mmm MM Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. .THURHAY, MARCEL 22,1000. ! -Single "copy 5 cents. o ... . . o 1 r .1 4 f BASEBALL FUTUKE. Let the he Baseball Crafts GcJJliem.' esjln fthape for. the Coming Sea- selves jl son Concord J'ill Contiiftie to Play, .. Baseball nnd Keep Her Good Baseball Name. ' . . " For some t'yne our baseball enthusiasts tuive.becjn layirfg the pfcins of the coming season, and unless some thing ch'anges the present arrangements we will nay.eja team that will stand the blows of any of the teams and Concord can. add to h,er laurels. Col". Jnol Wadsworth, who Jn 1 company with Dr. R S Young and 6eo. L'.Pattersan, will prob ably push the baseball business this su miner; has mado somo of Jthoplans public. The following was printed in'the Charlotte Ob server, which will bo .at least partly, correct as to tile member.s of our teainr "Mr.. John Wadsworth, who was over from Concord Wednes day, announced that Concord has already . selected and' Signed" 'her baseball iilavers for the Tntfir-fttato Left sua. This is the . . - - - t, . list: Rich Reid, first base; Wins ton, of FranTdinton, second!, and Rob Wilkins, third. baso;Garah Caldwell, short-stop; Lawson, pitcher, with Winston alternate pitcher; "LcGrando, of Lynch burg, catcher; 'Weddington, cen tre, "and Fox, of Roanoke, Va., ' left field. The right fielder has apo.beon selected. "To Concord, then, belongs th,e proud distinction of being the first to vn in the State to slafe its team for the coming season. The Charlotto baseball enthu siasts are not at all idle, and it is expected that 'they 'will have a nine in a few days. It was stated. , Wednesday tkaUthe other tc?ns that have expressed their inten tion to enter the leagu are Greensboro, States vttle, W;l mington and Maxton. "The present idea seems to be to get all these teams into proper shapo to play here during tho. 20th of May celebration week." The . name of Mr. Dolph Man-' gum was omitted by Mr. Wads-, worth in the above list. - . . A large Amount .Unpaid. .. . Sheriff Peck's tax boo"ks show a larcre amount of the taxes of our county yet unpaid, though tho time has expired for their payment Befdre extia cost is added for the delay. One would be surprised to know the mfm bers of p'eoplo who continually put 5ff the nlatter of paying their tax,es until,, the last moment, when they were m sroed oircumstances equally as wfrien the . sheriff first advertised that the new tax books werein hishands. OCR Mr. Malcolm Jlobiuson Drops Dead. s.O On Wednesday a,fternoonMr.' ' Malbolum Robinson, of Char- lotte, droppeH. dead, while out hunting, Heart-disease wasethe cause of his death. Mr. Robin son was a carpenter by trade but until recently has been serving in the army. Mr. Robinson married ' Miss Lillie Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G R P Miller, of this place. He leaves a wife and a step-child. He was a worthy young man. C$)LO$LVL CURIO. r James Ashraore' Depositjon Betraying The Black. Boys of CabarruS;-Copie,d From Colfcuial Records, Tolume VIII rage622-3:". . . . . About the burning of General . WaddeR's powder. ' North CjwioLiNi, ) ' . MedklenfoiTr Cosnty .j tob lihe Imposition of 'James Ash-, more of full age who Going vol untarily Jsworn on the holy Evangelists qf Almighty God voluntarily deposeth and saith that he, this deponent, wifai a nutnbr of other persons was convened at Andrew Logan's old plantation in consequence of an advertisement (sot up by one James TtfcCaul as it was said, when and where this depbnent was uccos'ted by one JameS White . Jun to " know whether this depone.nt thought it any harm .to burn tho powder then carrying .through the , county aforesaid, to tho army then under the Command' of General Hugh Waddoll, to which this- deponent mado answer that according to the reports passing of tho gov ernor and his officers that ho did not think tho bare burning of the powder any harm and that then this deponent wont homo and the day following between tho hours of ten and eleven o'clock in tho forenoon this de ponent quit work on his planta tion and went to look .for his horses, wlien about three quar ters of a mile ftom his house this deponent was mot by six men disguised in the road, who in appearance resembled In dians, but after some timo was distinctly spoke to by tho afore wiontionod James -White, "wllo insisted on this deponent to go with thorn; who after some. per suasion consented in" part and then went homa. with his horses, and after returned with Joshua Hadley to a place about half a mile from this deponent's house where wore assembled witfi him self nine persons, to wit, James' White, Jun., John Whito, Jun., William White, Robert Caru thorS, Roberf Davis, 'Benjamin Cock'ran, Joshua Hadley and Wil liam White son of the.Hvidow White who all weiit thence dis- Cat. Phifer's old mus- j cussicn. .'over the proposed alii teS ground where they 'found jance lasted long and:was inter and stopped "the" "wagons, and jo'stin. The two branches enquired for tHe powder that ( will likely une in their with was carrying to Gen. Waddell drawTal from th6 association in a when in the wasron belonging . b Col. Alexander they found tKol powder and took it out of the wagons, bfoko opeh the.hogs- heads .arid kegs that, con tained the powder, and set.the same on fire and destroyed some blankets, leggins, kettles ' 1 and other things, and tHedispersed soon after, having at th!4depo- nen t nrst jommg ui'iueui uwwu him to secrecy as they informed V,im tViow All TTPrfl hfifnrpr nnd . him tney ail were .peipre, ana : iurineu tuis ueuuueuu , aai.ywLti not. JAMES ASHMORE. Taken sworn and subscribed be fore me this 22d June 1771.' Thos. Polk. Triple Birth. Dora Howie, wife of Cy Howie, colored, living near Bala mill, o,r vt.v. nPnncriiir mnrnincf tr three children. They are nctt j living, however. j . sWEIM?GE TR'OUBUES. JJotlce tllTcn to the Users of the Seirer-age-Pipe Leading Trom the St. Cloua Hotel to Buffalo Creek. .There has been Some .trouble L lor the last while in regard to! tho line of sewerage leading from the S -Cloud hotel totheBuf fcfio. creek, which reasons we winiot begin .to explain as they are pe.rsonl mattei-s. But the matter has reached . , , ,, -r, t the point that .Mr. R A Brown, through whoso land .the sow JT u: aB Pips iuu Vu ma iviHjf i i i ii ti ii ;n l oonmuiue remx roner mm, iiuti. rssued tho following nbtieo to-all ; ' M g Wadsworth, ' of users of this hne of sewer: -! Charlotte, was here today visit . "Take notico that on the -23rd ing his brother, Mr. Jno. C day of March, 1900, 1 will remove Wadsworth. ' frommy land the piping oft the 1 LMrs j H Frazier arrived line of sower from the St. Cloud this morning from Charlotte and hotel to Buffalo creek, thereby is visiting her sister, Mis. Zeb disconnecting said sower, and Morris., . you aro hef eby notified not to use said sewer after said date." j Tho Eest Prescription fdr Chills j And fever ia a bottle of Grove's Taste- i iron r!n,u n w w ' lees Chill Tonio. It ia simply irftn oucl A lieu Tunis a ei est. ; quinine in a tasteless form. No cure- ' . Though incredible it may seem DQ Pri(,Q 50- ' . it is nevertheless true that a young lady of Forest Hill, who works in. tho mill at night, can say l&r hair has boon a-honnest. Tho lady while asleep was vis- itod by tho favorite hen of tho house. The chicken pullod tho hair pins out and in its own pe culiar wav made its nest of tho : . i' , i mi i i i maiden's hair.. Tho lady awoko, ' but realized quickly the circum stances and did not move. 'After the nest was suitably arranged in chicken stylo ere 'long there was an egg in tho nest and the hen went out cackling. Tho. hen deserves praiso for.such taste as to its Quarters for laying. -! Talking? Secession. Messrs. "McWhirter, Morris and Stafford, prominent citizens of Cabarrus, and of tho Cabarf us branch of the Farmers.' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, were hefe today to megt and confer with Messrs. II D Stowe, W E Ardrey and.C HAVolfo, of Meck lonburg brailcji of the. same order, in regard to Cabarrus .'seceding' and uniting with tho i"Mecklenburg 'branch. The dis- short while. Charlotte News. i A Fiend Isn Attack. An attack was lately made on 0 F Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly provetMatal. It cajne tfirotiJih his kid neys. His .back got so lar&e he coul not stpop without great ?ain, nor sit in chair except proppeg by cushiijns. No remedy helped him until he tried Electrio Bittra which effeced such a wonderful change that ho writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medicine curtS backachg nd kidney. "oume, ana punnt ma ujoou anu bniidg UP your JiealjI. Onfy 50c..per Dotueai luzei urug uwib. A G60ff C0frGHMEDICINBf ORtHILDREN "I have no hesitancy in recommend ing Chanber Iain's Congh Hemedy," says F P Moran, a well-known and popular baker, of .Petersburg, Va. ."We have given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whoop ing cough, and it has always given per let k BULiQiaubiuu. - jlk nu icuuiu- mended to me by a druggist as the best mended to me by a druggist tained no opmm OT other harmful drugs. Sold at Marsh's drug ttore. i - I. PERS'ONAL POINTERS! ;Mr..Hope Whyte, of Char lotte, js here today. f . . . . --rj L' Orowell went fo Greens boro this morning on business D B Coltrane paid Nor- wood his visit today. . . JJH 'Mason, of Raeigh, ar- rivgd here las't night . ' Mrs. .GRP. Miller went to Charlotte this .morning to attend Tr ,u.or --iaw,. . 1 e l ;i iinr- luaicoim ioDinson. . . , ,. ' sorrow, wnp nas peen spending several days at Rev, C BMiUerV rfit'nrn t,n-r Burliug- ton tlws moaning." Just Received A frefeh "line of ' Kemmker -.Wool wine Co.'s Celebrated Chocolates, Ko-Kreams, and tho finoet line of Penny Gcorts over- brousht to 4beoftv. California Oeanges; 1 Alakuma, and a nice assortment cf Slic!i Candy . at S. J. firvin's. 'Phone 6q. Questions AiisVerert. . Yes. AnsruHt Flower still has ihe lartr- est sale of any medicine in. the civilized- world, lour mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anythins else for indigestion or billiousness. Doctors were scarce, and they Beldom heard of appendicitis, neryons prostration or lieart fiiilure, etc. They ueod August Flower to clean out the syfctem and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate tho action f the. liver, stimu lut j the nervous and organio action of the system, and that is all they took when fetJmg dull and bad with head aches and other dohes. You only need a few uooa of Green's August Flower, .m liquid formjto jnake yoif atifiei there is nothfng serious the matter with you. For sale by all dealers, in -civilized oilncries . . . Best on Erth - . . Koy au-eit ; mattresses.- ; Try one and bewonvinced. Bell, Harris Co., sole agents for ConoorcJsWa ' alsoc(trry in stock the Celebrated Curled Hair, AcmeoCombnation, Perfection, Rolled Edge Cotton in two parts, Pine Eifcer, Sea Mom, Cotton aijd Husk, Straw and Cotton to fit all sizes ofjbec's, with Sprinas to match. One-third of your life is spent in bed. Help us m our effort to make you comfortable. Don't forget Car of Chairs just in, and our "Leader'Sto's not only Uke th V cake, but bake it to perfection. ; . ; : , Ji mm I T71....J.. t Did vou J? HI 111 h U.1 U 1 spot cash, 5 our way f cooda are not as represented. Call and Bell, Harris & Co. Reside ace iPhor . . . .91f" H'l 1 Store 'Phone., . .12! t Onr Hot J)wnk3 are ftiil in fair Ulast, and they are purely elegant. We are also prepared to serve . 'Cold Drinks, A Ices, Etc' A Special entertainment for the, ladie-their popular resort. 0 'Phone....' 37. a 'Confcord Dmg Co. Wdndow CI: Kj Window' SB.a,de s Window Blicj, Window Shades Window Shades Window Shades Wmdow Shades Superior Values. Prices 25 c. 88c and 48c. at? H IT II a sav? Stand frcru under! Car lots, is our way to buy. Everybody knows to Bell Small prolitd and moncyj Lack see ui. Window mmmmm o o

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