JPric: $5.00 per yeaif. CONCORrt, K C.,- TUES HAY, MARCH 20. 1900, -SltyC?L& COPY 5 CENTS. ii : i Chas. Isenhonr Married. " His parents here &ave fbst re- .ceived'wordlhdifc Chas. Isenhonr; . . S , - . vwtj. vf u u uj i nv iukj wuu v iJasfonia for 'quite d while, vfas married on the 8tVoJ this month rT m t pah n it? tit n r rma noon nr. to Miss Violet Smith. It was a runaway affair. The .couple in ' company with 'another couple ar ranged a "Avrt e to Bessemer where they were married. Mr. Jsenhour is in the roller Covering A Thief Enters a.Be.ef, Market. Monday nignt a thief entered the market of Mr. C A Hartsell through a window, in the base ment. He seems to Have been looking for, money and not for . meat He broke open the money , drawer but didn't find a cent. Mr. Chas. Seahorn, who has charge ojt the market, thinks that probably a 'few pounds of sau sage were taken buV'none of the meat.on tly3 counter was taken.. Will Settle the Affair Today Sheriff Peck ' has , ... . returned home from Gold Hill, "where he .went again, on account of the at 'tachment papers on the Union Copper Mine property. 'He says that the manager there had a telegram from Mr. W G Newman in New York stating J. that he would arrive in ' Salisbury on" a cf.ooi'vl trn.ifi trw1n,Tr arid all thft r vv-.v. , rf debts would be paid. ,; ' r - Will Probably More the Bodies. The Morganton Herald says: Captain Elgin, superintendent of the Federal cemetery at Salis bury, was here this week to re port upon the expediency of re moving to Salisbury the bodies of certain Union soldiers burted itit oar graveyards, while this town"" was garrisoned after Ibd surrender. l. i, He lias Departed. t ' . J A Lankfor,d, the negro ma chinist 'who ' has been around Concord .'for some months' de parted " Monday ' night. " He left for Atlanta: Before -he Man aged to board the train our city tax collector interviewed him at the'depbt to his satisfaction. ".! He Formerly Lived Here, , ( , " Mr. Kindley died in the Vance MiUr neighborhood Sunday. He feU in a fire the 7th of . February. and never recovered from the burns 'he received ' theh ' Mn Kindley jcame h.ere ' several .mdnths ago from Concord. -Sal-isbu$j Sun. 4 '-;"- - Rev. Mr. Oney Aecepts a Call. . Rev. W B Oney has accepted a 1 call to the Rockingham pastorate in tW Vft-ginia- SynoM.- - ' The location is at Bridge water fifteen miles north of Staunton. He takes chaise of his new" field early in May. ' ' Noval Can Explodes. A dispatch . over , the commer cial Exchange wires today said that at Plymouth England a gun onboard, "The Conqueror" ex ploded, seriously .injuring three of the naval crew. ? "rj ' ' Died In the Harness. Rev O O Horton, a Baptist minister, dropped dead at Piney Grove' church near Durham Saturday evening just after closing his sermon. THIfREUJilpN AJTLOUISTILLE, Col. Bennett tfmng' Promises f arHeel . YeteranS a Maififlccnt "Welcome. Headquarters, ft. C. Div. N. a-V. . Durham, &,'C; MarchMO.. Circular No3. " . . " The f ollqwlrig better from Col' Bennet H- Young, president ojt the' 'Executive Committee in charge of the. Louisville Reunion wis published for the Inform atton . of those interested: - V ' ' . . United Confederate Veterans R,q Union ' of 190O, May 30, '$, June 13, 3,- ' T. . Louisville, Ky.f Feb. ZQ. Col. Julian S Carj,,JT. C My Dear General: -I write to say I have 'secured j the - court house as. headquarters for'thd North Carolina Division. It 'is a very, large and Very handsome building Wl will accommodate all who wsh to go there, Has four hne audience chambersand jury rooms and all necessary san itary arrangements. It is my in tention, to use the first two stories to- accommodate the Torth Carolina, Confederates who will "accept 'the hospitality of the city of Louisville. I desire td- do something nice and hos pitable and generous for 'the North Carolina -people, and-you' are authorized by meJtcsay that Bennett H Young and J ames A Shuttle worth will be" glad to en tertain such Confederates from North Carolina as do not prefer to go to boarding houses and hotels. I want the North Carolina Confederates to know that 'I remember them gratefully, and pleasantly, and ., that, when .they come to my 'home in Louisville there. 'is nothing too good for them. Ohkot) the charming features of the. reunion at Lous villerto mells'the thought that I sl&ali beabfe ip show my appreci ation, love and admiration of the N6rth " ' Carolina ; ''Confederate soldier.- -The record of North Carolina ; in; the Confederate army, is to my -mind, one' bf . -the the brightest pages in all history. I ' ;'cannot :t tell-why,-. but Irom some instinct! have 'beett closely drawn- to the Conf edrates 'of North ! Carolina," " and 1 so far as Lany e&ort in my . power Is con cerned, nothning shall be over looked to make the coming rof her people to ! nbuisville " and, Kentucky, the most, delightful and pleasing of all .the, reunions they have hitherto knpwh. It is proposed that everybody shall ride ill the :procession. It will be by.; the "meafis of floats furnished ; by the- people of Louisville. We shall also furnish every State a ba"nd thatwdobs net fel disposed, to bring one,' and all staff pincers will be' amounted by the people of Louisville;' : i . The people Who desire enter tainment at boarding5 houses and hotels,, .if they will address the' Re-union committee here ' (G E Johnson, chairman, ' Courier Journal building,) . will have prompt .assignment; there is ample accommodation for all at reasonable rates from 75'ients to $3.00 per day. We have con tracts with all the people, so that there will be no impositions. If you find there is anything I can do for yourself or for your o taff'or!or th Confederate' s.ol- iers of North Caroliua'at large., diers , x iiuinK you can saieiy say vxiat thebntertainmentof 4he Confed- -r -n .ia erates'at Louisville isrjrojected : , ... oa a scaie. never Deiore ai- mv. TOUii. j.uo usvrj ui j theaters and concert haUs ,willJ be open, and. the badge of he Confederate soldier will be his ticket of admission; - " ' We propose one day" to h'ave a barbecue, anji there .will be en tertainments by, bicycle- riders and - the ' jiew bicycles; TfTm Will VA i WIIM I . fjyjamo w 1J.J. j uu uu auu uwvu the river and all. States not sup- plied with' bands will be'furJ nished bands in the marclii 'If you can add anything 'to this for the comfort arid pleasure or tne JNOrtn uarolma v oterans while here I shall be pleased to have you command. ' " Yours truly, Bennett H. Young, , Such4a generous welcome from staff a brave- comrade m the noble ; 1' "m o.;. Tr.,. .J.yQt been it. . -, in North Carolina,' for. a hearty response; and by the size of our attendance, - let us fchow .our friends in Louisville bow much we apprecfate their hospitality. By order of r'v'ilGsjN, ' J. S. Carr. ' , V Wm. H. S. Burgwyn, Adjutant General and Chief of Staff' . 1 1 Salisbury Claims a Notch Ahedd. r . "Salisbury goes up another notch ahead of Concord, our southern suburb, Mr. Dewey stopped here this morning and got his picture took." i ; Yes, those kind of visits seem 'to be somethipg unusual in Salis bury. They flock together ? at the ..depot and stand about the train almost dumb-founded. "Vhy we didn't pay any' attention to the train even though the' Ad miral stopped here longer thatt he did in Salisbury. y We don't go wild over those visits herfe. An Impression was inade "on the 'Adttfiral at Concbrd! bec'ause he missed our peb'pld' but he doesn't recollect Salisbury, N. C as" they were out enmasse like alnjost every other towti along tbe road. That congregating fad is too old since we'haVe 1 o.many prbmin nt personages. r" v ; - Nasal Catarrh qufckly yields to treatment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agreeably aro matic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole surface over which it diffuses itself. A remedy for Nasal Catarrh which is drying or exciting ' to ' the diseased mem brane should not be used. Cream Balm is recognized as a specific. Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail A cold in the head - im mediately disappears when Cream Balm is used. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. The best ktime keeper in the world is ; the pawnbroker he watches his chances well. , What's Your Face worth. Sometimea a fortune, but never, iu you have a sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth, patches and blotches on the skin all signs of liver trouble. But Dr, King's New Life Pills give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich ccmplexiou,. Onlj 25c.;at Fetzer's dm? store. .feR.SONALPqNTERS,, ; ' ; --'v " ilct?ruJohn of-sPencer,sherei today. - .. .. . . .. . . Mrs.' P.'S.StArrAtt nf hCrrt.cinA .Za V ' U I ..re1le spent todayhere atH vap t. i m Alexander's. . ; ; MAS5;rR. ji rnWL-., M Smith are spending this ."af tdrnoon in Charlotte. Engineer Will Kizziah and wife are spending : today hero with their relatives. ; V . . Prof. D L Xiee, proprietor nhfl.rint.tx vcrn.a Yiara fVila morn- inrf Mr. JA C Blackwelder .and his milliner, Miss Eagle, went to Charlotle this .morning pn a bsiriess trip.. t , Mrs.. R A Brown went to f Sahsbury this ' morning. She . Kqpes to bring , Miss eMaude Brown home tomorrow morning. , Wtr. , Prank, , Patterson,' of China Grave, spent todav here. About-a week-ago .he almost.lost I his 'vrnr.A Antlrolw urtA Vi?o nrf. Just Received A fresh Una of , t. t Kemker - Woolvvlne C05 , Celebrated Chocolates, t ' Ko-Kreams, and the finest line of Penny Goods ever brought to thocity. California Oranges, Alakuma, . ! and a nice assortment 6f fcJtick Candy S. J. Ervin's. , Questions Answered j Tea. August Flowir siill hag the lurg est sale of any medieiaa U the oirilizod world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using any thine else for indigestion or billioasness.- Doctors were scaroe, and they Mldom heard j of appendicitis, neryons , prostration , or heart failure, eto. They used August Flower r to clean out the system and stop fermentation "of Undigested food, r6gulftta the action tx the liter, stimu late the nervous and organio action of the system, and that" is all'ther tok when feeling dull and . had with, head aches and other aches. Ton only need a few doses of Green's August Flower,' In liquid formjto -make you satifled there is nothing serious the matter,, with you. For sale' by all dealers in civilized oun cries.-V- - ;. i; : t;ii 1,1 Best on E-arth ! ; . ; . : . Royal. Felt Mattresses. Try one and be convinced. Bell, Harris & Co., sole amenta for ConcorJ.We also carry in stock the Celebrated Curled Hair, Acme Combination, Perfection, Rolled Edge Cotton in two parts, Tine Fiber, Sea Moss, Cotton and Husk, Straw and Cotton to fit all sizes of bes, with Springs to match. On o-third of your life is spent in bed, Help us in our effort to make you comiortabia. Lon t forget -Car of Chairs just In. and our "Leader" Stoves not only take the cake, but bake it to perfection. 1 Furniture I nid von f goods are not as represented. Call and Roll Residence iPhore.... 90. . K I T . . ' IN W ' . . AttfectiDns. L We hajre 'recent! v received quite a handsone, upright Regina Corona music ' box. . Th'e 'jnosfr fiueresung . ieaiure .is, tnat n takes - up and plays its own music, and.. after the 'peice is played, the machine lets its 'back into Che case. foY .it, takes up another and goes ttirough wjth the 'same performance. Gxand music, which everyone enjoys. 'Co'ncord Drug Co;: Phone : . -37; House Furnishing Goods. ' f ' f This department is filled with all the spring necessities about the house. Aate and ' enameled 'ware in all kinds "of5 kettles, bucketSi ''covered and un covered, large spoons,' coffee pots - dnd.1 4 infactj ' almost anything you could 'wish fotiri this lirie; Complete assortment1 of tin and glass, ware. Some very attrac tive values at 10 and 15c. H. L. Parks S Co, fiav? Stahd frfm under! Car lot.", epot cash, is our way to buy. Everybody inu a our way to sell Small prolU r.nd inonejjj V.ek see U3. Hnmc & Cn : Store 'Phone.. ..12 j

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