11 L 'ii' i i f i si si I I i s, lE.i jr. - l si .Z I vil VJ I ill I V W 1 .1-1 m ' o Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. C, SATURDAY? MARCH 10, 19QP. .Single copy 5 cents. THE CHAPMAN TICTftltts Thirty-one Oil Paintings for ConfeJer- in your loyal Stafe whp will oach give $5 towards .this purchase. J I tru,st that ojir State may take m W3MEXCEMEST PROGRAM. t PERSPNL POINTER ate MemoriJl Merf-eM, JW f ts'imp(,nt Wfc as the S'reEnactc9-Ietter 'al . feh ITI... 1 i. T..J,lr, 1 That Appeal to Southern Prides. Richmond, Va July .15, 1899. TlJere has been on exhibition in this city tl series of thirty-one (31) oil paintings, made at Char leston, South Carolina between the dates of September 16. 18G3, and March 10, 1804, by Mr. Con rad Viso Chapifian, who left his studio, in Rome, to take part with iv) in our struggle. .The pain times are of extraordina ry interest, tiot only as works of art, bi:t because they represent vividly the actual daily life and appearance of the men, batteries and bpats, who successfully de , fended Charleston against every attack made on it from tho vaterfront. ' ThCso pictures would have great value for any Museum as works of 'art, but for the South --foivlhis Museum, which holds the memories, and relics of the entire Confederacy, they are priceless. They wore executed on the' spot, often under heavy fire; and were painted under the strong impetus of personal en thusiasm, by the young artist who was detailed for the specific purpose , They exist today with out parallel or qopies, and, above all, they prove the fact (too of ten .overlooked) that the Con f ederacy Achieved remarkable re sults in the - field of mili tary service and invention. To describe them as they de serve will be impossible at this time; only a few striking points can be mentioned in this brief letter. Picture No. 14 represents the submarine torpedo-boat "H L Hunley." This was the first sub marine boat ever constructed. $he sank the "Keokuk, "and was herself lost, with all her cr,ew. We have, therefore, the only au thentic' picture of a boat whose creation showed the power of the Southern mind invent, and whose end proved once more the courage of the Confederate heart to dare any peril for the cause for which we fought. In Nof 4 ' we have the only picture of "The David," the first torpedo-boat ever used in naval warfare, and thus made forever famous. No. 17 shows a night bombard ment by calcium searchlights since become one of the most powerful aids in waging war. Thus it wilt bo seen that in each of tho thirty-.one 31) pic tures is represented some notable event of historic intefest to us and all future generations which' .we cannot afford to let pass away from usT We 16ok to you to hejp us in securing them; wS cannot do it alone. Can you not raise for this purpose one hun dred dollars (SI 00) in your hon ored State? If each State will e never yet appealed in vain to you nor will wo now. Please publish this letter in your da;ly papers, aiyl also take such other steps as may seem best to you for the, accomplish ment of tins end. I am yours cordiajlym the work, Belle. Buy an, President. Confederate Memorial Literary Society. . .--.- Installation Services Tomorrow Morn- Rev, W 'II McNairy, who is the pastor of the Reformed church here, wiH b? installed to morrow morning by a committee appointed by the North Carolina Classify, which committee consists of Rev. J M L Lyerly,, of Cres cent, Rev. G Weber, of Salis bury, and Rev. A Shulenberger, of China Grove. There will be a sermon tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock and tho installation sor vices will follow. One of tho members of tho committee will deliver a serron tomorrow night. rRey."W. A, Lutz. of Winston-SaTein, to Treach tho Baccalaureate Sermon Ret. II. A. McCulIongh to Deliver the Address to the Missionary Society. A part'of the program of the commencement exercises at the closing or Mont Amcena Semi nary and North Carolina College at Mt. Pleasant has. Ween 'ar ranged. . On Sunday morning Re W A Lutz, of Winston-Salem, will de liver the baccalaureate sermon to the members of tho graduating class. This will bo on Sunday, th.e 27th day of May. On Sunday Harry Ilryling is'thome to; day from Charlotte. Mr. Hansell Thomas, of Sal-I isuury, i litjro i.ouiiy. Mr. R A Harris, of Salis bury' is spending today here. Attorney; J W eerans," of Charlotte, spent today here. Gus Hartsell came in this morning from on the road lo spend Sunday. Mrs. J A Kennette accom- Lpanied Miss Minnie Allen to Sal isbury tins morning and will re turn homo tonight. TT? T?ncn. Willofr-r1 rronf f- night Rev. HA McCullough, of Salisbury this morning to spend uamoron, . y., iormoriy oi mis place, will deliver the annual ad dress before the missionary so ciety of tho seminary. Sunday with Miss Carrie Rich- wine.. KEG ION OF C01TER. raise $100 toward this fund we will soon have the privilege of placing them in a permanent form in the Confederate Memorial Museum. It is necessary to act in con cert and with expedition in this matter. The failure on the part of one means failure for all. Surely there are twenty men Two Tape Worms In One Year. We are informed that the five- year-old daughter of Mr. Geo. Crainshaw, living in what is called Fetzer Town, ''has suffered more or less for about two years from a ravenous appetite, especi ally for carniverous food. About one year ago she was relieved of a tape worm fifteen feet in length. The symptoms were soon appar ent again and indicated the exist ence of the same trouble which, re fused to yield to ordinary; medi cines. On Tuesday evening tMr. urainsnaw applied to .Ur. fcjmoot and got a prescription?,, that relieved the little sufferei pf anotner niteen-foot tape WQTm, We hope a new period of health is in store for her.' V . - ! f, . n - It Was a Great Night for Jh- m(. ( j , The Pythians: say. tha there has not been such a crowd in their hall in a long time as there was - , Friday night when Mr;uW;M Lyles, the district deputy,. and Mr. J Robt. Jordan; tHe lecturer for this State wbre with them. Besides those. Messrsfv N ;M Brown, J J Hamilton, J F Kelly, and Prof. D L Lee were oyer from Charlotte. There was .some fino work in the second - rank. After the work was completed J they all had a jolly good time socially, which, of .course, is a mysjery to .the outside world,. It was a night -fh tho history of the lodgo. he Bala suffering from a sore foot and is mill, is sick He is threatened with blood poison. Mrs, S L Carroll went to Charlotte this morning to attend tho bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Goo. Sthison, who is Very 1IH JllUI lVJ PIIIAIO tt JrtUl 1 1111 11 9 Jill TT ill 11 A. ... ! Hattio Carroll is not -improving Wo have on our desk some very attractive . specimens of copper ore placed with us by Mr. John A Harjcoy, of No. 7 township. He says he discovered it on the plantation of Mr. John Boger, Jr., near Mt. Olive church. He and Mr. Travis Beaver are opening up the mine. The vein thus far is about two two feet thick and is very promising. HOW ABOUT IT . - Those fcot dfinks at tLo Concord Drug' Co.' s Hot Soda 'Fountain will drive awa that chilly shiyerini? feeling that thi3 cold weather lliro ws upon you. Tho libenxl pa tronanj we have received proves the real merit of our ciriuLs Concord DruV Co. - - one V. . ! i' ' 1 . ' - " 1 ai03-LADIES' WAI3T. ElZCS S3, 84, 36, 88, 40, 42. Of if" t 'Mrs. Troutman Falls aud Ilreaks Uer Arm. On Friday Mrs. Wiley Trout man had the misfortune to fall and break her arm just at the wrist. She was crossing the street and accidentally fell. One bone of tho hand is brpken also. A Bad Attack of Vertigo. Mrs. Andy Winecoff, who lives on the eastern edge of our town, Mr TTn lrnw a11o nefT,f o. wa, biavuxj ooiu Wltil clU iil- xi- 4. 4.-U i i. .'tack of vertigo Friday afternoon; vein that he thinks is a part of' 0, .. , , . the one being operated about Gold Hill extends across his farm and is very encouraging. There is no small quantity of gold in the o.re and even some 6ilver, i Mr. Harkey has, with energy and good management, made1 a success of farming but thinks the value of those hills lies chidfiy in minerals. He is willing, for 'the development of the mines and j if he. haV to get off the surface and go elsewhere to ply his life choice of agriculture. ' t " ' The copper through th. is region seoms a matter of speculatiqn. TRore may., be as rye only! a small conception of its extent. ' Mr. Harkey told us , that in places when the -worker leaves his pick driven into a vein till the next day, when tarken but it will be colored to lopk like puf e popper. - She attempted to ' rise from the table and fell, She was unablo to walk for sometime.. Just Received i - ' A, fresh line ol i Kemker - Woolwliie Co.'s ?. Celebrated Chocolates, L ; Ko-KBEAMSg , and the'fineBt line of Penny' Qoods eyer ,broup;htto the city. , , : 1 California.' 'Oranges, . i' -i V " ALAKtTMAi' " - - ' ' ' and a nice assortment ' of Stick Oandy S. J. Ervin's. i 'Phone ... s v . . w 6q mm mm ZWS-LADIES' SHIRT WAIST. BIzc32,84,36,38, 40,43. S94 LADIES WAIST. Sices 83, 84, Mi 88t 40,43. i Wen. Wheeler's Idea. A San Francisco dispatch of tho 8th says Gen; Joseph Wheeler favors giving the Philippines a terri torial form of government. IIo says: "I believe tho people are ready for a1 certain kind of self-govern ment. ' They. could be given, the fcpower to make laws under such a svstem of government as has been adopted lor our Territories mi ! 4 Threatened With Blood Toison. ' We are sorry to learn that Mr. Henry Lefler, -who lives out at rrh municipal goveriynents are r over Jtjraiii iMvt' l i in curt. jt-n an otiM-r in- .- f i . .i; - r , i ' . ': .' . itod.t'.; 2191-UDIES'ETON JACKET. Slses, S3, 54, 368, 40. m i lit inn Mr h'lL- IN ml GUARANTEED 10 BE- tmti E rnvr Llll PARTICULAR. 11 Is as good as those sold for three and five times the t : amount, 10 c. Large, nbW; stock, just received for your . .selection. H L Parhs fe & AN H0??EST MEDICIWIs FOR LA GRIPPE Gcorjre W "Waitt, of South Gardiner, Me., Bays: "I havo had the worst cough, cold, chills aud crip and have taken lots of trash of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only thin" that has done any good whatever. I haye used one bottle of it and the chills, cold and grip have left me. 1 congratulate the manu facturers of an honest medicine." Sold at Marsh's drug fctore. all in the lianas of the natives, and they get aloug withouttrou-i ble or friction. Under a terri toriaLform the islands $coulA be best controlled." Miss Irene Ridenhour, who lives near Mt. Pleasant, is visit ing Miss Sadie Fishes The Best Prescription for Chills And fever is a bottle of Grove's Tatte less Chill Tonic It ia simply iron end quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. rnce ouo. Best dn Earth ! Royal Felt Mattresses. Try one and be convinced. Bell, Harris & Co., sol:, averts for Concord, Wo a Ibo carry in stock the Celebrated Curled Hair, Acie Con.bmation, Perfection Rolled Jidge Cotton in two parts, Tine Fil er, Sea Woht, Cotton aud Husk, MrxJSknr, rvf,tnn tr fit all frizes of be's. with riuiB to jia!ch. One-third cf Tnr lif. ia snpnt in bfid. Heln ns in onr tllort to tuabe Tou cemfoi tabl). Don't. forget Car of Chairs just in, and our "Leader" Stov.-s n. t o-jly talte the c-jke, Q but bake it to perfection. Furniture I f gouds are not as represented. Did you any? Stiml ficiu under! Cor lots, tpot ca.-h, is 'our way to b.iy. Hurybody knows our way to teil Small pr.lltd i.ad lconey bnok Call and see m. Bell, Ha r?s & Co. Residence Phone. . . . tfO. Store 'Phone . . . . 12