n mmm Price: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1900. Single copy 5 cents. TWO DEATHS SEAR CIILNA GROVE Mrs. Jacob Bosi Dies Suddenly From Heart Trouble -Mr. Yance Eradsliaw Dies From Ifla Injuries. ' . Written For The Standard. China Grove, March 29: Quite a sudden death occurred in our county Wednesday afternoon about 6 o'clock. Mrs, Jacob A Bost, who lives .about eiglit miles from here near Concordia .church was called awav verv suddenly. Heart trouble was thought to have been the cause of her death. The funeral was preached at Concordia 'church this afternoon. Mr. Vance Bradshaw, the gentleman who tell irom ms wagon load of hay falling upon a pitchfork which was standing ; ; upright, died Wednesday, after noon at" 3 o'clock The fork had badly torn his stomach. Mrs. LtTina.Young1, of Hickory, Dead Telegrams were received here r today (Friday) stating that Mrs. Lavina Youngv the widow of Silas Young, was dead. Mrs. 1 Young hd5d reached the old age of 90 years and was gradually . sinking within the last week ras theeffect of grippe. For "many years'she has lived at Hickory with her son-in-law; Jno. ;,V Fisher. ' She Nvas a. sister of Mrs. Hettie Winecbff of this' place, andof Mr. Geo. W Bost, who lives several miles south of Concord. She was an aunt of '- the Messrs. " Brown brothers here. She had a number of other relatives and friends here. The remains will arrive to night at 8:51 and will be taken : to Poplar Tent tomorrow for burial. '. : . . . " 1 . : .' His Visit Was Unexpected. . The New London correspon dent to 'the Stanly- Enterprise says . that the U. S. post-office 'inspector camo into the' New London post-office very un pectedly to our postmaster, Mr. Russell," and as a result he has "but two" more days to serve as postmaster of New London 'lib is said Mr. Vanhoy succeeds him. . .. . , , : i The South African Situation. The appearances now are' that the Boers are 'taking on new vigor iji the South African war. L It is said'that ince the death of Gen. Joubert Oom. Paul will take command and that a considerable" ' force is r gathering in front of Lord Roberts about 18 miles ' north ofBloomfontein. Indications are that Gen. Buller is preparing for action, but it is not well defined by: dis . patches. . Maf eking is still holding out. ; The rainy fall season isn and military operations are 'neces sarily retarded. There is some quarreling bo- Lorl Salisbury as to the treat ment of British subjects .cap tured with Gen. Cronjes forces, but doubtless there is more sen sation than danger of barbaious retaliation. Misses Annie Hoover and Jessie Sims accompanied the graded school teachers to Char lotte to spend today. PROBABLY HYDROPHOBIA. A CW Had to Be Killed for Fear of Danger Other Hens From Our Kelgh boring Mill Place. Kindley, March 28. Mr. Cebe Dulon is visiting his brother, Mr. Marion Dulon. It will bo remembered by his acquaintances that his friends were called to his bedside some two months ago. 1 Mr. Sam'l McCall had -to kill a valuable, cow this week. She seemed to have gone .mad. It is Rain x. ho rnw nuna hit ton enmn ,. time before by . -supposed- mad cow was dog. ' Miss Ada Alexander has re- turned to her home at Mr. : Wm; McLaughlin's, after an absence of three months at Charlotte and vicinity. Mfcs Rosa Lyle, the assistant in Patterson's Mill schbol will return to her home next week at Danbridge,Tenn. 1 A bouncing big boy arrived aft the home, of J osbua Blackwelder ;t inl the gyeat Academy 1 of last Saturday morning. "1 Miisic in Brooklyn. "NeVYbik 1 Valuable Old Picture. Our townsman, Mr. Jno. vf Hendrix, has in his possession a very old German pictuce which is, aigu.y pi uu uuiivi age, its past ownership, bright' ness of color and its beauty.. The naintmsr. wmcii is a winter , ww-h- iff a r win 'hvnnrht. frnm Baden. . j , iooi by Mr. Matthew Cook, who was " which was raised at ,Mt . Pleas - ant, ana .was gven to me wiuow i i i .1 j of Daniel Barrier, who before her death landed it down to one o'f Mr. Hendrix's children, which completed the step of three gen erations. The scene is painted on the back of glass, similar to the paintings to be seen quite much during the last' few' years. Gen. Carr at Ilome. ; '. Gen. J S Carr has returned to Durham, ' says ' the rSun, ' and' is making progress . toward, recov eryf "but rwaiks rtR!eiaid0t: crutches That was a bad fall he got iri New York. . Remarkable Second Sight. A Fredericksburg dispatch . .m r' t-t 1 1 says: "Mary huck, iormeny a Slave iu xviyg vjroutgo ,wu.vjif where she now ' resides, is 106 vears old. About 12 Vears ago she became totally ''blind, "but"; markable recoverv 'came about and the old woman can now see better than she could before she was afflicted. Her , son-in-law, with whom she : livd, 'died last week aged 80 years. - ' 'Wlrflil in fin If. ' Nobodv who knows what the initiative and referendum ae is afraid.of it." Danville Register. , Respectfully, referred to the spjecialislrof, the Charlojte Obser- j A nomment.1 x vy v uipovvyiv1 Norfolk Landmark. , 'But wlio f, nows what they is f Charlotte Observer. J When a man is driik enogM to forcet his troubles he is too drunk to realize how happy he is. Ex. A Free Scholarship at the A. & M Col lege. Mr. C C Orr, principal of our graded " school, informed us Thursday that he has received a free scholarship from President Winston, of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of 'Raleigh, which isto be given to the one in the, ninth grade who makes the best average grade; during W a m. this session of the graded school. There are eight boys in ttfe ninth .gcade. This is the first A! 1 1 I 1 3 il, P'ce that " a. free-scholar. ship. ft Next Muidar Night I Dir. Len. G. Breughton,- who lectures at the Baptist church "on 'April 2nd, recently !heid . evangelistic meeting's " in New York U'nder the direction.-of the Union Ministers Conference and the' people were 'so anxious "to hear him; that "thousands ' were tu me3Uaway af ter packing every Herald. ! vr. A C Dixon said that " r - 7 ys , .He has few equals ag?a piatf0rm speaker." j ;-r;-;-' ' ' ; To Work In the TTlscassett Office. Mr. Will mrns. one oi our ' couniy s Dost cuizens, wno lives ; near HockV River, has gone to ' ' A lhnm a fin nrhftTQ ri ri tm 1 1 rxrfrlr I n w , f SCL - hQ iS Dieased with the .work e i j wiU c0ntinuo the work. Temperance Truths. The president of Fliends' Uni versity, of Wichita Kans., says "No man is so ignorant that he needs- to be told of the sorrow and misery which follow in the wake of the drink monster; a more effectual way will ; be to make - him famUar - with, the financial side of the question. No license "system yields ' a revenue equal Va the outlay sustained by iimHuhitywhlch main tains a saloon." ' ': No less than fifteen whiskey advertisements alone were counted recently k ih a single American magazine which makes great pretensions as ia home and family magazine. ' Magazines woulds gain . the respect j of Hundreds, 'by khuttin i rr off these advertisements. r "? .-The' president of Lindsburg Bethany college, Kans., says 'The American saloon open by law and license is our greatest enemy to , decency, morality and religion. Our "prohibition lawg kill the saloon." 12ov: Mr.' Rankih, a western minister, says "It is the moder ate drinker who gives to the saloon its character? iteis he and not the man in the gutter whoso example is followed by the boys." , , . ! ' A;' Pennsylvania statue is a paradox in which it requires a lieaioon. keepeif to be a man of godU character. ' '"" M. E. McOlRTNEY. ' " Mr; GeoSB Dewey was hero a few minutes " this morning on his return to Washington after visiting some southern cities. Comes Back at "S." . Mr. Editor: Just a word or two in regard to the town clock. I think if Mr. "SV and a few other cranks and fault-finders with the "town clock'would throw away their Old cheap two-dollar watches, and get good ones, then they could afford to kick if the town clock didn't run jight. J. C. W. ' PERSONAL POINTERS . ' " ' " ; Mrs. E McNish has gone to Davidson to spend several days. Mr. Will i:Powe, 1 of Greens boro, spent today here. ; . -Mr. "and. Mrsi. R A f Brown speht' today in Mt. Pleasant, i . . Misbllie Cline went to Sal isbury last .night , o spend sev eral Jdays with r 1 Miss Lillian Schuman. ' ' . i : The 'crop ; of "coristitutiorial lawyers" is full1 to overflowing Every revenue officer from the slop stirrer to the biggest doodle in the service is , a postgraduate ih; "constitutional law o hear them talk, bn is, driven to th conclusion 'that these " fellows have accumulated more "consti tutional law" in - a '.tew" months, sucking slop through a siphon, than was' accumulated by such men as Webster :ahd Calhoun irl a' lifetime, Wilkesborb Chroni . . In :m' ' ; t.t . More to lbs Adrantage. "D'cky, people, should live to help one another." "Yes, Ma, but I'd get more pio if you'd let me help myself.'' Chicago Record. Just Received . . ; ; ... A. ffeah lin of Keinker - Woolwlrip Co.'s CHlebrated - Chocolates, . , Ko-Kreams,' " . v- .. .. ; aad the finest line of Penny Goods ever brought to' the city. - California Oranges, , . Alakuma, and a nieo 'assortment of Sliok Candy ; at : S .! J.- -Erviil's. 'Phono .c .:u ;;.;. do Getr. Mftea Vu yiD' trocQ QrtmgiBta. "Oi IEJ0-:fI52SlESiIF"- . That" lost her sheep, says let thefn alone, they will come home, while ; . , she is selecting her. Furniture" and Houseftirnlshlng'&t . BELL, HARRIS ACQ., Where she has a choice in . - Parlor Furniture from $15.00 to .00.00. . -Ward RobeS, Roll Top, Flat and Ladies' Desks from $4.50 to $30.00. m Your hoice from the-following lit of tie most Celebrated Cook Stoves oth market today: ' Slar Leaders, Iron Kings, Gate City, Georgia Home and some other pocket additions. Pictures and Picture Frames. Come and see, wejyill do the rest. Bell, Harris & Co. Residence Phone-i, 90, Store 'Phone.. ..12 J Remember . Onr Hot Driuka are etill im full .blast, and tLey ari rarely elegant.. We are alao prepared to Berye . a Cold Drinks, Ices, Etc'. . Special entetainment for th lad(es their popular re'sort. 'Phonb 37. m Concord -Drug Co. That' can ' be realized by proper '' attention to the shape and style of fha foot wear is a dainty and pretty toot; .Ife'have a complete stock of all the1 newest styles in high and . low shoes that are llexiblef dur able and comfortablo. Are you a little hard to fit, then come to this store. Our Oxford Ties arc in all sizes from 1 to 8 and all widths C to E. Everybody is howling about high prices. Leather goods, like other l'mos have "advanced, but wo were fortunate m placing our con tracts witll. the oxford manufac- turer months ago. , The'.conse- quencens, today wo aro really showing as good a valuo os we ever did and an oxford that has more .style and appearance at $i.25,"$i;50, $2 and $2.50. We claim to show you just a little better '''quality them any one else. Complete line of "Baby Shoes and Strap Sandals- . ff.L. Parks k So. 1 Dim I Fi'lw ' Room' Set from $10.01o4150.00. (Dining Room Sets, Tables, Chairs, Sideboards fromQ $10.00 to s7?. 00. f Hat Racks from 10 cents to 'o00.