TPs 3-, - i Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCE 28,1900. Single copy 5 cents. I E3 Eg 7: -' j GOOD GOLD FROSPECTS. ,'C O Heiiig Locates the Yeju on His - LauiVTo Play Here Saturday Prob- ably Huntcmille Challenges Them r Other Sews. . . Written for Tho Standard. . Mt. Pleasanl, March. 28 Mr. W-D Anthonj is beautifying the home of ReV. Paul Barringer with tne paint brush. - 31 .John ."H T Fisher is very low with consumption Mr. Alonzo, Biatekwelder has returned home, from a trip to "Durham. , Miss Kate Coleman has moved in Iiernew house on East mill street. Our team will try to arrange a game of baseball with the Con- cord High School next Saturday. They also have a challenge from Himtersville team to , play in Concord at some early date. Mr. C GHeilig,; since finding the - rich gofd on his farm, 'has had some prospecting done and has.located the true vein. At a depth of three feet the vein is tefii inches! bound with slate. He has a piece of ore weighing . about 60 pounds which upon be ing broken open exposed to view about 20 pennyweights of pure f?old. . -; ; U . -. ... Mr. G R P Miller, a former citizen of Mt. Pleasant, is here looking after some new buildings -which are .to go up this spring. - He will probably move his f am lly back here. Good Concert Tonight. . . . Let's all go to the concert- to night. "We - should encourage the United D. C. in their praiseworthy Effort j to secure ixmds.-J.or the soldier's home at ' Raleigh.'' Beside, the niusical treat promises io be welj ;vw. o'rth the cost. The New Bern Jour .nal -says of ; its .performance ; there1. ; . 4 ... ; "The program was an excel lent one of eight numbers, which was lengthened by several en cored t!c' i,k i -", t -i Miss JJelQXi,. Wrenn's first sa lection) ppprano N sojo, ;."B6bo linkj was so well rendered as' to defnarid an Encore. Miss lVrenn sang, in", part 'two, a selection . frorn .Gounod? and ; the Tuzaht . ' "Serenade, fhich-were splendidly sun'gi iier entire singing was bf a J highor4er.'-v-'' ? -' . ; Miss Fpsterpiaycd two. viQlin . solos, Sarabande, by Bohn, and the Serentidp . JBodine, which , showed her playing ability, aj- though t it is to beuestioned-jf the two selections gave full dis play to her. bgSt. work. Mr. Stevens appeared to 'fine advantage . in his piano solos, and in the trios his violin pfay- ing was very fine, 'his plain is especially strong in expressive phrasing.' . . . Mr. Schloss is noVstranJ?er in this city andj received a hearty welcome. His encorehe Ioly City, was beautifully played, as V' parts in the trios." Mr. J R, Smith is spending today here with his sister, Mrs. M L Brown. A SMALL WRECK. One of the Wheels of a Breaks . Doyn But No Damage Scarcejy Done The Force Incread at tW Depot--Local News. Written For The'Standard. r . China Grove, March 28: Ju1 nius IJospisnow clerking for the firm of Holshousor,' Coriher & Co. - The dedication services wiR be held at tho Presbyterian church on Jhe second Sunday inApri. The young people of China Grove contemplate haying drama some tim'e eoon, v -. For. a long while there has' been such an amount of business at the depot that the agent, Mr. J A Thorn, was not able tokeep i t up scarcely. But the'eompahy has sent an additional man here now to, the agent during the day. - Mr. - Hewitt is the night operator. ' 4 A small wreck occurred here Monday by one of the wheels of affreight car breaking down,. It happened just -before the' train pulled into China Grove. They managed to get . the car that were broken on the sidetrack and the damage was. small, k The conductor of the. train got -a slight bruise. ':Yj-. -. ti 1 The Will Edwards Case Argued Toei ?The case of tho State yfe Will Edwards, the negro who stands charged with the murder of Policeman Kerns, was argued in the supreme court at Raleigh Tuesday by Attorney-General Walser for the State and Col.: P B Means for Edwardsi-No de cision has yet been rendered u He Still Hows-the riaee. ri !Seyerai months agojwhen 'MrJ John; Lady of the county ,wij( ap pointed United, State C?mml$t sfoner it was tboughii by very ono::and; even :sg;. :iR!i4fi HW' himself that Mr.-Lady ould be tne onlyv comlmissioner and that Mr JHUl would rieceite afjhbtitfe tiat.he;jaa longer; heldlthe fioffice but no paper to that effect has ever come and Esq. Hill still holds the'position as well as Mr no. Lady. L " f : t'r. v He Has an Automobile - Tv 1 Mr unas. mnaqrniejwnjc(I.nas charge of tHe railroad tracks in this divlsiqn, was hre Tuesday Lwithrhis automobile. It"isthe same as the railroad .velocipede of former days with the -exception that it is equipped Tith a gasoline engihe, electricity tj)ing used ta- ignite the gasoline.,! He makes ' a speed of about vthirty miles an hour and tinlike the formefones he 'doesn't xert himself in tholeast. 1 I -! iJm A It Seem? Like lears Ao. Oui farmer; f fri6nd(.Mr."L Itl Freeze, was.; her' Tuesday pfeelling 'cottonJ He- wasr-,apry much rem inJedi oi lla gubd old Uhayswhen h received for bale of cotton . $50.5, which Lilt; Luuov lucv.oav iuub uaa uccu i paid this year for any one bale of , . rr,, -i . , . ' cotton. The weight of the bale and the price were both high. TIIETIUEF FOUND. Flight CarFchieVIarrlSJVoks Upa Caseof Theft . andFinds That theegro Is in Jail ou Another Warrant. . Three weeks'agc it was known that some of the furniture and carpets . of the Presbyterian! manse ' had been removed .by Some one and the matter wa&re- pui luu. wviiiuL ua jtuiiuo udiuw. ivs conQuea xewis Jiarris, a .The matter was looked into by negro who -assaulted Mijfs Mc him and the furniture and thejuain yesterday. ; Undet' her carpets have been fouid in-dif- tdirectioh the mob dragged Har ferent houses-in New Town be-1 ria .fr0m the cell and led Kim tween the Can non and Buffalo down the :street ; to & ubigi tree. J2118 ,'. . I After he had confessed ' they These people purchased t)ie hanged him, and-;! riddled his furniture at verv low Drices but did not harve any idea that there ii was anything' wrong about the. niatter as the negro delivered his gooas,in.aay ume. , . . . Tho nacro who!sold the croods turns out1 to be7 Will P6Vell or" Ben Tuma,-;as he goes by two namesj and, ago - on a ' warrant charging'him with stealing a paif of shoes. The furniture and( carpets have 1 all been found'and- will be placed back. i Among the furniture that he sold was a nice sofa and delivered it to the pur j chaser 'in "day time. 7 H had of j fered some more of the furhitiire of ! the manse at a reduced rate.- purchaser was -expecting to be gro slipped ay ay from him. The matter-win ctmie up m tne com 1P?.tmIr;;j'; " Mrl'OW Hbshamer. 'of T- Sr:a .Foiltlen In tho Central Statesville,-is here today. . i i y Office, "'"'"r I i'MessfsAte MisRdsetHarris will begin atLinden,' of Charlotte, are bipre the central telephone office next ; today., r..t -ryur-fiit v jsn .a; ;Mondayrto. assist ,Mjss Nannie Archibald,,, who, has .at Present ; been assisted by her sister, Miss JL.MKD (UVUlUOlUi AUU ViUAV be divided by the lady operators ias they think best. ' ' ' ' e Death ef Siss Xary Tro; ?luttif. A private telegram received here last evening announced th.e deatlr inaltiQioro at. 7 :30 f p m. , of Mary Troy"Kluttz, the daugh ter of Representative.. Kutti of the seventh .congressional dis trict, who , was operated upon three) ifrfotar weeks ;ago tor?, ap pecdieitis." It was at first thought she would reqover, but contin ued high temperature and pneumonia- 'supervened. , She "' was raDOut'14 years old and a blight, sweet girl The body will be brought to Salisbury, arriving there, "at 6:40 tomorrow morning. The inother has been in Balti- Imorfrprji yiafirst and" near her davlghtr. Mr. Kluttz hasiv,9n4 hV attention to his congressional .duties .each .da'y-tmt his spent his-1 nightsin Baltimore since theop eration. Charlotte Observer of 28th. The EUdn Times Changing Hands. , m v -Editor Hubbard .has sold the Elkin, Times to Re- tT E John feon,'whb wiH. run it until April lstijd then he will probably" be associated mth. Mr. Utley, of Dayidon county. ,poth the edi tors jvill then bo BSptisti minis ters. cfnd th&-future turn of the paperBnot 'Jcnown whtherifr will be secular or religious. . m ,vm w fe Fooled the Surjreons. , . 1 . 1 T --.1 XT Periormett; Dut; ne -onreo mmse u inin Bucklen's Armca Salve, the best in the woM, - SureBt pile cure on earth 0nly 25c. a box at Fetzer's drug store. I w I , .K. HbUUW 7, jam M Jl mm j f v w one-jLWeet: JeffersoQ,. Ohio? after suffer'-. : (Ipnt-rrln Hnmr dditiDJis-. is 1 eighteen months from rectal fistula, he t ' - YOUSG LADY HEADED THE MOB . Lea'ds to Jail and Hangs th'e Brute That . Assaulted Her. A Belair, Md. dispjatch, of the 27thsays: '' ' ' ' :' ;; .''."'' ,fLas! night, with her disheveled hair filing andVith a pistol, in her righfc hand, Miss Annid Mc Ilwaine led mobt of 200 men in an attack upon the jail in which attack on the .jail several shots -were fired ftn.;'wft rTrifln wnrrf mounded by the sheriff's;. shots." .Dr. J.JL For Serionglj I1L' Staunton. V?, of the th says ih&t the Rer., JtB Fox, Ph. D., the pastor of the - Lutheran church therein hafs i been seriously . Tirtl,rtri. . c.rt,r.1- gV Pnla ' for tBeval day. On the day (previous ho had had; a4 nking spell, t when his life was despaired of,'bufat the th3ie 0f .-writing i he- was re- , - Porttfd somewha t better. . 1 PERSONAL POINTERS. r. iiMr. Jno. lVrcDowell went to Durham rihst) ;morntag;,on. ,a v0-oe , , , , . . Mr. D F Cannott'returned from, Salisbury this - morning where he went on account of the sickness of ijiis little daughter. She is better. t . iUSf r .... r v yuu-Atteb Ww. .it ' via: Kcmkcr - Woolwlne Co.'i f Celebrated , Chocolates, aad the finest line of Pay Ooqda orer brqught to the city. ' :). -. t.b Uif.Si,' ' ''" .. j California Oranges, arid a &! assortment of Stick Caadj . .S. J. Ervin's: 'Phono Keceivea IE23H2 'i t '? . . .v -shens selecting her. Furniture and Mouse furnishing, at r a , BELL, HARRIS &COv Where she has a choice in . . , i . .... Room Sets from $10.00 tcf $15Q, 00. Dining Room Sets, Tables, (ht '- s, Sideboards ;fromO $10.00 to $7: 00. Hat Jlacks from 10 cents to $25.00. 1 Parlor Furniture from $117.00 to 00.00. . Ward Robes, Roll Top, "Flat and Ladies' . pesks from $4.50 to 30.00. . .You choice from the following list of the V rA n do the rest. Bell, Residence Phone . . . . 90l Mi. w . f wrs fz. I IV.Illll ailU. J. 1 W I. L4X L. X XUllJUtll VUillV Uliu K - TW " . . Our Hot Drinks are still in 1 uiasc, atia tuey .are rureiy 1 1 fi$ eleRant. We aro also j repared i , to serve , i gW'"' .'.'. ! Cold Drinks, : i'-A" .. ' fees, Etc. y SpeciHl ente:!fiinment fbr-th ladies their popular rort. ..r K.Thone 37.' ; Copcord Drug Co; rifYy11''5' know what ;t V Sample Shoes are?, Tlijey j are shoes that the manufacturer makes to sell the . merchant from. They, are made witli a great' deal,; of care, and from the' Yery.npick' of ,,-the We i-nave' i just landed a reatt quantity of .. ;, . f . ; Mda's Samples,"; the imajority,-of twhich are the celebrated make of Geo; Snow, Boston, Mass. He is known as oner of the best manufacturers -of Men's . Eine . Shoes v in the - whole easLivThey are in all toes., ' congress and lace. The. price i will, be i-he smallest consideration :we never do things by ihalves. ir i v . $3,0Q and $3.50 shoes'will 'go for ' All'of the $2.50 kind for The $2.25 and $2.00. ones atr c" : r $1.50. ' 1 ' (jio-c trash jn the lot, . everything r is -find goods; 'Tno sale w.ill "com mence Thursday mbrning at 9 Q'ClOCK. f;j V , ;L; Partefi Co. Kill X n Jf;'') iff ivl-' inn'' ...... . - . That dost her ' sheep, . says let . them alone -they . will come home, while most Uelobratea Uook btoves on tno rnaKov Harris & Co; Store 'Phone . . . . 12 j i.. I 1: i? ft i : 1 1" .-.( 5 i i ';! f 1 fj !i I- i 'Is . J . i I i ! 1 1

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