,. ArrlVHi of Train. The following change of schedule took ffect Jan. 17. 1900. Help the Daughters of the Confederacy, j . What's Your Face worth. . "Tickets are now on sale at Sometimes a fortune, but never, if Gaboon's drug store for the Rob- ?on aye,a 8aIlo,w wmon, a jaun- . y - i.. diced look, moth, patches and blotches ert Downing entertainment Sat. , . , . . , , , c w on the skin all sitjjia of liver trouble. urdii night. -It is hoped he But Drilling's New Life Pills give i . o NORTHBOUND. 3TNo. ftarrives at 5 5ini m, - &r " 10 26 a m. '4 " 7-18pm. , " ifi '8.51 d m. f Has) a "4' 84 - J 4Vflfe4 pm, - r VI, .J Uo: 87 arrives at 8J9 afin, (fla, 11 R 115 am,; ry 1 . " 35 5 " 33 ".61 " it . o.o i p in, 9.10 ip'm, (flag)- 8 49 am, (freiehti . F'No. 35. hyi runnin'ahencf'dt No.. 7, iaflaced ii hecasgryfor through travel BoutL of C harfotte', arid is Ktopped for Eassengers arriving from LyDchburg or evond. No. 30 stoDS resrnlarlv. for n engfirs for Stilibbury, Lexington, IKgh Point,' Greensboro," Keidsville, J)anyille, IjyrehBurg, Charlotte.trille and VVash- Ington. No. 37 . Btops for pas sengers cothing from J.ynchbnrg or pofejts beyond, and to take on .pas sengers tut regular stopping peaces Boutihof Newells? No. 3 stops to let off passengers" from regular stopping places south of Ne wells and to take on passengers regular stopping" i laces, Lyophburg or beyond. . Nos. .33 and 34 stop at Concord for passengers to or. from the C. 0. & A. lJmsiQ'n Charlotte to Augusta-rand other points in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, 'reached through Columbia or Augusta. Also .for through "passe n prerstqor.fronrRichmond or Norfolk, Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains and .connect at Salisbury with trains of W. u. Division. - g HARRIS' LITHIA . I WATER v 25' cents Per Gallon At MARSH'S O Weather Forecast: Fair tonight: Fair andfl M warmer tomorrow. Rubbers at Parks & Co.'s. Pure Plymouth Rock eggs, 16 for 50c. Truman Chapman. Miss Jennie Hudson, of No. 10 . township, is spending several weeks in Salisbury. Parks & Co. sell good shoes Dkt reasonable prices. POR RENT. Storo house opposite Furr's store at Forest Hill. Apply to m23 W..R: Harris. Mr. A E .Lentz has gone to New York to purchase goods for Dayvault's. . - FOR SALE Six year old, good farm hoVse. C BDry. d&w ml 5. Jailer Robinson now has eight .bftarclers and good prosjpects of & number of others before court. FOUND On Spring street, a door key. Call and pay for this .ad and get it. - Superior court convenes 'here again on Monday, the. 23rd day of April. Judge Timberlatfe will i9 on the bench. FOR SALE Parlor organ; in good .conditions Comparatively, new. Call on JC Davis at St. Cloud hotel; Wo notice from, 6u'r Raleigh exchanges that Governor Rus sell was initated in the mysteries of Odd fellowship some nights ago. Mr. W F Hudson and family who until recently have been living at Cannonville have re turned to their farm inJN'o. 10 ownship. SElI ' sutj thev wilf be f ull repaid. TTt W W - , W ve n ear the most favorable criticsmgof this new Uiy,''!! Indiana lfomance,'iani Mr. Rob- - ori, lownim? nas airorwy von laurefg fiJr'.him.se'lf ;is an acttfr. A full.house wilL gBeatfy de- lig4iwtlio Daughters of the Con federacy it will help- tfye ii on in their noble work of charity, and inAbei efforte toierpotuuto' the history of the glbrious .cause they love an,d reprobiint. ' The Pqdson Ramseur Chapter U. D. C. as a part'of the State organization is pledged to aid the veterans in the .Soldiers' Home in Raleigh. We have been, informed by ietter that the 1 I i 1 management is in neecr oi runas to relieve the necessities of these helpless survivors o'f our army dependent alone upon charity. North Carolina has pledged $100 toward the purchase of the valuable hisforic Chapman pic tures'to be placed in the Solid South' room at the. Confederate museum in the capital of the Confederacy. More maybe said of the Chapman pictures later. Then, las, but far from least, is the Davis monument, which matter, the United Daughters of the Confederacy have taken up, and expect to accomplish in a few short years'. Our need of funds, then, is great,, and we earnestly, request the interest of our people in our behalf. A Loyal U. D. C. Concord, March 8, 1900. Parks & Co. fit the feet. One of our printers uninten tionally made a rebus out.of the proceeds of the Baptist supper in Wednesday's edition. It should have been $24.71 in addi tion to the $6.00 donated in cash. BUY YOUR Bread, Cahes, Pies, Rolls, Etc, FROM THE , Concord Bakery. Joe Fisher, Proprietor. PHONE 122 ROBERT DOIII'S PRODUCTION, l:.IIl':R0fI(!F' BY J: C. Nugent OPERA o DOUSE, SATURDAY-. NIGHT, . Not one .(JisWent ingnoticScanbe ..found about the play--a perform ance of the high est type. Tickets on sale at Gibson's Drug Store. .w , iLSlKSS5 ' For everything, in the line of groceries. . . Ou,gQods,are lfew, frtmh and clean. A big lot of California, . Evaporated Peaches and ; .Apples . Just received. " We carry a full line of Heinz's Roods, such as, loose, and sweet mixed Pickles. A barrel of Heinz's pure apple vinegar for salo cheap. Opposite Bell Harris & Co.N Phone call--no Silver Hearts. . . We have "them of all sizes and kinds to suit your ' -own Dor some other person s bracelet or neck lace They are all the go and you ought to see our differ- cut designs. W. C. CORRELL The Jeweler. We Are Daily Closing Out China and Crockery Stock- in order to make room for a complete stock of Drugs and Medicines for this section. Go At Once And bur your Chin and Crockery which is in charge of Miss Cora Lentz and will be sold regardless of cost. Gibson's Drug Store. incorporated DENTACURA IS THE IDEAL Dentifrice. .' Makes -the teetli white. PreVents their decay and renders the gums firm and healthy. Dentacura is a poweriul germ destroying ayent and its use is consequent ly a safeguard to health. A few sample packages Free to firstlcallers. Fetzer's Drugstore. tI have in my employ a Fiist-Class Plumber, Parties wishing such services will do well to see me. E. McNISH, PlIONE . . . . 104, Genuine Old - fashioned lower price than you. can buy the same grade efsewhei'e All the nice lower grad'es at low prices. All'splenolid goods. We want .to find-your jug?. Special low prices by the barriel; 10-gallon keg, We bought a car load the difference in freight on time purchases, and eashjpurchases. Cannon & 1, jj J ff;; Furniture-' and Undertaking. . v . .thone No. 9.!j-0 Tell us Your , Troubles in the We a agents for the REM-SHO Machine and -T" ! X 3feel sure that we can convince you of its advant- I nPAyriTHr aes in touch, ligut tunaiar carriage, nbbon I Y MWVVI I LV I SarraQmentt tipping platen, exact .indicator, per- m. " i -1 L V..,1... Liliifh nonPI" r.lfiban linA Uine! I WhAnlvnii want anv kind of 1ypewiit.'r,:in(i matter Vhat Same or strade come and see us as we can get it foe jou. 4 If you have an did machine we will trade it off for "jou nd plaoe a nico bronze-finished REM-SHO on your desk. BARRIER "& HcCONNELL, Call at the oOioes of tho Oonoorclfl Standard oriroataliTelegrftpbSOompany. and look at the machine - :. .: - ' 1 . ' - . . s - fNew Orleans Molasses at a or 5 gallon lots.. for the cash and we save you small lots and big lots, and Fetzer 06. A Room Full of Beauty, If you furnish your parlor, dinning room or bed room it will be a thing of beauty and joy forever. We have Furnilure for every crook and cranny, every room and corner of the house. A step ahead of all others in qualiiy, utility and durability. Buck's . STOVES AND RANGES. EJapacing. Theso are tho Vinins points of our machine and these are the points you want wheu QWQ get you one. . . Vehave J -shop-worn machine for sale to one-wlfo does not care to purchased new machine.