tw v'UBF 11 it - r - , - . . . T tl V 1 V J 1 f 1 I I V I II 111 t I I 1 1 I el Price: $4.00 per year. FtiULIC SCHOOL KOTES. Take This Advic JUku louf Children and Seek to .Profit Thereby Some . Goo'lrfThonghts Tomtedly Stated. . Vitjen for The Standard. I .The vaccination 'order his been rescinded for the present The sckoqJS will contirfue for the,fuUme monlhs. 'Therp are about three months yet qf "tho, te'rln. No good excuse now for not sending the children. School . days don't last forever. . Dt you want to. spoil, your daughter? Then let her go to a pa,rty Uiree nights ouof a week, tell her she i&.pretty, teach her to think of nothing but dressH and society, let her lie abed late of mornings, tell her that boks and schools are of no ac count, let her 'visit where . she .will be flattered, and petted and allowed to entertain the boys. Let her read novels, and post her so that she will be Jp-to-date. Keep a servant to wash the dishes and do all the "Work. Let her go to church and Sunday school just when she wishes. See that, her Sunday , school teacher allows her to talk about 'the new hats and' dresses as n sTno r1A.stfs in IIia r.ln,ss. Advise with her pastor and see that he does not say anything to hurt the feelings of the young people. Leave your pocket-book where she can have free access . to it'. . Let her live on cake andJ . pie instead of beefsteak. Never deny her anything she wants or you nright spoil her sweet, dis position. . .-Now as to the boy: He'll take care of himself. Turn him loose on the streets, let him smoke and swear, but be sure you go to church twice a week and pray for the boys. See that he has goo'd-natured teachers who will not punish him, for it might af fect his will and make him an effeminate man. If he don't like bis teachers turn 'em off and get Others. A teacher who , can't make all the "children of the community behave, and jnake em learn, and at the same time itiake 'em like him, hasn't any right to exist any way. Your boy fchould be taught that heaven and earth" exist for him, and for him alone. 1 "VTiiat does it cost to raise a boy ?:' About $1,000 for the first five years, about $700 for the next five years, about $1,000 for, the ihext five years, and s,o on. What is he worth in the "mean time? ' Whaf is he worth after ward? Much- depends.. Too often it is a minus quantity that nfighthave several .goose eggs before it. But one thing is cer- tain, and tiiat is that education is cheaper, find better than reformat tion.. A. Iter. W.A. Lutz to Leave Winston. Rev. VVA Lutz, who has been Jaboring in the home mission field at Winston, has accepted a eall to St. Luke and Concordia churches in this county. These churches are now independent of each other, but it is thought that Rev. Mr. Lutz will be able to unite the two into, one pas torate. He will begin work here immediately 'after the annual meeting of the United Synod which convenes in Winston the latter part of May. Salisbury Sun. TOWN FATHERS MEET. The Tas Reduced for Performances . JHere petitions .Presented fyr Streets The Tas!VEeduc"ed for Entertain ments. The monthly meotjng of the town fathers was . hel4 Tuesday night?. It was moved "that the Ave dollars oollec'ted as fax for the performance last Saturday night bo remitted to the" Daugh ters of 'the Confederacy, which. organization nianaed the play Jt was decided that hereafter the tax . on all theatrical And dramatical performances , be taxed only $2.50 instead of $5.00 as heretofore. All musical ei ter.tainmonts which heretofore have been paying a town tact jof $3.00 will be charged only $1.50. A petition was presented ask ing for a street -leading from East Depot street to the Lipp'ard mill. The petition will be granted provided the owners of 1 the land deed the 'part wanted for a stroet to the town. Another petition was rjresented asking for a street leading from j Main to Church streets on what Is known as the Dummy lot next to Mr. Jas. N Brown's. . The matter was referred to .the street committe"e. The Concord Drug Company Incor porated. -' " ; Incorporation papers, have been granted to the company here, known as the, ..Concord Drug Company. The capital stock, of the company at present is $2,500 with privilege of in creasing to $10,000. jTho-members of the company are Messf s. Jno. A ;Sims,.S, 'yV WUliams, and A M Brown. - Mr. "Simmons to TTed. L ; Our businesB men of the town know Mr. Chas. . E-jSimmons"; who visits this place quite of Wn. Cards have been issued An nouncing' ; his marriage ,on the 22nd of jthis month to Miss Lula Cook, of Petersburg, Va. - Young Lady Dead.' : i i The remains of M&ss Maggie Clayton were interred at . Cold Water Baptist church gray.eyird Tuesday; . She wa" a $ young lady and died of. consumption. She liyed in No. 2 township on Mr. Will Morris' land, Onr Smallpox Costs. j Though Concord was very for tunate with her cases of small pox, having had one victim, at the pest house and a family con fined in their house at Forest Hill where they were first dis covered, yet when all bills have been presented .one finds that smallpox is expensive ; to" the town. The cost of the disease here made an expense account of about $750. - o Situation in Kentucky. The Kentuckiaris have again concluded to wait for the courts to say who shall be governor and Taylor will act as such in the meantime, Beckham not inter fering. The Legislature voted $100,000 for Beckham to raise troops and get full possession in case it be needed when he is de clared governor. The Legisla ture has adjourned and the membershave gone home. CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESHAY, MARCII 14t 1900. THE GOLD HILL AFF4JIU Kober Hast Confined In Jail Here On Account of a Shootinjj Affair at Gold Hill La'sf s'undjfy-Shot In .the'Head flnil Foot. It will be remembered that on last Sunday Sheriff Peck received a telegVam abtmt . an assifa 1 a deadly weapqn at G61d Hill. If proves, to have'been negroes are implicated. . One of the crowd, Robert Hasty, was in the affair and, as a result was shojb in the head anA foot. It.willbeomerber(Jdthat;. ' .this nefjro was tried here only a ' Miss Kate Nicholson re short while ago for shooting a p01101110 lasfc u'ht from u , , , ., vnanoute. ... negro but came clear on the ptoa . . - of.self-defeHse. The negro who1 Walter Hopkins and mother shot Hasty is yet at largo. Hasty wei;t toChkrlotte this morning a . J to attend the State Sundav is connnea in jau nere. Real Estate Deals In.Mt Pleasant. r Mt.. Pleasant, March 18. Mf. Luther Lentz, who is now Jiving at Norwood and who was once the proprietor of the hotel, has Durchasod the Mt. Pleasant ho- tel, and will move' his family . here as soon as Mrs.. M E'Welsh, . . who is at present conducting the hotel, can build a residence on the vacant lot jnst north of it. "Mr. Dan Barrier on Monday closed a trade for the Harkey property and will move there as soon as possible. Though the papers have not been passed the trade is agreed upon and only lacks the signing of the deed. .Proyoked a (uarrel, Then Killed Him. Will Grubbs, a young white man of Winston, was killed by a blow on the head with, a stone from the hand of a negro last Saturday night in Winston. It is said that the negro purposely ran against him and provoked a quarrel whereupon the stone was thrown by one .of the group all of whom ran and were not identified. : - .' Little Child Hurt: We learn tbat an accident oc curred Monday to the ten-year-old- Child of Mr. Pearson Har- .i .... " i Iwood, whoso home is . several miles east of Mt. Pleasant. ,'In some way the child's leg was caught in ia wheel and the bone broken above the knee. - Bubonic Plague After All.. , Afean Pjrancisco dispatch of the 12th says the medical board has concluded after all that the Chinaman who died recenty with symptoms of the. pleague really had it.. Rats, guinea-pigs and other ' animals inoculated with virus from r the dead Chfnaman died manifesting symptoms of the disease. A house to hous'e visitation and disinfection will be made and if another case occurs a strict quarantine . will bo e Instituted against what is called China town. II troubled with rheumatism, give Ctamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. Tt also cures sprains and bruises in one-third time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsev, pains in the side and chest, glandular and , other ', swellings are quickly cured by applyingit. Every bot tle warranted. Price 25c, and 50o. I'or sale at Marsh's drug stcr?. I TenXases of Small oox. , v- Wegee from the Charlotte Obf server that & family of negroes has .been fpuiad at .Paw Creels Station containing ten genuin'e cases of smallnox. There's no . telling hoV'much will come out of that instance of criminal con cealnjebt 'that verted . proper fian!tftTO nvAnof; PERSONAL' POINTERS. Mr. J F Harris, one of Wins- ton's postPopular tobacco sales. ( School convention. . r .. , , -Mr. M O WaltTer .went to Charlotte this morning prob ably to attend the State Sunday School convention. 'The Best Prescription for Chills -And fever i8 a bottle of Grove.s Ttt6te. less Chill Tonic. It is eimnl iron and quinine m a tasteless form, no pay. Price'50o. cure- Just Received A fresh line of Kemraker Woolwlne Co.'s Celebrated Chocolates, Ko-Kreams, and the finest line of Penny Goods ever brought to the oity. California Oranges,' . Alakuma and a nice assortment Of Btici Candy lat S. J. Ervin's. 'Phone . i'. .... . . ..... 6q. Questions . Answered. Yes. August Flower still has the larg. est sale of any medicine ia the civilised world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using : anythinsr else for indigestion or billionsness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard' of appendicitis, nervous prostration j or heart failure, eto. They used August Flower to clean out the system jind stop fermentation of .undigested , fqod. regulate the action rf the liver, stimu late the nervous and organic action of the system; and tht is all; they took when feeling dull and bad, with head aches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid f ormlto make you satined there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by all dealers in civilized ouncries. i Best oq Earth ! v . Royal Felt Mattreses , Try one and be convinced. Bell, Ilarris & Co., sole agents for Corcord, We also carry in stock the Celebrated Curltfd Ilair, Acme Corob.nation, Perfect-.on. Kolled ifidge Cotton in two parts, Pine Fiber, Sea Moss, Gotten and Husk, Straw and Cotton to fit all sizes of bee's, with Springs to match. One-tfcml oi your life is spent in bed. Help us in our effort to make you comorti)l3. Don t forget Car of Chairs just in, and our "Leader" Stoves not only take the cake, but bake it to perfection. . e 0 TTniirn'fnvn! Did you say? Stand from under! Car Jots, JD UI 111 b Ul G i spot cash, is our waycto buy. Everybody knows r 5-.g our way to sell Small profit and money back f goods are not as represented. CV.Jl and Bell, Residence Phore.... 90. ii?cle qop5 CE3fl. . Attractions. . We have recently, received quite Handsome, upright Rogina Corona masic box. The most; interesting feature is that takes up and m plays it's own music, ana alter tne peico ;s played, the machine lets its back intothe case for it, takes up another and goes through with, the same performance. Grand" music, which everyone on joys. Concord Drug Co, Phone 37.- Of Concord have shown their appreciation of our efforts. To day has been" a great day on our dry goo'ds side. So many custom ers expressed themselves as finding everything just as adver tised and that's the kind of repu tation we like to make. Many a yard of silk, many yards of ginghams, and P. .IL's changed hands. There . was a great scramble at the kid glove counter and those who read advertise ments got their choice of our $1.25 and $1.00 kid gloves for 75c. That's the way we do busi ness. It will pay yo to keep up with an advertisement. ' I. L PARKS I B. see m. Harris & Co. Store 'Phone.. ..12 New

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