Tj (MMf Price: $4.pO"per year. CONCORD, N. C, FRI HAY, MARCH 23,1900. SlNGIiE COPY 5 CENTS. M)M m MR.JXO. J SUTIlElf DE1D. SuccumL?" toKidnef Trdlible Leayes a Wife and Four Children: Mr.Jokn J. Suther died at about 2 o'clock a. m. today .(Fri- dn,v" at, his .hnmft on North Church street after 'confinement of $wo wee,ks and a decline of some, months from kidney disease . . ,'He was 32 .years of age ap,d his fn.milv Consists a "wifft and four chifdren. He leaves four brothers also) viz;C.M. Suther superintendent of the Cabarrus .mills; V. Y. uther; M.- D. Suther; and Will 'Suther all of "Cdrfcord, ''Mr. Suther's Llness took him from the card room at the Odell Mfg. Co's. mills for which com- pany he had been a constant em ployee eyer since mere boyhood. TEMPER 4NCE ITEMS. .DIEDINVriIE FfyLME. I Local News From Kindlej-Thonghta for Temneranco Workers. .;Kindley, karch 22--The tenv perane committeeof Che Ntfrth e'rn Presbyterian general assem bly lately tooli steps to impress on church .sessions the wisdom and.proprity of . a .temperance fcommitteoMijl each chjarch. The much criticised "Shefdon's Edition" of Topeka Capital makes -no" 'uncertain sotfnd on temperance, as well as eyery other reform. Even Christian frieia'ds get "hit, is the reason many bitter criticisms' on the 1 paper come from Christian ed itors. . . One hundred thousand drunk ards go down to tho grave .year ly. Iave the leaders of 'bur na tion nothing to say? A hundred thousand widows wua nni LrviVs win . h left to strugglewith poverty and. conducted by his pastor, Rev. J. j shame. Have quarterly meei A. B. Fryat4":30 o'clock p! m ins and ministers .nothing; to Saturdav. The fraternity of . aav 1 . . . - -Odd Fellows of. which he was a Was a Mcmberof This Lodge. . t Dp R?hn.tf1 Afi1trson who Fire Destroys a Dwelling On Bi P. a.u i . . J. n J v died recenyyat Albemarle, was . Craven's ri8C?0ccupied By Negroes 7 .'V,.- . a memDer oi ine iimgnts o Honor lodge oi this place. He carried $2,000 insurance . in 'the order.. . ' i nceOccupiea By Negroes- A Negro Boy Die's In tlie Flames, The news' comes to us of a fire on Mr. R P Craven's place near Coddle. which occurred "on Wednesday night.. Some time in the nkrht after the occupants, who were neeroes. haft retired Ihe building was found to be on fir3. No cause 4s 'known for the tire. All escjfpeds m .time -to save being Burned,, except one boy, aboit 12 years of age, Adam CaldwefU wtiose body was found in the suins. The old dwelling, which is known in that com munity as the old Graham place, and.which was burned, was more thanjialf a mile from Mr.. Cra ven's and was in .Iredell county, justahort .distance across. the4 line Beirifinifef. A GOOD COUGH MEDIflNE FOk CHILDREN TX T r 11 1 J Bays p xr iuorau, a weu-nuon nu pouulabaker, of tettrexiTS, Va. "We j have giFcn it, to our cnuaren wneir troubled'with bad oousbs, also whoop ing conh, 'and. it has always given perfect satisfaction. It was recom mended to me by a drngist as the best cough medicine for children, as it con- Kiinea no opium .or omer uarmiai drugs. Sold at Marsh's drug store. m . " 0 Driuksare still in full blast, and they ifre puelV rf 1 TIT- .1 A to.eery . . 0 Ices, Etc: Si Speciaf entertainment for the k ladies their popular resort. . 'PhoiIe . : JrHONE 6(.t O .Concord Drug'. Go. H. L. . PARKS ;COMPANV::' . member will attend in a body. A New Set ot Maps Furchased For the Graded School. Poor-houses, iails. State pris- ons have to "be enlarged;, three- fourths there caused by. drink. -Has the State nothing to say? One more organization is on The graded school toard were" and nono neoded more.' vi! Thursday ."afternoon shown a new kind of map which is being placed in the better graded schools of. our country these days. Its advantages over the plain map aro many and even gave the members of the board hew conceptions of, the different countries of the world.. Tbc map is made of a composition of; wood and is rugged or jplain as is the country described by the map. There are seven maps in the set, which set costs one hun dred dollars. The board de cided to purchase a set of them. They will no doubt ajid much tc- wardlnHrucImg bur pupils. Change of Advertisements. See Dry & MUler's "6,000 pair" ad. of Queen Quality Take your feet to Swink.& White's and try on some of those sample shoes. See about them in ther new ad. today. Gannon & Fetzer Co. will have a special sale on shirts Sat nrdav and Monday. 24th and yl m 20th. Readtheir ad, today. H L Parks & Co. have a double half column ad. today. Read it on first page. CV'aven Bros, have a charige to dav. Thev talk to. you about . " . . - furniture and stoves. ' The young ladies ar.e forming in a league that they will not ac cept thq company of a man who will indulge in spiritous bever ages. - . Mr. Gillette has brought be fore the House of Representa tives a bill reguMijig the sale of liquor in the Philippines. It provides that no person except" on a physician's prescription shall sell liquors in quantity less han twenty gallons under pen alty" of from $50 to $1,000. The Kindle v .Young Ladies.' Temperance Society ' will meet he first Saturday eva m April at Mr. McCall's. The public school department of the Patterson school - will close next week. Triplets were born in the home of a c'olored family on the edge of Kindley two days ago. They were dpad,but the whole to.wn viewed "them before they were buried. M. E." McCartney. . Green Allman In Jail. . - Green Allman, a white man of Nn. 9 township! was put in jail "'Thursday afternoon to await A .fwirt.. Ho is ehareed orf forcible i tC -- ' , . . trespass. 'JLne man pieaa 10 those standing on the streets to go his bond but no one responded as it was learned that he had skipped while on bond once be fore. He was arrested down a Cannon ville. Odd Fellows Notice! All members of Cold Water L.odre. No. 62, I. O. O. F. are rp.n uested to meet in their hal nrnnmtlv at 4 o'clock Saturday evening to proceed in a body to the funeral - oi your ueceasea brother, Mr. Jno. J Suther. Herbert Cook, Sec. PERSONAL POINTERS. L T HartselV spent -.this mornirlg in Salisbury.- . Mr. C W Carr, of .Ashe ville, was here today. Mr. J D Collins, of Char lotte, spent a few hours here last nfght. Mr. Jos. H Cowan, advance agent of the Boston Concert Co., is here today. Mr. M J Freeman arrived hero last night from a southern business trip. Mrs. Freeman is exnected tonicht from Balti ir w mqre. I Dr. Jno.' Montgomery, of Charlotte, arrived 'here this morning to visit his father, Judge Montgomery. . . Mrs: P B Means and Miss Van Wagner went to Charlotte this morning to spend the after noon. . ' Mrs. J W Wadsworth, of Charlotte, arrived here this mnrninp. She is at Mr. Jas. W Cann6n's. THE E ST no of ' SPRING . Nec'kw.ea i To An rh'anlnv nf. thiR stnr'o. niifl snoh n. lnf, of linnflsnrnp. tasty Neckwear you have never set your eyes on. Drop in ana see wnat we are snowing, ino use waiting tin the season is half gone get into the style be in the fashion while the fashion is fresh. New colors and new silks in Bows and Club Ties at 25c. and 50c Puffs and Imperial are of "the new -shape, all colors for 1 Ti ll 1 P,'T evening. .wear ana appeal to tnose who ure. rasuaious about tneir in ecKwear. Th Best Prescription for Chills And fpvpr in ft hnttlft of GrOYelfl TaBte leas Chill Tonio. It is simply iron and i qninine in a tasteless form. io cure no pay. .Fnoe ouo. . WUUUUU 11 ' , Dr. Keistorllonored. We note that .Dr. Bittle C Keister, of South Boston, brother-in-law of Rev. Dr. J JD Shirey, deceased has been ap pointed by U. S. Commissioner General. FW Peck to the Con- gress of Professional Medicine at the Paris Exposition. It is doubtless, a well Westowed honor. Prthians Take Notice! All members of Concord Lodgo T- si TTiicrhtj? of Fvthias ara requested to meet in Castle Hall tonight at 8 o'clock promptly. Work in thircLTanK. 1 Every member of the third de gree team is requested to be there promptly. H. M. Weir, C. C. If troubled with rheumatism, give Ctambetlam's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent if it does no cood. One api-lication will relieve .the pain. Tt also cures sprains and bruises in one-third time required by any other trpatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other spellings are quickly cured by Every bot tle warranted. Price 25o. and C0a r or Bale at Marsh's drug stew; Tko nynnoi- fhino in Shirts. (Tnllars and Cuffs, for dav t. Vroninfr monr vnn will find in tfi n latest stvlns in yj k u uiuh j " . " , Jl IC DpriwH Madrass, Percal and bilk of tht prettio; t patterns. -Uur . ivvvi.rvv ffoods are ortne newest-materials unu uiu munu aim m . , ... , is equal to custom made. Keniker- Woolwine Co.'s H I PARKS & COMPANY . I A A. mmt.- .M mm mm . - - I Celebrated Chocolates, . .Ko-Kreams, I and the finest line of Penny Goods ever brought to the city. California Oranges, A . . ALAKUMA, and a nice assortment of Stick Candy' at S.'J. Ervio's. 'Phpng :6o Questions Answered. T. A mm it Flower still has the targ et sale of any medicine ia the civilized world. lour mothers and grauamotners never thought of using anything else or indigestion or billioasness. DDctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They need August Flowr to clean out the system and stop fermentation ot undigested food, regulate the action r f the liver, stimu late the Aervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with head aches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid formjto make you satined there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by all dealers in civilized oun trios. ... ' Best on Earth! - . ' Royal'Felt Mattresses. . Try one and beconTinced. Bell, Harris Co., ole .seats Con.ft W. forget43arofOhair8justin,andour''Leader':Stovtsnot only .ako the. cake, but bake it to penection.i Furniture ! f goods are not as represented. Did von say'? Stand fn ni nnder I Cnr lots, epot cash, is our way to ba; . Everybcdy knows our way to Bell Small prut ts and money, l ack Call and see m. Bell. Harris & Co. r QResidence Phot e. . . .90. Store 'Phone . ... 12.1

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