pattersonrs- T H E Offera the lgisiness public aweliable, per. manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instutlon. We eolicit vour patronage with the assurance, of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. , If wo can serve vou anv timo vn tpi'II be glad to haye you come and ee us. TO CUSTOM EBS. . . . . . . Capital ail Sunns $70 00(1 D. B Coltkan?:, Chashier, T. M. Odeil. President. For Sale. Some very desirable bnildimr lots well located. Some wellmproved property hat will go at a bargain. J. F. Hurley & Co. Bonds , and all kinds of Insurance. "aiu ttu tcjca lrugiata. "Oi Concort ia m One ce.n Cobo?,

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